
36 Reviews
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6 Days (I) (2017)
It's a thriller
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was not familiar with the historical event this movie shows and I had a great time watching it.

It's a hostage situation with the ingredients you would expect: terrorists, hostages, negotiators, special forces, media, politicians, deadlines and the omnipresent threat of violent escalation.

It is refreshing how mature the movie treats its material and how it doesn't try to show a simple black and white picture. No heroic fight of good versus evil, no irrational crazy evil terrorists. No flag waving hero speeches either. The movie does achieve this feat with the (maybe somewhat questionable) method of omitting the hostages. We don't get to sympathise with them and that makes it way easier to see the terrorists as humans. It does feel kind of honest though, because apparently the mission wasn't really about them either. I sure would complain if my government risked my life to make an ideological point, but OK I wasn't event born back then so who knows.

As usual, read the Wikipedia article afterwards, not before.
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Hacksaw Ridge (2016)
80% good, but religious ending
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not a terrible war movie, focusing on someone who wants to serve as medic without using a weapon. But during the last 20 minutes it turns into hyper religious christian propaganda.

Until then the movie could have been a normal movie showing a character who is motivated by religious motives and does some real heroic stuff. But it turns out it's a religious movie. Abandoning all shame, the movie presents a turn of divine justice, letting the US win a battle with sudden ease that had been going on for days before. According to the movie, all they needed to win was faith in the christian god, inspired by a hero who is driven by religious determination.

Someone should've told the Japanese that trick huh? We see in the movie those people are plenty faithful. Too bad they all have the wrong belief apparently. I am rolling my eyes so hard it hurts.
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22 July (2018)
This isn't it
18 August 2021
Obviously it's very hard to make a movie about an attack like this. There's a very fine line to be walked between respectful treatment of the victims, survivors and their families, an accurate description of events and the lessons to be learned. The world needs to have this kind of movies, but this one isn't it.

The dramatisation of the attack itself focuses too much on the attacker, it's too long as well, since the movie really wants to show the aftermath for one of the victims. I can't imagine many of the people involved would agree to how this movie was made. And even after the attack the movie has way too much screen time for the murderer.

It's a good idea to not even name the terrorists, to not show their faces in the media, to punish them with silence like they did in New Zealand. Of course this didn't happen in Norway but the movie didn't need to give us that much exposure to him. He's a far right extremist, there's nothing really interesting about those people once they do start killing, their hateful ideology doesn't need explanation or spreading. Portraying him as a faceless non-human would do more justice.

If you want to make a movie about the guy who killed so many children, show how he radicalised himself in a swamp of old and new propaganda, touch on the continuities that exist since the last 80 or so years, show the networks and platforms that these people use to drag each other into their insane parallel universe. Maybe even show how society fails to reach these people once they are on their trajectory towards terror. Then end the movie before the attack starts.

The one thing this movie got right is that people should be more distrustful towards police officers, because that is the central exploit the monster used to get on the island in the first place: A uniform and people's trust in authorities.
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Chappie (2015)
It's a treat
18 August 2021
This movie is just amazing. I didn't even know about the cast, and it made me extremely happy to discover what this movie had in store. Don't look it up before!

The story is great, acting is decent enough to really feel for the characters. The humour and the style is exactly what I wanted though I had no idea it would be that funny and heartwarming. I won't spoil anything, just go watch!
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When you order subversion on
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is based on a book that's basically straight fascist propaganda. Verhoeven apparently tries to subvert the message, but fails tragically. The few satirical elements are great in isolation but they they don't fit to the story at all and feel like they were added as an afterthought. In the end the fascists win and nobody has to learn anything. Just why?

It's still 5 stars for its high production value, exciting gory action, and a very special kind of humour that is rare in such movies.
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Battleship (2012)
Watch anything else instead
17 August 2021
This movie is the equivalent of a drunk guy with no shirt who didn't notice he peed his pants and who's standing in a street shouting USA, USA, making everyone uncomfortable.

Honestly the worst Hollywood product I've seen, even worse than Battle:LA.

I only refrain from 1 star rating to compensate for my bias against Rihanna.
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300 (2006)
A waste of time and money
17 August 2021
Repetitive and boring. I just wanted it to be over. Nice visuals can't save this movie either. Everything that's bad about Hollywood, concentrated into a single movie. Yikes.
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Could have been a 10
17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's a solid war movie about a battle in a forgotten conflict. Even better: it's not simple pro US / anti communist propaganda. That's rare and refreshing. It's exciting to watch and tells an important story that had been covered up for long. Go watch it. But...

