
6 Reviews
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Broken Roads (2012)
Broken and beyond repair, indeed...
9 April 2013
Broken Roads is a film that comes along every 5 years that can't be seen from beginning to end in one sitting because it is so ridiculously bad that you can't help but skip through it and watch it in segments.

I don't mind watching bad movies, especially when they are entertaining - however Broken Roads doesn't allow us the benefit of enjoyment because it's just that bad.

The acting from the majority of the cast is awful and weak at best. The only decent performances came from superficial secondary characters and Shoshana Bush, but despite their best efforts to elevate the material, the script is too muddled and unfocused to display what they are capable of if given a good script. The biggest disappointment, of course, comes from the work by Sally Kirkland, considering she is the only one from the cast with a name and credentials. She is overly dramatic and sappy that every word she says is wooden and dull. However, as bad as her performance is, it is Oscar worthy in comparison to the male lead, Aidan Bristow - who is constantly yelling throughout the movie for no reason except at an attempt to be a "Good" actor, because "All good actors yell and cry." in a movie.

The direction of the film handled by Justin Chambers is unfocused and confused and extremely heavy. His attempts to make a "good" movie fall short because instead of letting the material speak for itself he tries hard to be dramatic - nothing is organic or earned, it's constantly forced, everything in this movie is forced at the audience.

The story is incredibly predictable with no conflict. You kind of sit there most of the time asking yourself, "what's the point of all this?"

Now there are bad films and there are terrible films. A bad film would be any movie that's so bad it's good where as a terrible film would be any movie that's just not good at all and simply bad. Broken Roads is a fine example of a Bad Script + Bad Acting + Unfocused Directing = Bad Movie. I read a few reviews praising the cinematography of the picture, however even the cinematography was amateur at best with the exception of one shot that actually looked professional.

The proof is in the pudding so approach this film with caution if you choose to see it for yourself. But if I were you and I'd say SKIP IT. Everything about this film is broken and beyond repair.
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An Artful Masterpiece Beyond belief
22 July 2008
From beginning to end Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight is a cinematic masterpiece. Unlike all the Iron Man's and Spider Man's that lack intelligence and a soul - The Dark Knight marvels as both a comic book adaptation and masterful work of art. By far the greatest comic book film ever and possibly the best film of 2008. Heath Ledger not only becomes The Joker, he is The Joker and delivers the most haunting and charismatic performance of the decade - this is stuff most actors dream of. Christian Bale takes his game to a new level and gives us an emotional batman/Bruce Wayne who is wounded and restraint, he presents a subtle intensity that we have never seen before.

The film is an examination of the existence of good and evil. We get to understand that neither can exist without the other. Batman and Joker need each other in order to exist, it's almost as if they were meant to be...

Underneath The Dark Knight's characterization there lies a love story haunted by darkness and true passion. The film is a character study of a madman, an unlikely hero, and a man in a mask.

The film isn't an action film, however I do say it is very violent. How it got away with a PG-13 rating stuns me.

Expect crisp writing, more than great acting, and tour de force directing by Christopher Nolan. Nolan has for sure pieced together genuine art that will live through history as a phenomenal and emotional experience that no one will ever forget.

The Dark Knight is sure to haunt you for days...

And so will Heath Ledger...
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Ridley does it again!!!
13 November 2007
Ridley Scott should be fined for making unbelievable motion pictures. I couldn't take my eyes of it for a second. This film will definitely be ranked as one of the all time greats next to The Godfather, Goodfellas, Scarface, and The Departed. What an amazing movie, the acting is sensational with Denzel as "The Man" and Crowe as "The Cop". I don't know Scott does it but every time he steps behind the camera he continues to ignite the screen with rich details and visual sequences.

Although not as violent as his other films, Gangster maintains a sense of continuity and balance. It's not a killfest like The Departed but it's not talky like Carilto's Way: Rise to Power. I'm not going to tell you a thing to about the move because it's an experience you need to go through yourself.

Awesome movie...
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Harsh Times (2005)
Gangster Masterpiece
5 June 2007
Christian Bale gives the performance of a lifetime in this gritty crime drama which pushes the boundaries on insanity. Harsh Times is a better movie than Training Day, overall it's superb. Christian Bale has never been better in a movie that requires depth and study. The supporting acts are impressive as well. The content of the film is for sure darker than that of Training Day but not as violent. The drama between the characters allows the audience and those who grew up in those environments to accept these characters and ride with them where ever they go.

Harsh Times is near perfect, but I wish the story could have been rewritten a couple of times to solidify the main character and the content as a rock making sure that what you are about to see is a hell ride to insanity and back. Nevertheless, it is nerve-shredding picture with knockout performances.
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Brutal Action, Crisp Humor, And A Good Heart
26 January 2007
Undisputed II: Last Man Standing is the best fight film I've seen since "Fight Club". I don't understand why this film didn't get released in theaters, it's that damn good. Way better than the original which was a good one in all respects, but the original lacked in heart, which this outing has a lot of. In this sequel we find "Spawn" go head to head with a "Universal Soldier", and it's damn good. The fight scenes are very good, they rival the scenes in "Fight Club" and take the kickboxing movie to a whole new level of intensity and brutality. We also find ourselves cheering for the old timer who wants nothing more than to meet his niece. In the end we find ourselves cheering, yelling, laughing, and flat out crying. Great film!!!
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Gripping Suspense with Gritty Action and Creepy Monks
16 September 2006
Unlike "The Crimson Rivers" which was a great mystery-thriller, its sequel, "Crimson Rivers 2: Angels of the Apocalypse" is a great action-thriller with mystery elements. This is a rare sequel that surpasses the original, its got great action, great suspense, non-stop thrills, and it has Jean Reno. Jean Reno returns as Investigator Niemans to investigate a body that was found in the walls of a creepy monastery and later teams up with officer Reda played by Benoit Magimel. Both characters are then thrusted into a fiasco of gun-play, killer monks, end-of-the-world scenarios and an underground cult known as Angels of the Apocalypse. If you like dark and gritty action you're going to love this movie, it even has the best chase sequences I've ever seen put on film, so see it, you can thank me later. Plus it has horror, gore, guns, and a really hot female investigator. What else can we ask for in a straight to your face action movie? It's better than the original and its better than "The Da Vinci Code", sorry, I read a comment that some chick said this movie was worse than "Da Vinci", all I got to ask is, What was that chick smoking? THIS IS A GREAT MOVIE.
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