
30 Reviews
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Sexandroide (1991 Video)
Everything I'd hoped for
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers


This has been like a holy grail for me the last few years and I was going to wait until this weekend to watch it but what a better way to spend a Wednesday morning?

Finally, FINALLY I'll hopefully be able to piece together what R2-D2 was up to during those dark times in the late 1980's/early 1990's when Star Wars wasn't very popular!

Part 1 Some dude uses a voodoo doll to make a seemingly random girl at a bar across town(?) feel sick, go to the bathroom and puke, strip her clothes off and bleed from her nether region. Then he uses a photograph of her to make her cry blood tears, bleed from her nipples, he burns the dolls get it.

Part 2 A terrified girl slowly makes her way down a staircase into a dilapidated basement/dungeon and then is approached by a zombie which she shoots twice but obviously doesn't die. It attacks her but she fends it off then removes all her clothes and does a fire dance. She starts whipping herself but OH NO; THE ZOMBIE IS BACK. They make out briefly, she pukes up a tarantula (I think, you can't really tell before he quickly puts it in his pocket), more whipping, forced nipple piercing, straight razor erotism, he eats her get it.

No, no you really don't because then he cuts his own arm and pops her eye out before finally killing her, bathing in her blood and disemboweling himself (the image on the cover). It's beautiful though because she likes all this.

Oh wait, she's still moving. He gives her a flower. They walk back up the stairs together into the great unknown.

Part 3 A coffin. A vampire! A witch! Or is it a mourning lover? Who cares? He's still alive and starts foaming at the mouth before jumping out of the coffin and ripping her clothes off. He bites her and gets back into his coffin. She reanimated (or vampirates or whatever it's called when someone becomes a vampire) then dances to some '80's song staring directly into the camera and into your soul. She finally gets in the coffin with the Count and he pulls the lid closed, but not before hanging a sign off it that shows a picture insinuating "do not disturb".

Credits roll.

I've said it before: the Germans can do gore, Latin America can make you wonder if what you're watching is fake or not, Japan takes it to comical levels of extreme but the French; they can do F'D UP. And buddy this was F'D UP.

There's no dialogue in this or story. It's pretty much exactly how I described it accompanied by a droning soundtrack consisting of three or four notes for 57 minutes (save the song the third girl dances to at the end). The gore was pretty nuts, the girls were really hot and NOTHING made sense. So I got exactly what I wanted. Maybe even more? I read about this movie (what little there is about it on the internet) and thought there was no way it could be as messed up as I was reading. But it was and it truly deserved its "holy grail" tag that I'd aspired for it to be.
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Angst (I) (1983)
Artsy and wonderful
25 July 2022
I've watched a lot of German trash the last few years so it was odd to me to watch something that was actually well made, urine free and didn't look like it was shot on a budget of rubber bands. The camera work and music for this one was excellent. As were the performances of all those involved. Not particularly gruesome but for 1983 I can see why it struck people the wrong way. Had Nekromantik, Premutos and Violent Shit have came out before this censors probably wouldn't have even batted an eye at it.
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Meteor Moon (2020)
Sequel to a movie that was never made?
4 June 2022
I'm not sure if this is a sequel to some other movie that picks up right where the previous one left off or if there was an error at the pressing plant and the first half of this movie got cut out; because it starts with a whole lot of stuff going on and a whole lot more gets randomly thrown at you from out of nowhere. Characters, subplots. It's so disjointed that it's hilarious. Not the usual shameless hilarity the Asylum usually provides; I swear they released 2/3rds of a movie and never cared enough to correct it.
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Casual (2015–2018)
Shows like this make me miss network TV
15 April 2022
Back when there were four or five big networks and HBO and shows like this didn't get green lit.

The existence of a million streaming services has really lowered the quality of TV.
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Virus Shark (2021)
15 January 2022
Virus Shark

*Amazon Prime*

I thought I knew what I was getting into with this one. Then I saw those four words:

"Directed by Mark Polonia"

I was not expecting this DIRECT successor to Jaws. After so many shoddy shots it was refreshing to see a true genius at the helm to FINALLY do shark movies JUSTICE. But it's so much more than a shark movie. Later on it's a post-apocalyptic period piece akin to a good one of those...I can't think of any right now. With incredible special effects and editing, Oscar worthy acting from "Cross-eyed Kristi" and the entire cast, multiple cameos from "cameraman reflected in computer monitor" and tense terrors abound this is a much see for any fan of fine cinema.

Pardon me: theatre. With one of those little lines over the last "e" that makes it sound French.
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So good
20 November 2021
Big-Ass Spider!