My issue is that the film doesn't respect the historical reality. Plenty of stories are untold about Charles de Gaulle, a man who came to power because of a military coup which marked the end of the fourth republic and later repaid the favour by pardoning right wing ex militaries who had gone rogue and engaged in terrorism. But he did not send the legionnaires to the Kongo. They actually turned into mercenaries after trying to coup against de Gaulle (yes history is wild) and having to withdraw from Algeria. If you need to include backup from a former colonial power, maybe look at Belgium instead, that would make more sense.

I understand that movie wants to give a quick overview on the context before throwing the audience into battle. The phone call at the beginning is a cheap and quick way to do so. But here's a better idea: drop the wife at home. This would free up the 5 minutes needed to tell the real story of the legionnaires and why they were there. We don't need to know that the main guy has a wife at home (all humans have families), especially when she serves no function except saying goodbye and hello.

Hell this might even give us time to tell the audience that the cover up led to suicide for some of the soldiers because of the shame that was cast onto them. Clearly the intention of this movie is to do justice by this military unit, and that's certainly a part of it, even though it might hurt some patriotic feelings in Ireland.

I'm not french, but my grandfather served in the legion. His stories about the wars were honest and included the war crimes which they committed. No hurt feelings here except I'm a nerd for history and this movie has missed some great chances for accurate education. The good news is that it could be fixed with very little editing.
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Obviously, expect propaganda
3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Strong first half showing the Events from the perspective of people who have no idea what's going on. Accurate display of the confusion.

Then things turn into a redeeming feel good propaganda piece. At that time, 5 years after, the movie couldn't be done differently I guess. But 15 years later it's almost comical. The Bush quotes made me laugh out loud.

The "marine" subplot is tone deaf and dark. Linking the events to the Iraq war borders misinformation.

The movie is interesting though to better understand the time this movie was made in.
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Fight Club (1999)
Great for multiple audiences
28 July 2021
Like a Disney movie manages to entertain children and adults alike, this movie can entertain completely different crowds with the same material.

There's an eerie aesthetic, good looking actors, shocking violence and a well written plot.

There's a question of what masculinity means in modern society.

There's an in depth exploration of losing yourself in a mindless consumerist world.

There's a story about aching for a meaningful existence.

There's a confrontation with the question of reality.

There's an exploration of suppressed sexuality and how it can lead to toxic self destructive behaviour.

There's a prediction of incel culture.

The great thing is all those things exists next to each other and don't get in the way of each other.

This movie is worth rewatching every couple of years, you'll find more layers as you grow older.
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Avoid at all costs
28 July 2021
A sequel so bad it can ruin the original for you. If you are one of the lucky few who's seen only the first matrix movie I would recommend to continue living in a better world by not watching this.

Note for historians: this is where it started. From this movie on, all end fights in action movies were boring copies of dragonball z. This is where a whole genre was ruined for at least 2 decades.
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A waste of time
28 July 2021
Historically themed background as an excuse for sex and violence with totally forgettable story.

A show like a fever dream of a horny teenager whose history teacher was always on sick leave.
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Baby Driver (2017)
Forgettable except for one important part
20 July 2021
Story and acting are overall pretty nonsense. Doesn't matter. You need to see this. More precisely: you need to watch and listen.

This movie has the best video/sound montage that I have ever experienced. I sincerely hope that film makers, editors and music video producers will study this closely and learn from it.
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You have to hand it to her
20 July 2021
Only Scarlett Johansson could play a robot with too little facial expression and eyes that look too dead to not be animated.

Then again, the camera of this movie is sure that the audience isn't particularly interested in her face anyways and prefers to highlight all her other body parts.

I guess if you're a 14 year old boy with a crush on blonde girls and no taste in movies, this could work for you. Everyone else stay away.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
The worst Besson movie?
20 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We're stuck with an illogical plot, the central scientific thesis is based on an urban legend, the gangsters don't act believable at all.

And then the story throws esoteric pseudo deep ideas around like a 16 year old on acid who skimmed a philosophy book once.

