
16 Reviews
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Inside (I) (2023)
Wanted more
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, the premise of the movie is interesting enough - heist gone wrong, art thief stuck inside a luxury penthouse. Willem Dafoe gives a great performance and the cinematography is nicely done, but overall the movie leaves more to be desired.

One thing that I find hard to disregard is logical errors. The wealthy owner of the penthouse shuts off his water and gas while he is away on a business trip, but has a projector in his theater running non-stop? Would someone this wealthy really care about the utility cost? The owner is paranoid enough to have access to the camera system for the whole building but doesn't have interior cameras he can monitor remotely? Why is the irrigation for the plants still working, how is that on a different system than the rest of the unit? While trying to open a can of food, he claims he cannot find a can opener leading him to cut his hand, but later when he is making a shrine in the living room there is a can opener as part of the decoration. He starts a fire to set off the sprinkler system but not to cook the fish or other food? Neither the security alarm or the fire alarm alerts the owner, the building staff, or emergency services. Instead of chiseling away at the doorframe or a window on the wall he chooses to build a makeshift scaffolding and focus on the skylight. Working over your head would be way harder and more dangerous as you see when he falls and injures his leg. Lastly, HOW did he manage to climb out of that window?

Now you can say that I am nitpicking but when a movie doesn't explain any of this stuff it personally takes my attention away from the story. I am much more likely to forgive movies not being completely accurate if there is a good storyline. This one didn't really have any climax or overall arc to it. It feels like it doesn't fully commit to the art house genre or a suspenseful heist movie. Overall, it just wasn't as satisfying as I was hoping for.
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Severance (2022– )
Full season of a Black Mirror episode
12 February 2023
I avoided watching this series until recently. I didn't know anything about it other than seeing the name and poster, I assumed it was a show about being laid off... boy was I wrong.

After seeing it listed in a sci-fi list I decided to give it a shot and instantly binged the whole season in a weekend. If you are a fan of the Black Mirror series you'll likely love this show as well. Definitely one of the best shows of the last year. Not what you would expect from Ben Stiller and Adam Scott. Very talented cast from Christopher Walken, John Turturro, Tramell Tillman, and Britt Lower. The show pulled me in and kept me wanting to know about the characters "Outies." It does a great job of presenting the twists at the right moment. It gives clues but still leaves you guessing. Can't wait for season 2!
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The Menu (2022)
Satire, Suspense... I liked it. It was fun.
6 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe it says something about me, but seeing a cook blow his brains out announcing the next course is funny. I've heard people comparing it to another recent movie "Triangle of Sadness." I understand the comparison but I think "The Menu" is a lot more fun. It doesn't drag on as much as "Triangle of Sadness." Ralph Fiennes performance is great - Red Dragon, Schindlers List, Harry Potter - I love seeing him as an antagonist. Could the story have developed more or made the events feel more consequential? Sure, but it doesn't need to. I think its just fine as an entertaining piece that has some punchlines and thought behind the meals served to the guests without needing to be too intellectual. It's satirical, suspenseful, and worthy of a stream in my opinion.

Honestly coming on IMDB and reading people giving movies 1 star reviews is almost as entertaining as movies themselves. Why are so many people so serious? "unrealistic"... oh you mean the movie about a high class restaurant turned murder performance art? I would have never guessed lol. I might be more forgiving (or rational) in my reviews but it takes a lot for me to score a movie less than 5 stars. If you really want a movie thats confusing and annoying I suggest you watch Darren Aronofsky's "Mother" before complaining this one makes no sense or is too unrealistic.
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Jumper (2008)
Almost 15 years later
23 December 2022
I remember watching this movie as a teenager when it first came out. I thought the concept was interesting, the action scenes were great, and was looking forward to a sequel.

