
16 Reviews
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No Country For Old Slashers
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Slasher movies. What happened? They used to be as fun as they were scary.

With any slasher flick, it can easily be said that "some of the kills were awesome", but that doesn't make a slasher great. Some of the kills, however few, were cool, but out of place. The movie didn't have as much excitement that built up the kills within.

The movie follows the killer throughout most of the movie, so we don't get to see enough of the victims before their deaths to love or hate them. To hope they die or survive. This made me just hate them.

There is definitely a comparison to Friday the 13th, which is what drew me to even want to see it. The trailer was so compelling that I went to the theater to see it. I really feel it was a waste of time that I could've just waited for its release on Shudder for. At least, I could've just turned it off and put on a tried and true slasher flick I'd seen 8,000 times before.

It was boring. There was no excitement. There was no, "Don't go in there!!!" moments. No, "RUN!!" moments. Nothing that could make anyone sit on the edge of their seats, biting their nails in anticipation of what's happening next.

The end was just a long, drawn out driving scene where a woman picks up the remaining survivor and just rambles on about nothing for about 20 minutes. The movie could've been 20 minutes shorter had it been left out, and it still would've been the same boring, disappointing movie.

It really is a shame that I've gone to the movies numerous times within the last few years in anticipation of a good horror movie just to be let down time and time again. As far as the most disappointing movies I had anticipated and ended up disappointed, 2022 had Halloween Ends. 2023 had Skinamarink, and 2024 goes to In A Violent Nature. There, of course, are more movies in between, but there have been the biggest in the last 3 years.
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Way To Destroy A Classic.
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As with every movie that is a remake, or a sequel 40-50 years later, this movie didn't just fall short. It fell past the depths of hell and so far from what we know of the original movies that hell wouldn't even want it.

We all know the story of Damien. We know, for the most part, how he came to be. This movie did what every movie does and added in effects that didn't need to be there. We never saw the devil. We never saw any creatures. We just knew what Damien was and what he could do.

This movie just HAD to add in special effects because, I feel, the director didn't think that the audience could handle using their imagination to understand what was happening unless they did add those effects.

Father Brennan makes an appearance. Yeah. Remember him? The priest who was also a son of the devil and had the mark. What was even the point of including his character and not making it known? Oh yeah! To make more sequels and further flush the franchise down the toilet with stories of the devil's daughter. His daughter? Delia? No. Not the kid from part 4. Damien's twin sister. That's right. Now we can look forward to more Omen flicks about the mother who didn't die and Damien's surviving twin sister. And MAYBE Father Brennan will reveal himself to them in the next movie.

It's understandable to create the story of how Damien came to be, but calling it The First Omen is misleading when we know there was another, older child of satan battling his "demons" to renounce who he is.

This movie was just so far from what we knew about the original story. Such a horrible fail at trying to revive a classic that didn't need it. It changes the story completely. Just leave the classics alone.

This movie, and inevitable sequels to follow, should not be. This makes part 4 and the 2006 remake more tolerable.
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Powerful & Important
5 July 2023
This was a tough movie to watch. It wasn't graphic, but to see, to an extent, what Tim Ballard saw, really hits right in the heart. The children in the movie were phenomenal actors is helping to understand the innocence and fear that one would go through in being in that situation.

My heart went out to each one of them, yet still hurts knowing that they are just actors and there are actual children being sold everyday.

There is a great understanding of what Tim Ballard went through to save the children he did. The sacrifice. The pain, and the darkness that lies within the hearts of people that would take children and destroy their souls and lives.

I give this movie a high rating because it wasn't just a good movie, it was a wake up call to all people that there are atrocities occurring everyday towards children and it needs to stop. I appreciate everything this movie sets out to accomplish and it was so well done. It wasn't graphic, but it told the story that needed to be told the way it needed to be told.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
You wanna get nuts? See a different movie.
21 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I decided, against my better judgement, to see this movie. Luckily, I have a monthly movie pass to basically see for free, and it was only $7 for my friend.

I would've been totally disappointed had I spent more than the service fee for my ticket and $7 for my friend.

This movie just doesn't do it. The story was kind of there, but executed so poorly.

The kid in me wasn't even THAT excited for Keaton back as Batman. THAT was a DC movie. The magic of that first Keaton movie surpasses this by miles. Back when actual people did actual stunts and had to build actual sets and props.