Scarlett Johansson face makes no attempt at letting us know what's going on in her head because she has super brain now and so we wouldn't understand her anyways... which makes it pointless to watch her acting. She literally goes "I don't feel anything" and from then on has one single facial expression she carries through this mess of a movie.
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I will forever deny this movie even existed.
20 July 2021
As far as I am concerned, there is no Dark Tower movie yet.
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Geostorm (2017)
It's a well done action movie
19 July 2021
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I expected an Action movie in some sort of sci-fi setting (synopsis) and that is exactly what I got.

Usually I prefer my sci-fi to be more scientific but honestly this movie made it clear from the first minute that's it's playing in an alternate reality where world leaders are fundamentally good guys and climate change gets stopped by science magic. It's not the most interesting world but the movie used it reasonably well.

If you like explosions, space stations, world-threatening conspiracies and a high-stakes countdown situation where a group of good looking people has to save millions of people from dying, this movie can be a fun romp.
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Sunshine (2007)
Starts as strong sci-fi then turn into weak horror
19 July 2021
Watching this movie is like getting married, going on a great but short honeymoon, and then immediately having a mean and brutal divorce for no apparent reason.

Would not recommend for sci-fi fans since it loses all the "sci" in the second half to become an unintelligible Event Horizon clone.
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Away (2020)
Wrong label, wrong title, wrong synopsis
19 July 2021
The synopsis on Netflix says "Commander Emma Green leaves behind her husband and daughter to lead an international crew of astronauts on a perilous three-year mission to Mars"

Actually the crew and the show never really leave Earth behind, they are never really "away". More than half the scenes take place on earth. Flashbacks and phone calls for the astronauts, dramatic story arcs for their families.

It's a family drama with a few Sci-fi elements. The story told doesn't feel like a three year mission, more like a few weeks.

If you like family drama, you're maybe in luck, but only if you're also mildly interested in space stuff and don't care about how (un)realistic the space travel plot points are.
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Funny and honest and very useful
17 July 2021
It's sad how nobody i ever asked knows this movie it should be shown in schools honestly. It's fun and cool but more important it's a complete manual on how to recognise manipulation in conversation and how to listen to politicians and CEO. It shows you the world and inner logic of PR and lobbyism with ease while being super entertaining.
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Hindafing (2017– )
As good as a German show can get
17 July 2021
Mix up the cinematic beauty of Fargo, the power games vibe of House of Cards and the chaotic evil energy of Shameless.

Put the whole thing in the Bavarian province. Pick actors that look like real people. Portrait them at their worst. Expose how corrupt and rotten German society sometimes is, in some real uncomfortable ways hitting all the notes effortlessly.

Most likely get cancelled by the catholics but boy was it worth it!
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
One of the best shown made
17 July 2021
Yes everyone knows Breaking Bad is good. But this spin off, it doesn't just add to BB, it stands alone on its own feet, and it has learned from the few minor weaknesses of BB to become even better. I didn't think it was possible. I have recommended this show as a stand alone to people who had not even seen BB, and they love it just like it is. I was also told by a lawyer that this shows more accurately how lawyers think than any law show that glorifies the profession.
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Silicon Valley (2014–2019)
This show hits deep
17 July 2021
This portrayal of the culture in Silicon Valley is shockingly accurate for a parody. There are a lot of cynical undertones hinting at how messed up and terrible this industry really is. That being said, the show is a masterpiece.

The story is very well developed and while some find it pointless and repetitive, this actually makes a great representation of the culture: huge amounts of money are getting burned creating very little value. The story couldn't have been more appropriate.

The actors are convincing in their roles, the characters are unique and enjoyable.

What's special about this show is it's technical (relative) correctness while still being exciting for non-tech people. This is a huge step. Computer are real things, not some magic box you say "enhance" to. Programmers are real people and they don't have magic brains, they just learned to do this one thing. Silicon Valley manages to portrait programmers as humans, without leaning too heavy on the boring common stereotypes. It's great.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
The better Narcos show
17 July 2021
Think Narcos, but more awesome. Less focus on a single character. More story. And a really moving one, one that presents you more historical context as you go along on an exciting journey through the breathtaking history of Mexico drug business. This show teaches connections. Great actors portraying people you care about. Relatable motivations, tough choices, hopes dreams aspirations love vengeance it's all there and very well done.
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
Funny in a crazy way and likeable
16 July 2021
Don't take the apocalypse too seriously. Break all taboos the genre has adhered to. Tell an insane story that gets completely out of hand, like Weeds once did. Include a handful of extremely likeable characters. Add trash. No, add Trash with a capital T.

Sounds good? Because it works for me!
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