
10 Reviews
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Fantastic entertainment for 90 minutes.
10 March 2004
This movie is cool, flashy and fun. It's got lots of snappy dialogue, some great character actors (Walken and Palminteri,) and fantastic trick shots.

I don't get why people are griping about the acting- this ain't Shakespeare. This is a stylish piece that showcases some great pool playing and a clever and witty script, albeit not entirely original. The acting of Greg 'Mars' Martin is not Olivier, but he gives the role exactly what it needs. This isn't supposed to be a portrayal of absolute realism because Hey! we don't always want that in a movie. This is just an escape.

Poolhall Junkies was one of the most enjoyable movies i've seen in a long time.
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Why did they make this movie?
6 August 2001
Is it really necessary to keep cranking out Martin Lawrence vehicles? You'd think that he was actually a comic genius or a great actor by the amount of movies he keeps appearing in. This movie was pretty lame from the get-go and just followed the old comedic formula. Very remniscent of the Nutty Professor (1996 version) but about twice as lame. Does anyone really want to watch Martin Lawrence walk around in a fat suit saying "oooooh!" all the time? Apparently so. But not me. 5/10 (despite being awful, the sight of a 30 year old man in a big fat woman costume dunking a basketball does have it's moments)
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Don't take it too seriously and it's a good time.
29 July 2001
Like the AFI's previous lists, top 100 films and the top 100 comedies, the content of the top 100 heart pounders, as well as the order, will raise much debate. While some will welcome the debate, others will be infuriated by omissions as well as movies they believe to be undeservedly on the list. The list tends to be bias in favour of Hitchcock and Spielberg films and at times makes the viewer wonder what the AFI's definition of "heart pounding" is. Personally I'm still fuming over E.T: the extra-terrestrial's inclusion to the list, and not only that, but the fact that it's right next to Saving Private Ryan.

What this TV-special does provide is an hour of fascinating film clips from some of the best movies of all time. The narrative is provided by a variety of film-makers, actors and critics. William Friedkin and surprisingly Carl Weathers provide the best insight and commentary, and at the other end of the spectrum, Jean Claude Van Damme's mumbling makes you wonder if he's ever seen the movies that he's talking about. Some of the comments help in proving the intensity of the films, while others reveal bad choices by the AFI. Case in point: One actor's comment on All the President's Men - "It required you to listen to a lot of details, a lot of facts". OOOOhhh, i can feel my heart pounding!

All in all, the program was entertaining and educational for those who don't think that old films can be exciting. Except for the criticisms above as well as the spoiling of some movies (especially Psycho), AFI's top 100 heart pounders is a good way to spend 2 hours. Just don't take it too seriously.
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Didn't expect much and this movie lived up to my expectations.
28 May 2001
I saw this film at the cheap theatres. I'm glad i never paid full price for it. It was not terribly interesting or funny. IT's also not a movie that was by any means very memorable. How could Michael Caine Stoop this low? Not as bad as other 2000 chick flicks (Wedding planner, etc), but much of the humour and cuteness of the movie is directed at females.
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Biggest Chick Flick Ever
19 May 2001
The two protaganists never gave me the sense of having much chemistry. I felt bored throughout the movie and not really caring about any of the characters. My only comment comes in the form of advice to Matthew McConaughey: Trim that Mullet!
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Heartbreakers (2001)
I've never looked at my watch so many times in 2 hours.
19 May 2001
How can people say that this movie is fresh and funny?

I don't think that there was one joke in this pathetic movie that was new. Even the jokes that were remotely funny, ceased to be funny because they were so predictable. Another strike against it? All of the characters were unlikable. Sure, Jason Lee was ok, but how could he like Jennifer Love Hewitt when she was such a bimbo bitch. Sigourney Weaver is now trying to play sexy roles with this movie and Galaxy Quest. WHY? She wasn't good looking in Alien and Gorrillas in the Mist, and she isn't good looking now. But at least in those movies she could act. How many times must we rehash the same old boring and tacky jokes? 1/10
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The Mummy (1999)
Somewhere between Indiana Jones and the original Jason and the Argonauts.
28 March 2001
I'm not usually a fan of the big summer block-buster action flicks, but I found "the Mummy" thorougly entertaining. I found the action to be exciting and fresh, the visuals awe-inspiring and full of grandeur, and Brendan Fraser to be suprisingly well cast as the hero.

While this film is nothing new, it is one of the better movies of it's genre. The good enough story-line is aided by great computer effects and solid acting. But most importantly, for all the nit-pickers: Brendan Fraser actually reloads his 6 shooter in several scenes.

The Mummy is nothing new but it does supply viewing that is suitable and entertaining for almost all viewers.

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Death Wish (1974)
Could have been better.
12 February 2001
This movie reminds me a lot of Sam Peckinpah's Straw Dogs. It's the story of a pacifist pushed to violence. The premise itself is intriguing and the movie is interesting.

What is lacking is a solid leading man. I love Charles Bronson, but he's too old for this movie and too wooden. The story is a bit tiresome and never really satisfies the viewer.

Still, if you're a vigilante fan, check out Chuck and his sock full of quarters.
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Falling Down (1993)
Very Underrated
5 February 2001
Very little is made of this film, and unfairly so. To sum it up very quickly: Michael Douglas is a divorced, working stiff, who is fed up with the way our society runs. He then heads through the city, using all necessary means to make it "home".

What makes this movie so enjoyable is how Douglas' character (Bill Foster) deals with his frustration. As we see him tear his way through the neigbourhood, smashing up grocery stores who over-charge him or dishing it right back to street punks who think they own the city, you can't help but grin with envy. We've all shared his problems, like ordering the perfect looking burger and winding up with a squashed mess. The difference is that we all just learn to lump it, whereas Foster unleashes a outburst straight out of our most raged-filled fantasies.

The film as a whole does not glorify violence. It is not so much an action movie, as it is a character study of two characters, played by Douglas and the always credible Robert Duval.

"Falling Down" is sucessful and enjoyable because of a high action element mixed with a well thought out script. At just over 90 minutes, the movie never loses steam and never lets go of your attention.

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Comedy fans will be satisfied, De Niro fans won't.
8 October 2000
This is a funny film. It puts Ben Stiller back into the same role he had in "there's Something about Mary". He plays the unassuming, honest, likeable guy, for whom everything goes wrong.

De Niro plays the stern, over protective father and does a great job. The scenes between he and Stiller are the best, especially the puff the magic dragon scene.

De Niro was good in this movie, but hard-core fans won't be satisfied. Go for a good laugh and Ben Stiller's bad-luck. 8.3/10
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