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Tales of the City: Three of Cups (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
So disapointing
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The season or miniseries finale was disapointing. That dumb humor was present here, as in the entire show, thanks to that new young and stupid characters. But at least the main ones were there to make the show a little worth one more time. I hated that the writers chose the lonely girl to be a psycho. It makes look like all lonely people in the world have some problem. Shawna's parts weren't well developed. It all seemed to be very rushed. The part of Anna's death was touching, but it could be another person who finds her. That young actor who plays a trans man is a bad actor, he doesn't pass any emotion. I think the finale wasn't good at all and this show deserved a better one.
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Beautiful and dumb at times
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely the show could be way better than it was. I didn't watch the old seasons yet, but this last one from Netflix failed at some points, in my opinion. Starting by that dumb kind of humor that is so present in many shows and movies nowadays. That kind of humor so childish and without being funny at all. Some characters in particular helps to explain my point of view, like that asian brothers that are always talking about social media. Omg! These two could just be taken out of the show that wouldn't be missed. I also didn't like they put the lonely girl to be the crazy person that was revealed at the end. Me being a lonely person in life felt a bit disrespected with this writer's choice. It may be something foolish for some people but it's what I think. The actor that plays the trans guy also was very bad, maybe something that the screenplay didn't help, cause his character was very irritating most of the time. The good things was all the value of this story for the community, the main characters was amazing. I loved Elliot Page and Laura Linney, but also the two older guys that I didn't know. All them was great at their roles. Olimpia Dukakis I felt that wasn't so good because she only kept seat, thinking, with the same countenance the entire season. I think she could be more developed. Also what bothered me a lot was their necessity to talk about maryjuana as it was something from another planet. None of the scenes where people are smoking or talks about it was natural at all. So, at the end of the day was a nice show to watch, but I finished it with the feeling that they could done a lot better for sure.
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It gets worst each episode
28 May 2022
It seems like the series gets worst each episode. It could be really a masterpiece, if it wasn't for Logan Lerman's character and all that teenage thing they do. Also the jokes are always unfunny and unnatural. This episode disapointed me so much and the musical scene was ridiculous. The investigation from the fbi agent is a really good plot and I think the series would be a lot better if the focus was on that instead of showing Jonah playing with his friends and his crush.
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The Equalizer: The Milk Run (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Good show, but...
10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm loving the show, the characters, the sense of humor and action in the right measure etc, but these final moments of the episodes where they always end up planning everything perfectly and fools everyone is just getting boring. The second episode in a row McCal and her CIA mate do this and it's just too unthinkable that CIA's boss would be fooled so easy. Anyway, I liked the episode and the story in this one would make a great main theme for the whole series. Bad that it doesn't have a straight plot and it's always a random case each episode. Lovin' Queen Latifah at this role.
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Larry's tv show evoluted a lot
30 April 2022
I watched all the seasons of Curb, but I just watched the doc, that should work as a prelude of the series, now. Incredible how they pick the original ideas in this documentary and put into a series in a totally better way. Glad that the show evoluted so much, because this begining was full of unfunny stuff. Larry doing the stand up just didn't work. The supporting actings also weren't good at all. In the show all the situations were so much well made and much more funny. Sad that the 11th season was so terrible that I couldn't even finish. Anyway, Larry made history with Curb and did a masterpiece show if we delete from memory the prelude season and the 11th one.
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I love Natti but...
16 April 2022
I love Natti but the show isn't real at all. We can see many things that are planned, only because they're filming. Anyway, it's cool to know more about her life and see the beautiful views at Miami. She's an amazing artist, but I expected more about the show.
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The best episode so far
1 February 2022
From the four until now, it's the episode I liked the most on season 2. It had the best characters showing up, also the most interesting storylines in this season (maddyxcassiexnate and cal), the soundtrack as usual was amazing and we had lack of the boring lexi what made the episode even better.
