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Almost wonderful.
21 December 2001
First let me say that I love Ron Howard. I also appreciate Jim Carrey. I've seen the half hour animation every Christmas my whole childhood. The way this movie was blown into a feature length film was fine. Most of the added stuff fit with the characters and story established in the original. But it was a little too loud. Sometimes, way too loud. The sets were incredible and the make-up was great, but it's much easier to sit through a half hour than two hours plus. Still, you can do worse for a holiday movie.

*** out of ****
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A funny, entertaining, adventure movie.
25 September 2001
This is a really good movie though it doesn't quite reach greatness. The comparisons to Indiana Jones are largely responsible for that. But if you watch it on its own level, it's highly entertaining. Danny DeVito is really very funny and Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner are solid in the lead roles. Actually, this may be my favorite as far as her work goes.

For all you who don't care what is said in a movie, ignore this part. But, I have to say that the language seems a bit to crude and harsh and overall excessive for a family film. Don't get me wrong, Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies, but it's not marketed for the family. This is, and although I think a little spicy language is fine in a "family" film, this just seems to go too far with that and some of the crude humor. This is just in case you are sensitive to that sort of thing when looking for a movie to show the kids.

That being said, this movie works on every other level. It's one I crave to watch every now and then.

*** out of ****
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Foul Play (1978)
One of Goldie Hawn's best.
25 September 2001
I love this movie for Goldie Hawn when she was cute, Chevy Chase when he was charming and witty, and Dudley Moore when he was just down right funny. I wish Chevy had more to do in this, but luckily he would do Fletch later. When ever I want to see Goldie at her best I put this in.

Yes, it seems to be a little "paint by the numbers", but as of 1978, how many times had those numbers really been painted? And the energy of the entire cast keeps the movie moving and highly entertaining even if it's a little predictable. I also like the way that the '70's mind-set is purely captured in this film. The way drugs were more casual, some woman were so obsessed with being raped, and the hair and clothing styles. It's dated, but it's really fun to go back and visit that time.

So, if you're in the mood for funny and don't mind going back a little ways to get it, this movie should satisfy.

***1/2 out of ****
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Solid Disney entry.
19 September 2001
This movie is fun for the kids with a nice message about the evils of selfishness. The story-line and animation is on a par with most of Disney's films. It's very funny, but only if you like David Spade's brand of humor. It's kind of like "Just Shoot Me" in the jungle. Even so, it's really entertaining and I highly recommend it.

*** out of ****
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The War (1994)
It says a lot without actually preaching.
18 September 2001
This movie was wrongly overlooked when it came out. It has a lot to say and says it well, leaving the viewer with much to think about. It tells about poor country life in the early '70's from the view point of pre-teens. It touches on the Vietnam War through flashbacks and uses this as a study for the conflicts the children are facing. Their father is their link to the war. It deals with several kinds of hatred and its effects on the kids' lives. It also contrasts the kids' reactions to the father's.

Everything is done well. The children actors, led by Elijah Wood, do a really good job. Elijah was especially wonderful with the emotional out bursts he has to produce. Kevin Costner was surprisingly understated as the father and Mare Winningham is very good as the mother. I wish it was a bigger part. The part of the school teacher comes off a bit stereotypical but it works okay. Again, the kids carry the scene with their show of pride and willingness to stand by each other in adversity.

All in all, it's a good movie and good for older children to watch even though there is some strong language and violence. Actually, I think it's a bit mild for its PG-13 rating.

***1/2 out of ****
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As close to the book as I've seen a movie get.
22 August 2001
I read the book first and got the same feeling from the movie as I did the book. Most of the time I'm disappointed by additions and deletions from book to film, but this one doesn't have that. Besides,it's just a good movie. I REALLY don't like war movies, but this one focuses on spies rather than actual battle scenes and therefore more on individuals than mass groups. (In fairness, Platoon and Saving Private Ryan managed this, too, even with the many combat scenes.)

Kate Nelligan is one of my favorite actresses and she gives a wonderful performance as an affectionate, but neglected wife who is torn by her affair with a mysterious stranger. Usually she's tucked away in some supporting role, so it was nice to see her actually starring. I don't always like Donald Sutherland, but he really is good as the cold-blooded spy. Also, the scenery is really beautiful. The supporting cast does well, too, though the little boy could get on your last nerve.

All in all, it's a worthwhile movie and aught to be seen and commented on much more than it is.
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A must see for Susan Sarandon fans. . .
21 August 2001
. . .but anyone else should like it,too. I saw it for the first time in the theater when I was 19. It was the first movie I went to alone because none of my friends wanted to see a "girl's movie". It is that, but it's a wonderful one of those. Since then I've seen it a dozen times and it always makes me laugh.

Susan is wonderful as always and Raul Julia is solid, but Judith Ivy steals every scene she's in. Some of the other characters are excentric to distraction, but over all it's very entertaining. It's the kind of comedy that's amusing even if it's not laugh-out-loud funny all the time. Now it's a little dated, but still really fun to watch.
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My all time favorite film.
18 August 2001
I believe this to be the Coen brother's best movie, and it's my favorite movie of all time. Usually I don't like gangster movies, but this seems to reach deeper levels by having an interesting plot and good characterizations from all involved. Marcia Gay Harden is especially good, as are Albert Finney and Gabriel Byrne, but all are effective, even Steve Bushemi in only one scene.

The movie transports you to that time in a way I've never felt a movie do before. I've literally watched it over 50 times and always find something new and interesting. It's beautiful even while being violent, a very difficult thing to do. It's also very funny, in a wry way, without losing any dramatical punch.

I don't often give a 10 but this is worth it on every level!
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