
7 Reviews
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The Ripper (2020)
I love Netflix & Serial Killer Docs But This Was Boring
17 December 2020
I could not get into it. They made what should have been an engaging and interesting documentary into something exceptionally boring. It may be better if you are from the UK, but as an American, it was just extremely bland and boring.
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Manhunt (II) (2017–2020)
Well Done Show But Too Much Political Point of Virew
9 December 2020
This was a well made show but it adds too much politics into the show. The show is catering to a MAGA crowd where they make the FBI look corrupt and weak, and right-wing dangerous unpatriotic militias as the good guys. On top of that, it tries to normalize a serial killing bomber, while making the people trying to stop the madman look like the bad guys. This is a new angle for Netflix and will surely be upvoted by those who think they "own" America. One line really summed it up, "thats an old rebel song...they own these hills." The old, and most likely corrupt sherriff says that. It seems to me, he was trying to help the bomber rather than the innocent people he hurt. Remember, Richard wasn't setup by the FBI if a madman didn't bomb the place in the first place.

This show panders to those who support a certain candidate and have victim complexes.

I wish they took the politics out of it and it would have been good.
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Hand of God (2014–2017)
I am perplexed by the high reviews
2 December 2020
This show was beyond fiction. Nothing makes sense when you think about it. The wife makes Breaking Bad wife and Ozark wife look normal and fun. Every time a scene with the wife was shown I fast-forwarded.
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Slow Film Filled With White Victimhood Mixed With Delusions of Grandeur
29 November 2020
This movie was slow and boring. I am not sure what Ron Howard was going for. The main character who narrates says "these are my people." It feeds into this total lie and myth that whites such as him originated in those lands. The movie fails to address the major concerns with these backwoods people. The low education and the passing down of delusions from generation to generation. They are products of remedial immigration from Europe but fail to even understand that. It showcases a white only world where even if you are poor, they are trained to think this is their land, and that others who don't look like them are subpar and inferior. It's a recipe for constant whining, complaining and not understanding what America is actually about. Ron Howard tries to make a human story but fails miserably. Avoid it.
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The Least Funny Thing I've Seen in A Long Time
31 October 2020
Full disclosure, I am an independent who does not like Trump and think making fun of him is totally ok and should be done. However, I am first and foremost a comedy fan. Sarah Cooper is not funny. This special is not funny. It is cringe central. I gave it 1/10 because she made a name for herself without having any talent. She is paraded around and written about like there is no tomorrow but the comedy is non-existent. Just because someone is making fun of someone you despise does not mean you can sacrifice quality.
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A Movie That Follows the Normal White Centric Narrative
14 October 2020
This was a stereotypical white person is the best Hollywood movie that we are used to seeing time and time again. I almost turned it off when they basically character assassinated Bruce Lee. I don't care if this is a 'normal" type of Quentin movie, I found it just insufferable.
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India Does Not Know How to Make Documentaries or Expose
7 October 2020
This had potential but it was filled with cookie cutter interviews that made the crooks look good. It was hard to watch and just shows how many Indians are so money hungry that they will not say a negative thing about people who defraud many.
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