
15 Reviews
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Wolf Pack (2023)
Aside from a couple shows writing and originality are dead...
2 February 2023
This yet another abomination of a "TV show",but to be fair,in today's seemingly acceptance of stupidity and lowered expectations I'm sure there is a demographic that would find this entertaining.

The writing is horrendous,the cast idiotic and the entire premise that the script could be anything other than triple B bargain bin trash is just another example of how aloof this new "society" is when it comes to quality entertainment.

Do yourself a favor and give this and 99% of this drivel that they just seem to spit out a hard,hard pass.

Did anyone also notice that they are making reviewers type an increased number of characters? It's to discourage most people from even contemplating a review because they already know it's trash and most reviewers are too lazy these days to actually take the time to give their two cents. Word of the day "Disgusting".
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1883 (2021–2022)
It's getting ridiculous...
20 February 2022
Started off loving this series but as time goes by I am just shaking my head. Ever since the river crossing where I laughed out loud,I decided to leave my brain at the door. The other thing is the narration. It's pathetic and unbelievable. Little Hiawatha needs to tone down everything because it's causing a lot of viewers to just about vomit. Who is encouraging her to keep on with this anyway? It needs to stop before the entire series becomes a bad meme. I want to love this show,I really do but it gets harder to swallow every episode. I'm not hating but some of us have a brain and we use it so quit with the idiocy and do better because if you don't you will lose a large portion of the fan base. Step one,stop with the horrible narration and tone that girl down. Se isn't even remotely believable...
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Pig (I) (2021)
One of the best of 2021
27 July 2021
I have always liked Nicholas cage. Through his ups and downs I remained a fan. I'm so happy he took this role. This is how a movie is done. It really is a masterpiece.

No spoilers here,just watch and enjoy.
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Sweetheart (I) (2019)
15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was an absolute stinker... I guess if you have the IQ of about 40 it may be somewhat enjoyable but sadly for everyone else it's garbage. The lead actress is horrid and can't act at all,I'm surprised to see that she gets so many roles because she can't act! The best supporting cast member dies 5 minutes into the film.He was not bad.The rest of the cast were also horrid,glad they killed them off. I have nothing good to say about this film at all,it's just dreadful. Best scene is where the lead actress gets KTFO with a paddle. Yep,that was the highlight for me. Have at it if you want to see it,don't say you weren't warned.
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Preacher (2016–2019)
We are all going to hell for watching this...
16 September 2019
My sister turned me on to this show when it started in 2016 and like a trainwreck I haven't been able to look away. That being said,the writers,producers,actors,audience,basically anyone who had anything to do with this show or comic is soooooo gonna burn. I just can't help myself!
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Boo! (II) (2018)
Good grief what a stinker...
19 March 2019
No one and I do mean no one can even act in this stupid excuse of a movie.The plot was garbage because there basically wasn't one.The script seems to be written in about an hour by someone who has never left their basement.It's just one steaming pile of crap that should have never made it past the cutting room floor.I just can't say enough bad about this "movie." Save yourself the trouble of watching this garbage and just go to bed.
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Peppermint (2018)
A big fat ZERO stars...
20 November 2018
These rave reviews are either people that had a hand in this film or people that are dumb as dirt. It's horrible from start to finish. It is an obvious money grab so full of cliche that it makes you want to barf. No one is even remotely believable as the acting is worse than sub par. Miss Garner is terrible and not convincing in anyway period. Watch it if you must,you've been warned,it's beyond garbage.
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Thunder Road (2018)
Best film I've seen in awhile.
3 November 2018
I really,really liked this movie. For me it was more like a tragic drama with a bit of dark comedy sprinkled on top. The writing is brilliant and the acting is fantastic. If you're looking for a film that is not the Hollywood garbage norm and have some intelligence about you then you will more than likely enjoy this film.Bravo!!!!
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Kidding: The Cookie (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
Best episode yet.
14 October 2018
I've been watching the show kind of apprehensively as I'm not sure about it or what to expect. One minute I wonder just what Jim Carrey was thinking doing this type of thing and then the next minute thinking that was pretty brilliant. I'm glad that I'm giving this show a chance because watching "The Cookie" was so beautiful it just broke my heart one minute and then filled me with joy and thankfulness the next. I'll keep watching Jim,keep up the good work and thanks for being different.
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Who wrote this trash?
20 July 2018
This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.Unfunny drivel.I've always liked David Spade but this trainwreck of a movie is beyond help.Save your money and don't bother watching it on DVD either because you'll regret it.
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Salvation (2017–2018)
Complete unbelievable garbage.
12 July 2018
This show is just pretentious garbage. The millennial generation is going to save mankind with the help of a few old farts. I can't even go on about this garbage show anymore. Networks are cancelling fantastic shows and keeping this trash because their focus audience is too stupid to appreciate a good show.Such a load of crap... Screw you millennials!
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Hover (2018)
A pretty face doesn't make you an actress...
4 July 2018
As a fan of The Last Man on Earth which recently got cancelled because the networks suck I was looking forward to seeing Cleopatra Coleman do something new.Well,the whole movie was just awful and that's all there is to say except a pretty face doesn't make you an actress...
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Billy Boy (I) (2017)
Unless you're a braindead teen like the idiot in this movie,you'll hate it,it's awful...
17 June 2018
Zero stars. Pretentious,butt hurt,idiots trying playing real life. Skip this turd for sure or check it out for yourself and then complain about your wasted time.
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I wanted to like it...
20 December 2016
I really did but I guess I'm just cursed with having a brain. Some fans of brain dead horror might enjoy this film but honestly it was just terrible. It could have had potential but the script was just awful. I honestly can't say one good thing about this film so I'll keep it at that. The cast had such potential but even they couldn't hold this film together. Way too vague and not enough to keep you engaged or feel vested in it at all.This is my first review I've ever done and normally I wouldn't even bother but I had been looking forward to seeing this for awhile.I managed to make it all the way through expecting more but it was just a horrible disappointment. If you're looking to be entertained you might just want to take a pass on this one.
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Are you on drugs?
21 July 2006
I see that a lot of people found this movie entertaining.How, I just really can't understand.What a hunk of junk.I don't know what audience this movie was made for but you either have to be a pimply faced teen or a stoned out of your gourd dipstick.This movie is just garbage.Hollywood puts out more crap and then expects America to gobble it up and like it.Put the crackpipe down and try making a decent movie for a change instead of the bs they shovel out everyday.I read all the time about MPAA whining about downloaders.Well if they didn't spew out the bs movies and actually put out some decent films,I think they might have something to gripe about.To pay $10 for crap like this is just plain rape.Yes,I sound harsh.I read about this movie and thought it had some promise but I was regrettably mistaken.Save your money and don't bother to rent this at all unless you are totally out of your mind on drugs like jr.What crap!
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