
21 Reviews
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Trucks (1997 TV Movie)
What? 3.3?!?!
2 May 2002
I don't think it is fair that this movie gets 3.3 points. I think it should be given dead 1.0! While Plan 9 From Outer Space was so bad that it became a classic, this one is even worse but will never be a classic. The special effects are very poor, the acting unimaginative, and the story doesn't make sense.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
Good adaptation of the book.
24 April 2002
I was quite sceptic upon seeing the ads for The Pledge because it says there that this is an adaptation of a novel by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, which I haven't read but I've seen two other adaptations of it, both in German, and both, I think, was not exceptional, if also not bad either (the black-and-white one being the better of the two). I just thought this novel has been made into a movie one time too many, and the idea of seeing a whodunnit film whose story I've known more or less doesn't really appeal to me. So when they were showing it in movie theatres I passed.

Several months later, just out of curiosity, I rented the DVD. Because I guess Jack Nicholson being a great actor that he is, this film cannot be that bad, can it? And it really is not bad. In fact, I was glued to the screen. And that, even though I knew what would happen next, I knew that the detective would use the kid as bait to catch the murderer, and I knew what "porcupines" mean and why they found chocolate inside the stomach of the killed girl. Director Sean Penn and actor Jack Nicholson have made this a very interesting film, fresh and engaging from beginning to end.

So I guess that if you want to make a remake of a film you should have an exceptional director and cast, otherwise you would end up making an inferior version of the story, like what happened to Get Carter (Stallone) or Down to Earth (Chris Rock). Nicholson has what it takes to play Detective Black. Other actors would not do better, except maybe de Niro but I'm quite tired seeing de Niro as a cop. Why don't he play someone different like a saxophone player or a boxer or something like he used to? Okay he's too old to be a boxer but what about a chess player.

Anyway I'm rambling there, but the conclusion is, you gotta catch this if you can. You're not gonna regret it.
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Down to Earth (2001)
Gets better towards the end, but still not good enough
22 April 2002
If it's possible for a film to start weakly, get better towards the end, but still isn't good enough to be called a good film, Down to Earth is an example. The acting is poor, the script is weak, and the jokes are not funny. The most hillarious moment of the film was actually when Lance became Joe Guy after the car crash, and he tried stopping a taxi but none would halt. And then, realizing who he was, Lance/Joe shouted in joy, "I'm black again! I'm black again!" And I agree with the other commentator who wrote this film has a good ending.
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11 January 2002
I have never seen a David Lynch film before, and was not quite prepared of what I was going to see in Mulholland Dr. As it turned out, the first few scenes proved to be quite weird, although you can still figure out what's going on, more or less. After a while, you can't follow the story anymore, but strangely you're not bored because there's suspense in every corner. You still hope that there is an explanation; you still hope that the different stories would somehow connect with each other, like in Pulp Fiction, but in the end of the movie you realize that they don't.

The atmosphere is quite surreal, and more than once I feel like I was watching a very long "Black Hole Sun" video, only without the song and with dialogues. If you're into "normal" films, don't watch this movie. But if you have an open mind, you might as well try.
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What? THAT's a hobbit?
10 January 2002
The problem of this movie is, its slow pacing. The story is very simple: someone has to deliver something to someplace. I don't mind all the little details, which makes Middle Earth so realistic and alive, but please don't linger on one topic forever when it could be done in 5 seconds! The casting for Gandalf and other human beings are great, but totally wrong for all hobbits. They look too much like men, and the casting of Elijah Wood is especially catastrophic, since he's too cute to play a hobbit. At least make'em smaller! They can make Gary Sinise's lower leg to disappear in Forrest Gump, why can't they make'em smaller?
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Not THAT Original (Achtung Spoilers)
9 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I have to say that BWP is a milestone in the movie industry. To compare it with Citizen Kane is probably too much, but they have at least one similarity: both has been claimed to have invented new concepts in moviemaking, both are not that original. Many techniques credited to Kane as it being the first film to use them have been used in other movies before. BWP, too, is not very original in the idea, because The Last Broadcast precedes it by a year. For some reason, though (I suspect wrong marketing strategy), TLB never came to be known so widely as BWP, and so people say BWP is a pioneering movie.

