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The Boys: Herogasm (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
An instant classic
24 June 2022
This is the episode where the gloves come off and the Boys flexes it's blood soaked muscles. Genuinely heart stopping, edge of your seat television that shows three seasons deep the Boys isn't running out of ideas. From Jason Ackles' pitch perfect and surprisingly layered performance as Soldier Boy to the utter madness of Herogasm, it grabs you by the balls and doesn't let up for a second. Every character gets their moment to shine, with every arc being developed beautifully. Impossibly, just when you think you've seen it all, Anthony Starr shows that he's not done showcasing his acting talent, as he gives arguably his best performance as Homelander. If you weren't whooping at the screen in the sensational final showdown, you haven't been paying attention these past three seasons. Truly a triumph and (thankfully) not the utter smut of the comic it's based off.
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Dog days
11 January 2022
I was initially drawn to this film by overwhelming critical reception and am a big fan of the horror comedy genre so this seemed right up my street. Unfortunately this may be one of the biggest disappointments I have encountered in many years. It isn't often a film actively annoys me, but this film certainly did that. The crushing lack of both horror and comedy may be quirky and appealing to some, but for me, it just stank of missed opportunity. Boring, predictable, slow and with one of the most irritating casts of characters I have ever seen. It's like if Adam Sandler was performing as all these people, with shouty annoyance ramped up to the max. I may be in the minority here, but I believe this film to be a failure that I never wish to watch again so long as I live.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Everything wrong with DC
2 August 2021
This is one of the worst films I've ever seen, the epitome of DC's edge lord problem. It tries to be deep and complex but the nature of the Suicide Squad comics run just doesn't suit this. Then when it tries to be fun and quirky you get tonal whiplash that somehow makes you miss the boring grim-dark tone. Then there's Jared Leto and he's honestly not even the tenth biggest problem in this film. A boring slog that's ashamed to call itself a comic book film.
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Same issues as with the last few
1 August 2021
You can read the complaints for most of the season so far and they'll apply to this one. Just lazy.
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Bloody brilliant
31 July 2021
This film is everything you could've wanted and more. Everyone knew that at very least James Gunn would provide a fun thrill ride, no matter the quality. Having seen The Suicide Squad earlier today, I can safely say that description does the film a disservice. That's not to say it's not fun and thoroughly entertaining, but it is also filled with heart, passion and excellent characters. Many have compared this to Guardians of the Galaxy, which I believe is inaccurate as this film has far more of an emotional crux than that one (as much as I love Gunn's former contributions to Marvel). Also, there are some rather tragic, nasty moments in this film that mean the R rating is not just due to the bloody violence (although it is one of the splatteriest splatterfests I have ever seen on the big screen), and can also handle mature themes that couldn't be done in a film aimed at a younger demographic. Everything clicks into place perfectly and you'll go through an emotional journey with these bizarre characters. A triumph and must watch for not just comic book fans, but also fans of well shot, well written, epically realised adventure films.
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Rick and Morty: Rickdependence Spray (2021)
Season 5, Episode 4
Poor episode
13 July 2021
Pretty much sums up everything wrong with Rick and Morty these days. Dumb, gross and actually kinda boring, it's clear that the glory days of series 1 and 2 are long gone now.
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Inside No. 9: How Do You Plead? (2021)
Season 6, Episode 5
Derek Jacobi shines
10 June 2021
There are some actors that can carry material to greatness even if it isn't the best. The British icon that is Sir Derek Jacobi is one such acting heavyweight who can be described as "a safe pair of hands". Pairing this safe pair of hands with a killer script, excellent direction and a genius concept and what you're left with is an outstanding episode of Inside No 9 that is truly one to remember.
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Time (2021– )
Gut wrenching
8 June 2021
Often difficult to watch, but nonetheless an absolute triumph that demonstrates the very best of British drama. Sean Bean and Stephen Graham demonstrate why they are two of the most respected names in the industry today with absolutely stellar performances and never let up for a second. When I went into Time I was expecting something utterly hopeless and bleak, but there's just enough light in the darkness to keep you hopeful. A character study done to a perfection, with every theme, nuance and character nailed to a T. I cannot recommend this enough.
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Inside No. 9: Hurry Up and Wait (2021)
Season 6, Episode 4
One of the most twisted things I've ever seen...
31 May 2021
This is an episode that'll keep you guessing. At first I thought I was clever and had guessed the twist from the off. Boy was I wrong. A terrific turn from Father Ted's Pauline McLynn and a dash of humour added by Line of Duty's Adrian Dunbar. It may go too far for some, but I thought this was one of Pemberton and Shearsmith's finest scripts to date.
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Inside No. 9: The Devil of Christmas (2016)
Season 3, Episode 1
Disturbing festive cheer
20 May 2021
A Christmas episode of Inside No 9 could either be a jolly romp like Zanzibar or a harrowing horror spectacle like the Harrowing. Seems Pemberton and Shearsmith settled on a bit of both, with a fun, campy love letter to seventies horror movies quickly turning into something utterly dark and depraved. My dear personal favourite episode of the whole show simply for how many levels of enjoyment there are to be had from it.
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Inside No. 9: Wuthering Heist (2021)
Season 6, Episode 1
The crossover no one saw coming...
12 May 2021
This episode won't be for some, similar to Hotel Zanzibar, you need some level of understanding of Commedia dell'Arte to fully appreciate the humour. As a former drama student, this means I was able to take great enjoyment from this episode (not least because it meant the useless activity has finally brought some good into my life). It also helps if you're somewhat familiar with Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs, so if you're unfamiliar with either, I doubt you'd enjoy this episode. However, I personally found it to be an absolute triumph and will certainly be returning to it again in the future.
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Outnumbered: The Restaurant (2010)
Season 3, Episode 5
4 May 2021
Tragically Douglas Hodge's sole outing as the scene stealing Brick Bollinger. One of my favourite episodes - a triumph.
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Outnumbered: Christmas Special 2012 (2012)
Season 4, Episode 8
Very funny
4 May 2021
Taken me a while to get to this one, six years after the rest of it. A very funny, chaotic experience and Mark Heap stole the show (as per). Great to see the main cast on form and an all round good time.
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Line of Duty: Episode #6.7 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 7
Game of Thrones anyone?
2 May 2021
Utterly dreadful, one of the most disappointing finales of all time. I would rather "suck diesel" and "cook myself on gas" than watch this train wreck again. Golden retriever was nice though.
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