Well I just rewatched the movie 15 years later I and came looking for reasons the series never continued. WOW was I shocked at some of the reveiws. I know it plays as more of a teen movie with the love story, this was the start of the Twilight era and half way into the Harry Potter franchise. The MCU had just started and the movie was by no means meant to compete with The Dark Knight. But I have to wonder if the same people leaving 1 star reviews feel the same about the MCU all these years later. Most Marvel movie endings are basically just advertisements for the next movie. We've become accustomed to origin stories and cliff hanger endings. Not to say they are always done right, but it does show that they can lead to successful franchises and this movie definitely had potential.

I think Sam Jackson & Jamie Bell's performances still hold up pretty well. I would agree the movie could have benefitted from an additional 30-60 minutes of story though. I would just like to know what movies the people who left negative reviews actually like?, because Jumper is still entertaining and much better than some of Marvel's recent productions in my opinion. Maybe we weren't so accepting of cliff hangers and unanswered questions in 2008 as we are today with streaming services, bingeable content, and multi-movie cinematic universes.
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Tenet (2020)
What's with all the bad reviews?
28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film has honestly become one of my favorite releases over the last couple years. I've watched it at least 4/5 times. Much more that Inception which everyone seems to think was better, but I have to disagree. Are people mad that they actually have to pay attention and think about complex theories? Maybe just stick to the unoriginal time travel movies like The Adam Project or Back to The Futures lol.

The concept was very original. Decent twists that play out with the discovery of Neil being recruited by The Protagonist in the future, how he is the one to save him in the beginning of the movie. The tone, cinematography, effects, acting were all great. I would love to see a sequel that explores who invents the inversion technology and the war that insures in the future.
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The Outfit (2022)
Very theatrical in the most literal way
24 October 2022
If you're a fan of theater you'll likely enjoy this. It's well acted, a good period piece, has some nice twists and drama. What stands out to me is the single setting, the whole movie takes place in the tailor shop. It's very rare you see that in movies. As someone who has experience in stage acting/ production I enjoyed the simple setting. It has a sense of nostalgia for me where you see the actors exit the set and you don't follow them. Mix that with a solid crime storyline and I was hooked. It doesn't try to do anything too fancy but the twists and outcome are enough where it's not boring. I give it a 7 which means its something I would consider rewatching in the future.
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Not only breaking the 4th wall, but all of the consistency Marvel has worked to build
15 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Now that the season is complete I feel I can write an actual review (odd to me how many reviews were from only the first 2 weeks or are strictly very high or low based on emotion).

The good - Tatiana Maslany's acting was pretty solid. No complaints there. I also have no problems with She-Hulk as a character, or the fact that its a female led/ female superhero. Black Widow, Gamora, Wonder woman - all great characters in my book. So please miss me with the trite write off that people dislike this show simply because it's centered around a woman.

The bad - I feel like the show fails at any element it really aims for. The lawyer aspects were terribly written. The fact that Jen was being offered an award towards the end was baffling to me. The show did not represent her as a competent lawyer whatsoever. Would a firm really force a lawyer to represent a client who is suing someone she has a business relationship with?

The comedic aspect didn't land for me either. The creators/ Marvel had the audacity to say the show is "breaking" stereotypes when the show literally does nothing but play into stereotypes. The men are mostly dimwitted and/or misogynistic. Most of the woman are materialistic or mean girl tropes. Jen herself comes off as very self centered and contradictory (especially in her attempts at finding a relationship).

All of that aside, the biggest problem I have with the show is it's complete disregard for the continuity of the universe. It creates so many plot holes and questions. Namely Wong and Abomination's relationship. He needed him for training to become Sorcerer Supreme, but Shang-chi and She-Hulk both take place after End Game. Wasn't he awarded the title because Dr. Strange was snapped for 5 years? So why would he need to train now? And why does he need Abomination (whose main power is just being extremely strong)? He can teleport across the universe surely he could find a magic user that would be a better training partner. Does Wong really need to consult a lawyer for matters of an ex-sorcerer who stole a sling ring?

