
39 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Good idea, bad execution.
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A modern United States in a civil war setting is probably the biggest reason people wanted to watch this film, that and Spiderman's girlfriend as the lead actress. I didnt mind the journalists main plot, it was interesting to see how journalists work during war too. But shoehorning a character played by a what looks like a 16 year old was the worst idea in this film. It should have been just the three veteran journalists travelling. What the character of Jess caused was just frustration, annoying plots/dialogues and overall eye-rolling scenes. Really. Taking pictures while your "hero" and multiple times savior dying. Surprisingly, a film about a modern American Civil War and that was the most unrealistic. She adapted too quick. One character death and shes better than a seasoned journalist?

Cringe as fk.
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Sputnik (2020)
First half was good.
21 May 2024
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The supposed climax was... really... bad. The film starts strong with the character introductions, the mystery of the creature (the synopsis pretty much says alien anyway). I liked seeing the Soviet Union portrayed by Russians in former S. U. Perhaps its just my military nut in me, so I liked those parts of the film. The slow revelation of the horrors the base has done was good. Acting was OK, I didnt like the lead actress's monotone acting but maybe its an art direction thing.

Now. The second half. Where the lead character goes full blown PETA... in the Soviet Union, inside a military base. It ruined everything. Even if she was unable to proceed with the research due to the inmate deaths, there is literally no logical/rational reason to let the creature/the cosmonaut escape. None. It's a creature that eats people. And her instinct is to let it out the base? Why? Why? I was facepalming throughout their escape. I did like the other lead research doctor's character development but didn't like the base commander's reason for everything. Him focusing the alien to be a Soviet weapon sounds pretty........ shallow.

6 seems pretty fair for this film. Hey, good job Russia! They can make decent movies.
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Fringe (2008–2013)
Clever, creative, rewarding.
29 April 2024
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I started Fringe thinking it would be just another FBI good guys versus criminals with spooky science. It wasn't. At all, it was so much more. It was filled with stories that are always told beautifully, sometimes tragically and most if not all plot points from previous episodes will come into play later on.

The main cast Olivia, Walter, Peter, Astro, Broyles etc., Has such good acting you will forget you're watching a TV show and not a real life documentary. The way they explain the fringe science will almost make you stop and think that "What if it really does exist somewhere now?".

I am admittedly a bad reviewer and so, if there is one thing you have to know is this from my review: you should watch it and if you have, you would agree.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender: Into the Dark (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
Worst episode so far
23 February 2024
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They did good with Iroh and Prince Zuko, they really did. Acting, the dynamic between war criminal and victim was believable and you pity both sides. Zuko gets his much needed character development from Honor Parrot to a son to Iroh.

Thats pretty much where the good ends.

They still had the gall to add Lover's Tunnel without Aang? I was wondering who would kiss at the end since they were siblings. That ruined the point of the lover's tunnel: to set up Katara and Aang as an item. They should have just removed it if that was the case. Also, Bumi. Dont get me started with Bumi. They still made Aang play the games, but it doesnt make sense anymore, since he identified Bumi from the start. They still added the original storylines' plot devices but forgot or worse, willfully ignored WHY it was there.

Classic Netflix move.
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The Village (2004)
Intriguing, good, bit predictable.
21 February 2024
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I think it's not an exaggeration when we all predicted the outside world would be present (2004) America, but I dont think that ruins the big reveal, the other one predictable reveal was the fabricated monsters. I really dont think even if it were predictable, it spoils how good the story was told. In its essence, this is just a romance story on the backdrop of a mysterious, superstitious village. Although the Noah Monster bit could have been done better.