Now about the ending, I would have to warn for spoilers here because you're not going to see what you expect to see. The movie has developed fear from the beginning by not doing what most other horror movies normally do: show the monster. And if the ending had been you seeing the Blair Witch, it would indeed have been an anticlimax and killed the whole movie altogether.

Last words: even though this film would never make it to my top ten favorite list, it does make it to my list of must-see movies. If you plan to see it in a movie theatre bring a plastic or paper bag in case you wanna throw up. Not because you see some ugly monster, but from the jittery cameras.
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9 January 2002
Underneath the Jedi lightsabre fights and breathtaking special effects, George Lucas has succeeded in making a great story for his fourth (or first, depending on how you look at it) Star Wars movie. This is not just a sequel that was made because Lucas wants more money (although of course, that would be one of the reasons too), but also because he has a story to tell: that even the sickest, cruelest, Hannibal Lecter meets Jack the Ripper villain was once a cute little boy. How in the world that the cute boy ever develops to be Darth Vader, that's the story of Star Wars Episode I through III.

This is the movie for everybody, which works in different levels for different person. Kids would love the robots and the lightsabre and the wacky characters like Jar Jar Binks. Grown ups would wonder how they made that CGI look incredibly real. As for me, the top reason why I watched this movie was Natalie Portman.

Aren't you looking forward to Episodes II and III (and, if Lucas remains true to his words, three other Star Wars movies)?
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The Abyss (1989)
Watch the Special Edition!
9 January 2002
I didn't get the chance to see this film when it was first released in 1989, and now that I have seen the Special Edition on DVD I feel that the theatrical release WAS a great movie, but the added scenes made this film even better because characters are more developed and we see more clearly the motivation behind the actions of the aliens. Of course, the story is cheesy at times but hey, this is just another feel-good-happy-ending Hollywood movie, what are you expecting? Whether you have seen the original 1989 or not, you have to see this new cut. A real improvement.
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Almost Documentary
9 January 2002
A Night to Remember doesn't try to be spectacular like James Cameron's Titanic, which is actually a fiction love story with "the Unsinkable" as setting. The storytelling in ANTR is indeed very straightforward, and the filmmakers tried to be as faithful as possible to the actual events.

The story of Titanic will always be interesting because it's a story of human arrogance, the Tower of Babylon of modern day. It has been filmed time and again. But ANTR will always be remembered for its truthfulness. If you want to know about Titanic and you respect history, watch this movie.
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Doesn't deliver
22 December 2001
I don't see any points why the director drags the story so slowly for the first half of the film, while it could actually be told in half an hour at most. The second half is actually where the action really begins, and only from then on it becomes interesting. The ending is touching, although not very convincing. Just one more proof that big names (Altman, Gere, Hunt, Dern, Fawcett, Hudson, Tyler) can't guarantee to deliver (pun intended).
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Not for those who has not read the book.
2 December 2001
First, the bad things:

I know it's not easy for anybody to make a Harry Potter movie, especially since the book provides a story that is so rich in details and imaginative. Take the move of setting from Privet Drive to the Hut-on-the-Rock. The movie doesn't give enough explanation of that, and therefore only those who have read the book would understand. Of course there are very few people in Europe and North America who hasn't read the book(s), but the filmmakers should also consider other parts of the world where Harry Potter is not quite as popular.

The difference between the four houses is not explained at all, and therefore it causes some wonder why Harry said to the Sorting Hat, "Anything but Slytherin". What's wrong with Slytherin? the "Muggles" may ask.

Another thing, Hermione cannot seem to make up her mind about what to call he-who-must-not-be-named. Even in one scene (when the trio are talking near the fireplace) she called him "you-know-who", and then "Voldemort". And in the book we know that the reason Harry's scar hurt when he first saw Snape was because Snape "looked past Quirrell's turban" but this was not showed in the movie.