This was just a CGI nightmare. CGI fighting scenes that made the characters look cartooninsh. Especially, Super Girl. She was so stiff for her fighting scenes and it just looked so bad. Ezra Miller, when standing next to Ezra Miller had a computer generated face while the other was the actual Ezra and made the CGI mustache covering of Superman's lip look perfect in comparison. The acting abilities of both The Flash and Super Girl were just atrocious. I don't think either of them has any real skill in acting and making me believe they are the character they portray.

Keaton as Batman, again, should've been an epic event, but even HE couldn't save this movie from being so poorly made.

SPOILERS: When time kept going back, they showed different characters from different DC universes of older movies that we remember. Even from one that never released. It was cool, but at the same time, it was so egregious because it was all done in CGI and didn't use actual footage of the heroes from the past...which made no sense since one was in black & white.

The ending also made little sense and the after credits scene was nothing. Didn't give any invite to what May come. It wasn't anything more than just to have an extra scene that means absolutely nothing...much like this movie.
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Last Chance for MCU.
5 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For me, this could've been MCU's saving grace. Having the last bunch of movies be utterly terrible, I thought I'd be able to count on this movie to bring it back up. No. It didn't. I really wanted to love this movie, but the sheer stupidity within the movie made that really hard.

I love Rocket, but had very little care for his origin story. Drax is still hilarious, and made me laugh, but the rest of the movie was just too ridiculous.

They introduced Adam Warlock and he was a bumbling idiot. That's not how he's supposed to be. How many idiotic characters are there going to be in the MCU. None of them have that seriousness that balances out the shift of comedy and drama anymore.

They built up something incredibly amazing with the MCU just to burn it down.

There was nearly nothing that entertained me the way I'm used to from MCU movies.

Sure, Rocket's past is sad, but too much time was spent telling that story.

It just felt like they took a bunch of ideas, threw them into a bucket, pulled a few out and made a story out of it.

MCU lost a loyal fan, today. I'm sick of spending my money and time rushing to see these movies and they don't cater to the fans anymore. These movies really dropped so hard from what they used to be. I lost any care for the characters that I had in prior years.
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Creed III (2023)
Decent, but not the best.
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was good. Definitely not the best in the franchise. Seeing past characters return made for a fun nod and fan service.

Seeing Creed beat the dude from the first movie was cool.

Having Drago humbled enough from the events of Part 2 to be a sparring partner and friend to Creed added a sweet little element to it. Knowing that the man actually has a heart inside that rock hard chest just made it all the more appreciated.

Next, old criminal friend comes back to town and desires a shot at the belt. A shot at a life he would've had if he didn't go to prison. A life that he should've had...Not Creed.

He stages an attack on the actual champ to put him out of commission for his next title fight, so naturally, this recently released criminal would get his first professional fight as a title shot.

Makes total sense.

The story is pretty corny considering a man gets his first title shot right out the box, but the rivalry is what made the movie definitely wasn't the acting.

Jonathan Majors. The so-called, most charismatic man in Hollywood? I don't know. I heard someone say that... I feel any actor could've played that part and it would've been the same movie. Possibly, better. He over acted in many of his scenes whereas, while he was trying to keep an angry, tough-guy face, he really just looked like he sniffed something awful...and that was for the whole movie. There really isn't anything particularly special about his acting ability from what I can tell. Just seems more like the type of acting you'd find in a free Tubi movie. BUT that didn't make me hate the movie. Just a bit annoyed.

And of course, Creed's adorable little daughter, who we find out in part 2, is deaf. She's a sweet girl and loves and respects her father and learns a lot from what he does. So much so, she knocks a girl out in class for messing with her art project. THIS I feel is eluding to where the franchise is going to end up if there still is a future in it.

And finally, I walked into this knowing that Rocky, the man, the myth, the legend, the man who built this franchise would not be present. I didn't walk in reluctantly while knowing that, and not basing my review on it either. Of course, seeing Stallone on screen is something I love seeing, especially as the classic character, Rocky Balboa. I didn't think his presence would have any bearing on whether or not the movie was good, or not, but the thing is, while I'm giving it as many stars as I did, I'll never know if the movie could've been better with him.

Overall, the movie was enjoyable. I'll keep Creed II as my favorite in this (as of now) trilogy.
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What happened?
5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from Paul Rudd having a romantic relationship with someone who looks exactly like him in this movie, this has been such a bad installment to, not only the Antman franchise, but to the MCU, PERIOD.

Then again, most movies from the MCU in the past few years have not been up to par with their predecessors.

Into the Quantum Realm... we get Disney crossing their franchises and making another terrible Star Wars movie. There really wasn't much fun in this movie as the previous ones. I love Antman and was so excited when they first introduced him, and they totally dumped on it.