The complete lack of logic in many of the situations and overall poor storyline make this a bust for me. I was really hoping for some genuine laughs, competent legal scenes, and a good personal story for Jen. I don't think the show delivered well on any of those.
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9 October 2022
I knew nothing about June and Jennifer Gibbons before watching this. Apparently there have been other tellings of their story on the screen and stage, but it still feels like a fresh story. Beautifully shot and acted.

There's something relatable to their story. I definitely would see how long I could go without speaking as a kid, not that I ever made it more than a day or two. You see the young kids deal with being outsiders, bullying, and how happy they seem when they were isolated and using their imagination. I found it incredibly sad, wishing I could befriend them, hoping they succeed in their creative endeavors.

It's not the most direct, action filled storyline but I found myself invested throughout. I really enjoyed the cinematography, at times diving into their imaginations. Overall, it's something I would definitely watch again. It felt different than most things I've seen recently.
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Gorr the... child kidnapper
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't hate this movie as much as I thought I would after seeing the trailers. It's watchable but the Gorr the God Butcher run in the comics is easily one of the best additions in recent times. It really feels like a huge waste of the character in this movie.

There was so much more they could've done to adapt the story in a truer way. With the introduction of the multiverse they could have easily included King Thor and the thorforce which added so much depth to the story in the comics. It actually feels like a complete standalone considering how tied together the other MCU entires have been. Then they added so many other elements like the guardians, the greek gods, Jane & Valkyrie that i feel like it took away from the source material when they could've built upon what was already happening in the MCU and kept the story more grounded.

Then there's the overuse of comedy to the point of parody. It has its place and the tone of Ragnarok was decent, but the Gorr storyline deserves more of a desperate/ serious tone. The seriousness we see at the beginning of endgame after Thor had lost would make more sense considering the level of threat Gorr presents... or should present.

Lastly the ending was a big nothing! Basically the writers seemed unable to find a way for our hero's to win so they just have Gorr give up?! Not only that but it's almost exactly like the ending of Multiverse of Madness. Just remind the villain of their kids and suddenly everything works out? Overall I think the quality of writing just wasn't there. Same could be said for most MCU movies in my opinion, I wish they would put as much effort and thought into it as they did with infinity war/ endgame.
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The Voyeurs (2021)
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Subpar acting and story. Feels like a bad excuse to get Sweeney to be nude. Might have been better if it just ended with her boyfriend's suicide to actually show the consequences of lust and betrayal. But no it continues and has a terrible scene where her friend is trying to justify sweeneys actions. She then turns to blaming everyone of a grand conspiracy because she's so unable to be accountable for her own actions. There's really nothing to be desired from any of these characters and overall the show just left a bad taste in my mouth.

Maybe 13 year old boys would like it for the nudity, but that's still a pretty depressing thought considering the subject matter.
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Mother! (2017)
If you made a nightmare into a movie
30 June 2022
The only reason i'm rating this as high as a 4/10 is after reflecting on it, it really felt like it could be a nightmare made into a movie. Or a really bad psychedelic trip. I actually think you could make someone have a mental breakdown if you made them watch it while tripping. The decisions of Jennifer Lawrence's character really don't make any sense - most people would've left the house/ husband after the incident with the first family. But the inability to leave and the absurdity/chaos does make it feel very nightmarish. One of my worst fears is reliving a nightmare on repeat after death. I had a hard time getting through the movie, but it definitely made me feel uneasy which i'll give it points for.
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Chiwetel has become one of my favorite actors over the last decade
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Slightly quirky and silly at times, but it's a fun watch and the performances are solid. If you're looking for Interstellar or The martian level of accuracy and science this isn't the show. The writing and storyline dip in a few places such as Justin's repeated frustration with Faraday drags a bit, or the eccentric older white lady in the Fight Club-esque deus ex machine scene. The whole music being the key is corny but allowable with the sillier tones of the show.

