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Life & Beth (2022– )
A review I NEVER THOUGHT I'd write
25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Because I was the biggest "hater " (for lack of a better word) of Amy Schumer there ever was . I've seen through her so-called new wave feminist/self deprecating/I love abortions /overly lewd but not in a funny way /im so gross ,don't you find me endearing -schtick from the get-go.especially after i gave her earlier standup a chance and was appalled .Maybe it's because I know about agendas and how they're pushed or maybe it's because I'm from a different era . Either way ,anything with her name attached I throughly avoided . But I was at a loss for a good series to watch & this kept creeping up on my Hulu recommendations & I noticed the guy with beard next to her was my beloved Micheal Cera . This gave me pause and i decided to give it a try. I'm so happy I did ! It's another one of those slow paced shows that can often feel like it's about nothing (think "Baskets"💕) but it's genius lies in the little nuances that make up life's moments . So many moments grabbed me right in the gut , very raw and relatable moments showing the screwed up nature of humans , how our childhoods effect us , how we look for a purpose , how we struggle with finding out our parents are imperfect people , love , relationships, friendships etc. Amy handles it all surprisingly very well and with a maturity I was rather shocked and impressed by. It's definitely showing her growth as a person that she's not overly reliant upon played out tropes of profanity and "shock value ". I found myself crying a few times , especially when she was speaking at her moms (2nd) funeral . I love anything that illustrates how our relationship with our parents shape us . Oh and her best friend Maya is without the doubt the funniest and realest Character ever! Cera is of course in his element playing the autistic farmer John , but that was expected. If any of this sounds like your wheelhouse, give this gem a try. I'm currently yearning for more !
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Finestkind (2023)
Goodness , where do I begin ...
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Instantly I was interested in this film solely Based off seeing Tommy Lee Jones and Ben Foster were starring in it. For me , those two are both some of the best actors in Hollywood, and I've not known them to put out any bs. At first I'm drawn in by these gritty working class characters but I quickly notice that their dialogue was far too rife with quotes. I mean , one here and there is fine , but it' just doesn't feel natural to have every other phrase out of everyone's mouths being one . I don't picture normal people talking like this , especially fishermen from Massachusetts. The movie was all over the place and the ending didn't make me feel relief or happiness , it made me mad because- WHY didn't they just ask the rich dad for the loan IN THE FIRST PLACE and save old man Eldridge from the triple homicide and living out his final painful days of stomach cancer in prison?!?! None of this flick was realistic at all . I kept comparing it to a lifetime movie that managed to score two big name actors . Foster and Jones do what could with the shorty script but it just makes me wonder what they were thinking when they accepting the roles . One of the long time buddies is a heroin addict and they take him to pickup and traffick a large supply of heroin and think nothing bad could come of it ?? I'm sorry , this is first time I've EVER had spoilers in my imbd review but I'm just so put off by this nonsense. I hope it didn't ruin anything for anyone . My advice would be to steer clear of this flick and don't be drawn in by the two leads like I was . Better off watching a Lifetime movie , least we KNOW the cheese factor going into those .
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015–2019)
3 January 2024
For years streaming services tried and tried to suggest this show to me . I looked at the title and photo and scoffed and continued searching. Then one day a couple months ago, I was totally out of escapism and thought I'd give a shot . Instantly I felt it was something different but the more and more time i gave it and the more insanely clever , entertaining and relatable things I heard from these characters, my mind was officially blown. I reached the end of the series and felt so sad to say goodbye to these people. Especially as a woman recently diagnosed with BPD myself , seeing the main character's personality and behaviors displayed on screen was incredible. The musical numbers are so clever they don't take away from the stories whatsoever, only add to it . In fact, they've become my favorite thing to listen to and I am thankful to YouTube for having them all on a playlist. Yeah sure , it gets a little wokety woke , but honestly the way they do it is so much like simultaneous mockery while preaching , that I don't mind it one bit. It also gets rather serious with some of the issues too which I appreciate because- that's life . The friendship between her and Paula is one that I'd love to have in my life, and I love it . I also love the realistic nature of how Paula's life /marriage/family was displayed. This way it wasn't all 100% conventionally beautiful people in these picture perfect lives . Everyone on the show , writers especially are INCREDIBLY TALENTED and I cannot stop Re watching this epic show.
