
23 Reviews
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Shameless (2004–2013)
Toronto, Canada
2 May 2005
Well, I always tell myself not to miss this show every week. Its on here on the Showcase channel at 10pm/Wednesday. Thank goodness its not on at the same time with LOST!!! I really like this show, its funny, with some drama and a lot of characters with different ages. I heard last week that the woman playing Fiona won an award as best actress, thats really wicked because I think out of all of the people in that show--she's the one who contributed the most. The show also won best show on telly (or was it only just best drama show?) which is great! I like all the characters except this one woman whom I forgot her name, shes the one who was afraid of going outside. I find her really weird. Anyway, I don't really know what to say just wanted to leave my mark on this one. For the people who haven't seen this show, give it a try u might like it!
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My Family (2000–2011)
Reason why I love Brit shows
6 February 2005
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! Its so funny! This family isn't really that perfect nor bad. Its just an average family with some unfortunate events stuff. I think Micheal is so funny but sometimes u just wanna give him a slap on the head for being so stupid. My fave character however is Abbey--the cousin. She reminds me so much of Phoebe from FRIENDS. She was a really good casting and one of the best character in the show I think. How come their daughter (I forgot her name), wasn't in the show then later showed up? Whats up with that? Did something happen or what? Thanks to YTV (a channel here on Toronto) for having this show lined up in their schedule from Monday to Thursday.

Anyway, thats all folks. Just wanted to leave my mark here as one of the fans of this show.

GO LEAFS GO!!! Bring hockey back!!!
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My Family (2000–2011)
A Must See Show
24 June 2004
This show is only on here at 1:25am here in Toronto at YTV network. Everytime I don't have work or school I always stay up late just to watch this show. I really love the funny things they do. I give my props to the writers and the actors. My fave. character is Nick and Abi, I think they're awesome. What happened to Janey Harper though? Anyone know? Was she fired? She quit or what? Anyway, for those of you who haven't seen this show. Check it out, you might like it. I love watching British television and this is one of my favourite shows made from there.

Well, that's all. I just wanted to leave my mark here. BYEBYE!
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Stay in the light...
21 June 2003
I just bought this movie on dvd 3days ago. One of the reason i bought this film is because its horror (i love scary movies). Second, Emma Cauldfield's in it and she's my favourite actress and also she's my favourite character in 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' Emma Cauldfield did an amazing job in this movie, the producer & director did a good job on picking her for this film. Also the kid did great and the rest of the cast. After watching this film, i could not walk in the hallways because it was dark, hehehe...but then i get over it. There's some parts that made me jump off my seat. I thought the beginning of the movie was great about the boy hiding in the bathub and the monster was on the wall. The special effects are also good, and for you people who's reading this, it's worth it to watch, go rent it or buy it. I rate this film 8.5 out of 10.
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The Boys Club (1996)
*cough cough*
8 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
At first I thought this movie is a horror movie, hehehehe... The setting of this movie is in Southern part of Ontario in Canada ( I live in Ontario too but i'm in the city though). This movie is okay, they did an okay job. The first half of the movie is a little boring but the second half is getting more and more interesting, when the figutive guy shot this guy's brother and won't let them take him to hospital. I thought he's going to die. Plus, the singer known as 'BIF Naked' did a cameo on this movie as a security guard of the beer store. That was a little surpirse. I don't really recommend this movie to anyone because there's a lot more movies out there that is more worth it to watch. I will give this movie 6 cans of pop out of 10.
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very funny movie
5 August 2002
This movie is really funny. Mike Myers deserve an award for his roles. It's really funny the way Dr. Evil talks to people or his actions. I just felt sorry for Dr. Evil's son, the normal one. I mean he's normal and his dad is a whacko! This is the kind of comedy movie I've been looking for. Part 3 of this movie just came out last week and I hope there will be part 4,5,6,etc. I give this movie 8 out of 10.
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Anyone wanna go to Paris?
