
4 Reviews
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Wonderful! Zane Grey put to music.
24 September 1999
Wonderful movie. Upbeat, with great singing(Of course).

Every time I watch this movie I have the same reaction. Too idealistic for our tastes today; yet as a showcase for Eddy & MacDonald, with some fun thrown in, it is great.

Like Zane Grey westerns, the characters are rather stylized and two-dimensional. However, again like Zane Grey characters, they tend to demonstrate qualities that we wish were reality.

What a supporting cast.

Walter Pidgeon - very believable as the strong, fiercely passionate sheriff with his own strict code of ethics.

Buddy Ebsen, Leo Carrillo, Monty Woolley, H.B.Warner.

I have been surprised over the years how some men, that are rough and rather crude with each other, will display real protectiveness and gentleness in other areas. Therefore, the behaviour shown by the miners toward 'Girl', adopted as kind of a 'mascot' is credible and necessary for us to accept her sweetness.

Suspend your cynicism, enjoy the fine music and a glimpse into a simpler time!
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A delightful light comedy that improves with repeat viewing.
13 September 1999
This piece of light comedy is very under-rated by many of those that I have spoken to about it, and invariably improves upon second viewing.

The timing of Mr.Boyer's deliveries are impeccable. Those who are familiar with Telly Savalas in his tough-guy roles will be astonished at his performance here. Hope Lange gives one of her warmest performances in this movie; although playing a spoiled rich girl, she never loses our affection and sympathy.

The supporting cast members play their parts wonderfully, each one adding just the right flavouring to the mix.

Ricardo Montalban does so well (Maybe just a little too simple for a European noble fallen on hard times - but I think that is acceptable in this part, where they want humour, someone believably attractive without being a challenge to Ford), that we never for a moment want him to win the female lead, yet we are pleased that he does find a good match. His closing scenes restore our respect for him.

Glenn Ford is charming in a low-key fashion. Charming yet rugged, with principles. A good, strong partner for Miss Lange's character.

The closing scene between Lange & Ford never fails to leave me smiling.
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Attractively done, with humour and social commentary combined.
13 September 1999
What a delightful comedy of a type we are not likely to see made today. Although almost 50 years old, it hardly crowds the boundaries of political correctness, certainly does not trample them - not easy to accomplish today.

Crichton, the title and leading character, having achieved the proud position of being an English butler, demonstrates very clearly to us that this is a responsible, demanding post requiring many skills.

This delightful character quickly and confidently moves from a Victorian English, aristocratic home where he comfortably serves the English upper class, to an isolated tropical island where they serve him!

Kenneth More plays this part so well that we never doubt that such a complete reversal of roles would be possible.

Cecil Parker is wonderful as the seemingly ineffective, yet charming aristocrat, "Daddy". He completes the change by becoming a reasonable servant - not quite up to the demands of a butler's position, more like a valet to More's "Gov" (Governor).

Lightly, yet firmly, poking fun at the class system. With a clear message of self-worth deriving from talents, skills and effort, rather than birth.

The colour, humour, and pace of this movie make it one that the whole family can watch and enjoy.
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Excellent example of the cuteness and talent that made her a star.
29 August 1999
After all these years and with all the changes within our society it is amazing to feel the charm of this sparkling young girl. Even with Jack Haley, Alice Faye and Claude Gillingwater providing such good support, there is no doubt who makes this film work - Shirley Temple.

A child that any parent could be proud of. Strong-willed, intelligent, talented, and fearless yet obedient and loving.

The performance, with Jack and Alice of the "Spinach" song, coupled with the final dance routine would, by themselves, make this movie worth watching repeatedly.
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