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Thrilling and Exciting!
27 October 2000
**********THE PERFECT STORM**********

The Plot: In October 1991, the Andrea Gail set out to do some serious fishing for their little town. When they have caught almost all the fish you can think of, the team set back home. However, this is an unusally towering storm in their way of getting back, and it puts them in seriously unthinkable danger. 70%

The Acting: George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg team up again from 1999's disappointing arty flick Three Kings. They both are stunningly watchable, while the supporting cast, Diane Lane and John C. Reilly, pull of strong and powerful performances. 75%

The Screenplay/Directing: Bill Witliff adapts Sebastian Junger's brilliant novel almost perfectly, and, er, its a movie by Das Boot's director, Wolfgang Peterson. Of course the direction is going to be completely satisfying! 80%

Other: The Perfect Storm will definitely be nominated at the Oscar's this year for its breathtaking editing, excitingly chilling sound and its unforgettable visual effects. Also, James Horner, who composed Titanic, also directs the music area for this film. 93%

Overall: The Perfect Storm mixes lots of emotions together and does it well. Although this film is not completely faultless, it is a wet, wild, watchable ride that satisfys for the time been. 72%

**********THE PERFECT STORM 72%**********
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Gladiator (2000)
27 October 2000

***** See this now! **** Great! *** Quite Good! ** Not Horrible, Nor Good. * Big Mistake!

Gladiator was everything I expected it to be. A brilliant acheivement and an Oscar-worthy flick.

Maximus (Russell Crowe) is told he must be the Roman emperor from the sick and dying current emperor of Rome. Maximus tells the emperor he must go home and see his wife and child. Not long after, The Emperor's son, Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) discovers that his father was planning on letting Maximus take charge of Rome and puts Maximus in the Roman arena, to battle the champion gladiators. And, wouldn't you know it...in the blink of an eye, Maximus has become a hero!

Gladiator is an exciting, excellent and breathtaking flick. Although the history is inaccurate, Russell Crowe's born-for-it performance as Maximus makes you forget all the possible flaws about this memorable, brilliant film.

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One of the scariest movies ever!
19 October 2000

***** See this now! **** Great! *** Quite Good! ** Not Horrible, Nor Good. * Big Mistake!

I had heard What Lies Beneath was horrible from local reviewers, but I actually really enjoyed this film. It had a well thought-out screenplay and impressive directing effort from Robert Zemeckis. The only then I could complain about was the finale, which seemed rushed and quite silly.

Norman Spencer (Harrison Ford) is growing more and more concerned about his lovely wife, Claire (Michelle Pfeiffier). Norman and Claire have just sent their daughter, Catalin (Katharine Towne) away to university, and Claire has no sooner started hearing voices and seeing a dead woman's face in the bath. When Claire starts investigating further, she discovers bizarre and simply horrifying secrets about the locked up secrets of the past, and it grows into life-threatening danger.

While Ford seems horribly miscast, Pfeiffier, as usual, pulls off a brilliant performance. She was Oscar-worthy as Claire. What Lies Beneath is one of the scariest movies I have seen to date, and I was so horrified I was almost too afraid to watch anymore of it! In my book, that is quite some achievement.

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Stunning performances!
19 October 2000

***** See this now! **** Great! *** Quite Good ** Not Horrible, Nor Gid. * Big Mistake!

I had been looking forward to seeing Man on the Moon after finding out Jim Carrey won an Oscar for his performance as Andy Kaufman. I liked this tragicomedy a lot, and even though it could have been improved from good to great, it was still a largely enjoyable and interesting film.

Man on the Moon is based on the incredible true story of Andy Kaufman, a comedic genius who started out with his very own TV show called Taxi. Later in his money-grabbing life, he was inspired by the telly to become a world-famous wrestler. No one ever knew if Andy was doing it all for himself, or for the fame, or was it all just a big act?