5 August 2002
Is it full moon tonight? OH! It doesn't matter they can change whenever they want cuz of that drug! What was I thinking if its full moon tonight?! Geez

I really like this movie, there's romance, suspense, horror, and hot stuff ;) I like the first half of the movie when the guy saves the girl from killing herself by bungee jumping and catching her. That was really cool. The setting of this movie is in the city of love which is Paris in France. The cemetery scenes are nice, it gives you chills not knowing what will happen there or who's behind the walls. The scenes that makes you jump out of your seat is really cool. Even they got me on that scenes. His friend who died and the girl whom he killed in the cemetery but still shows themselves to the lead character(sorry I forgot his name), was really funny. The actors did a good job plus the make-up crews. The part when they're all partying in an abandoned church, I can't believe people would that because even though that's an abandoned church, that is still God's house. I bought this movie long time ago, and I do not regret buying it. I'm a horror-movie-lover. I give this movie 5 stars out of 6. For the people who are open and loves movies like this, give it a try, you might like it.
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Viva Gotham City
5 August 2002
(.o.) This movie is really good. I've seen this movie a bunch of time and I never get tired of watching it. It's kinda nice to see Batman with two enemies not just one, 'cause if there's more than one. There is a lot of suspense, you just never know what will happen, if those two villains will be in the same thing or just go their separate ways but still one goal which is to kill Batman. Unlike the two previous movies, this time he's got a partner. Robin, played by Chris O'Donnell. They picked the right person to play Robin. The acrobats he did is really cool. Tommy Lee Jones did a wonderful job being the TWO FACE guy. The question mark person/the whacko one, Jim Carrey is really funny. He's a great actor who can play the good or the bad guy and still his funny side has never disappeared. He is one of my favorite actors and he really is unique. Drew Barrymore didn't do a lot of stuff in this movie but that still made the movie more better. The more stars in it, the more people will watch it. Nicole Kidman's part is a little boring but that's okay I don't really care. The special effects were great, the crew did a wonderful job and I hope they make another movie "Batman & Robin". For all Batman fans, this movie should be on your list. Buy it or rent it, it's worth it. I give this movie a perfect 10.
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"the sun is warm and the grass is green"
5 August 2002
By just looking at the title, I thought this movie sucks big time. I gave it a try by taping myself on the chair and sit through this movie (LOL, just kidding) At first, I thought this movie is about a kid who knows or learning karate and will be the next hero or something, but I was wrong on that one. This movie is not that bad at all. Hilary Swank is the on the spotlight and she did a good job. The Japanese guys are okay, they should've speak more instead of vowing their heads a lot. The white dress that old guy bought for her for her prom does not look good on her. She looks like an old lady on that one, the costume designers should have cudgel more about it. The near ending one, when Hilary is kicking this guy's butt. I was like "It's about time you kick their behind instead of letting them stomp on you." She should've give all those guys a piece of it instead of just one guy. I thought someone's going to die but no one did---NOOO!! I didn't really like the eagle scenes, that was just a waste of time. I give this movie 8 stars out of 10.
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Aladdin (1992)
one of the best cartoon movie ever made
5 August 2002
This is probably the most unforgettable movie cartoon I have ever seen. The first time I saw this movie was when I was still in elementary (so I was a kiddo). I saw this on a movie theatre in Philippines. The story is really good, the whole movie is really good where the creators really put their best into it. The drawings are amazing, I like it everytime they show an overlook of the city because I can't believe it that someone did that, I mean that's a total different world in that screen. I also used to watch the television show of this, I wake-up every Saturday morning early just to watch it. Robin Williams did a good job doing a voice for the Genie. It's really funny too. The song "A Whole New World", is a really great song to listen to. Lea Salonga did a good job. My favourite part of the movie is when they're singing that song while flying around in a magic carpet. This is the best cartoon movie you'll ever give to your young kids so buy it or rent it, because not only kids will enjoy this but also adults. I am 17 years old now and I still like this cartoon next to 'Lion King' :) I give this movie 10 stars out of 10.
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The Abyss (1989)
cool movie
5 August 2002
Well I saw this movie when I was very young, I was 6 years old. This movie amazed me by the special effects. The special effects are really advanced at its time. James Cameron did a good job doing this movie. I'm a fan of his works like True Lies and Titanic and his tv show Dark Angel, I hope he keeps on making movies like these. The actors did a wonderful job plus I like that alien friend :) I give this movie 9 stars out of 10.
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Dont U dare say anything!