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Great doc to a great show
1 January 2022
It was cool to see the actors talking out of the show and also to know everyone involved on it. I love it! Insecure was definitely one of my favorite tv shows on the last year. I'll miss Issa, Molly and Kelly.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: IRASSHAIMASE! (2021)
Season 11, Episode 5
Curb ended in season 10
23 November 2021
Unfortunately I'll have to say goodbye to this show. I'm just not enjoying it anymore as I used to and I feel like I'm losing my time, since the jokes aren't funny anymore. Larry is always trying to act and everybody knows he isn't an actor. Besides that, the situations just don't have that hilarious thing like it used to. Like what the hell was that with Larry arguing with the asian chefs? I can't imagine what kind of people finds that funny. I think it's the same kind of people who watches The flight attendant or Dead to me and thinks these series are funny. I quote these two because they're two of the most unfunny "comedy" series I ever seen and now I feel like Curb became one of them. Obviously the first ten seasons will never be forgotten, but this season 11 just don't exist for me and for those who like good and intelligent comedy. Bye Larry :'/
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Insecure: Surviving, Okay?! (2021)
Season 5, Episode 5
Great episode!
23 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Comedy and drama in the right dose. The part when Issa and Nathan lose Molly's dog and then it appears is hilarious. Also the drama with the situation with Molly's mom and Issa and Lawrence finally meeting in the weirdest way. I loved this episode. Hope this season get some Emmy nominations next year since it's the last one.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Watermelon (2021)
Season 11, Episode 4
This season shouldn't exist
16 November 2021
Are there really someone who's laughing with these unfunny episodes? It's very sad what Larry is doing with this season. Curb can be divided in the ten first seasons, which were actually great, with some intelligent humor, and this one, which isn't "Curb" at all. It looks like I'm watching that terrible netflix comedy shows for teenagers. Horrible!
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Insecure: Faulty, Okay?! (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
Funny and wonderful ep!
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Finally they're back! It was only one episode without the girls and it seems like it lasted much more. This episode has everything I love about Insecure: it's funny, it has some casual chat by friends, it has some beautiful views. It is already one of my favorites. So good to see Issa and Molly getting along again. And Kelli always so funny! The refferences were awesome as well. I loved this episode! Only a few chats between the boys on the car I felt it wasn't so funny at all, so I won't give a 10 star only for that. In general was an excellent episode. The guy crazy to see Jasonn Derulooo was one of the best things about it.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Mini Bar (2021)
Season 11, Episode 3
9 November 2021
Please stop this season now! You're ruining the show. It seems like it gets worst every episode. That scene of the girl beating up Cheryl speaks for itself. What a dumb scene and terrible new characters. I feel ashamed to show this season to anyone and say I'm a fan of Curb. It has to stop, really. I hope they don't do a 10 episodes season cause they're so out of creativity that it's even embarassing.
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Insecure: Pressure, Okay?! (2021)
Season 5, Episode 3
Boring episode
8 November 2021
The worst episode of the entire series so far. It was very boring to watch Lawrence fighting for his baby. As usual, the soundtrack is awesome and it was mostly the only thing I really liked about 5x03. The scene that shows him and Condola living their lives was well made, but the best part was definitely when Kelli appears and saves the episode. That's when we are sure that the show belongs to the women. Totally unnecessary episode. I like him as co-star, but I hope they don't do this anymore. I already miss Issa and Molly.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Angel Muffin (2021)
Season 11, Episode 2
Another terrible one
4 November 2021
After that catastrophic first episode of season eleven, we have another terrible episode and totally unfunny as well. It seems like they're trying to get a new audience at all costs, by bringing the "netflix" idea to call attention and this new generation actor dylan o brian. It really sucked! And not only for this. The situations are just not funny anymore. Larry is screaming more than Suzy! He seems like he's trying to act and everybody knows he's not an actor, so it gets all so poor and bad made. I'm not enjoying anything about this new season so far. I hope it gets better on the next episodes, what I doubt it.
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Pose: The Trunk (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
Episode full of melodrama
23 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst episode so far. The season isn't pleasing me well. It looks like they changed the writers, because the dialogues on this third season are so weak and in this episode in particular everything went down. First of all, Elektra's personality changed. Ok, in her early years dealing with her mother I can understand, but then, in the house of abbudance she was all gracious with Blanca. In the beginning she was furious, she was mean and used to not care for Blanca at all. Didn't anyone else notice that? For me the melodrama also didn't work so well, with all the characters playing so nicely, when everybody knows Elektra is famous for being the bad bitch. It doesn't make any sense. Papi is an unnecessary character. Blanca's new boyfriend is so perfect that is someone that couldn't exist in the real world. 3x03 is a total disaster!