*Amazon Prime*

We were pretty surprised this wasn't an Asylum movie but even more surprised at how GOOD this movie was. Yes, cheesy/bad/terrible but in all the right places. Some good gore effects. Better CGI than anything on SyFy. And great comedy.

Honestly this is one of those ones that are so aware they're bad that they're...

... wait for it...

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Nightbeast (1982)
That sex scene!
20 July 2021
Whoa boy. I was about to comment solely on the cheese of the monster in this...then the sex scene happened. It was one of the worse good bad things I've seen in my life. Imagine your parents in a sex scene. There it is.


Just wow.

This was basically an R-rated episode of Scooby Doo, which is exactly what I said about Don Dohlers previous movie "the Alien Factor" last year. In my review of that I only wished for more gore and I got it with this. Not too much but enough for long me to give this the highest recommendation that is humanly possible.
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If I could I'd give it 516/10
16 June 2021
This movie was so perfect it hurt. Terribly acted, shot, edited, written and a high level of no budget gore. There's just so much to love about this. At every turn you're thinking it can't get better then something else happens. Like it was going on so awesome then these religious undertones were thrown in that were even more incredible. This is something you all must experience.
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Baby Blood (1990)
29 May 2021
This was a really cool Italian (kinda) body horror movie with some good gore and a really compelling plot in the vein of Delemorte Delemorte and Brain Damage. But the *ahem* big draw are Emmanuelle Escourroua boobs. She's racktacular. And the movie doesn't even hid it. They're a key driving force behind this movie. If she's not topless she's wearing an unbuttoned shirt and men are pining over her. It's to bad about the teeth but I had no problems looking passed those.

A lot of the same voices from the Church were used and I really liked that too.

But I won't sugarcoat it: bewbs.

I don't even know how I found this but I'm glad I did.

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The wig
15 May 2021
Fire the wig department. The one they gave the little boy that plays Daniels is so bad.
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26 February 2021
This was like someone took their entire horror movie collection and threw it into a blender, but then ran it through a sive that held anything good and gave you what ran through.

Only worth watching for Eleanor James naked.
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23 January 2021
This was extremely tough to watch but really not as repulsive as you may think. Cannibal Holocaust is way grosser.
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Far too serious for a movie about a girl wearing a bikini killing zombies with a katana.
22 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was an adaptation of a video game (that I'm not sure ever made it's way to North America) and it was far to serious for my liking. Nowhere near enough boobs, which is really the only reason I watch these crappy movies.

Some of the fight choreography was really good but other times it got way too into far into live action video game territory. Some of the gore was better than usual but some of it was actually worse than usual. Basically it was a Japanese equivalent to a Resident Evil or later Romero movie. I like those movies but it's not what I want from Japanese horror. I ended up not really paying attention to a lot of this unless the music got tense.

Is it too much to ask that Infinite Bullet Girl just take her top off once?
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Asian School Girls (2014 Video)
16 December 2020
I was bored

By Asian school girls

That's quite an accomplished but this movie did it
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Don't Speak (2020)
"What the hell are you doing!?"
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This tries to be something but it's just a A Quite Place ripoff. But let's just call it a pseudo prequel. Even though there's only one monster and it's an isolated incident in a small town. The monsters design really reminded me of the Feast Monsters too. That box art is totally misleading. But it acted totally different. It also borrows heavily from Aliens and is also very similar to Pitch Black.

It was okay but it was kinda surprising that they introduced the monster so early. The Jaws route is usually more effective. But in the case of this it really didn't matter because no ones going to remember this movie anyway. It's pretty stupid because the characters somehow keep quiet without knowing they're supposed to keep quiet. The dad figures it out somehow and I don't know if I just wasn't paying attention or a few scenes got cut or something. Then after they learn they're supposed to keep quite the mom does one of the stupidest things I've ever seen a person do in a horror movie. Like, actually blurted out "what the hell are you doing!?" at the TV. And it gets dark really fast.

Thankfully there was some nice blood splatter and gore and even though the monster was a complete rip-off of Feast those monsters were cool. The guy playing the monster actually had great movements. The whole movie is just about the monster.
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I had two choices when I found this online
6 December 2020
Bad quality but with subtitles but boobs


Good quality, no subtitles but boobs

Obviously I chose the latter
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Big Boobs Buster (1990 Video)
If I could give a movie an 11 this would be it
6 December 2020
It just needed subtitles.

