
22 Reviews
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Together Forever Tea (2021 TV Movie)
Happy Complications
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Lara, the main character, lives in a big city, like New York, or maybe Toronto, and is notified that her Aunt who owns a tea shop has passed away. This requires Lara to return to her hometown, to deal with her Aunt's final affairs, including what to do with the tea shop.

When she gets there, one of the first people she runs into is an old boyfriend from her youth. Her initial plan is to sell the tea shop and get on with her life in the big city. When she arrives and reacquaints herself with the town and its people she has second thoughts, it being more a more complicated decision than she initially expected.

It starts out as a fairly predictable story, but like life, becomes more complicated, than initial impressions. It seemed like the writers did a good job in coming up with some real life types of situations, without things becoming too heavy, to be depressing.

I also thought all the actors did a good job in being believable in their parts, even if things changed for the characters after the movie ends. The actors seemed to be able to relate to the characters they were playing.

At the end, I felt happy about the way things ended for the characters, hence liked the movie, giving it a high score.
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Nice Place; Introverts Unite Thanks To Committed Matchmaker.
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's a nice enough story, but the casting seemed a little bit off. It also seemed like the two main characters went from being complete strangers, to wanting to spend their life together in no time flat. It would have been nice to have had the story be a bit longer. Perhaps involving meeting some of Kate's friends from when she lived there, to fill in some back story, about how she idolized the 'Town Matchmaker.'

Even though the COVID-19 Pandemic was in full swing in 2021, the friend could have been in a local hospital and had to wear a mask, to meet safety concerns.

The publisher's didn't seem like a world traveling type, as he seemed very introverted. The writers could have plotted that he was sent to the Seattle paper to scout new talent, so he knew something about Kate, the main character, and could be less stiff overall.

Stories of the Matchmaker commitment, seem too good to believe, as real life goes.

Some great scenery and cinematography, but it wasn't enough to give the movie a higher rating.
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Cupids on Beacon Street (2021 TV Movie)
Passionless Couple on Beacon St.
7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was miscast, in that most of the actors were the wrong ages for the characters they were portraying, except for the romance novelist couple. The writing could have been a bit more dynamic also, as many of the characters came of as after flat. The main character could have had more of a back story besides her parents getting divorced. She doesn't mention any former boyfriend, or current boyfriend, at the beginning of the film.

The marriage counselor doesn't tell you anything except he was engaged but it didn't work out. Eve's girlfriend at the publishing company doesnt bring up much about what she knows about Eve's past dating life. The publisher or Senior Editor seems rather indifferent to things, except to call about the rewrite that Eve is working on.

It almost seems like nobody talks to anybody, except for what you see depicted on screen.

It's nice to see the couple get together at the end, but it didn't seem to resemble real life, in that nobody was very passionate, about very much, and was just going thru the motions.

Don't know if filming in the early part of the COVID pandemic had much the lack of passion, but perhaps it could have.
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Demoted (2011)
Nailed it!
26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Uh, if you've ever worked in any sort of organization which has undergone a sudden, unexpected 'regime change,' over night, or over the weekend, then you'll relate to this film. Particularly if you didn't find out about, 'the new normal,' until the next morning, or Monday morning, after the fact. This may seem more like a documentary, than a comedy. A comedy, or tragedy of errors, might be more accurate, than being labeled as a docu-comedy, if that category even exists.

While the film depicts a number of its characters, as simply stereotypical vengeful 'suits,' or 'under appreciated female admin types,' in more current 'employer/HR handbook jargon,' the movie does a 'good' job in terms of depicting the plight two demoted sales men busted down to 'secretaries,' attempting to regain their old positions back, in an 'old school organization,' ( tire company) where bullying, gender/sexual stereotypes, etc, are unwavering, with no hope or expectation of doing anything differently, or making changes to them, ever.

