
18 Reviews
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Rat Race (2001)
Shockingly Fabulous and Quite Possibly the Best Movie of the Year!
8 September 2001
This movie had the best ensemble cast I have ever seen in a comedy! All of the actors looked to be having a blast and they played off of each other extremely well, fabulous chemistry.

IT WAS NON STOP LAUGHS! I have to say that it is also quite possibly the funniest movie I've ever seen. The jokes were incredibly original and were only brightened up by the actors. Whoopi was wonderful, Cuba was hysterical, and Jon Lovitz and Kathy Najimy had me on the floor! See this movie if only for the running Hitler joke in the middle.

I have not spent any $8 bucks of mine better in years. I cannot sing enough praise about this movie. See it whenever you can, you won't regret it!

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Forever Lulu (2000)
An Amazing and Lovely Film!
8 April 2001
First, I just want to say what a marvelous job Melanie Griffith did in this movie! She lit up the screen. Like the other reviewer said, she has been in a string of great performances. Lolita, Another day in paradise, Crazy in Alabama, RKO 281, Cecil B. Demented, and now this. I'm so happy for Melanie that she has found the right roles and that she has her life on track.

The story was great and it sort of reminded me of the old romance movies. Everything is subtle with just a twinge of romance. The ending will leave a smile on your face! Its just disappointing that it wasn't in theaters, but then again, the American public can't decide what is good, classy entertainment. Instead, we have garbage like Scary Movie and Nutty Professor 2 invading cinemas and making millions. Kudos to the cast, the director, and mostly Melanie. This is a keeper!
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I'm Split!
29 March 2001
I am really split on this film! I love it, but I also hate it at the same time. I like the plot. I thought that it was truly original and I SORT OF liked the way it turn into a musical. Bjork was phenomenal and Catherine Deneuve is better than ever. I guess what really bugged me was the cinematography. I understand that Lars von Triers wanted you to feel as if you were in the movie, but it was so jumpy and the close-ups were annoying and overdone. To add that much to an already highly emotional movie is just a bit over the top.

Not being too much of a Bjork fan (what got into her head as she picked out her dress for the Oscars?Her swan laid an egg in my opinion), i was truly impressed, by both her acting and music. "I've Seen It All" is a truly beautiful and haunting song: it should have won for best song (as much as I liked Bob Dylan's "Things Have Changed).

The ending was quite disturbing, I have to say and I actually had tears in my eyes. You care about the characters throughout the movie. They seem like real people, not charicatures from a Hollywood movie.

In saying this, Lars von Triers impressed me. He had the guts to make an ambitious movie like this and, although he didn't make it work all the time, it was a great movie. But i did loathe parts of this movie. I also wouldn't watch it if you are prone to motion sickness: it will make you nauseate.
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The Mexican (2001)
Great Movie! A very enjoyable experience!
11 March 2001
First of all, The Mexican is nothing like it is advertised. It is violent, dark, but also cute and funny. Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts have great chemistry, but when Julia shares the screen with James Gandolfini, that is when the movie really shines. The story was very original and I liked the way that they incorporated the story of the gun into the movie. I suspect that the only reason people didn't like it is because the previews were misleading.

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15 Minutes (2001)
Darkly Funny and Entertaining, but Robert DeNiro was barely in it!
11 March 2001
15 Minutes was a very good entertaining movie. It kept me on the edge of my seat in suspense, but also tickled my funnybone. It is a social satire with things you wouldn't expect to be laughing at. When peole are murdered, you laugh. Not because someone is being murdered, but because of the whole scenario and why they are being murdered. I enjoyed it alot and so did the people I saw it with.

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8MM (1999)
Indescribably Awful!
11 March 2001
The absolute worst movie I have ever seen (next to Patch Adams and Forrest Gump)! The story could have been told in a less graphic and gruesome manner without having to lose its edge. This is a new low in American cinema! To even think that this film made over $40 million at the box office leads you to wonder if alot of the population is deeply disturbed. I watched about 45 minutes, shut it off, watched the other half the next day, and then took a long shower afterwards. I FELT dirty after watching this! Avoid at all costs! No, strike that, go out and buy it, then burn it!

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Drowning Mona (2000)
23 February 2001
This is a nice piece of fluff that isn't too draining. Bette and the other cast members were funny, but the way the movie was going should have been darker instead of more fluffy.

The wigs were bad, but the movie was enjoyable and well paced. Not bad.

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Isn't This Great?
23 February 2001
True, the other user was right, this movie is a drag queens wet dream. But besides that, it is a sweet film was light, subtle humor.

I guess you either like it or hate it, but how can you not like it? Its never mean spirited or vulgar, its enjoyable. Besides for "Jinxed" (and "The Thorn"-BAD!!!!), I never saw a movie by Bette that I didn't like, and this is no exception. Bette is charming, funny, and sweet. And after seeing this, I hope you think so too.

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A Must See For Bette Fans!
23 February 2001
Bette is great in this movie. The plot is very funny and is even more enjoyable by the actors. How this never got any Oscars is beyond me.

Every time I watch this it just gets funnier and funnier. The humor is handled in such a classy manner and plays out so well that you just have to love it. A great film.

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Saving Grace (2000)
A Gem
22 February 2001
"Saving Grace" is a true gem. A British movie that most people wouldn't dream of picking up. Its funny, well developed, has a good script, and great performances. Whats not to like?

