
11 Reviews
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Blade Runner 2049
13 March 2023
This is one of the few times where the sequel is better than the original. Although, it needs the original for many reasons, it does everything twice as good. The plot has more of a connection to our protagonist than the first one did with Deckard. And for that, it keeps the film attracting. The theme of having a protagonist actually matter when he feels like he doesn't is what makes him so likable and even relatable. Everyone gives a great performance but Ryan Gosling is just amazing and gives some chilling scenes. The dialogue, like the first one, is realistic to keep you in the moment but it is a quiet film overall. Easily some of the best cinematography I've seen. The pacing may feel slow to some and it is a long film but it shouldn't bother most. Great blend of practical and special effects like its predecessor. The sound fits with its surroundings. Great score like the first one and again, being one of the better parts of the film. Denis Villeneuve did a perfect job with the Blade Runner sequel and I would easily call this film a masterpiece and one of a kind.

10/10. A+.
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Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner
13 March 2023
The lore of Blade Runner is rich but the plot is simple enough to keep the majority of audiences engaged. The theme is humans destroying everything we touch because we think we're superior to everything else. Some may argue that we are, but the characters of the film were man made and yet they still live in fear from us. Even though these man made characters were not in the right they still have their reasons for their actions. Harrison Ford and the rest of the cast all give great performances. The actor that stands out the most would be Rutger Hauer as Roy Batty. Watch the film and you'll know why. The dialogue and writing is realistic to keep you in the scenes and moments. The cinematography still definitely holds up and looks beautiful. The editing and pacing is good enough and no scene is too long or too short. The effects hold up and especially when it's practical. Sound is awesome and fits in with its futuristic surroundings and feel. The score is one of the better things of the film. Ridley Scott did a great job with Blade Runner. While this may not be one of my favorites, I still recommend it for those who haven't seen it yet.

9/10. A-.
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The Avengers (2012)
Will never be lower than a 10!
6 September 2022
The culmination of the first 5 movies. Here we have all the heroes we've seen so far come together for an epic battle against a returning and likable villain. If you're watching the MCU for the first time then this is truly the most epic story and will be the most epic in the MCU for a while. It's incredibly attracting mainly because of the character interactions with the theme of teamwork. The acting is incredible and everyone does their part at keeping the movie going with the team's chemistry. The dialogue is awesome keeping the movie in a lighter tone until the movie starts to pick up. So the movie is never boring. The cinematography is amazing and has the 2012 feel to it without being to cheesy. The pacing of the movie is great and no scene is longer or shorter than it should be. The effects still hold up. The sound is good and the music and score is insanely awesome! While not being a fan of Joss Whedon, I'll still give him my applause for making a perfect crossover. This movie is truly one of a kind! 10/10. A+.
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6 September 2022
This is the film where the MCU started building its tone and story. It's a great origin story as it takes us back to the 40's to meet the first Avenger which keeps you engaged in a theme of love for others and America! The cast and acting is great along with great dialogue of happiness and sadness. The cinematography makes the movie feel more in place with the rest of the MCU. The editing is perfect and makes slower scenes not feel to slow and keeps pushing the story. The effects still hold to today with great sound, especially for the shield. The music and theme is perfect because it fits the American patriot tone and is even used many times in later MCU movies. Joe Johnston did a great job introducing Cap to the MCU. I wouldn't say this sticks out but is the perfect movie to make before the Avengers! 9.0/10. A-.
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Thor (2011)
This is Thor!
6 September 2022
This is Thor! Not the guy in Ragnarok and Love and Thunder. The plot for this movie is a simple and easy to follow movie with a like able villain. I will say the movie did not have me engaged. The theme is the generic "Who am I? What's my potential?" theme. The acting and dialogue is good. And the editing is well paced and the effects are good for 2011. I love the music as it fits the cosmic and mythology side of things. There's not much to say about this other than it's good but has flaws. The Thor franchise is my least favorite in the MCU though. But I'd say Kenneth Branagh did a decent job at introducing Thor into the MCU. Not one of a kind or anything special though. Definitely watch this for the Avengers though! 7.5/10. C.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Another unpopular opinion.
6 September 2022
So... about this movie... I think it's actually great. There are a lot of plots but I don't think any of them are bad but they don't really connect and that's my biggest problem. You have about 3 major plots and one is there to serve the villain. Another to try and bring higher stakes to Tony's life. The last is trying to set up the Avengers, but they're not bad but it all could've been handled a little better. It is attracting and a fun watch. The theme I get out of it is love and to protect the ones you do. The acting is great like the first one. Great and funny dialogue. The cinematography is better than the first but still an out of place movie in the MCU. The pacing is good and the effects are still phenomenal! The sound is also great in its fighting sequences and the music and score is great! I'd say Jon Favreau brought another enjoyable MCU movie to the table but not one of a kind. 8.5/10. B.