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Sprung (2022– )
Another gem from Greg Garcia
24 September 2023
One of the best shows out ! I typically have high hopes with Garcia's name attached to a show . Thought maybe he had started slippin when I watched entire season of The Guest Book , i watched it all but never laughed out loud once . Sprung has a genius premise and a stellar cast that has amazing chemistry. One of the reasons Garcia vehicles are so popular is their relatability. He makes stories about people and situations that actually happen. Martha Plimpton is by far the standout but all the characters bring something to the table, Melvin too . If they don't bring us a second season I will be so disappointed.
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Typical McBride vehicle
9 July 2023
Like the last reviewer I tried and tried but found this show increasingly difficult to watch because the characters are ALL so deplorable. Just like every Danny McBride vehicle before it , I can sum it up very easily: Grown ups behaving like children. In this spoiled rotten , idiotic children . I had to turn off 1st season because Edi Patterson's "Judy" was just SO grating every single time she opened her mouth. I don't enjoy schadenfreude and this is pretty much all this show contains honestly . I loved the concept of parody of the fake Christian mega church types but this is lacking in any kind of redeeming qualities/character/storylines. I laughed out loud a few times but more so I found myself thinking "gosh I really hope there aren't this many morons out here in the world -especially on television influencing the masses." The only saving grace is always the infallible Walton Goggins, a true master of his craft, he kills every role he plays and Baby Billy is no exception. I really wanted to love this show because I only have 2 seasons of "Loudermilk " to replay as my comfort show every week , but again , redemption is present there. This is toilet humor at its best I guess you could say...
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You're the Worst (2014–2019)
Going down in my book as a classic
3 June 2023
True , the basic premise is essentially the basic premise of 95% of cinema and television nowadays: horrible people doing horrible things; but yet somehow it was still able to capture my attention and my heart .Even just the mentioning of Jimmy's full name makes me laugh . He's so odd , so pretentious , so unabashedly blunt to anyone and everyone he encounters. And Gretchen , good god , what a fascinating character! Their crazy modern day relationship with Los Angeles as the backdrop will make you feel not so bad about your own life and transgressions, ha ! These people put it allllllll out there , trust me ! But my favorite character has got to be the beautiful Kether Donahue as the dingbat sidekick Lindsey , I loathed the way she treated Paul (who was probably the best person on the entire show ) and dislike the way that all went down , and yet again, somehow she still manages to make me giggle . I have to fast forward through all the scenes with Rebecca and her mentally challenged husband who I'm supposed to believe is a doctor , there was nothing funny about them whatsoever, just dumb and awful .

But this show is most definitely a hidden gem that didn't get the promotion it deserved from Fx. If you dig really dark comedies about a**holes , then give this a try.
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Loudermilk (2017–2020)
This is undoubtedly one of the best things I've ever watched
23 May 2023
I just stumbled upon this hidden gem and I've binged entire series in less than a week. The role Livingston was born to play, he embodies Sam . And the more you watch the show and the characters develop, the more you find them relatable and 3 dimensional . For me personally I really fell in love with Will Sasso , he's got a great personality, hard to put into words honestly . Can't believe they just left the show hanging like that and cancelled it;Seems to happen to all the quality material out there . I really hope some other network or streaming service picks it up because this is a fantastic series, I'm going through withdrawals right now since I just finished the last episode.
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SMILF (2017–2019)
This is one of the best series I've ever seen
17 January 2023
I watched it when it first premiered and I loved it then , I remembered there being moments that were so raw and so realistic I was sitting there bawling my eyes out. Just finished rewatching it and I had to come and write a review it was THAT GOOD. I didn't think I was going to be able to make it through some scenes because I don't care for the whole "I don't need a man " modern day narrative , and not just that but the way the main character treats her mom at times grinds my gears . However, I've also never seen a more ACCURATE portrayal of a mother -daughter relationship depicted in shows or movies !i don't care much for the main character, this is a show where the supporting cast shines and makes it stellar . There wasn't one scene where Rosie O'Donnell didn't absolutely NAIL IT as the long suffering , bipolar , "Southie " mom . Seriously , she' deserves all the accolades as Tutu! And I'd kill for a best friend like Brigettes , she's amazing too . It makes me sad that there's no more seasons coming , because this show is truly a hidden gem .
