3 Reviews
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Smokin' Aces (2006)
A piece of advice for our American producers....
2 August 2007
I really am shared about this movie. I have spent 1h40 of sheer pleasure, thinking about the numerous friends who would share my pleasure in the watching of this funny and nervous movie. I couldn't stop thinking of the marvelous moment I was spending and that real theater were meant for : spending a crazy and intense moment with those kind of movies. Hélas! my dear friends, hélas! why, after succeeding in taking our breath for more than an hour, after making an entire theater laughing and taking so much pleasure in an simple but efficient plot, full of references (for movie-lovers), couldn't you resist in serving us another of those damned twist-plot at the end of this brilliant entertainment. Why? You had a sheer master piece, couldn't you be a bit less greedy, a bit less ambitious with your audience? It would have been so cool...and so...original. I (and I am not alone for that matter) am so bored with those twist-plot ending. Isn't it enough to give us some pleasure by taking advantage of our sanguinary instincts, and our taste for sadism? Do you really think, that we always also want to be taken for fools with those stupid endings that no you feed us since at least "Usual suspect",and so many other movies? I only have one wish, and that is maybe someone would realize that and would cut this part of the movie for a DVD edition. But, I know I am dreaming, for there is another fashion nowadays : always release a so-called "director's cut", always a bit longer, and as far as I know, never as good as the former one.
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Angel (2007)
A true masterpiece!
27 March 2007
This is probably the best film I have seen this year. Everything is perfectly done in this movie. First, you will notice that the photography is perfect and beautiful, and I seriously advise you to watch this movie on theater if you want to take advantage of all its qualities from the image to the soundtrack. Secondly, the actors are perfect and they all play with a lot of subtlety their part. Absolutely no one is ever a caricature of his character, and no one ever tries to be nicer than his character is supposed to be. Everybody will notice that every character is important, and that with a minimum of time and sequences, you will guess who each one of them is, and what he thinks, and so on. This film is really intelligent, and will make you think a lot, not only about ambition, success, talent, selfishness (of some artists), but also what is reality in everyone's mind (beside fiction or dream), and how to deal with it, the part of "schizophrenia" and so on... Their would be of course a lot more to say about this film, but the best thing to do is simply to go and make your own opinion... Enjoy it, it's a difficult (in some ways) movie, but it's a really beautiful one : a true masterpiece!
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Zim and Co. (2005)
Bravo Adrien and Co!
10 January 2007
What a delicious moment I spent watching this beautiful and simple movie. What a surprise to see how good a former classmate (in the Eva Saint Paul class, Paris) is now on the screen, a nice chap indeed, whom I hope to see again very soon. But the main point that I also really appreciate was that some heavy problems that concerns the youth are dealt really smoothly, lightly (in a positive sense), and it is quite refreshing, especially for a french movie. It does mean that anyone can have a good insight on those problems (justice, racism, finding a job, parents and children relationship...), with a clear and positive mind, and it is important. The script is, thus, pretty good, as well as the acting of this bunch of so nice people that you feel like having a drink with. And, talking about that, as a good drink, this movie can be refreshing as well as warming.
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