
2 Reviews
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Homeland (2011–2020)
Refreshingly honest (in parts)
17 February 2020
Homeland is a great series for many reasons, not least for the indredible cast. It is also quite interesting to watch it as a European, because it's partly pretty honest about the foreign policy of the United States. While there is little to no mention of economic interests in the middle east conflicts, I really appreciate that - especially in the recent seasons - the series makes it clear that the US and Islamists can be best buddies, as long as they fight against socialism and democracy. It's none of this pretending-to-be-good crap of many other series, but a really good Intellligence drama. You don't have to agree with those policies and it's still great to watch. This honesty about the own agenda, also makes it not fall into the trap of generalizing Muslims as something (either good or bad) as again, many other series do.

Homeland certainly is a classic and highly enjoyable no matter where you personally stand on matters of world politics.
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Strike Back (2010–2020)
The amount of 10/10 ratings and their upvotes should have warned me.
31 January 2020
So obviously this series - or at least its first 5 seasons has hardcore fans who make sure that it gets some attention and I don't regret getting lured into watching it. I had it on my list for a while and was super excited to finally watch it. However, after a really good start the show far too quickly evolved into - excuse me - pretty much nonsense. Many reviews here argue that this has started with the replacement of certain main characters, but that might just be the typical disappointment to see beloved characters go. The real issue is that this show isn't British enough after season 2 and frankly the problems already appear in the second one.

First of all, you have this near grotesque figure of the American former soldier/CIA-agent called Damien Scott. He alone could be fun in a totally different setting, but as a soldier he's totally unbelieveable. No discipline whatsoever, visibly not much physical fitness and in nearly every episode he gets to have with another female character that has some kind of temporarily important role. It's almost as if the writers of the show wanted to make a joke about how Europeans think Americans like to see themselves. Don't get me wrong, he has his charm, but would fit far better as a cop or PI in a different series.

The character Michael Stonebridge on the other hand would fit perfectly into the role of an intelligent, diligent operative, wasn't it for the partly abysmal writing that lets him do stuff like 'taking out' a couple of enemies from 50 meters with a single quick draw from his sidearm. The firefights in season 1 were far better, because they weren't the typical 'good guys simply run through enemy AK crossfire unharmed and duck behind the next wall' vs. 'bad guys jump stupidly into the open and get blasted by any pull of the trigger no matter what'. Season 2 at least still went for some kind of fire and movement discipline, while after that you just see Stonebridge and Scott running around and blapping people. It doesn't help that some quick cuts show them trying to look serious moving behind their weapons.

From season 3 onwards it just gets worse. The story is not even that bad in season 3 but its internal developments make no sense. Decisions of Section 20 often make no sense. Literally 80% of the time is spent with either being in a firefight, in a car chase or repeating the ever same dialogues over comms, the latter of which have often no practical use for the mission, but help explain the audience what's actually going on.

Near the only thing that somewhat keeps being interesting is that the described political situations are not too black and white - I guess that's something one should be thankful for in times of thoughtless good vs evil ideologies.

Another positive mention should go to the side-cast, because some of them are doing a pretty good job apart from having either dull or nonsensical roles.

And by the way, the chemistry between Stonebridge and Scott is so awkward, even though the actors try to make the best of it, the writing doesn't leave them much to work with in regards to portraying a proper bromance.

Hopefully they'll do a remake of it one day and don't repeat the mistake of artificially bloating up the story that could be told in 2 seaons with lots of random firefights that certainly aren't military combat whatsoever.

Anyhow, it's not a bad show, just really not as good as I had expected.
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