The dialogue was excellent. Acting is superb. (i mean Joaquin Phoenix, Sigourney Weaver etc?) The setting design was excellent. Another win for M. Night S., he has some good films along with Devil.
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Lights Out (II) (2016)
Gets the job done, but could be better.
21 February 2024
It is a good horror movie that has its moments, the light effects were beautiful and creepy, sound design feels you're in the room with Diana and acting was great. But sometimes, especially during the final bits, it felt like the story writer or whatever you call it were running out of time, cramming tons of exposition and concentrated dialogue (that felt often dry and unrealistic) into the audience. Oh also the dialogue, as I mentioned, sometimes were.... pretty bad, simply put. Like its not something a kid or a normal human being would say. If they are making a sequel, then I hope they fix that.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
Great performance, terrible ending
16 February 2024
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There were multiples time I cringed in a good way when it comes to the horror content of this film. It was subtle, good acting and an intriguing story. We all feel there is something bit off with the Dutch family. We feel yet we dont know what. It's a great horror film, until the last bit. I was confused on how they react towards their daughter's kidnapping and maiming. Like, what? The mother was a like a cat in a an empty sack of potatoes. I know they were a tame suburban family, affluent, not experienced in conflict but damn! You can do better than thrashing around like an unfed infant! And how do they react in the end? Accepting death? No anger? Sadness? I'm not even expecting a revenge slasher film esque in the end, I just feel they took their daughter's maiming a bit too lightly.

Dont get me wrong. I'm all for a sad ending, its just that the way to get to that sad ending was a bit quick, underdeveloped. Almost like theres a Directors Cut of this film somewhere.
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Death's Game (2023– )
Overrated; yet still pretty good.
12 January 2024
More than 9.0 seems like overkill, it's just a mishmash of all KDramas known to man but the execution and how it connects to the main plot is excellent. Of course as given with most Korean Shows acting is superb, from a teenager schoolboy to an adult MMA fighter, they do a good job. Although sometimes I would find some scenes ridiculous and unrealistic (motorcycle chase through the supermarket), which to be fair deals no harm, it's just entertainment.

All in all, 8/10 nothing more and nothing less than it deserves. There are way better dramas out there, I'm not hating, just saying. I still loved watching this miniseries.
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Jujutsu Kaisen (2020– )
One of the better Shounens
19 December 2023
Let me say it now, the animation quality of this anime is topnotch, thats not an exaggeration. Probably the likes of Attack on Titan rivals this anime in that regard. Although the story is nothing unique, it's the classic Humans vs. (supernatural enemy) we have seen time and time again since time immemorial (D. Gray Man, Chainsaw Man, Bleach, Demon Slayer etc.).

I cannot say they have done better in this regard, since it's really nothing special.

The characters are also likeable, sometimes a bit one dimensional. The build up to the climaxes are pretty obvious and cliched (character having a flashback? She/he definitely dies) but it is executed well. Jujutsu Kaisen also relies on the tried and tested "making you like characters and then killing them", again, nothing unique, but execution is good.

Sometimes the reminder that it is a Shounen anime is gigantic (a narrator is telling you what is about to happen instead of just showing it. Pretty annoying tbh) Having said all that, ultimately is is so entertaining to watch. There are no dead airs. Even the comedy is good when there is room for it. The combat arcs are great and the martial arts involved feel accurate and fluid.

The Season 2 Shibuya Arc is one of the best arcs I have watched. Dense in story and action packed.

8/10 anime.
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Pantheon (2022–2023)
Intelligent, excellent show.
20 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I started Pantheon not knowing I was to watch one of the best animated shows I have seen, in all time. Watching this show for the first time I thought it would be just conspiracy theory plus sci-fi. This is exactly that, taken up by a NOTCH.

The initial episodes were mysterious, the politics were great and the dynamics between the characters were great. It kept you on the edge of your seat on every episode, no dead air, no filler content, everything was important and entertaining. You could divide this show into three parts, the pre-UI, UI and finally post-UI (sorry im not that creative in naming) but all of these parts transition nicely, all of these parts offer something unique especially that wonderful, mindblowing finale.

The UI combat scenes were great too, only dampened by the fact all of the visuals were just, in context, metaphor. Although watching a cmd for thirty minutes might not be the most entertaining show wise so its nothing bad.

