
5 Reviews
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Tony Jaa is the new king of martial arts.
9 August 2006
I'll start out by admitting that I'm no expert in martial arts movies. But I have seen enough to know whether someone is mediocre, good or in Tony Jaa's case, amazing.

The plot outline tells you well enough what the movie is about. Tony Jaa is off to retrieve a statue head. In all honesty, the plot is superfluous as the movie is basically a tribute to Jaa's skills. There are several stand out scenes. The first is a sequence where Jaa is being chased through a city on foot - no man will be able to watch it without wincing. The second is a sequence in a gambling den. The third is the final fight.

But what really sets this movie apart is that it was all done for real. No computer effects, no wire work. It was all really done. And that alone is astounding.

I do have a couple of criticisms. The first is that in the aforementioned chase sequence several of the more impressive moves are shown again from a different camera angle. It kind of breaks up the flow of the movie to see a sort of action replay. Another criticism is that Jaa is by far the most talented fighter in this movie - I would have liked to see him fight someone as good as him.

Despite that, this remains my favourite martial arts movie. Watch it!
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A positive review of the Matrix Reloaded.
24 May 2003
I have yet to read a review of the Matrix Reloaded that I felt fully did it justice. So I decided to write it myself.

First up, most people will be interested in the special effects and fight scenes. Well if you thought that the effects in the original Matrix were good, prepare to be blown away. Without wanting to spoil the plot for you, I'll just say that the bullet time effects, especially on the Freeway scene are astounding. The fights this time around have more people on screen at once than before. The fights are fast and furious, with more of an edge than before. (There is a pun in there, but you would have to see the movie to get it.)

The story this time around is comprehensible. That's because all the tricky confusing stuff has already been done in the first movie. The plot gets built upon and the story of the Matrix and its world is furthered. As it is a trilogy there are some questions that remain unanswered at the moment. If you go in a group you will get an er.. lively discussion regarding what's going to happen next.

I felt that there was a bit more emotion to the characters this time around and that the acting was flawless.

Not only that but this time there are a few comic one liners that are really funny.

Some people have dismissed a lot of the plot and story as psycho babble, but I disagree. You either think it is great or you don't. And you can't decide that until you see it.

This is the closest thing I have seen to a perfect movie. I loved it, and I went in thinking that there is no way a sequel could better the original. But it did. It is most definitely worth going to see, don't wait for the DVD, because the big screen just gives it extra oomph. The movie oozes style, and like all good movies, the guys leave the cinema thinking that they too have the same abilities. Which leads to more comic moments in the car park.

Overall 10/10.

P.S. Stay in until the end of the credits to see the Matrix Revolutions trailer.
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Memento (2000)
The honest truth about a wonderfully warped movie.
24 May 2003
I never saw this movie at the cinema. I saw it on TV. In fact I missed the first minute or two. But due to this movie's unique style it didn't actually matter.

There are more in depths reviews of this film but I'll give you a quick run through. The main character is Leonard Shelby, played by Guy Pearce. His wife was murdered, and the murderer gave Leonard a right good smack too. The result was that Leonard since then can not form new memories. He sets out to find his wife's killer. Not being able to form memories makes this quite difficult. As such he tattoos clues on his body, takes polaroids and writes lots of notes.

The movie is shown backwards. So you see a scene, then you see the scene that led up to that. Strange at first. But I feel it is what makes the movie so good, as you end up in the dark as much as Leonard does.

I think it is a must see film for anyone who likes compelling thrilling films with lots of twists. And it also has funny moments. Guy Pearce is superb, his best performance ever I think, and that includes LA Confidential. Enjoy! 10/10
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The Matrix (1999)
26 January 2001
I thought that The Matrix was one of the best movies ever made. The special effects were the best I had ever seen. The plot was slightly difficult to understand but the action sequences more than made up for that. I think the cast were great especially Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus. I greatly look forward to next year and the first sequel.
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why its my favourite comedy
26 January 2001
Another Stakeout is a fantastic movie. It's funny and the acting is quite good. Richard Dreyfuss and Emilio Estevez were great together-acting like partners. The house exploding at the beginning was more funny than realistic, it was so long that you could just about go and get a drink and still be back before the end of it. I have seen this film so many times and it is still hilarious every time. It is definitely worth watching on the telly or even hiring it from the video shop. The banter between Dreyfuss and Estevez makes the movie what it is, in other words brilliant. Look out for the conversation about Ren and Stimpy, the bit when Dreyfuss deliberately falls over and says to someone "Frank don't go, you can stay and help me eat", it is so funny. If you haven't seen this film it's you who's lost out. 10/10.
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