Now: the good things: All in all, I should say a very impressive movie and one that shouldn't be missed if you're a Potter-mania. The kids don't act very well but the grown-up actors and actresses are of top quality. Alan Rickman is especially great. Can't wait for the sequel.
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Give me the creeps
7 June 2001
I saw this movie a couple of days after I saw "The Exorcist" for the first time, and what do you know: I got more creeps watching "Eyes Wide Shut" than "The Exorcist". Like what Chris Carter says, it's not what you see that makes you frightened, it's what you don't see. After watching "The Exorcist" I could still go home alone at night, but not after watching "Eyes Wide Shut". Coward eh?
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Don't make a tiny bit of sense
5 June 2001
I don't know why people think this movie is any good. The story doesn't make any sense.

First of all, Klaatu disappeared from the hospital and suddenly he has a complete suit and briefcase. Where did he buy these things, when he doesn't have money?

Then the newspapers run stories about him, but don't have a single picture of him. It is very impossible that nobody took a picture of Klaatu while he was in the hospital.

Klaatu wanted to meet every leader of the world, but finally settled with a group of scientists. How can scientists become the representatives of the world? They don't even decide when and whether a country goes to war.

If I were to make a book about how non sense the story of this film is, it could be thicker than the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Shame for Robert Wise, whose later films I enjoy very much, especially Sound of Music and Star Trek: the Motion Picture.
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Almost Famous (2000)
Don't understand why everybody says this is good.
23 May 2001
Honestly, I was disappointed by this. I've heard how everybody says it's good, and I went to see it to prove it. Well it's bad. I'll tell you why.

Patrick Fugit's acting is very poor. Kate Hudson's is good, but that's just because she's playing herself. Penny Lane is Kate Hudson, so she doesn't have to act at all. Just be herself. Billy Crudup is okay, but the best actor in this movie is Frances McDormand. She portrays a mother very well and deserved the Oscar Nomination.

And Stillwater's music, boy are they bad! Anybody who knows 70's rock n' roll music will agree that Stillwater sounds more like a 90's grunge band. Of course there are a lot of good original music from Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath, but Cameron Crowe better stay away from songwriting and concentrate on directing.
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Chocolat (2000)
7 March 2001
I love chocolates, and even so I find this movie exaggerating. I mean everybody in it seems to love chocolates, nobody seem to care about their weight. Oh but I love this movie. The story is so extraordinary, and all the actors seem to give their best. And it's something special when you are talking about Juliette Binoche and Judi Dench. Even Johnny Depp is above average and Carrie Anne-Moss shows her softer side. A must-see for all of you!
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How could one not love this movie?
3 March 2001
This movie will make you smile, laugh, but also cry. I have only seen two films from Roberto Benigni (Il Mostro and this) and he's already on my second place of Top Ten Favorite Directors of all time. Guido (Roberto Benigni) is a guy who came to a big town to open a bookstore. There he met a beautiful teacher named Dora (played by Benigni's real wife, Nicoletta Braschi), and, after "stealing" her heart from her fiance and a funny romance, married her. On their son's fifth birthday, they had to go to a concentration camp. But Guido didn't want his son to be sad, so he kept the kid's spirit high and made him believe that life is really beautiful. Truly one of the best movies of all time.
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Don't watch DS9 or Voyager. Watch TNG, and maybe TOS.
23 February 2001
This is not only the best Star Trek series ever made, this is also one of the best TV-Series ever made. I mean, what more do you want in a series: a charismatic captain, a brave first officer, a human-wannabe android, a beautiful counselor, a genius behind the machine, a graceful doctor, and a temperamental security officer. This show's got it all.
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A Martial Arts Classic
13 February 2001
This is the first part of a trilogy: Legend of the Condor Heroes, Return of the Condor Heroes, and Dragon Sword and Heaven Sabre. The 1982 version is a classic because the cast is right; the chemistry between Felix Wong and Barbara Yung is amazing. So far it's only available on VCD, and only in Mandarin without English subtitles. When the DVD will be released, I don't know. But I'm waiting.
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Malena (2000)
Her Sin was Being Beautiful
10 February 2001
A very touching movie about a boy's first love, and first loves never end. Renato is a boy in Sicily, Italy. Around the time of World War II he was 12 and a half years old, struggling to become a man and get recognitions from his peers. He fell in love with Malena, a very fascinating woman, at first sight. But alas, she was married. And all he could do was to follow her wherever she went; and fantasizing about her.