Modok...REALLY!?! How did they put that out like that? Terminator 2 was released before CGI took over the movie industry and had WAY better looking CGI than this.

Kang. He was cool, but there has been so much buzz around his the actor stole the show with his portrayal, but I think anyone in that role would've made the movie exactly the same.

Michael Peñ NOT in the movie which has been such a great addition to each of the other Antman movies and an absolute fan favorite...but it seems the fans aren't who they're trying to please, here.

Cassie...whatever. Really nothing particularly special about her character or the actress, herself.

Seriously...SERIOUSLY just so disappointed in what Marvel has been doing lately. Just ruining everything.
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One of the worst fan films I've ever seen.
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge fan of the Friday the 13th franchise. More specifically, part 7. When I saw there was a fan film made to follow it, I jumped into it...and boy, was I disappointed.

I don't expect a cinema masterpiece when watching a fan film, but I do understand that fan films are made for fans, by fans, which is what made this film so incredibly terrible. I would think that a fan would know how to follow up a great movie with something that could be worthy of its base idea.

Given the fact that some of the cast from part 7 joined in to make this film, I was sure that it would have helped it to be great, but somehow, that was wrong, too.

The story wasn't good. The acting was even worse, and the fact that in making this, they thought it would be a real treat to have Michael Myers appear.

Dead wrong. It made absolutely no sense. At least the Michael vs Jason fan film was good and it made sense. This was just putting Michael Myers in it just because. He seriously had no place in this film.

From what I understand , this was a fan funded film (kickstarter, IndieGoGo, etc.). I would be so angry if I actually invested money into this because it was terrible. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to ask for my money back, and would have to take a loss, but I would be incredibly angry and wouldn't invest any more money into anything these people make, ever again.
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Skinamarink (2022)
Worst Film of the Year.
19 January 2023
Now, I know that this movie technically released in 2022, but didn't come to theaters until 2023. In the second week of January, Skinamarink hits theaters, and is the worst movie of 2023.

It played on Friday the 13th, no less. In the same theater I saw this, Friday the 13th part 6 was playing 2 hours later. Figuring that F13 was a later movie, and I'd seen it numerous times, why not check out a new movie?

I figured wrong.

This is definitely the worst movie I've sat through in my entire life...and that's even after sitting through Pet Sematary 2019, and Halloween Ends.

This movie was filmed like a child was trying out his dad's camcorder and didn't properly know how to use it. As if he held the camera in one place, and moved his head instead of the camera, thinking he was recording what his own eyes see.

There was no storyline. There was no acting. There were barely any faces. There were about 5 unnecessary jump scares, as in, nothing at all was happening when there was just a jump scare for the sake of calling it a horror movie.

I don't think I ever walked out at the end of a movie where the audience was in complete silence trying to have this abomination that passes as cinema sink in. I also don't think I finished a movie and had been as angry as I was to have wasted my time actually going to a theater in hopes of actually seeing a scary movie.

Just watch the trailer over and over and it will basically have the same effect as the actual movie. The trailer, though intriguing, and leaves you with a desire to see it just to know what it's about, is exactly what the movie's about...nothing.
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Visually amazing. Bland story.
20 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really want to give this movie a higher score, but I know that visual effects aren't what make a movie. I'm a huge 3D fan and if you are, too, this is some of the best I've seen. The scenery and underwater scenes were amazing as were the underwater creatures.

The story, itself, was quite bland. There weren't really any characters that I liked in this. Especially, the new character, Spider. Just picture Takashi 69 if he made better life decisions, but still annoying.

So many unneeded scenes that were way too drawn out.

Hey. Here's a montage of a kid becoming friends with a giant whale creature. Not enough? Here's another one.

Here's a new girl who has powers underwater, but we're not going to tell you how, but we will tell you she has epilepsy.

The "Avatar" characters were a lot less realistic looking in this one, and still have not yet fully mastered mouth movement on CGI characters.

There was really nothing more special about this movie other than the 3D and special effects.

If this were a movie with no dialogue and just made up underwater creatures, it would've been more entertaining.
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80s Slasher Revisited.
10 December 2022
What would you expect from a movie called "Christmas Bloody Christmas." A Jolly Ol Good Time, that's what. I didn't walk into this expecting a cinema masterpiece, but I did expect entertainment. That's what I got.

Not taking anything away from the film makers and actors in the movie, at all. This brings back a lot of what made slasher films so fun. Practical effects. A main character that you actually like. Some good jump scares. Creative kills and those one or two characters that you're just so glad that "got it".

Nothing says Christmas Spirit like Santa on a killing spree with an axe.