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No Tomorrow (2016–2017)
So I had to see what all the good reviews were about...
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
And the people are RIGHT ! NO wonder endless streaming sites tried to recommend this show to me in the past. I regret ignoring it , but it has also been great having this amazing show to binge now , and I've really run out of things to watch lately so it's been perfect . I totally agree with everyone else that this cast and the overall vibe of the show is so good and so addictive that it's frustrating to only have ONE SEASON. But at least it does seem as though it was always designed to only be one season because of the way it gets wrapped up at the end . I laughed out loud many times , (mostly at Hank and his shenanigans) the writing is extremely clever and every character brings their own flavor to the mix . The actress portraying Evie is perfect at playing the sweet , genuine main character, she is incredibly endearing . I hate when it comes to the end , this is probably my favorite show of all time now , and sadly , no one has ever heard of it .
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Holiday in Handcuffs (2006 TV Movie)
Add this one to the list of Hallmark Xmas classics !
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Right from the get-go I felt something incredibly different about this movie, instantly I knew it was not your standard Hallmark fare . Maybe it tapped into my nostalgia by hearing Melissa Joan Hart voiceover, and growing up on Clarissa explains it all. I don't know what it was but everything about it just works, and I personally think Melissa is an amazing actress so no matter what she's working with she pulls it off. And I love how the main character of the movie Trudy, isn't living this ultra perfect life with a professional corporate career where she's trying to get a promotion from I mean boss, Trudy is a free spirit and her life is not necessarily "perfect " , I think more People can relate to that and they can the cookie cutter backgrounds of these other movies. I love Markie Post too , so I was delighted to see her playing the Type A mom , trapped in a loveless marriage , pondering her life choices . Yes , what other reviewer's are saying is true, the basic premise of the movie doesn't necessarily age very well and certainly isn't very realistic, but that's also a facet of these movies that people tend to look forward to as well -that little bit of outrageous fantasy. I'm about to put this on in the background and listen to while I clean, I loved it THAT MUCH. Recommending to all my friends who dig this genre .
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Like a car crash you can't turn away from
28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a film school graduate or even a wrestling fanatic, I am , however , intrigued by the seedy underbelly of wrestling and watching rampant narcissistic/megalomaniacal characters at work . And this is most definitely that ! It was clear to me in the first five minutes of watching that this Teddy guy just HAD to be a disgrace to his family's wrestling dynasty and probably professional wrestling in general. I was tickled by the added meow factor with the so called "show cat" "breeding and training " , why does it seem like all good villains have cats ? Haha 😆 Anyway , I absolutely believe the womens account's of his abuse , anybody with half a brain could watch the footage and see how highly toxic and manipulative teddy is . My heart goes out to Samathas family , she seemed like a sweet girl who crossed paths with the wrong man . He definitely knows more than he is letting on , to me, his recent interviews showcased a person who was on some heavy drugs . But I could be wrong , weed can be pretty strong nowadays too ... but he just seemed so erratic. Either way , it kept my attention for the entire 3 episodes. I do hope at some point, that family finds closure , what a tragedy .
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Dirty Love (2005)
Don't go into expecting greatness
5 November 2022
This movie was the epitome of a car crash, I was Simply mesmerized and baffled at how bad it was, YET , I couldn't stop watching it! Yes ! I finished it and even worse -wanted more . You just gotta go into knowing it's the quintessential "B-movie " type and to absolutely NOT take it seriously whatsoever. Everything about it, especially Jenny McCarthys acting is over the top. The part I found Embarrassingly bad yet also entertaining and funny, was Carmen Electra's character, so many cringe moments with that yet again everything about the movie being so bizarrely bad, made it very hard to look away. I'm also someone who is very much into anything that has any type of 90s early 2000s nostalgia and everything about this movie embodied that particular era, especially the fashion. Plus I love anything that is pretty smart phone arrow where people are not driven by social media and glued to their phones. But again do not go into this expecting anything great in fact I hate-watched it, and here I am about to watch it again while I do the dishes, like another reviewer said have a sense of humor and don't take it seriously and it's a Bizzarre yet entertaining watch.