I feel as though I'm pretty objective when it comes to stories being too "woke" or biased towards a group of people, but this show did not feel that way to me. I enjoyed the black centered cast and the addition of some black history. I thought they balanced it out very well and some of the reviews I've read seem to be overly sensitive on this one. The show highlights the culture of African American music which ties into Justin's dads storyline and serves a purpose. It includes history and the positive impact on culture without feeling the need to lecture or blame. Sure the Sister Edie and Agent Clay are terrible people/ the villains in the show but the Brother Hatch seems to come around and have a decent heart at least. If you want a movie with more good guys/ scientists/ history that happens to be white/ European there are plenty of other options to be honest. It would be nice not to have to include a paragraph like this but all together I think the show walks the line in a lovely way having a majority black cast and tying in the culture/ history in a way that has a positive impact on the resolution of the story.

Overall I give it a 8/10 because it has some cheap solutions and writing in a few spots but still very enjoyable.
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Secrets? Beasts? Hardly
31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I only just streamed this entire trilogy and god it's awful. Straight up contradicts things from the harry potter books like apparating onto hogwarts grounds. Adds messy subplots like ezra miller being a Dumbledore, the gross lestrange family sex crimes as an unsettling way to add some diversity. It's very difficult to follow. The whole series just feels so unnecessary.

This entry in particular is rather boring. Wasn't there supposed to be a great battle between Dumbledore and Grindelwald? I really hope that 1 minute scene at the end was not supposed to be that. Hard to care about any of the characters. The first movie would have been an okay stand alone but the last 2 entries really seem to just try to find a way to keep the same characters involved in the story. Fails pretty spectacularly at doing so in a way that makes any sense.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
18 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Too illogical and cliche for my liking. Rich girl runs off with edgy bad boy type. Law enforcements actions don't make any sense - car chases when you already are able to track them across state lines somehow, choosing to fist fight the man attacking Andy in the hotel vs using his firearm, booking a hotel room with just one bed, Jane not shooting Nick after years of living in fear and the threat of what he could tell the fbi, interrogation rooms with large windows just so we can see the characters exchange glances while walking down a busy hallway... and the romantic undertones of the Marshall and Andy is corny and borderline creepy with a vulnerable individual and person in a position of power.
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Kimi (2022)
Lacks depth
15 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The premise was decent, Zoë Kravitz is great, but overall the movie fails to really surprise you. The ending falls apart - broad daylight foot chases and kidnapping attempts, the guy watching her from across the street the whole movie turns out to just be a random guy named Kevin? No involvement in the company, or law enforcement? He basically just serves as a deus ex machina that stops a half conscious Zoë from being killed.

It's another story that starts out with a good idea but gets lazy. If someone really did want to hide a crime, would they be so sloppy trying to cover their tracks? Almost offensive to the audience. No one would notice the guy literally hanging out his window with binoculars? Or an attempted kidnapping in front of FBI headquarters with a hundred people around? At that rate i feel like these people would be caught regardless if they had succeeded in killing the main character.
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Feels like a first draft
6 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not the worst movie by any means, it's definitely entertaining. Feels like wasted potential though.

The cgi and cinematography were great. Dialogue and logic? Not so much.


First off - Let's recruit people from the past but give them absolutely no training or proper equipment. Helpful information about the aliens? Just shoot for the abdomen and neck. What's the point of recruiting people if your just sending them to their deaths like cattle? Wouldn't giving them a chance to survive and be helpful be better?

Next the attempt to inject humor during some scenes falls short. There's also a lot of cliche hero moments.

The whole story of chris pratt's characters death is not in line with the story at all. Felt very out of place.

The ending? They somehow manage to find the ship under a glacier in a single day. Why not just blow up the ship from safety instead of risking your lives to inject like 6 of the aliens with the toxin?

All in all, it's entertaining and worth a watch if you got some spare time but no where near as complex of a story as it could have been with the ideas that were there.
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