All in all, 8.3 in imdb is a very low score compared to the quality storytelling this show offers. It is at the very least a 9/10.
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Pluto (2023)
Excellent story, adaptation and characters.
30 October 2023
I rarely give a 9/10 but this show deserves it. This is an adaptation of an arc in Astro Boy, with Naoki's twists and changes, it became one of the best told story of this year if not in all time. It follows Gesicht, a German robot detective attempting to wrestle his career and his personal life and when a murder case whose suspect is a robot, all hell breaks loose. (It's a bit cliché as cyber murder plots go, but it's nothing unforgivable). It also features Astro Boy/Atom and the other popular robots as they realize they have become more and more human and as they realize what emotions and feelings feel like. The second robot has the most emotional story among them and I loved it, without spoiling anything. Although Gesicht's, the titular Pluto's and the others come close as well.

Excellent adaptation and animation. As expected from Mr. Naoki. Hope more of his manga is animated in the near future. (Waiting for 20th Century Boys and Asadora!)
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Yugoeui Nal (2023– )
Great Acting, Decent Story.
26 October 2023
I have to start this off by saying this show's prerequisite for success is the dynamic between the trope of Badass and Child (though Myeong-jun's personality is kinda like Jackie Chan.) and gotta say IT WORKED. I absolutely loved their dynamic once I got immersed past Ep 1. The story often uses commonly used but still effective plot points: kid with cancer and tsundere character. Hey, nothing pulls on the heartstrings more than a parent trying his best to save his kid.

IT IS a bit frustrating at times I have to admit especially mid season 1. Although the finale made up for it in the end, it is one of the best finales I have watched for a while, made me tear up.

All in all, the premise is not that unique, we have seen in all forms of media the trope of protector and the protectee (Walking Dead, Last of Us) but the decision to make Myeong-jun whacky and hilarious instead of the stoic, unemotional protector is excellent. Ro-hee as well, though her sometimes monotone delivery of dialogues is kinda "eh". But the actress could act when the script calls for it.

Great acting, decent story. They shouldnt make a Season 2 if they are thinking about it. It just ties up nicely even with the twist at the end.
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Excellent Political Drama.
15 October 2023
Its a remake of the American TV Show and by God, all I can say is that the Koreans do it WAAAY better. This show is about an politically-inexperienced Minister of Environment being thrust into the position of President in the span of a day. During the first episodes, Park Mu-jin might frustrate you... A LOT. His character did that to me. I was always one step away from dropping the show but I knew they wrote him like that to redeem him later. The presidential staff are likeable and well-written and even the antagonists are not one-bit bad guys that are there for the main characters to fight. The show also offers philosophical and moral arguments displayed in politics that are thought-provoking. Sorry, that sounded like a school essay but thats the only way I could describe it.

There is only two things I hate about this show: 1. Every episode is more than an hour long. My god. Its a bit mitigated by the fact there are no dead air, those run time are filled with story and content. 2. The writers sometimes rely on miscommunication or the lack thereof between characters to produce conflict. Here is an example: -a character is trying to stop a very bad event. There are other characters trying to stop this character only because they don't know she/he is trying to stop a very bad event. The solution? One dialogue: "Hey guys, I am on your side, look at this sensitive information I have." They went the roundabout way.

All in all, it's a great show, very good characters, well written, I almost cried at the end. The bomber twist is a bit bit not unexpected but i guess thats hindsight, it's still good. Dont be scared of the two things I hate, it's a small thing compared to the well-written story this show provides.
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Moving (2023– )
Great Drama.
9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Thats all it is, a great drama. Many of the characters are written excellently, even the side antagonists have personality. This show spent a lot of its time developing the characters and it seriously paid off during its last episodes. The writer/s knew how to pull on the heartstrings of the viewers. The superpower scenes and combat are superb, the CGI scenes are noticeable but nothing unforgivable, in fact they did great. One small """bad""" thing: they spent so much time developing the parents that it felt the kids were side characters. Then again all the parents were loveable and relatable so I have no problem. Their love stories are simple but so so good. Even the North Koreans weren't just depicted as machines following their commanders, I respect that depiction.