26 July 2002
This is movie is not really what I expected. But its still is a good one. The retarded girl, Brittany Murphy did a very excellent job. She should've won a supporting actress award for her role. She played her character really well. Famke Jensen, I liked her when I saw her in the movie "House on the Haunted Hill" but she didnt really do anything in this movie except sitting on the bed and beat out the bad guy plus talking on the phone. I give everyone's acting 6/10 except for Brittany who deserves a perfect 10! GOOD JOB GIRL! I really liked the part when she was telling Michael the story about his Dad and how he died. That was really sad(I can't believe those people around them are just watching this guy[her dad] getting kicked around by these barbarians just seconds to his death). For me the story is kinda slow, it isn't that suspenseful but it's okay.

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Scream 2 (1997)
...screaming for more
21 July 2002
This movie is the sequel from that scary movie "Scream" that has started a new generation of horror movies. This sequel is probably the best sequel I have seen in years. I am a big fan of this movie from part 1 to 3, too bad the trilogy didn't win any awards. But still, it's fun to watch and really suspense. When I first saw Scream, Neve has become my fave. actress and when I found out that theres a sequel, I can't wait to see it. I bought it on video long time ago and still I don't get tired of watching because another fave. actress of mine is there also who is Sarah Michelle Gellar. The chasing scenes are really great, probably the best parts of the movie. Also the beginning of the movie is also good, even though Jada was in first 15mins. of the movie. I think its still worth it to be part of it. The cast are really good, plus another applaud for the killers. For all those people who didn't see this movie yet, go rent this movie. It's really good that will leave you screaming for more! byebye
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Terror in the Mall (1998 TV Movie)
This movie should win an Oscar!! *cough cough* okay I lied!
15 July 2002
At first before I see this movie I was really excited about it but when I saw it all my hopes were washed away by the flood *stupid dam*. Anyway, the reporter at the beginning of the movie made me laugh because she cannot act! It so obvious that she's reading something or trying to memorize something. The special effects are horrible! It is so obvious when the dam breaks that the little houses are just toys. When the mall blew up and the people jumped off the roof, the roof glass didn't even break into pieces. Thank goodness it was just a movie for television. If they released this on theatres, that's a big laugh. This is like Scary Movie that's meant to be funny. I like the twist part when they made this guy look like the killer whom you thought pretending to be the architect of the mall but really is the architect of the mall. That one got me. The acting is so great...BAD!!! but the killer guy (I'll give him credit for it, he's okay) For the rest of the cast...don't quit your day job.
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Merlin (1998)
Truth, Freedom, Beauty and Looovveee :)
15 July 2002
This movie is really good! AMAZING!! Sam Neil did a good job especially Miranda Richardson. She stole the whole movie, she's really great. No wonder she's one of my fave. actress (she also did a good job on SNOW WHITE). Anyway, all actors did a terrific job in this movie. Go rent or buy this movie, it's really worth it. If I ever come across this movie on DVD I will definitely buy it. It is a long movie but it is never boring and really suspense. The special effects were great, I was really amazed and hope that they rerun this on telly again. I saw this movie when I was a highschool freshman and now that I'm done highschool(just graduated last month). I still can't forget it. It is the best tv movie I have ever seen next to "10th Kingdom" That's another movie I will never forget. I hope they keep doing movie like this because it is really entertaining. Two thumbs up for everyone who's involve in this movie!
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The Amazing Race (2001– )
its okay...
11 July 2002
There has never been any reality game shows like this. This show RULES! For me this show has knocked off Survivor to my list of favourite shows to number two. This is my number one, but I was a little disappointed because I expected that it will a lot better than the first one. It turned out that the first one still beat this one but its okay. The 3rd installment will be on this fall and I hope they go to a lot of beautiful countries with loads of obsticles and swinging! Well that's folks!

PS=How come they don't have any destinations in Canada instead of Alaska?
