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Industry (2020– )
They should all be fired..
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those shows that's not bad enough to totally stop watching, but not good enough to look forward to. I'm at episode 7 and I just want it to end. The directing is fine, the acting is fine, the pacing is okay. What really doesn't make sense is that they set up this premise that all of these newbie employees have to do as much as they can to be hired full time and they all want that so bad. Yet, all of them seem to be doing everything possible to be fired, especially our main protagonist. I mean, she wants it so bad that she's forged documents and lied to get the freaking job.. Yet she constantly does things that would seemingly make her extremely expendable. She lies to her bosses, screws up royally on a trade, gets her mentor punished, and tells her co-workers how much she made on her bonus, yet is still hired. What kind of company is this that would hire her? Would I want to put my money in a company like this. And then you have her co-workers who do drugs and get intoxicated pretty freely, during work as well as cause many clients to leave the firm, and then the next second hoping that they keep their jobs. This makes me care very little about the plight of any of the characters and I want them all to get canned which I'm sure won't happen as I watch episode 8. I actually want more work stuff to happen because the partying and self sabotage that these characters create for themselves has become extremely tedious and I'm actually interested in this financial world that they created. I really hope this show gets canned because compared to so much good television out there, this really isn't very good. It potentially could get better because the bones are there but I doubt it and I won't be around to see.
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I love Chris Seaver films. There I said it.
12 December 2020
Yes the films are juvenile, have shoddy production values, and the acting isn't Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts level, but you know what, it is what is and what it is, is fun. Seaver's films aren't supposed to be anything but fun and silly and you know what, I like it. I don't have to think too hard when I watch his films and I know what I'm getting. I just watched "Ratched" on Netflix and you know what? It was bad. Now I'm not comparing Ratched and Seaver films, but Ratched was bad because it tried too hard to be a little bit of everything and not settling on what it was. So it was disappointing. Filthy Mcnastier is what it is and much more watchable than Ratched. So take your bad ratings and shove them up your Filthy McNastier because Chris Seaver is a talent.
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Complex World (1991)
I can't describe what I just watched
8 December 2020
But I'm really glad that I did. It's bizarre. Weird. And I can't really describe it, but it was really really well done. The actors feel like real people because most of them probably aren't actors but real people. I loved how the director pieced it all together and I really liked this film. A film like this probably would never be able to be made today which makes this film even more impressive. I had never heard of this film before I saw it on Amazon Prime and it's a shame that I hadn't because it deserves some acclaim. Check it out.
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So freaking bad
29 November 2020
First rule with Zombie movies. They can't be boring. This move is boring and so many other bad things. The acting is mediocre and I really hate when they try to make movies like this deep. All of these characters are supposed to be friends but there is no connection whatsoever. These characters are written so one dimensional that you have no interest if any of them live or die. The main antagonist guy over acts so much but I don't blame him entirely, it's the way this poor script is written. The directing is bad but there are a few clever angles. But don't waste your time on this movie. Luckily I was doing bills while watching so I didn't have to watch too much of this piece of garbage. And the first review is right, they just copied every single other zombie movie out there. Try to be original if you're going to make a movie like this.
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I May Destroy You (2020– )
Yeah, I don't get the praise either. Some good qualities though
15 September 2020
I'm at episode 9 and I may just finish it off but there are some aspects of this show that just leave a bad taste in my mouth. The main one is that I don't really care about any of the characters. I want to care about them but a lot of their problems are due to doing it to themselves so it's hard to feel sympathy. They are also inconsistent. One minute they're feeling like this and the next, their behavior just shifts out of nowhere. I don't get the unabashed loving of this show from the critics because that is a serious flaw to me. The directing is good. The acting is fine. It's shot very nicely. But to not care about the characters trumps every other good thing about the show. The dialogue is real but I feel this show could have been told in maybe 6-8 episodes. It feels like they're just reaching for plot lines to show (which are all tied to the same kind of topic for each of the characters) just to fill the 12 episodes. I would not recommend and wish that they cut the show in half. It could have been really really good if they cut out a lot of the filler.