Eventually, the 2 main characters start to understand the plight of the organization's underclass of employees, and decide to slowly embrace and support the subjugated ambitions of their now fellow admins, with an eye towards change.

Eventually, events are shown and depicted that steels their collective resolve to address 'the way thing are,' and the reactions of others within the organization, to having to deal with the threat, then acceptance of 'change' to some, or 'progress'. To others. Typical kind of 'you can do it,' feel good,' we're in it together, ' it's us vs them sort of faire that has been done before, but in a slightly different time or setting, than before.

Believable acting, with a typical, but well executed plot line, or plot, and plot elements.
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Bombshell (I) (2019)
How any Bombshells were there, again? Only 1? Hmmmmm.....
26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having lived thru the Watergate era, when Dan Rather, Bob Woodward, and Carl Bernstein, were idolized as members of the 4th estate, by some, and amongst other things, very high members on the 'Enemy's List,' wow, how things have changed. They had movies made, and books written about them, as champions of democravcy, free speech, & the 1st amendment of the US Constitution. Having grown up at the same time on a steady diet of Mary Tyler More, Archie Bunker, Clint Eastwood movies, + a regular consumer of tv and movies made by Hollywood, and others, the last several years, have been quite a period in American, and potentially word history, when 'the hallowed halls of democracy, as well as the 'American way of life,' have not only been challenged, but many of what had been 'the underlying cultural norms and societal expectations, have not only been accused, convicted, shamed, and shunned, to the point where when this reaction goes to completion, if left feels fine, assuming there is, or are a few survivors remaining here and there, the question that I have is whether there will be a large enough number to build anything, let alone a new culture, or society, let alone get to the point of there being anything akin to 'news, or 'society,' about which something like 'the movies, or tv,' will even be something that anyone wants to see, hear, be apart of, etc, etc..

The events and at least some of the characters in this film, were very familiar to many who followed 'breaking news stories,' or 'exclusive interviews' with some of the significant political individuals both in the USA, and/or in the world today. As somebody who viewed some or all or certain people and events, either as they happened, I recall things depicted in this movie, very well. Many people watched some of these things transpire as they happened, or were reported on, by others in the industry, as they happened. Some with what seemed like subdued glee, others were at the time reluctant to join the 'me too' kind of lament, which seemed like a whisper at first, but became a roar,bwithin a short period of time, and could not be denied, or but back in the box, with the desire to 'ignore it, and it will just go away.'

The film is well acted, the attention to recreating the looks/styles/attitudes of each character, be they the 3 lead actors, an extra, or just the general feel the Fox Newsroom, I thought were 'spot on,' and believable, as the film states as part of the opening scroll, that it's not trying to be a documentary, and some portions of what is depicted, were fake, to keep the story going, without the film seeming to nothing more than a bunch of separate video clips, smashed together without some context for them, to create a piece of entertainment for those who bother to watch it.

Again, "they nailed it." Nicole's performance, in terms of the appearance on screen as her character, recalled her performanevinb'TonDie For,' about a woman looking for fame and fortune, by becoming a television reporter.. if you haven't seen that earlier film, I highly recommend you watch it.

Charleeze, similarly, 'nails' her characters appearance, mannerisms, intonations, etc, like the Oscar winner she is.

Margot, as the younger of the 3 main characters, or hero's of the story, totally gets her characters youthful enthusiasm, and niavete, about 'what makes the business she's chosen to make her career, click/successful,' behind the standard of 'increasing shareholder value.'

All I could wonder about in terms of John Lithgow's depiction was how ' traumatizing' 😳😱😨, (sarcastic LH) he must have been by the transition into the protest is he had to Don each day, for this movie, assuming it wasn't all cgi 😶 ((if it's here yet, 📺 , (do not adjust your set) , it will be some time soon.)