Man on the Moon is one of Carrey's best roles in a long time, and he is well supported by a well-known cast such as Danny DeVito and Courtney Love. Fortunately, it starts out with outstandingly funny moments, but near the end it became overlong and a little stupid. Still, Man on the Moon is recommendable to audiences who want to have a laugh, but also think about what a marvellous life Kaufman had.

*** 1/2
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X-Men (2000)
Hugely Enjoyable and Very Impressive.
4 October 2000
**********X MEN**********

The Plot: Big screen adaptation of the classic comic book about a band of unique power-possesing mutants who live in a world where their kind is hated and persecuted by humans. Under the guidance of their leader, Professor Charles Xavier, the X-men strive for a world where humans and mutants can peacefully co-exist. The superheroes must also combat those radical mutants with intentions of exterminating human the race. 70%

The Acting: The acting in this big-budget flick is very impressive. Kiwi Oscar-winner Anna Paquin deserves to be in the line up of Best Supporting Actress yet again. Hugh Jackson portrays Wolverine almost perfectly and Patrick Stewart hasn't done anything this good in ages. Halle Berry and James Marsden are also creditable performers. 81%

The Screenplay/Directing: The direction is full of effort and noticeable, but at times, X-Men's screenplay doesn't quite know where its going. An average score for this area. 69%

Other: Mind-blowing sound, brilliant special effects, great stunts, nice cinematography and lots of excellent editing. Near-perfect. 96%

Overall: X-Men is one of the most impressive films I have seen all year. It is intriguing, exciting and delivering. It deserves all the praise it gets, and then, a bit more. 82%

**********X MEN 82%**********
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The Beach (I) (2000)
Electrifying and Interesting, but flawed.
3 October 2000
**********THE BEACH**********

The Plot: Richard (Leonardo DiCaprio), a young American backpacker, is willing to risk his life for just one thing: that mind-blowing rush you can only get from braving the ultimate adventure. But on a secret, deceptively perfect beach, he'll soon discover that, as the level of intensity rises and the stakes climb higher, desire grows stronger...and danger grows deeper. 73%

The Acting: Leonardo DiCaprio pulls off another winner, his performance is electrifying and powerful. Newcomers Virgine Ledoyen and Guillaume Canet also put in amazing efforts for their debut feature films. Tilda Swinton and Robert Carlyle are among the more known people of this movie, and they are ultimately impressive. 79%

The Screenplay/Directing: John Hodge, who directed Trainspotting, has obviously decided to take a turn for writing. His screenplay is well-adapted from Alex Gardland's novel, and although it weakens near the end, he still keeps you wrapped up in all the brilliantly confusing plot twists. Danny Boyle, director, went to amazing hights to make this film successful, and he deserves praise. 80%

Other: Some chilling sound and mind-blowing cinematography. 70%

Overall: The Beach is an interesting, intriguing and different film, and although it is as times deeply flawed, it is still an immensly powerful and watchable film. Recommended. 74%

**********THE BEACH 74%**********
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Pass the Bucket. I'm about to vomit.
2 October 2000
**********HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL**********

The Plot: When an eccentric millionaire offer a group of opposites $1,000,000 to spend the night in a so called "Haunted House" with a murderous past, they figure it is a quick way to get quick money and leave. All of them are sure it is some made up story just to mess with their heads a little and test their courage. But, once they stay in the house they start to think about the mistake they made in coming there when mysterious things start to happen. House on Haunted Hill is has a very similar plot to The Haunting, it is a shame it couldn't come up with anything more original. 60%

The Acting: The acting in House on Haunted Hill is rarely watchable. Come on! Geoffrey Rush did quality acting in Shine and Elizabeth, here he plays his part effortlessly and he is not believable at all. Ali Larter also did some great s**t in Final Destination, here is terrible! Famke Jenssen is the only person who is even close to putting on a memorable, chilling performance in this film. Again, I'll ask this. How could so much talent make such a poor film? 58%

The Screenplay/Directing: Screenplay? Was there a screenplay for this film? If there was, I will be pleasantly surprised because the actors were so bad it looked like they were making it up themselves.. I will also be surprised if the director is from Earth, because no smart, college graduate director could of made this sloppy, slippy, slimy, stupid film. Shame on you. 28%