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Abzurdah (2015)
This is a terrible terrible movie
22 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The one good thing about this movie is that the lead actress is gorgeous (that's why it gets an extra star). The rest of the movie is awful. From the boyfriend's acting skill to the writing that does the same thing every time. She's either smoking or she's confronting the boyfriend about wanting to stay together. This conceivably could have been a 15 minute film because the same thing happens over and over again. Girl smokes. Girl asks boy to stay with her. Boy says no. Girl gets sad and eventually gets an eating disorder. That's it! There's the film. Sorry I spoiled it for you. Please don't waste your time. This film made me want to barf (eating disorder pun intended)
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I miss Penny Dreadful. This isn't Penny Dreadful
30 June 2020
Let me start by saying that I love the original Penny Dreadful. Also, this show has amazing production design and Nathan Lane is quite good in this. The rest of the aspects of this show are disappointing. The characters are all written in one note and I feel bad for many of the actors because there are some good actors in this but the writing and melodrama just kills any chance for this to be a good show. I feel like they give each character an emotion or quirk and just go with it. I dislike most of the characters and the writing is just over written. This series could have been done in 8 episodes and not feel so damn long. Also, the fact that in this big town of Los Angeles, everyone keeps running into each other. It felt like a 1950s version of the movie Crash. The concept and costumes and historical value of this series are really good. The rest kind of sucks. I hope they don't make a second season. These actors and us viewers deserve better.
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The Hideout (II) (2014)
Do you ever want every character to die within the first five minutes because they're so annoying
18 April 2020
This is that movie. The directing, writing, character arcs, acting, accents, logic, and pretty much every aspect of this movie is terrible. There are some movies that I stop watching because they're too bad to watch. This movie is so so bad that I had to keep watching to see how much worse it was going to get. Believe it or not, it did get worse! The "twist" ending (if you call it that) is not much of a twist and just adds to the illogical nature of the entire film. Kudos for making me watch the whole thing though and for continuing on the downward spiral that was this film.
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Harpoon (2019)
Just surprised that I haven't hear more about this film
7 February 2020
What a fantastic film that mixes humor and suspense so seamlessly. The writing is top notch along with the acting and directing. I actually found myself caring about these characters despite their numerous flaws and it even imparted knowledge to me regarding the story behind Richard Parker.
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Recall (2017)
Good God this was terrible
18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you just look at the brother's relationship, that should be enough to hate this film because their relationship is just so unbelievable. They hate each other, yet they're doing this huge job together and they spend scene after scene explaining how much they obviously dislike each other. That alone would be enough to hate this film. Then you throw in the horrible acting and mediocre writing and you have a film that makes you want to throw up in your mouth.
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Amar (2017)
Some good/great things about this film but mostly not good and disappointing
3 December 2019
Let me start by saying that this is a visually beautiful film. I enjoyed the directing and the way it was shot. The acting was good but what killed this film for me is that I did not care for any of the characters one bit. They were all so self-absorbed and created all of their problems that I couldn't sympathize with any of them. I found myself wanting to yell at them, "You are dumb!" at so many parts. I am surprised I actually watched the whole thing because of this, but it was because it a nice looking film to watch. People are saying, "it's young love" but when the parents themselves are acting like idiots, it's not just young love, it's dumb love. So I am officially changing the title to Amar Stupida and the writing to escriba stupida.
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Boy Genius (2019)
Highly creative coming of age movie
24 September 2019
I normally am not too into family movies because most of them are cookie cutter and you pretty much know how they're going to end. Boy Genius surprised me because yeah it had some familiar family movie things but this "family" movie had cool fantasy sequences, good acting (especially from the lead), strong directing, and a solid script. I went in with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised.
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Soul to Keep (2018)
Fun and great twist ending
17 May 2019
Yeah, you're not getting the Exorcist or Evil Dead with this one. But for a low budget flick, it's good. Starts off slow but it really gets its footing after the first 15 minutes and starts moving after that. I liked that I care about the characters which is rare in a low budget horror movie and was rooting for them. Decent acting for a bunch of no-names. I do think there should have been more gore though because it's the freaking devil you're dealing with not Marry Poppins. Don't understand some of the hate for it but you've got some bitter reviewers out who are looking to hate. You want to hate on a crappy horror movie? There are plenty out there.. This isn't one of them.
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Roadies (2016)
Mediocre show. Great look, great cast but character development and writing seems amateur
11 August 2016
I don't understand the people who say that they love this show. Now, it's not terrible, but I do have to say that I feel it's one of those shows that make you feel manipulated and dirty after watching it because it seems like they introduce "cute" story lines just for the sake of entertainment, rather than to advance the story of the character's arcs. For example, let's have different characters say "it is what it is" throughout the episode just because it's funny. It's not that funny and it makes the show look way too produced as opposed to being natural aka cliché'. Look at great shows like Veep, Silicon Valley, Game of Thrones, Ray Donovan. Veep isn't real or pretend to be real, but all of the characters are consistent which makes it real. Every character is true to themselves which I find lacking in Roadies. The characters in Roadies seem like cartoon versions of themselves. The good things about Roadies is that the directing is good, acting is good, production values are strong, and even though I feel dirty watching the show, I'm still watching, albeit grudgingly. I also think it would be much better as a 30 minute show vs. an hour. In closing, I think the show reminds me of a lot of college theater that I've seen. It looks like it's a lot of fun to be one of the cast members or producers, but not as fun to be an audience member.