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As bad as people say?
6 September 2022
Is this movie really bad? No. It is flawed though. To many, this may even be the worst film in the MCU. The story isn't what you'd probably expect since it's the first time Hulk is in the MCU and not being an origin story. The story is still good and engaging as Bruce Banner is being hunted by the government. The theme isn't really clear and I have to guess what it is. I'm thinking acceptance? The acting seems off but it feels like it's more on the director. The cast is great but some ways lines that were delivered could've been fixed and redone. Like Iron Man, the cinematography may make the movie feel out of place from the MCU. In fact, it is the most out of place feeling movie in the MCU, mainly because of Norton's recast to Mark Ruffalo. The pacing is fine and the effects still hold up from 2008, some things are even noticeably practical which is a good thing. The sound is good but I'm not a fan of the music and score. We can say Louis Leterrier did a decent job at bringing Hulk into the MCU. Wouldn't say one of a kind though. 7.0/10. C-.
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Iron Man (2008)
The perfect character to start with?
6 September 2022
Is Tony Stark/Iron Man the perfect character to start the MCU with? Yes. It sets up so much and is the perfect origin story. It's a mature story but still available for all ages. We see Tony become Iron Man after a huge event and his change from Arrogant to responsible. It's really engaging mostly because of the characters. And similar to Spider-Man 2002, the theme of this movie is responsibility after being so arrogant. The dialogue is great and funny, fitting Tony Starks personality. You can tell by the cinematography, the movie is older and makes it feel out of place from the modern MCU but that's how the first 3 films feel. The story moves smoothly and the effects hold up to this day and even looks better than what we have in the MCU now. The sound is amazing and the music is good too. Jon Favreau did a great job at kickstarting the MCU. This movie is one of a kind and especially in the MCU and comic book genre. 10/10. A+.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Not good as the first two, but still great!
5 September 2022
My opinion is unpopular, but hear me out. The story is my least favorite out of the three but it's still good considering Sam Raimi was forced to add a storyline he didn't want to. The only villain was supposed to be Sandman but he was forced to add Venom. If you ask me, the Venom storyline is just as good as the Sandman side of the story. It also has more stakes than the first two. It's still as attracting as the first two. It also keeps its responsibility theme. The acting is still great considering the dialogue and certain scenes (the fans know what I'm talking about) can be pretty corny. The cinematography is really similar to the 2nd movie while both of them are very different from the 1st. The editing and pacing is similar to the 2nd even though some scenes just shouldn't be in there at all. The effects are still great! And it's sound, especially for Venoms screeching is awesome. And of course... it keeps the amazing and iconic score. While I wouldn't say it's one of a kind like the first two, Sam still did an amazing job after what he was given. 9.0/10! A-.
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
The greatest sequel of all time!
5 September 2022
This story has everything the first one had but with more. The choices from the original are now consequences in this one. The villain is just as iconic as Green Goblin and again, has a personal relationship with Peter to add extra emotional weight. So if you ask me, this one doubles everything the first one did, and the first one was already flawless. It's just as attracting as the first one and will have you engaged, Spider-Man fan or not since there's action and drama. The theme still focuses on responsibility as does the 3rd one. The acting is still great with less cheesy dialogue than the first. The cinematography improves in my opinion and seems more cinematic and dramatic. The editing and pacing takes a little more time but fits all its scenes perfectly. With great sound and keeping the iconic theme. Sam Raimi improved on what was already flawless and is truly one of a kind. 10/10. A+.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Not just a great comic book movie, but a great movie in general.
5 September 2022
Classic! It's a simple origin story that leads into a rivalry between Peter Parker/ Spider-Man and one of his most iconic foes the Green Goblin. The movie gets more intense as it goes on while also being a 50/50 spilt with Peter Parker's personal life. Very easy to follow. If you want to keep your kid busy for two hours, put this on for them, but you'll probably be just as engaged as they will be. The theme is also very recognizable. What makes Spider-Man so great is that he learns responsibility after many mistakes, which makes him relatable. The acting is great while the dialogue is cheesy, but that's what you'll get out of any early 2000 comic book movie. The cinematography is great too, but you'll probably see it improved in the 2nd and 3rd movie, at least in my opinion. It's fast paced and great and iconic scenes just keep coming one after another. The effects look good for its time but nothing mind blowing. Great sound and the score is iconic and one of the best themes for a superhero. Sam Raimi knew how to do Spider-Man right and this movie is truly one of its kind. 10/10. A+.
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