Other: I have heard lots of about these `marvellous' effects. But, to be completely honest, they are far from marvellous. The ends visuals were laughable, and the cinematography was terrible. Nope. Your not going to get a good score for anything else, either. 49%

Overall: House on Haunted Hill is an effortless try at a film. In my opinion, it is as bad as The Haunting, 199's other laughable attempt at a good haunted house flick. Stay away from this infectious germ of Bad Haunted House Flicks. It will give you nightmares forever... 26%

**********HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL 26%**********
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The Best Film Ever Made, Bar None.
2 October 2000
**********AMERICAN BEAUTY**********

The Plot: Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) and Carolyn Burnham (Annette Bening) are on the outside, a perfectly married couple with a perfectly happy daughter, Jane (Thora Birch). But on the inside, each of them are slipping into a hopeless depression. That is when Lester decides to turn his miserable life around, therefore turning everyone else's upside down. 85%

The Acting: Annette Bening and Kevin Spacey got lots of credit for their roles, which they rightfully deserve. But, the rest of the cast are unbelievably convincing, too. Thora Birch has proven to us she is the world's best teenage actress, and Mena Suvari is a close runner up. Wes Bentley is brilliantly impressive as Ricky, while Chris Cooper is chillingly convincing. 100%

The Screenplay/Directing: Alan Ball and Sam Mendes are the perfectly matched, they both put in so much effort into this amazing film. Alan Ball's script is edited to perfection, and Sam Mende's direction is outstanding and full of effort. 99%

Other: American Beauty has an outstanding soundtrack, awesome decoration and lovely make-up for its small extra points. 78%

Overall: American Beauty got five, awesomely deserved Academy Awards, and it is undoubtley the best movie of 1999. Not only the best movie of 1999, actually. The best film ever made in goddamn history. 100%

**********AMERICAN BEAUTY 100%**********
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
A Great Friday Night Frightener!
2 October 2000
**********DEEP BLUE SEA**********

The Plot: Dr. Susan McAllester (Saffron Burrows) has been playing around with the brains of sharks, trying to find a cure for degenerative brain disease. She has accidentally made the sharks smarter, and in the eye of a terrible storm, the sharks break through the under-sea Marine lab and go against their masters. Now it is a race for survival for the Aquatica team… 70%

The Acting: While the most well known actor, Samuel L. Jackson is probably the most pleasing of the crowd, some of the not so well known actors including Saffron Burrows, Thomas Jane and LL Cool J put in equally effective performances. The films worst actor, on the other hand, would be Jacqueline McKenzie, who started out with a strong performance, but as soon as the sharks got loose, you start to realise she was terribly miscast. 78%

The Screenplay/Directing: Renny Harlin is the director, you can tell he has given it his all to make this film successful, and he has, well, succeeded admirably. Duncan Kennedy, Donna Powers and Wayne Powers could of improved their script a bit more, actually, but you'll be having so much fun watching this film that you'll barely notice. 75%

Other: The sound, editing and special effects are absolutely brilliant, and worked to perfection. And I'll give an un-important mention to the outstanding DVD, with no more than 5 deleted scenes. 97%

Overall: Deep Blue Sea is heaps of fun, and one of the finest examples of pure entertainment in quite some time. Highly recommended for a Friday night frightener! 79%

**********DEEP BLUE SEA 79%**********
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Really Disappointing and Unfunny!
2 October 2000
**********NUTTY PROFESSOR II**********

The Plot: Professor Sherman Klump (Eddie Murphy) is living unhappily as a scientist genius at a university. He is unhappy because he still has a part of the evil Buddy Love (Eddie Murphy) inside him. When Sherman proposes to scientist sweetheart Denise Gaines (Janet Jackson) he gets Buddy Love's genes out of him so he can be perfect. Yet does Klump know that he will be worse without Buddy in him… 60%