10 out of 10 stars, all around. At least film making, acting, ..., are alive and well, .....
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They Mocked Us, Together, and with A Certain Unwarranted Smugness I didn't care for
30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sort of a 'You've Got Mail,' knock off, or redo, but with more snarkiness, as well as smugness, that I didn't care for. On the other hand. If you like Amy, Paul Rudd, and a number of the SNL comedians, then you'll like the cast of this movie.

It's a bit like a SNL sketch,, that's been lengthened, so that a lot of material they considered, but didn't develop, could be included, for who knows what reason.

Not every plot point seemed well developed. A lot of (comic) material was dumped, without a reason, or development, which left me disappointed. It's not like the running time is excessive, and they cut a lot. The could have cut a bit more, and developed what was left, with a more sophisticated end product.

Near the very end, there seems to be some sort effort to shock, then release, 2-3 times, or update the couple's relationship status, or News, which at that point makes me feel like they wasting my time, or mocking viewers, neither which most people aspire to be.
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A Love Yarn (2021 TV Movie)
Slightly Different Yarn
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Et in New Zealand, with slightly older characters, perhaps, than your typical early 30 something's. An American ex-Pat, living in NZ, with a yarn shop, a bunch of local patrons. She gets most of her store stock from one local mill that looks to be closing due root the heir of the property, and his mother looking to sell, due to his job in NYC. She's got a local boyfriend, but they just can't seem to making work, due to different life goals. When she meets the son of the woman that's selling the farm, it turns out, the both understand the yarn business, but from different perspectives. He's also. A photographer, who takes photos of her modeling different scarfs and sweaters available in her shop.

As they get more involved with each other's business and hobbies, he eventually decides to stay and manage the farm, and pursue a relationship with the heroine.

Ms. Huntington beings a refreshing de facto sense of adventure to her character's realization. While The 2 male actors play their characters, very well, as the boyfriend with a different agenda from the lead character, gives a very believable performance. The male lead, gives a very good performance as a man trying to balance competing priorities, mainly being happy in career and home life.
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The Name of the Game: LA 2017 (1971)
Season 3, Episode 16
Scary as a kid back then.....
8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My Dad used to watch this show, when it was in its original run. For some reason, I managed to convince both parents that I wanted to watch this episode, as it was 'all about a long time in the future,' or so I thought back then, with Gene Barry's character being the one mainly in this episode. I had no idea of what a dystopian future was, back then, but I was into watching Lost In Space (Jupiter 2 launched in 1997), Journey to the Center of The Earth, as well as Capt. Nemo, with James Mason. Watergate hadn't happened yet, we were still involved in fighting the Vietnam War, as I recall, and I hadn't really gotten into Star Trek reruns yet.

Steven Spielberg was some guy I'd never heard of, let alone understand was a Director or Producer was.

Back in March of 2020, or so, I remembered the show and episode, as being about the future, pollution, and essentially everybody living underground in a police state, or Martial Law type of situation. By the end of the episode, it was revealed that 'it had all been a dream,' due to being rendered unconscious due to a car's malfunctioning exhaust system, and carbon monoxide entering the passenger compartment. Strangely ironic in terms of the date in the future chosen, and the outbreak of COVID-19, worldwide. At that point, life was changed, in terms of what had been considered normal, up until then, and the future looked uncertain in too many ways to mention.
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Ivy & Mistletoe (2020 TV Movie)
Uncomplicated Small Town Girl Christmas Love Story
15 September 2022
Not too hard to understand, easy to anticipate plot involving a young woman from a small town, living in the big city, yearns to return to simpler lifestyle. BF in the city wants to climb the corporate ladder, but doesn't realize how its done. He goes on a business trip, she goes by herself on a week long 'get away,' to a small town, simliar to where she grew up...

When she gets there, she finds out the place she's staying at is run by a widower, and his very business like daughter.

You should be able to guess the rest.....

Some of the acting is OK, some of it shows a lack of experience, but again, what did you expect. It made me feel good, even if some of the actors are just starting out, or haven't been in this type of production perviously.
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The Vow (2012)
Challenging Relationships
2 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
True, or based on a true story about a married couple who are in a traffic accident, with the wife not having any memory of meeting her husband, getting married, or previously had a falling out with her family and changing careers.

