
4 Reviews
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This version of the "Thing" is flat out superior to the OK Carpenter remake.
10 May 2001
This version of the The Thing is flat out superior to the OK Carpenter remake. The original version captures a sense of isolation and building terror that the sequal doesn't even approach. I'm sure that todays college film students, heavily dosed on left-wing interpretative film pablum, find a lot of "HIDDEN MESSAGES" to sneer at in this movie, but they just don't get it. No gore, no splatter, no nubile beach bunnies with ripped blouses, no gut wrenching special effects (ala Carpenter), no insipid political correctness - just implied, building terror. Yes the monster is hokey, the Geiger counter use is hackneyed, the love plot is old news, but it doesn't matter. Turn out the lights, watch the movie quietly and tell me you don't flinch when they open that hallway door. Tell me you don't feel a little goose-bumpish when Scotty says "watch the skies!" at the end, or they spread out on the ice to define the shape of the mysterious craft.
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This may be the best mystery ever put to film.
10 May 2001
This may be the best mystery ever put to film. If it isn't totally true to the letter of the Christie book, it is totally true to the spirit of her writing. Ten unique individuals are lured to an old house on a deserted Channel island. One by one - but I'll say no more. Very good acting, especially Fitzgerald. If you don't know the plot, you won't figure out whodunnit, despite the fact that it plays fair. There is suspense, good humor that holds up today, fine acting and a wonderful plot. Grab a cup of hot chocolate, turn the lights down, snuggle in the blanket, and prepare to enjoy a wonderful, cozy mystery which hasn't been equaled since.
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Underrated horror/mystery film, better than Cat People.
30 March 2001
This is a very underrated little horror film/mystery; much better, in my opinion, than Cat People. It is flat out Tourneur's best. The cinema-photography and film-noirish qualities are excellent. Some of the scenes, even by today's overblown standards, are truly scary. The little girl returning from her errand through the shadowy countryside is as effective of a horror scene as has ever been made. Watch it late at night with the lights out.
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Great old black and white mystery/suspenser.
30 March 2001
This is a great old black and white mystery/suspenser. If you have the capacity to enjoy films of the 30's and 40's and you like mysteries and fine film craftsmanship, see his movie. Chester Morris is very good as the lead. The plot is relatively true to the Hopwood/Rinehart original screenplay. The setting is an old mansion with a spinster and family members terrified by a super criminal known as the Bat. They get outside help, but the Bat strikes anyway. Who is the Bat? What does he want in the old mansion? The story answers those questions in a most old-fashioned, entertaining manner. Of the three movie versions of the Bat, the 1926 silent, the 1950's Vincent Price/Agnes Moorhead version, and this one, this is the best.
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