But what it lacked in me being able to understand it made up in boobs
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Plaguers (2008)
Some really good gore and makeup
5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of sexy space pirate nurses hijack a space freighter but the tables are turned when they accidentally unleash an alien substance that the freighter was transporting that turns them one-by-one into unstoppable mutant zombies.

The acting is some of the worst I've seen, and I've watched almost all of Andreas Schnaas' 'Violent Shit' movies multiple times in the last few weeks. The makeup is pretty good though and the gore is way better than I expected. The director took a lot of inspiration from Alien, right down to casting some guy who looks a lot like Lance Hendrickson as the android member of the freighter crew (which gives that guy a bit of grace for his absolutely horrible acting). But Lambato Bravas 'Demons' was an even bigger influence on the movie. The sounds the mutants make and the style of makeup, not to mention people "turning" in a matter of seconds, is a direct homage to that movie. So you could almost call it "Demons in Space"...just don't because this doesn't belong mentioned in the same breath as those movies.

It was bad and I usually love bad. But the acting was so terrible that it brought it down a few notches. Most of the cast are probably usually extras in SyFy original movies. They could have redeemed it with some boobs but I guess none of the cast wanted to hinder their careers. Looking at their IMDB profiles I'd say being in Plaguers was a bigger hinderance.

All that said once it got going I actually kinda liked it.
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There's a serial killer on the loose...but we payed for the place for six more days
10 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A poor mans Friday the 13th. Like, really poor. Electricity's been cut off, Employment Insurance has run out, "they're going to break my knees if I don't pay up soon" poor. The filming quality looks good. There's some boobs. But the acting is some of the worst I've seen in a long run if movies with bad acting. The piss-poor script doesn't help. It's terrible across the board but the worst has to be the lead Ryan Deal, only because he gets top billing in this movie. He has this permanent smile/smirk that makes him look like every shot is a headshot.

The violence is pretty lame. Lots of throats get slashed. A bit of variation would be nice: It's really funny that it doesn't seem to bother the people that know what's going on too much. Police, parents, obvious victims; no one seems too worried or surprised. "so our friend got impaled by a pitchfork...but we payed for the place for six more days and we're seniors!" That's seriously the logical processing the group of kids has. Honestly, that's dumb enough to make me keep watching. There's been a plethora of dumb logic in horror movies but that takes it to a new level to where I have to see where this goes.

"Got a condom?" "I have one in my car, I'll be right back!" "For a lighter?" "I must have left it by the barbecue, I'll be right back!"

Possibly the worst horror movie I've seen. And that's saying a lot. And not even in a "it's so bad it's good" way. This is just so bad it's bad.
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So this is how Star Wars ends? Not with applause but thunderous laughter
1 November 2020
You can tell that JJ Abrams just didn't give a flying crap when he was making this movie. Cuckboy Johnson left him with a heaping mess that was impossible to clean up so he just went all in on giving the middle finger to Disney and Lucasfilm and making this as over-the-top and unbearable as he could.

Maybe it could have been good but episode VIII ensured that it could never be. So this is what we were left with.
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I don't often refer to something as a G.O.A.T., but this is a G.O.A.T.
1 November 2020
From the same nudnicks that brought me Zombie Doom (and on the same DVD) comes a movie that manages to be worse...and better. It's the same in terms of gore, quality and storytelling but where this one comes up greater is the dubbing and the "script". I don't know which is better: the whiter than white guy who gets a soul brother voice, the other guy who gets the Professor Frink voice or the girl who gets the same guy that did the soul brother voice doing a girls voice. And to list the best quote from the movie would be doing an injustice to the thousand other quotes in this masterpiece.
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If you give this anything less than a 10 you are a poser
31 October 2020
Tinfoil props? Ridiculous dubbing? Action figures and stop-motion? Handicam filming? Surprisingly wicked gore? Ninjas? Why the hell not!

You want this. You need this.
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A good soundtrack
29 October 2020
And Fiona Horsey naked, lots.

That's all this movie has to offer. But I own most of the CDs the soundtrack is drawn from and I can see naked girls whenever I want.

Avoid this as if it were the plague.
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Yawn, needed boobs
10 October 2020
I spent way more money and effort into getting this than I should have but it was still worth it. It's a minus budget sci-fi movie that doesn't even have the benefit of gratuitous nudity or violence. But it does have a lot of really hot girls dancing and a wicked soundtrack. But ultimately it's just a bad movie with no real reason to spend what I spent.
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Gore Whore (1994)
It's missing one thing
16 September 2020

It's missing gore

If they'd have gone as in with that as they did the nudity this would be one of my favourite movies and an instant 10/10. It had all the makings.

But it just didn't have the gore.
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