When her estranged family finds out that her amnesia might allow them all to end the estrangement, they try and make sure that things go as they want. Her husband does not see eye to eye with them, but he isn't trying to force his wife to be with him, unless that's her wish.

The movie ends with a number of these difficult life choices resolved, with a positive sense of a new future.
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Hauntingly Nostalgic of
10 March 2022
Can the women do the job? Will siblings ever get along? Will alcoholics ever reform their ways? Will things succeed or fail?

All this and more in the the flashback memories of a former women's professional baseball team member, upon her and her fellow players being honored at the National Baseball Players Hall of Fame, in Cooperstown, NY.

Flashback sequences are explained by one of the honorees/players/siblings, that's the basis of the story.

After most of the running time of the movie, the ending has its share of real life, for some, if not all of the characters, however, they remain ball players to the end..... and that's the way it ends......
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Too many murderers in town
10 March 2022
Needful Things.... so many things in life could be considered as things you need, either to remain alive, or to be the person that each of us present to the world each day. Beyond the obvious, food, water, clothing, shelter, what other things do each of us need?

A bit of human interaction? A hobby, or habit that maybe we've had for a long time - which may, or may not be good for us, or that society, or our community approves of?

I didn't read the novel, but the title of the film intrigued me ever since it was released in the 1990's. Big name actors at the time. Disappointed that Max Vo S's character didn't come to town with more trinkets, that he could use to uncover his next shop location, after he closes this one. Or which town is everyone envious of, in Castle Rock? The one across the bay? And how does Max's character uncover what each person's vices, are, as everyone has a different tell.

To me, the film makers decided keep things conventional, and made it all about gettting even with fellow community members, over lifelong grief Es, or suspicions, in some+ashes. What was missed, or majorly de-emphasized was the chasing after material things even at the coast of friendships, and other property loss, can be very costly, even if you don't totally destroy someone, or something.

It would be interesting in some ways if this were to be re-made, in the 21st century, after the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control, as to the themes and characters of Castle Rock.
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An Hour Behind (2017 TV Movie)
Predictable and non-offensive
10 March 2022
She runs a cupcake shop, that runs a little bit late the day they are supposed to meet. Makes a big difference, depending on your assumptions, as she later learns. He's a decent guy, in everything but the first week or so, after the date. Turns out there's a reason for that. She gets huffy, asking assumptions, which leads to him feeling disrespected. Life is complicated, sometimes. With the help of a friend or two, the ending is what you'd expect.

I thought the two leads played some of the subtleties of their characters very well and lifelike, but some of the other characters were more like cardboard cutouts.

Great feel good/couples rainy day afternoon movie.
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Working Thru Things
2 September 2021
Well acted, and written story about some 'down on their luck,' well to do, or formerly wealthy people, who've endured some personal tragedies, who are working their way through them. Casting is perfect, with the 2 leads, as well as the rest of the cast, as is the location, setting, and overall mood of the film. May not be everyone's taste, but for very relatable, unfortunately, depending on your education, choice of careers, family, etc.