News came that Malena's husband died in the war, and thus leaving her a widow. Now she had to face the world alone, and the world is not easy for a pretty widow. The men in town lusted after her, and the women was jealous of her beauty. At last she had to leave her town wounded and alone. But Renato gathered his courage and helped her; though anonymously.

This movie ended with a surprise, and a nice surprise at that. Not necessarily a happy ending, but not a sad ending either. More like a real ending, although this is not a real story. Director Giuseppe Tornatore combined the view of destroyed Sicily with wonderful shore panorama, and the result is gorgeous. This film will leave you contemplating about human nature, that is, two of the seven deadly sins: Lust and Envy.
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Sledge Hammer! (1986–1988)
26 January 2001
I remember watching the first episode of this series and thought that this was the most hilarious show ever. I looked forward to watching the next episode but was disappointed because it wasn't half as funny as the first. And it got even worse, so bad that I stopped watching it after about four or five weeks. I didn't give up instantly because I still had some hope and expectation that the show would somehow get better, but it didn't, and the jokes became quite cliche. Too bad for a great beginning.
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Divided Opinion
22 January 2001
The opinions about this movie seem to be divided between "Five Star" and "Five Rotten Eggs". I know why: most of IMDB voters come from North America and Europe, not China or Southeast Asia. They are not used to the martial arts movies where

1. people "float" because they can make their bodies light as a feather and 2. if you hit somebody on the right positions in his body with your finger he cannot move until someone releases him and 3. there is a poison that can reverse the direction of your blood circulation.

As a result, some people are very amazed and say, "This is better than the Matrix!" while others unimpressedly say "This has gone too far! What is this thing, walking on water and floating in the air!"

I come from Southeast Asia, and therefore am quite used to the martial arts movies from China. This is why I could concentrate more to the other aspects as acting, story, and directing.

The acting and directing part is superb. I never doubted the ability of Ang Lee or Michelle Yeoh, but before I watched Anna and the King I never really took Chow Yun Fat seriously. To me he was just another greedy actor from Hong Kong who stars in nine or ten movies in a year and still want to record an album just for the sake of money. I guess he has changed dramatically and do quite well in this movie, although it was not an Oscar performance.

I find the story a little disturbing, especially with the character of Jen Yu (original Shiao Lung) who seems to be too "Flower Generation"-ish for the setting era. It was like, what, China in the third, fourth century before Christ, and the sex revolution has already begun in China. That is not how a chinese girl at the time would have done, and without proper explanation too! I mean how is it possible for a woman to hate and fear a man a minute, and fall in love and have sex with him the next.

Not that the character is shallow. Jen Yu is a rebel child who wants to get away from her parents' overprotective hands. And she has a frightening talent with the sword. That is a powerful combination that makes her so dangerous, but thirsty of love at the same time. But still I need an explanation about that sex scene.

But in the end, I should say that this movie is far different than any other martial arts movies I have ever seen (the ones that are usually directed by Tsui Hark and starred Jet Lee or Andy Lau). The story is not as simple as "he-killed-my-father- now-I'm-gonna-have-revenge". It is far more developed and complex, and quite touching.

So for all of you who haven't watched it, do so. It would give you a picture of what's happened (and happening) in the chinese movie industry for the past couple of decades. For all of you who have watched this movie, expect more from the new generation of chinese directors like Ang Lee, John Woo, and Tsui Hark. They're invading Hollywood like storm!
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