Good show. It could have ended beautifully as almost all loose ends were tied up quite nicely. But hey, if Season 2 is as good as this season, who am I to judge? Love this show!
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Circle (2017)
Starts slow, ramps up with the last quarter.
17 September 2023
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This is a sci-fi show made up of two timelines converging into one eventually.

It was good, it didn't glue me on my screen that I had to watch all 12 episodes in one day but it was still good. The writers tried to do an unorthodox way of storytelling and it made the mysteries good. Characters were likable, philosophies presented in the show were great (great that you can't say that either side is completely wrong in their motivations), it was a bit cheesy in its efforts in romance and comedy and I think it was deliberate, so it was in small amounts. The story and the direction it went made sense in a good way. Acting, as in any other KDramas, was superb by the main characters. There are tons of red herrings in this show so look out for those. 8/10 is a very good estimate of its quality.
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Kingdom (2012– )
Amazing; CGI gets better and hardly used at all in later seasons.
13 August 2023
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One put me off from this anime at first was the CGI. It looked so awkward and bad. Yet, I continued, because the story hooked me so far. I thank my past self that I made that choice if not, then I wouldnt have had the pleasure of experiencing Kingdom's excellent storytelling, combat tactics and story.

The characters are relatable even if they were set in ancient China, the battle episodes are thrilling and exciting. It's just so good. Just wait till you watch the Coalitions Arc and the Siege of Sai Arc and I am sure you would rank this anime on your Top 10 at that point.

TLDR: CGI gets better, story gets better and better. Watch it right now!
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
If the ending was food, it would be plain crackers.
5 August 2023
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This miniseries provided the much-needed conclusion after that hurricane shenanigans. Of course, seeing Jennifer Carpenter and Michael Hall showing off their acting skills again were more than welcome, but this series was above average, but not that great. They tried to make it like a modern slasher film, adding modern gimmicks like podcasts (cringiest part of this miniseries, god, I want to kill myself everytime the podcast is played and the host talks). Its also a bit predictable and the addition of Batista felt shoehorned in, kinda like fan service, no complaints tho, seeing him as Captain is pretty good.

Anyway, that ending was OKAY. Nothing bad, nothing excellent either. I knew from the first episode that Dexter will die, its pretty corny for the ending to be Dex and Harrison escaping to be a vigilante duo, thats just fan service. Then again, really? Harrison killed his Dad over Coach Logan? Very meh. Could have been better.
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Sherlock: The Blind Banker (2010)
Season 1, Episode 2
Corny and Ok at best
18 May 2023
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The start came strong, lots of mysteries and the usual stuff. How would the museum plot connect to the bank plot? How will the duo fight and connect the dots? The murder cases were good too. Then the Chinese stuff came in. I was seriously hoping it wasnt a Chinese mafia and stuff and by God I was wrong. I was thinking "Really? Chinese mafia?" And then the ridiculous tunnel kidnapping scene came in. Thank God for the leading actors and they still made it palatable. I had to check imdb how this episode is rated and no surprise, it's a high 7, if the first episode was a 10.

Hope it gets better..
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Wow, what a cr*p episode
27 April 2023
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I was skeptical why this episode was the lowest rated. And then that awful last sequence happened. I think I fast forwarded a ton during that sequence and missed nothing. What happened to the people/person who made the emotional finale of Episode 6? What happened to the character developments of these high schoolers? It all just went down the drain. I have no problem with introducing lots of plot conflict, plot conflict is the lifeblood of stories, but this? The tension is shoehorned in, the characters had tons of opportunities to resolve the conflict but somehow, they just chose not to (a.k.a. Having six rifles aimed at mostly unarmed prisoners, often the enemy rifleman is distracted and not even aiming at the hostage.)