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Don't be hating...
27 May 2009
I don't know what some of the "critics" of this film have been smoking, but I don't want none of that. They be expecting Citizen Kane and this movie isn't Citizen Kane, but I like the twists and turns of this movie. I thought some of the special effects were crappy, but what do you expect from a low budget movie. I probably would have gotten rid of some of the special effects because some of them are laughable, but movies like this are not watched for the special effects, but for the script and directing angles. Give it a break. I love these people who bash a movie when they can't do any better. See this movie, not for the special effects, but for the twists, the directing, and even some of the acting is good.
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Crash (I) (2004)
What movie were you people watching???
4 May 2005
I normally don't write comments, but after reading the admiration of this film, I was shocked enough to write this review. Crash was a huge disappointment in my eyes. I really like Million Dollar Baby, and seeing how great the cast was, I was expecting a good piece of film. Afterwards my head hurt from the amount of times that the script pounded it's message into my head. I get it, everyone is a little bit racist, even if they don't admit to it. A fine message, but how many times do you have to tell the audience. Every new character that was introduced, I thought to myself, I wonder how this character will be racist. Now, to give the movie some credit, the acting was quite good and some of the scenes by themselves, were pretty entertaining. But on a whole, it was pure drivel. I sat at the Newport Beach film festival cringing for the filmmakers who had been there. And the worst part about it, was the film could have been good. Even with copying Short Cuts and Magnolia. In Short Cuts you had the earthquake that united all the stories, in Magnolia, it was the frogs, and in Crash, it was the snow. It could have been much better, if they took out 2-3 of the story lines, there was just way too much going on, which didn't allow you to connect to most of the characters, even though I really really wanted to. Do not see this movie. Do not waste your time. As for the rest of the reviewers who loved this film, a message is a good thing to have in a film, but there has to be more and you should be ashamed for allowing yourself to be so manipulated by this garbage film.
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This film sucks
12 October 2003
Kevin Smith has proven that he is one of the worst filmmakers of all time. I enjoyed Chasing Amy, but every other film has made me just shake my head at why people go to see his films. I thought Dogma was crap, but this film was worse. Kevin, I want the time that I wasted on this garbage back. I could have done better things like clean off dog crap from the neighbors lawn. Hey, there's a joke you can use in your next film since that's your film's mentality.
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Levity (2003)
What were the people who saw this piece of garbage thinking
15 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this boring, self indulgent movie as a pre-release screening with my wife and was extremely disappointed. Granted I went in with high expectations knowing about the strength of the cast. But after the 100 minute movie that felt like 3 hours, I wondered at first, what the hell was this great group of actors doing in the film, and secondly, why was the wonderful Morgan Freeman executive producing this. The next day I went on line to read what the mostly well informed critics of IMDB thought and was so amazed that there wasn't one negative review, that I immediately signed up in order to warn people to go watch grass grow instead. Visually, I agree, it was a beautiful looking film and the direction is at times interesting. But my head hurt by the time the film was over because the filmmaker's wanted to pound their message into the audience's head. The filmmakers have to treat their audience with more intelligence. A good example of this is that when we see Kirsten Dunst's mother take a bottle. WE KNOW SHE'S AN ALCHOLIC ALREADY! We're not as dumb as your movie. It seemed like they had the story and had these characters in mind and tried to fit them both together. It was the classic sticking the circle in the square, it doesn't fit. The bottom line for a solid script is putting real characters in maybe unreal situations, they did the opposite. The characterization and believability of the script is what got to me the most. I would say that there are spoilers ahead, but the movie is already spoiled so I'm not ruining anything. How Holly Hunter would let Billy Bob into her home in an obviously bad neighborhood after he's been stalking her is beyond me and inconsistent of the tough woman she plays. Morgan Freeman's character letting Billy Bob run his church/boys home after a couple of days is inconsistent of his dilligent way that he runs the place himself. Would any man in their right mind, let an ex-convict look after his place and kids after a few days??? To top it all off is Kirsten Dunst's character who walks into the boys home and say some classic comebacks after being propositioned by a guy and saying, "I don't need a toothpick." I felt like I was watching an after school special or a student film with this dialogue and characterization. If beautiful Kirsten walked down to Watts or any gang filled area and called someone needle dick, she wouldn't be laughed at and be considered one of the guys, she'd be raped. Well actually she wouldn't be raped, because she'd never go down there in the first place. The filmmakers want you to buy the realism of a man coming to peace with his past, but if everything else is unreal around him, you can't buy any part of it. Please don't waste your time like me and see this film. You can do much much better.
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