I thought that all of the characters were hysterical, especially Grace and the old biddies that ran the store. Too funny. I'm looking for the DVD because this is certainly one for the home library.

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Entertaining, Funny, and Its John Waters'!
22 February 2001
Being a huge John Waters fan, I loved this movie! But even if I wasn't I still would have enjoyed it. Melanie Griffith has GOT TO BE GIVEN A LOT OF CREDIT for her work in this movie! If her performance didn't convince you that she is hysterically funny, you have something the matter with you. She took a big risk on this movie and it paid off! Kudos.

This is one of those movies where you just have to laugh along with it. Don't take it seriously, don't expect it to be drivel like Gladiator, just watch and enjoy the ride, its a great one!

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Not that bad.
22 February 2001
This movie isn't as bad as people make it out to be, but it isn't great either. The movie was made for children, not adults, so keep that in mind when watching it.

For me, it would have been a tad better without the incredibly lame fart jokes, but thats just me.
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VERY Good Movie!
22 February 2001
This movie was very good! I picked it up after hearing great things about it and I thought it was going to be good, but not as good as it was!

Paul Newman and Linda Fiorentino have marvelous chemistry onscreen, I couldn't take my eyes off of them. The plot was interesting and the movie never dragged.

I was surprised at how clean the movie was. It was never vulgar or mean spirited, which added to its fun.

Go out and get it if you can!

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Little Voice (1998)
Jane Horrocks Is A Star!
22 February 2001
This is a truly sweet little film that I have enjoyed over and over. Jane Horrocks is a star. her impersonations of Garland, Bassey, Monroe, and Holiday are fantastic and dead-on. Truly remarkable.

Brenda Blethyn is one of the better actresses these days than most in Hollywood. Kudos to you. Rent it if you are looking for a few chuckles, a few sobs, and if you want to see a great movie.

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The Rose (1979)
Bette Midler Makes the Movie!
22 February 2001
I sincerely love this movie. Its well made, the storyline and script are both good, and the acting and singing by Bette are truly divine!

Bette's vocals and charismatic acting ability shine through in this movie, which clearly shows the star she really is! After viewing this, I ran out and bought it, thats how good it is.

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Hannibal (2001)
A Superb Black Comedy. Better than the first!
17 February 2001
The only reason that this film has gotten such bad reviews is because people don't understand it. It was never meant to be like the first one and WAS meant to be campy and over the top. The filmmakers knew that if they even tried to make a movie like the first, they would fail miserably. So, they took another route and, boy, it was the right one.

Ridley Scott, Dino Delaurentis, Anthony Hopkins, and Julianne Moore have all CLEARLY stated in numerous interviews that it is supposed to be something for you to be entertained by and to get a chuckle out of.

I think that it is completely unfair to even compare it to the first, which, by itself, was no masterpiece. Lets break the first one down:

Plot: The plot was not anything earth shattering. It was recycled from countless books and five o'clock news programs.

Acting: Anthony Hopkins MADE the movie. The man is the finest actor in history! While Jodie Foster was good, anyone could have played her role. She was too subtle and, in my opinion, didn't fit in with a cast that was anything but subtle.

Script: Nothing spectacular. Most of the dialogue was lifted out of the book and was only made good because of the actors.

Direction: A little annoying sometimes. It got to the point where I was sick of closeups. It was overdone.

Now lets look at the masterpiece that is HANNIBAL:

Plot: Great. Over the top and hysterical! The characters were fleshed out, the scenes in Italy were breathtaking, and they did a better job than the book (with the exception of Margot being cut out!:()

Acting: Beyond words. Anthony Hopkins was fabulous, Julianne Moore was outstanding (AS ALWAYS! Probably the best actress of our time!), Gary Oldman was a hoot,Giancarlo Gianninni was fantastic, and Ray Liotta was great, as he is in every role! One of the best casts ever assembled!

Script: Remarkable. The dialogue never felt strained or fake and made me laugh quite a bit.

Direction: I was spellbound. This is one of Ridley Scott's best films. The scenery, the shots, everything about it was breathtaking. Demme, eat your heart out!

Hannibal packs a punch. Run, jump, leap to see it. Don't look at it as a sequel, its not. Its an entertaining, funny, gory, breathtaking thrill ride that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Thats why I give it an 11 out of 10!

PS: The dinner scene will make you cringe with excitement and laughter!

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17 February 2001
This is a beautiful movie, but only for people that want to see a thought-provoking, thinking persons movie. Sigourney Weaver did such a fantastic job with her role that I literally wanted to cry for her being ROBBED of an Oscar.

This is one of the most realistic movies I've seen. Everything that is in this movie could actually happen, which makes it even more hearbreaking. Julianne Moore and David Strathairn were also robbed of Oscars. I literally cried every moment that Julianne Moore was onscreen; her performance was great. David Strathairn brought an elegance and subtlety to his role.

The ending! Fabulous. It was so full of hope and optimism.

PS: Read the fabulous novel by Jane Hamilton, its just as good!
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Absolutely Fabulous!
13 February 2001
This movie is one of those rare gems. A movie with great, seamless performances, a solid story, and a hysterical script. This is one of those movies that you literally need to rush to the video store to rent.

Elaine May is one the most unrelentingly hilarious woman that is so underrated that it should be a crime. The woman is the definition of FABULOUS.

Tracey Ullman is a goddess. She could read a phone book and make it funny. Thats how good she is!

A MUST see! Rush to the store!
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