
12 Reviews
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Gold (I) (2022)
A golden film - Zac Efron shines
22 March 2023
I came into this completely blind, not knowing what to expect and knowing very little about the film. It takes a little while to get going, but once it does you're hooked. Efron is fantastic in his almost claustrophobic portrayal of his situation. The later twists and turns just add to the the panic felt. The supporting cast, small and brief as it may be, does a decent job too. Set in the not-too-distant future, though one does wonder how an Irish character made to Australia (location) or America (principle cast) in this almost post-apocalyptic setting? I know the film is trying to make a deeper point around humanity and greed, but it certainly can be enjoyed just for exactly what it is.
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A poor man's Matrix - don't bother
15 March 2023
This is a poor man's 'Matrix meets Inception', and is not even as well thought out.

I knew it was in trouble when it was still setting up the premise of what was going on one hour into the film.

It certainly didn't deserve all the Oscars it got, and I can't understand why it has been so hyped.

Some of the visual effects are decent, but the film itself could be a low-budget B-movie.

Towards the mid-point, I didn't even care what was going on in the storyline. Nearer the end I was just waiting for the credits to roll.

I'm just glad I streamed it, instead of paying to see it in the cinema.

Very disappointing and nothing special.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Man of Memh
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good cast, interesting story and brilliant special effects couldn't save this film from its mediocre and overdone storyline. The story is almost done backwards - as in, everyone meets Superman, basically accepts him and after that he creates the Clark Kent persona. The first hour or so is all set up with little action, and there's also very little told about Metropolis, Lois Lane or The Daily Planet - she just randomly appears to cover a story. The film also sets up, and then completely ignores, elements of the story from Superman's childhood in Kansas. If the they're going to do that, then why incorporate them at all? The fight scenes look impressive, but at one point there's so much quick movement and camera motion you almost feel dizzy. The fight scenes also went on for way too long. By the time they were finished, I forgot who I was rooting for. I wanted to like this more, but I just couldn't.
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So little story, but watchable characters
7 February 2023
I decided to give this a chance after seeing the trailer when it first came out. The (main) characters are strong and watchable, but with such a good cast elsewhere there are several forgettable ones. The storyline pretty much fell flat for me... I was waiting for some twist or surprise somewhere along the way that just never came. There were several story archs that could have been expanded on (such as the mayoral campaign) but they were just left there, unfinished. There are lots of nuanced and niggling scenes between the two title characters, but that's it - it could have been so much more. The film relies too much on its setting and main characters to actually get a decent storyline across to its audience.
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Worse than I thought
25 November 2022
Such a shame for Roberts and Clooney - they used to do good work. From start to finish this film is a cliché, only it doesn't even have the obvious plot twists a clichéd romantic comedy should have. The two main characters seem to just have a change of heart in the middle of the film for no apparent reason - the character development simply is not there. The side stories and characters are there to add some chaos in the mix, but even they don't provide anything of substance. This film has been done before, but it's been done better. I wasn't expecting much from this to be honest, but I expected more than I got.
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Cats (2019)
One for the dogs
11 September 2022
I rarely leave reviews, and I was willing to give this a chance (on Amazon Prime), as I wanted to form my own opinion. However there is no saving this: the main problem I have is that there is no story set up, at all. They just start singing and dancing almost immediately and it's downhill from there. No background, backstory or set up. This isn't even factoring in the questionable CGI, cheap-looking sets and forgettable songs. Even big name stars aren't enough to pull this out of its funk. Pity - it had potential to be more than this cat-tastrophe, but it just seems to unwind like a big ball of twine. Needless to say, it's put me off ever seeing the stage play as well.
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Cold Case: A Time to Hate (2003)
Season 1, Episode 7
Stays with you
23 August 2022
One of the best episodes of the series, in my opinion. I saw this years ago on TV and thought about it a lot since. Caught it again on Amazon Prime (Ireland) and it's just as powerful and poignant today.
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Really good start, terrible ending
3 May 2021
I really liked the first (and second) part of this film. It reminded me a bit of 'What Lies Beneath' mixed with something else. There are also some good, strong secondary characters. But the ending is terrible and pointless: the film basically builds and builds, and just as it gets to the big climax it fizzles out. I gave it favourable stars as it had so much promise, but the ending ruined it all.
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The Island (2005)
Really strong start, but downhill
4 April 2021
I liked the sound of this film - and the first 40 minutes are really good and keep your interest. But after that it starts to get a bit predictable and farcical, to the point where I had the ending figured out before I got halfway through. I was disappointed, as it had such a strong start and promise, and then just revered to several clichés - including big car chases and explosions.
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What is the point?
8 January 2021
Like other reviewers, I had high hopes for this after loving the original 'Matrix' so much. But alas, this is just unbearable. I am writing this review having only watched half the film, as I really have no idea what's going on - and what's worse, I don't care. This sequel lends nothing to the original: it doesn't pick up where the first one left off, and far from giving us the intrigue and action of the first, it relies on drawn out (confusing) plots, special effects and secondary characters that don't really matter. The original film was just that - original - I have no idea what this is. (Needless to say, I won't be watching 'Revolutions' after this)
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Room 237 (I) (2012)
Ridiculous reaching
14 December 2020
I really hoped this would somewhat focus on the film 'The Shining', but it doesn't. It's all about how people, who I have never heard of, think about it and how they interpret it. Sorry, I don't need strangers to tell me what to think. My recommendation is to avoid.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Very disappointed
4 March 2020
I really wanted to like this... But to no avail. It promised so much for TNG fans like me, but has delivered so little. It's painfully slow and made up of new characters we're supposed to feel for right away (based on their backstory) but we don't. I'm on episode six, but don't think I'll be watching the rest. At this point, I have it on as background noise on the off-chance something of importance might happen... When I think back to the really good TNG episodes (or VOY episodes, for that matter) - this is light years behind. They have tried, but with the exception of the Picard character there isn't much here for 'Star Trek' fans.
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