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
"The greatest thing you will ever learn is to Love, and be Loved in return"--Christian
11 July 2002
First Baz, the director did "Strictly Ballroom", then "William Shakespeare's--Romeo+Juliet" for a sequel and for a trilogy. Can he make a musical movie without screwing up?...YES HE CAN CAN CAN! YES HE CAN CAN CAN! Moulin Rouge is the best musical movie I have ever seen in my 17years of existance here on Earth. This should be the number one musical ever instead of that West Side Story one. Nicole and Ewan did a wonderful job in this movie. Actually Ewan is my favourite actor and knowing that he's in this movie made me even more desperate to see this. Nicole Kidman is so sexy, no matter what her costume is, she is so hot! I really like the songs they put in this movie especially the *Elephant Medley* and *Come What May* The song with an Indian singer & Nicole for the last half is so cool. Every time I hear that song I feel like dancing! 'Cause this movie so good, I bought it on DVD. Buy or rent this movie people, this is the movie that will make you watch it over and over again. I hope Baz's next project is as good as his previous ones. U ROCK BAZ BUDDY! :-)
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HUH???? /o o\
28 October 2001
I did not like the film that much. People are talking about Halloween part 2/4/7/6,etc. Well, i did not get to see them 'cause i was not alive at that time. Anyway, i did not like the film. I'm still a SCREAM (1-3) fan and for me--Neve Campbell is better than Jamie L.C. at horror movies. Some parts of the movie are just stupid and i also noticed that some part of the movie are kinda like the same from the SCREAMs movies (also the background music). If they are going to make another Halloween movie, I hope there is alot of scary parts and the killer should be running not walking. 'Cause if the killer is running there is going to be a lot of action in the movie.
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ENCORE! 10 out of 10!!
19 October 2001
I have always been amazed and sad everytime i watch a movie about the holocaust and the people's story. The Anne Frank story is like one of my favourite second to Julius Caesar of Rome. After watching this movie i cried because its not just a movie. It happened in real life. The girl who portrayed Anne Frank was really great, actually everyone was great. This movie was nominated for Emmy this year and they really deserve the awards for this one. They did not just made a movie about it--but it also gives out a message that what happened long time ago should not be forgotten and stop hating people because of their race. The part when her sister died was really sad and also when was talking to her friend from the other fence. I recommend this wonderful movie to people from different ages.
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3.5 out of 5
19 October 2001
Okay, i dont get why people hate this movie. I think its great. Come on they worked hard to do this movie, give them credit. Be open minded people. Anyway, i did not like the acting of the villain. The villain has a very bad acting, they should have got a better one. The princess was also bad and the funny character. Good thing he died at the middle of the movie cause hes going to ruin it all if hes alive through the whole thing. I think they could have make this movie by having the plot more exciting and re-write the script. But the rest of the characters are good. The special effects were great, i really like it. I just bought this movie today (also Valentine) and i never regreted it cuz i like some parts of it. :P
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The Amazing Race (2001– )
just amazing!
15 October 2001
WOW! This tv show is good enough to beat Survivor but they belong in the same network so... Anyway, I like how they put it together--[11 teams with 2 people in each team]. The one that really gives colour to the show is the contestants and their personality. The editing was really great & I think they should win an Emmy for this. There's alot of action in it and great games. After watching an episode you just can't wait for the next one. Right now I heard its the second best reality show next to Survivor so again GOOD JOB CBS! One thing I love about this show is the places, every episode they go to different country. >
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Cube (1997)
15 October 2001
WOW, thats the first word I can say about this movie. Of all the Canadian movies, this one is the best and way smartest than all. The traps are really cool. The actors did a great job, especially the doctor girl (shes was my fave.!) But in the future there might be a thing just like this. Watch this movie people, you won't regret it. I guess its time to look and see what kind of power we have. This power is good but some will be used in a bad way where lives can be put in line. One thing I like about this movie is it keeps you thinking and after watching this movie I was really speechless.
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12 May 2001
Wow!!! This is just wow! Its my first time seeing this movie today, i just bought it on video. When i watched it i was alone in the house and closed all the lights and closed the windows so its dark (I like watching horror movie in a dark place and alone so i can really feel im in it). Anyway, if you havent seen this movie yet. U should go rent/buy it! & watch it alone. I really like this movie cuz theres alot of scenes thats gonna make you jump-off your seat. There was this scene when i got really scared and FELL OFF OF MY SEAT!!!! The acting were really great (2 thumbs up 4 michelle p.!) I will give this movie 9 out of 10. Thank goodness i didnt watch it at midnight! (cuz i was planning to watch at midnight) Well, thats all i gotta say folks, got to go. BYE!
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