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Ahead of it's time!
28 October 2022
Good god I forgot how absolutely amazing this show is ! Clever , witty , well written, well acted , absolute GENIUS! First watched it years ago when it first got cancelled and loved it . Came back to rewatch it and wasn't sure if I'd like it , as my perception has changed since my last visit, but my goodness , comedy THIS STELLAR is timeless , honestly the best comedy I've ever had the pleasure of viewing . I think I'll keep it on permanent rotation since it makes me laugh out loud. This cast is unmatched ! Kristin Ritter as Chloe is hilarious and June , Luther and James Van Der Beek as himself = comedic GOLD . Watch this !
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Letterkenny (2016–2023)
9 January 2022
It took me a while to finally give this one a shot, a few friends recommended it but I was weary . Then one day I couldn't find anything good to watch and I tried Letterkenny. At first I was skeptical, but by the end of the first episode, I WAS HOOKED ! I couldn't believe what I was watching and hearing , the witty fast paced Canadian repartee, the unexpected topics they discuss (that they all seem to be highly knowledgeable on) , I was so mad at myself for waiting so long to watch it . This show will live sown in infamy as one of the greats , and "THATS a Texas size 10-4 "!
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The Other Two (2019–2023)
HILARIOUS ingenious parody of the entertainment industry!
5 January 2022
I wanted to dislike the show , it's Comedy Central fare after all , but it's actually become one of my all time favorites. Yes it's extremely crude and I could do without the incessant references to the bum. But I guess you could say this appeals to my juvenile side slightly , then on the other hand , it's actually quite genius the way it pokes fun at this narcissistic technocratic climate , where everyone's worth is determined by the media , especially social media. Molly Shannon never disappoints, but the character Brooke is clearly the standout here , she has so many laugh out loud lines it's insane . I hate that the episodes are only a half hour because I breeze through the rewatches way too quickly . Idk if another season is coming , but damn I HOPE SO !
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Bob Hearts Abishola (2019–2024)
This is a great show
29 December 2020
I see a lot of positive reviews, and yet a low 6.6 rating ? Seems odd. With the exception of Bob's family the cast is absolutely perfect and I enjoy the show very much., but then again, I'm typically a fan of most Chuck Lorre vehicles (BBT, Mom , TAAHM, )Oh, and I enjoy seeing the differences in culture as well . Fantastic lead actress ! Hope they renew this for more seasons to come , it's a refreshing combination, rather than the same ol same ol.
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Bob Hearts Abishola (2019–2024)
It's a good show about good people
17 December 2020
I admit , I was dubious about the show before I gave it a shot , the plot sounded absurd . But I have a dirty little secret , and that's that (apparently ) I LOVE Chuck Lorre productions . Almost all my favorite sitcoms just so happen to be produced and /or written by the guy , so when I saw his name attached , that's what made me think it may work . Instantly I enjoyed the Nigerians , especially Abishola's friend at work and her aunt and uncle . I find it fascinating to see just how many ways their culture differs from American . Sadly , I could really do without Bob's family , as they are the absolute LEAST funny aspect of the show , sometimes ill even fast forward through their parts . But yeah, if you're on the fence about watching it , I say give it a try, it's pretty funny . I enjoy watching their relationship progress and getting to know more about Nigerian culture .
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Monk (2002–2009)
Stellar Mystery series
11 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute classic comedy/crime show , perfect to binge watch with your comfy pants and comfy blankets, the show itself is comforting too , I think it might due to the pre-smartphone/social media zombification of man era; (for me) nothing beats that early 2000s nostalgia. Don't get me wrong, Adrian is a total jerk and I highly doubt he'd make it that far IRL with the way he treats people - & lets face it : Tony Shaloub completely NAILS this role .And I guess , *shrugs* ,since it is television after all , realistic isn't exactly what they're striving for, so he has good people in his life that put up with his quirks and his all out nonsense. Personally , I'm a Sharona fan , and I really dislike that she ends up leaving the show . She countered Monks rigidity and neurosis so perfectly .