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Overrated in general with a brilliant finale
5 June 2021
I see people saying in other critics here that there were a lot of chaos on the show. Actually, for me there were lack of chaos, of action, of drama. The series is really slow and some episodes, as some characters, are unnecessary to the main story. I think it would work better if it had 10 episodes. I expected much more, because of what I read about it, but the show wasn't nothing excited for me. However, I liked how they ended it, with a smart season finale that let us reflectives. It was beautiful and it surprised me, since I wasn't liking at all of the other episodes.
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Alias (2001–2006)
JJ Abrams is a genius!
22 May 2021
Alias is easily one of my favorite tv shows of all time, along with Lost and Fringe. All creations of the legendary JJ Abrams. He is a master in the art of creating a tv show. Alias is a perfect mix of action, drama, romance and spionage. It's for everyone's taste and it's amazing! Jennifer Garner did her best role ever here.
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The Office: The Job (2007)
Season 3, Episode 23
18 May 2021
A weak season finale for the weakest season so far. It seems like the series loses its funny each episode. I hope it gets better on the next seasons. The only one I really enoyed was the first one. They forget to do comedy to focus on these drama/love stories, not to mention some characters that aren't funny at all, like Dwight. It's really being a disapointment to me, because I think The Office had a lot of potential in the begining, but it wasn't well developed unfortunately.
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One Tree Hill: Unopened Letter to the World (2005)
Season 2, Episode 15
11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm rewatching the series now and I didn't remember the second season was this good. This episode was beautiful. Only the final scene with coach Whitey watching his old video is stunning. I love this show! The best teen series ever made.
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Brilliant! Amazing! Masterpiece!
27 March 2021
The movie shows a hard reality that was a result of the 9/11 attacks. It has powerful actings by Tahar Rahim and Jodie Foster. To me it was a great surprise because I wasn't expecting much. It's impossible to watch this movie and do not feel touched by the main character situation. Besides, The Mauritanian shows us a scary perspective from the american government, in the way they deal with the terrorism issue, back in the day. I can't see why people are complaining so much in the comentaries about the movie. It really isn't all this crap they're saying. I think everyone should watch it and take their own conclusions. I think it has everything a movie can have to be a good one, there are a great screenplay, great characters with amazing actings and a lot of emotions.
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The Office: Initiation (2006)
Season 3, Episode 5
Another weak episode
3 February 2021
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The third season keeps with its weakness and not fun episodes. I only laugh at a couple of times and for a comedy show it's bad. At least for me, if I watch a comedy show and I don't laugh, it means that there's something wrong with it. Anyway, the 3x05 ep was a bit better than 3x04, that was the worst episode of all series until now. I loved to see Jim and Pam scene at the end and Stanley was the best of it. He was the one who made me laugh the most this time. Dwight's kind of humor doesn't please me at all.
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The Office: Grief Counseling (2006)
Season 3, Episode 4
The most boring and annoying episode
3 February 2021
This third season is being a disapointment for me. Of all four episodes I watched until now, only the second one I really enjoyed. I hope it gets funnier after this. It was very annoying to see them talking about death all the time. The jokes also didn't work.
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A great classic!
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched Friday the 13th for the first time yesterday and I liked it very much. Its tension atmosphere and the fact we don't see who is killing everyone in the camp is just amazing. The twist at the end also is great, genius! Although it was inffluenced by Halloween, in my opinion Friday the 13th is way superior. There are more suspense, the death scenes are more fun, the lake where the movie takes place is gorgeous and creepy at the same time. I enjoyed this more than watching the first Halloween (actually I only liked the 4th one). Maybe the only thing Haloween beats is on the main theme that is iconic. The rest, Friday is better in all!
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The best of the franchise
22 January 2021
The second Step Up is no doubt the best of all movies from the franchise. The story is touching in the right measure, without becoming too melodramatic, because of course it's not the intention of a movie about street dance. Anyway, it still achieve the viewer's emotion with the protagonist drama, since she was born in a poor neighbourhood and had some issues with her family. Besides this great story, the movie delivers us some nice dance scenes and the soundtrack is incredible for those that, like myself, loves hip hop music. They put on the OST some huge hits from pop and hip hop scenario at the time and made also the best soundtrack from all Step Up movies. If anyone asks me which one is my personal favorite, I don't think much. Step Up 2 is the best! I don't understand why it's the only one that isn't on a streaming app, just like the ST is not on spotify.
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