I know the writer just wanted to give the screen the shock value when the naive prisoners go outside and "Oh my God! What are those things!". I hoped the execution was better. I hope the next episode gets better than this.
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Amazing Show Plagued with One Bad Storyline
18 April 2023
Yes. I am that guy. I hated the Julianna Crain or how the heck you spell her name. I hated everything to do with her storyline except for two shining characters, John Smith and Kido. Without these two characters, I would have dropped this show. They made the show yet the writers keep on focusing on Crain. She is their deus ex machina, showing up when convenient, to "fix" the plotlines. You know, this show would be up there with The Americans and Mr. Robot in terms of writing without the rebel storylines, they felt shoehorned in and out of place (Yeah I know, evil empire vs rebels? How can rebels be out of place?) Because of writing.

Oh, and dont get me started with that literal nonsense of an ending.
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Mr. Robot: eps1.3_da3m0ns.mp4 (2015)
Season 1, Episode 4
Out of place... Not. Yes. Not really.
10 April 2023
When I first watched this episode, I was THIS close in dropping this show. I dont mind metaphors, imagery, all that figurative language we learned in Literature but this episode had too much. Yes, in retrospect, this episode makes sense. It makes sense when you're halfway into watching the 4 seasons, but as an early episode? It sucks. We dont know much about Elliot yet to care about him. What do I care about his house not knowing the significance of it? What do I care about his trauma when we dont know much about his history?

This episode, as-is, is OKAY. But placed in context relative to its placement on the season, it is bad. The illusions and dreams would have been better as a penultimate or a finale for Season 1. If you came here to see if you want to continue this show: continue. It is worth it, even with this tiny bump on the road.
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The Americans (2013–2018)
27 March 2023
I have just finished the finale and I am amazed. The acting, the effort they gave into making the Cold War setting alive, the storylines and how they all converged in the end, all of it was amazing. There were no lows in this show, every episode was tense, exciting, the show treats you like an adult. It gives subtle things, rewards the observant watcher. The history behind all of it was awesome. I can't give enough commendation to all the actors and actresses, especially the Jennings and Stan; their actors and actresses just gained a long-life fan of their work.

This show is amazing. A low 8 in imdb does not give it the justice it deserves. It is at least a 9. Typing a review is the least that I can do for this wonderful show.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Pabu (2023)
Season 2, Episode 13
Shallow Reviews
19 March 2023
I just watched it and expected good ratings for this episode... and really? Below 7? Yes, there is no dying comrade or firefight with the enemy, but they finally achieved what they were looking for, to start over. And it does not take a genius to see what will come seeing that the Empire now has an incentive to catch Omega. Pabu (both the episode and the location) will be the place for future storylines, it's a foundation episode.

Also, they literally just introduced two more characters that are obviously recurring seeing that they would settle down for a while, their depths will be fleshed out later, unlike a one-episode character such as Mayday (although he was a good character.)

TLDR: You're looking for something more in an obviously a multiple episoded arc and you got disappointed. That's a You problem.
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Detective Conan (1996– )
Inflated Score
18 March 2023
I am a long time fan of Detective Conan and have watched it since I was a kid: it doesnt deserve a score of more than 7. The arcs in its early seasons are good and interesting, but beyond 1000th, the falling off is noticeable. It is sad the author has become ill and I hope he gets well, but the quality of his story is falling off due to that. Also, don't watch the fillers, you will forget what happens in the canon episodes due to it.

The homicides become tedious, murder is half due to cyanide poisoning, which becomes old fast. It shines when it deals with non-homicide cases and those are pretty uncommon.
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Westworld: Kiksuya (2018)
Season 2, Episode 8
Now thats a Westworld Episode!
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Thank God they came back with an excellent episode. After that dumb Japanese episode and that Fort Forlorn Hope ridiculous gunfight, the writers are now I guess sober. The whole narration in the First Nations dialect/language was excellent, crisp words and accent, so good. The twist was unexpected but it absolutely made sense. I felt the vibes of Season 1 come back through this episode. I was getting sick of seeing Maeve's flashback but this episode gave it more depth and content it very much needed.

Again, 10/10. And Anthony Hopkins is a welcome bonus and treat for us viewers from time to time.
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