I came away feeling entertained, which is why I watch in the first place.
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Little Pieces Mixed Well
2 September 2021
Idyllic 'Groundhog Day-esque' Lemonade out of lemons, rom-com, that wasn't quite what I expected+ when it started. A little bit of romance, science fantasy, tragedy, but with a somewhat happy ending for the two main characters, as a couple. Liked the locations as it could be a lot of small town America. Actors were all believable in their roles. Came away feeling like 'things are going to be ok.' As entertainment, that's what I want.
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Apple's Way (1974–1975)
Wasn't on long.
13 April 2019
Remember watching a few episodes, just before it got canceled. Didn't remember that Kristy Mc Nichol had been in this, until I watched her E! THS episode. I had a crush on the older sister/daughter on the show. What ever happened to her? Thought she was cute, and talented as an actor, also. For some reason, I remember it was being advertised as a family drama, with MrCox, as its current patriarch. Hadn't seen Deliverance , at that point. I've always been curious about his latest project after this and his Deliverance role. He's always seemed to portray his characters in subtle yet knowledgible ways, and growing as an actor. Not just sitting on his laurels. What has Mr Van Patten beendoing of late? He was being sold as the 'eye candy,' teenage heart throb, just before Eight is Enough. Was that supposed to be a retread of Apple's Way?
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Spy Game (2001)
Nailed it!
13 April 2019
In terms of the the attitudes/office and personal politics/personal and public intrigue of the people and situations you could have to deal with/need to stay focused, and be opportunistic/etc, to be personally and professionally successful, in at least some Executive Branch positions of the US Federal Government. Still relevant today, only more so!
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
Nailed it!
13 April 2019
In terms of the day to day, in's and out's of being an Executive Branch employee, of the Federal Government. Not to mention the sometimes complimentary and opposing nature of office politics/environment/decor/attitudes/etc as well as individual motivations for such a career in the first place.
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Harry O (1973–1976)
Under Appreciated
11 April 2019
I only watched it a few times before the end of its run. David Jansen was always a favorite of mine, as a kid, although I was too young to have watched his big show of the 1960's, The Fugitive.

Who knew that Farrah Fawcett's next role would be Charlie's Angels?

Wish it had lasted longer, and Jansen hadn't died so young.
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Best Line In A Star Trek Movie, Ever!
11 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Capt. Kirk's final words: 'It was fun.'

End of story, period, to me at least. Truer words were never spoken by a character or actor, on oh so many levels.

Whomever came up with that line is and was brilliant.
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UFO (1970–1971)
Hold Up Decently
11 April 2019
Watched several episodes for the first time since the 70's over the last couple of nights. I thought they held up fairly decently.

I remember watching the show early every Saturday night on Ch 2 in NYC, as a 4th or 5th grader. The technology seems quaint now, except for that trips to and from the moon are still not routine. Wish I could get a ringtone of SID making the intruder alert pronouncement. A few other snippets might also be great for the phone.

Have to say that I find it interesting that the Colonels all are dressed in civilian clothes. Very much like Star Trek with men and women, from every country working at SHADO HQ. very dated when COL Lake made coffee for the male COLs at Moonbase or in HQ. Never happen these days, fortunately.

I always wondered what floor Stakers office was on, and what happened to the offices underneath his, when his office moved to the HQ level.

Fishnet uniforms on the submarine crew ought to have made the assignment a hot one given the mixed male & female crew.

Maybe some day, there will be an updated version of this series.

Seems preposterous that aliens of a dying race would come all the distance, in such a small ship, with so few crew, to harvest organs, if an entire race were dying. Was the Mothership just beyond SID's dectector range?
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The Starlost (1973–1974)
Big Disappointment-Too Cerebral I Remember
11 April 2019
I remember when this show aired on Saturday nights on Ch4 in NYC. I was a little over 10 years old, and was a big fan of Lost In Space, by then, and Sci Fi week on the 4:30 Movie on Ch. 7 in NYC , weekdays. From what I recall, I could virtually hardly understand what was happening every week. Something had happened to the ship, and they spent every episode in a different part of it, trying to figure out, 'is this where the controls are located?'

Virtually no 'action,' in terms of the typical sci fi, land on a new planet, special effects fest, typical of say Lost In Space, Star Trek, or even Forbidden Planet, or The Day The Earth Stood Still, type of plot line. From what I recall, special effects were virtually non existence. Being I'm 40 years older now, it may be time to view these again, and see if my opinion has changed.

I gave up on the show very quickly; maybe after 3 or 4 episodes. And those I m not sure I watched in their entirety.
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