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Community (2009–2015)
Something unique and special
24 April 2020
Tried this show years ago and didn't get it . Gave it another try six months ago and noticed a lot more , then it slowly began to hit me that this show is ACTUALLY pure comedic genius , like nothing I've ever watched before, so I can't even compare it with anything. My husband doesn't get it , so maybe it's not for everyone , you gotta have a certain kind of sense of humor to vibe with it. But it's most definitely a fun binge for those of us that do . My favorite episode is "meow meow beans "and my favorite character is the wacky dean . The song "Getting Rid of Britta " is a banger and will live on in infamy.
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Dave (2020– )
19 March 2020
Wanted to hate it but ... it made me laugh out loud.
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Family Guy (1999– )
Once a classic show , has now jumped the shark
2 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This used to be a go-to show that my family and I could laugh at together, we looked forward to new episodes. But idk what happened, either they've run out of ideas , fired ,but something's gone awry here. Keeping watching the new seasons HOPING for a laugh but to no avail .Might just be time to pack it in and call it quits
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An iconic show that stands the test of time
4 February 2020
This is one of those rare shows that has it all . So much so that I even invested in the dvd box set ! Like many of the other reviews state , it hooks you in from the very first episode. I never gave it a chance when it first aired back in 2004 ; I dismissed it as a ridiculous soap opera . However, one episode in and you'll KNOW that this is no ORDINARY soap opera, it's soaps on steroids ! Brilliantly written characters, brilliantly acted actors and an absolutely ICONIC cinematography, and that's the truth , people get into the show and (like myself ) become obsessed with the picturesque neighborhood(then get let down when you google it and find out it's actually a famous set - same one from "The Burbs" I believe) . And yes , the women are depicted doing deplorable things and so there's No denying that . But it's just the RIGHT AMOUNT of dirty and campy to still be classified a classic . Give it a watch ... see what all the fuss is about ...
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Honestly I think the older brother and the twin sister steals the show
21 January 2020
While I agree with the criticisms other reviewers have said about young Sheldon , I enjoy the supporting cast very much especially MeeMaw and Georgie . I'm guessing the creators couldn't manage to snag Laurie Metcalf for her iconic role as Mary Cooper , which makes for the very big shoes to fill (her real life daughter does however, do a good job) .... Anyway , good clean family viewing is very far and few in between so I'm grateful for this show .
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You (2018–2024)
Pulls you in ! One of the best shows I've ever seen
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Started this Netflix original this morning, didn't have the highest expectations , but I gotta say... I'm throughly ENTHRALLED with this story . I enjoy the narration very much and Find myself agreeing so much with the protagonist's views on "this generation " , especially as he dissects the modern day female . Anyway , every single minute of every episode has my attention , and that's RARE with a television show. Haven't made it to second season yet so idk what all these other reviewers are talking about.

Edit : season 2 starts off a little slow... BUT whew ! It's gets GOOD , I was on the edge of my seat and I haven't been like that over anything on the screen since Breaking Bad ! Highly recommended!

Edit season 3: getting a little out there but could stay watching UNTIL Netflix had to ruin it with their wokety-woke anti Vax agenda /propaganda!!!!!! Guess that's how they keep their funding from the establishment. Had to skip those episodes all together as well as any scene with Sherry in it . Two main actors still Killin though.
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Tried so hard to love it
19 December 2019
Main character isnt likable, let's face it . The concept was great, inspiring even , supporting cast was stellar . BUT ,damn, I tried three times to finish it and each time had to shut it off due to Brittanys unabashed cruelty to all the incredibly wonderful and supportive people in her life. . Makes me wonder if there's not some covert agenda to normalize toxic behaviors and people because I SURE DO happen to see this trend quite a lot . Let's not make sociopathy the norm people , were all better than that . Concept and supporting cast is aces but the protagonist is straight garbage .
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