Just have fun. That's what Christmas is all about.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Bad casting makes for bad series.
28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We can all walk into this knowing it will never compare to the movies from the early 90s, so let's get that out of the way.

Wednesday is a writer, a fencer, a cellist, a ninja, and a seer. Sounds kind of badass, but she's more b*** than badass. She doesn't have any likable traits, at all. They've tried to recreate everything about what made Ricci's portrayal of Wednesday so iconic, and overdo it to an extreme that made her so unlikable.

Also, The casting for this show is really subpar as most of the actors included have mediocre talent, at best.

They've managed to make all characters, especially the MAIN character so unlikable, it's not even worth going past the first episode.
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Michael Myers is scary, again.
15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Having anticipated this movie for the past 3 years, I was not at all disappointed. It picked up where 2018 left off. I direct continuation. This movie could easily be tacked on to the last as one long full movie and there would be no problem, at all.

The movie, obviously, takes place in 2018 with flashbacks from 1978 and even a small one from part 2 (which we were led to believe, never happened...or at least not the brother/sister aspect).

It was great seeing a lot of the cast from the original and even adding to the original story. I liked the Easter eggs planted and the use of Silver Shamrock masks which also brings about another theory... but that's not for this review.

The story has already been set in 2018. Most of the character development and scenarios have ready been established for this movie to be an all out slaughter-fest. Michael's rampage through Haddonfield, in this movie, reminded me of what I found so terrifying about him all those years ago when I first saw the original movie.

I definitely think this movie is great as a follow up to 2018, and am still anticipating Halloween Ends.
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A Dead Man Tells No Tales (SPOILERS)
4 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start with the actors. Fantastic work on all parts. Michael Gandolfini seriously had his father's mannerisms down perfectly. From the way he breathed while eating to the way he sat in the chair.

Another incredibly notable performance by Corey Stoll. Had Uncle Junior down to a tee. Even the voice was perfect.

Spoilers Ahead: I knew starting it that the movie would be about Dickie Moltisanti, but it was also planted the idea that we'd find out more about Tony Soprano's uprising. No. I didn't even think the delved deep enough into Dickie and his persona enough. It kind of played like an extended flashback episode.

There were side stories that, while they were happening during that time, weren't really pertinent to the story, itself.

The movie left off with the feeling of, "Ok..? And then?" Because it didn't really feel as though the story I was expecting was what I got.

Christopher Moltisanti. Yeah. He's dead. But he's the narrator. Not necessarily a bad thing, but if we all remember the show, we all remember what Tony told him about his father's death. Did Christopher somehow find out more information on it in death? I mean, he has visited the other side where everyday is St. Patrick's Day, but if his father revealed who his killer was, maybe Chris would've said something when Tony took him to wack the guy he said did it.

Maybe, if they expanded on this story and gave us more of Tony's uprising, it would be more enjoyable, but after having watched it, I'm in the middle on my overall review of it. I only gave it the score I did because the acting was the best part. The story needed some work.
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Candyman (2021)
Somewhat disappointing (SPOILERS INCLUDED)
27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There was a certain finesse, yet undeniable horror that Tony Todd brought to the character of Candyman. That was not captured in this movie, at all. When I was younger and the original released, I was incredibly scared of Candyman. He's a phenomenal actor who brought the character to the list or horror icons.

There were certain aspects to the movie that I liked about the movie. The telling of a story, and the obsessions that follows. Taking over your life so that it pours into everything you do and are. The story of the CandyMEN throughout history which isn't a terrible idea to add to the story, but the focus on Daniel Robitaille being the original would suggest a tremendous reveal of Tony Todd as Candyman at some point being Candyman, and not just in the last 4 seconds of the movie.

I was truly anticipating his on screen return and was completely let down by it.

I didn't think the movie was completely terrible, and some of the death scenes were good, but I feel they took a decent idea and couldn't properly execute it for the screen. A good attempt, but not the movie I was expecting. It's hard to pass the torch to a new Candyman when Tony Todd is the one passing it. We saw it happen with Freddy, Pinhead, etc. Tony Todd IS Candyman, and anyone who steps into those shoes has a lot to live up to, and I think that's basically impossible.
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Kingdom (2014–2017)
Glad I was recommended this show.
8 September 2020
Amidst all the recommendations I get for shows to watch, I decided on this one over all others. I was not let down, and absolutely love this show. Jonathan Tucker gives an incredible performance that truly outshines the rest of the cast. All actors are great, but his just stand out more than the rest. If you like drama, violence and all kinds of crazy situations that could possibly go into a life of an MMA family, I definitely recommend this show.
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