The Acting: Eddie Murphy is simply amazing. He plays all of the 7 Klumps plus Buddy Love and Lance Perkins, if only he had chosen to play 7 characters in better film! Anyway, Jackson is also quite impressive as Professor Denise Gaines. 75%

The Screenplay/Directing: Just why did we need another Nutty Professor? The first film had an original screenplay, this screenplay is just another silly try at been a good sequel. The directing is equally terrible. Perhaps if as much effort when into the make-up as went into the script, we would have been onto a winner. 28%

Other: The make-up in awesome, it is an effective turn on the film. But the jokes are largely unfunny and pointless. From the very start, you can tell there is not going to be anything special about Nutty Professor II: The Klumps. 60%

Overall: This is a really poor sequel. It is not one of those movies that is so bad you have to see it, it is just a pointless waste of time. 43%

**********NUTTY PROFESSOR II 43%**********
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The Insider (1999)
Stunning and Impressive.
2 October 2000
**********THE INSIDER**********

The Plot: Balls-out "60 Minutes" producer Lowell Bergman sniffs a story when a former research biologist for Brown & Williamson, Jeff Wigand, won't talk to him. When the company leans hard on Wigand to honor a confidentiality agreement, he gets his back up. Trusting Bergman and despite a crumbling marriage, he goes on camera for a Mike Wallace interview and risks arrest for contempt of court. Westinghouse is negotiating to buy CBS, so CBS attorneys advise CBS News to shelve the interview and avoid a lawsuit. "60 Minutes" and CBS News bosses cave, Wigand's hung out to dry, Bergman is compromised, and the CEOs of Big Tobacco may get away with perjury. Can the truth will out? 70%

The Acting: The Insider has a brilliant cast, everyone is well chosen for the role, and they all pull off stunning performances. Russell Crowe is believable and touching and Wigand, he earned his Academy Award Nomination. Crusty wise guy Al Pacino is also excellent, he deserves praise for his role. The supporting cast which includes Marie Kate Eisenberg, Christopher Plummer, Philip Baker Hall and Diane Venora are also very convincing. 87%

The Screenplay/Directing: Michael Mann, the director/writer of 1995 smash-hit Heat, again comes up with another awesome screenplay, co-written by the stunningly impressive Eric Roth. His direction skills once again shine, and you can tell Mann will be a big hit in the future. 84%

Other: The Insider also has stunningly lovely music, great sound and some really nice cinematography. 66%

Overall: The Insider is another stunning 1999 drama. It deserves all the praise it can get, and more. It is a truly beautiful, nail-biter of a true story worked to almost-perfection. 83%

**********THE INSIDER 83%**********
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Incredibly Cool!
2 October 2000
**********CRUEL INTENTIONS**********

The Plot: Kathryn (Sarah Michelle Gellar) makes a bet with her Don Juan step brother, Sebastian (Ryan Phillipe) that he can't seduce the lovely virgin Annette (Reese Witherspoon). If Kathryn wins, she gets to keep Sebastian's awesome car, and if Sebastian wins, he gets to seduce Kathryn, who he has been lusting about ever since their parents got married. 92%

The Acting: Sarah Michelle Gellar was astonishing as the evil Kathryn, if I had the choice, I would of given her the Oscar for Best Actress. Ryan Phillipe also gave a good performance as Don Juan Sebastian. Joshua Jackson was very pleasing in his quiet, gay role, Reese Witherspoon was lovely as Annette and Selma Blair, although at times the weakest actress, was still fun to watch. 94%

The Screenplay/Directing: Roger Kumble wrote an unbelievably outstanding adapted script from Dangerous Liasons, and his direction must have been full of effort, or else the performances, and the film overall, wouldn't of been as good. 93%

Other: Cruel Intentions has an awesome soundtrack, the songs match the film perfectly. And this film is just fine without any fancy special effects, thank you very much. 78%

Overall: Cruel Intentions is a must-have film with a stylish turn on the original film, Dangerous Liasons. It is a wickedly entertaining teen film that is hard to dislike. One of the best films of 1999, easily. 98%

