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9 May 2001
During the first ten minutes of this film, I was already disapointed. I thought the camcorder style screamed "look at me! i just graduated art school!" But after those first ten minutes, I got over it.

This movie is so tragic, breathtaking, innocent, and depressing that I can't think of much to say about it. Bjork broke my heart as Selma. At times, the way she reacted to situations seemed too enthusiastic to be acting (in particular, when she and Bill are talking about musicals, when the tap dancers come out. Bjork should have won the oscar, or at least Ellen Burnstyn for "Requiem for a Dream"...but no - Julia Roberts gets it ... HOW?)

Peter Stormare was beautiful in a sad, sad way, and proved what an excellent actor he is.

A lot of people have said the plot is unbelievable, or the musical numbers are laughable - don't you think that's the point? Stop trying to make one plus one equal two and tap into the emotions instead!!!
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a movie every child of the '80s will get nostalgic over
9 May 2001
When I was little, my favorite movies were The NeverEnding Story, the Princess Bride, Labyrinth, the Dark Crystal, and Ghostbusters.

I used to make my daddy rent The NeverEnding Story at least twice a month for me. I was in love with Atreju... I cried when his horse died (and I still cry when I see it now). I was afraid of the Nothing... I wanted to be the Empress.

The scene that always got me was the ending, when Bastian rides Falcor's back out of Fantasia and into the "real world" and they go after those bullies! I was always like "Yeah! Show 'em who's boss!!!"

The NeverEnding Story will always stand out in my mind as being part of my childhood.
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for the love of God - BUY THE BOOK!!
8 May 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Cormeir's "The Chocolate War" will always be one of my favorite books. I read it way back in high school, but they wouldn't show us the movie. When I went out on my own and rented the movie, I could see why.

::spoilers ahead::

Now, the meaning of the whole book all boils down to the ending. Our hero does NOT win the fight!!! That's the whole point!!! But, the movie decided it would be a much happier ending if he did, in fact, win the fight. This ruins the whole moral of the story!

To fully understand the story, read the book!!!
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Lizzie McGuire (2001–2004)
annoyingly cute
30 April 2001
I ended up seeing this show accidentally because it conveniently falls into my personal Sunday night television line-up, filling a half hour gap between Even Stevens and The Simpsons. What I found was a show about an annoying, bratty middle-school girl who already looks like she's 17, her even more annoying and badly acted best friend Miranda (really. they could have found a better actress than LaLaine or whatever her name is), this cool kid named Gordo who is supposed to be the girls best friend but they think they're cooler than him - (why he tolerates them remains a mystery to me...) And, of course, the classic, pesky little brother named Matt (who, on one episode, changed his name to M Dogg, much to my delight.)

The show is annoying as all hell with pop culture references every other second and an exhausted Delia's wardrobe, but for some reason I find it sorta cute, and I keep watching it. To make matters worse, I'm too old for this show! It's no Even Stevens, but it's something to do, I guess...
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Clarissa Explains It All (1991–1994)
this came on when i was 11...
26 April 2001
and Clarissa quickly became my hero. I watched it all the time. Then, there were reruns, and I watched them too ~! Hahaha! I was addicted to this show, I dunno why. It did for me what Punky Brewster did for me when I was 5. I remember Blossom being on the same time and thinking Blossom wasn't half as cool as Clarissa :)

Clarissa's room was really awesome, too. Remember in the beginning when she had Elvis, the Lizard?

I wish Nick would show reruns again...
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my only complaint...
12 April 2001
I may not be a teenager anymore, but I know for sure teenagers don't talk like the teenagers in this movie do, at least not where I come from!

That's my only complaint, honestly. This movie is touching and hilarious. Kevin Spacey shines in this brilliant performance, but then again, doesn't he always?

Wes Bentley is magnificent, as well. I'm very happy to see he hasn't made a string of cheesy movies after this.

The score is magnificent, also.
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Best Movie of 2000
11 April 2001
This movie is incredibly hard to watch, but well worth it! Best movie of 2000 - Has a way of making you physically uncomfortable. You want to look away but it's almost like your eyes are pried open (like alex in a clockwork orange)

Everyone was great in this movie, especially MARLON WAYANS. I never knew he could "act." I'm so used to seeing him just make jokes. I'm anxiously awaiting the DVD release.
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best irving adaptation
11 April 2001
As far as book/movie adaptations go, this one is by far better than Cider House and Garp. It follows the book wonderfully, with exception to minor details. I'm not saying it's a better MOVIE than Garp or cider house, but it is much truer to the book, and that's always been important to me. I'm one of those people who says "WHAT? THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPENED IN THE BOOK!" I once read a post where a girl said everyone involved in this movie should be ashamed of it. She obviously missed the point. The ending, which is so powerful in the book, is equally powerful in the movie. The one improvement, I thought, was the Susie the Bear character. I didn't care for her much after I read the book, but when I saw the movie I was like "yeah!". Incest, plane crashes, blind men named Frued, a bomb at the opera - and a woman in a bear costume. What more could you ask for?
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Square Pegs (1982–1983)
one of those shows...
11 April 2001
that makes me wish the 90s were HALF as cool as the 80s. My favorite 80s show of all.

OPEN 48 HOURS is the BEST television band of all time. And DEVO opened for THEM!

They don't make shows like this anymore. Perfect reflection of it's time. The clothes, the music, the slang. It's too bad this show wasn't around longer.
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