**********CRUEL INTENTIONS 98%**********
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Center Stage (2000)
Surprisingly Very Good.
27 September 2000
The Plot: Center Stage is a funny, sexy story about a bunch of dancers whose lives change when they each discover a new power within themselves while they are at a dance academy. 67%

The Acting: All the performances in Center Stage were very full of effort. The stand-out in particular had to of been Susan May Pratt, who shows she actually can go beyond teenybopper c**p like Drive Me Crazy. Newcomers Amanda Schull, Zoe Saldana. Ethan Stiefel were also gave watchable and powerful performances. 79%

The Screenplay/Directing: Nicholas Hytner, director of 1996 hit, The Crubicle gives us another winner. His directing effort is awesome, he has chosen all the right actors to perform the roles and it is obvious that he will be extremely popular in the future. The screenplay has its ups and downs, but it is overall pretty well-written. 81%

Other: Center Stage is bound to be an Oscar contender this year for its stunning sets and awesomely effective make-up. 70%

Overall: I was in an amazingly good mood when I saw Center Stage, and the film almost made me happier. That says it all. 73%
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Touching, Moving, Great.
26 September 2000
The Plot: Susanna Kaysen is depressed and directionless after finishing high school in the late 1960's. A suicide attempt lands her in Claymore, a mental institution. She befriends the band of troubled women in her ward (Georgina the pathological liar, the sexually abused Daisy, the burn victim Polly) but falls under the hypnotic sway of Lisa, the wildest and most hardened of the bunch. Will Susanna "drop anchor" at Claymore and perpetually act out like Lisa, or will she finally pull her mind together and leave institutional life behind? 70%

The Acting: Every single actor in this star-studded cast show promising, memorable performances. Winona Ryder is excellent as Susanna Kaysen, Angelina Jolie deserved everything she got, particularly her Oscar, while Clea DuVall, Vanessa Redgrave and Whoopi Goldberg all gave extremely watchable, amazingly good performances. 95%

The Screenplay/Directing: Adapted from Susanna Kaysen's novel, Girl, Interrupted's script is brilliant. It is a touching, memorable well written script that was cruelly underrated by the Academy. Hats off to James Mangold, too, his direction was superb. 87%

Other: Nothing else extremely special about Girl, Interrupted springs my brain at this moment in time. 8%

Overall: Girl, Interrupted is a brilliant film that is both fascinating and strongly disturbing. Highly recommended for fans of the in-famous masterpiece, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 84%

**********GIRL, INTERRUPTED 84%**********
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Splendor (1999)
Nothing Fantastic or Special, But Recommendable Enough.
26 September 2000
The Plot: The hilarious and sexy story of Veronica (Kathleen Robertson) and her two very different lovers, Abel (Jonathan Schaech) and Zed (Matt Keelsar). Abel is the witty, charming and mentally stimulating, while Zed, the punk-rock drummer, exudes animal psysicality. The two guys are in love with Veronica, while she is head-over-heels in love with both of them. Finally they all move in together. 72%

The Acting: Robertson is impressive as the sexy and equally loveable Veronica, and Hush star Schaech is very watchable as Abel. Matt Keelsar is another stand-out newcomer in this film. Suprisingly, it is the most well-known actress, Kelly MacDonald that gives the worst performance. She is down-right annoying as Mike, Veronica's British best friend. If MacDonald had not been cast, this would of got a better score. 69%

The Screenplay/Directing: Splendor starts out with a really awesome idea and a great script, but half way through, it loses its witty charm and cleverness. But, Greg Arakki writes and directs, this is his first feature film. I give him credit for the un-rushed effort. 69%

Other: Splendor has no special effects or great editing, but it has some really awesome set-decorations at the start. 59%

Overall: Splendor is a fun, average flick that could have been a lot better if the script had been improved. Anyway, it is still a watchable and cool enough film at the time. 69%

**********SPLENDOR 69%**********
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