
21 Reviews
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You're My Hero (2023– )
Discriminatory but...
25 February 2024
... to not who you would think. So I started watching this show because the trailer looked really funny, and it is humorous this show. The editing of the show really could use a lot of work however because you lose a lot of the comedic timing unfortunately the editing has to help with that and it's losing a lot of it.

However I will be honest that I only made it to the second episode because midway through the second episode there was some really derogatory terms that were used to describe people. And it's actually Not the people who are physically handicapped. So unfortunately there needs to be more of an education to actually what words are acceptable, there are a lot of new words being used to describe people; which a lot of people haven't learned yet are actually discriminatory-such as these writers. And so it's difficult for me to watch the show because it's got derogatory words and I'm not even going to list them here because they're so inappropriate. I don't recommend this show; if you want to watch a show that's educated completely; because this one is only doing it 99%; and the rest is still very Derogatory. They missed the mark on the education of language when creating this show unfortunately, it's focusing too much on one group of people and not realizing they're actually hurting others.
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Argylle (2024)
If you can't say...
15 February 2024
Anything nice then don't say anything at all.

That phrase really does say a lot, especially with this movie, I highly recommend that if you're going to watch this that you just rent it online and throw it on in the background during a party. Basically just to have some noise in the background, but aside from that it's not worth while watching as a pretty much feels and looks like everybody phoned in their performances, the CGI is horrendous and not in a funny way which it should have been it's not executed well in that regard, it feels just like a paycheck for everyone. It's too long, and it's trying to be everything to everybody all at the same time.
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Great performances.
28 September 2023
This project captures great well-nuance performances from the entire cast, which of course no doubt goes hand in hand with the direction which was well thought out and educated based on the fact that this is based on real events. There was time taken to not rush the stories where these topics are very serious and need to be handled with care and delicacy. But the photography combined with the acting and the length, was well handled for the topics. It's a worthwhile project to watch which you will get more and more out of the more you watch over and over again you will see and understand more that you didn't see the first time watching.
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Joy Ride (2023)
Terrible. Promotion of Drugs.
5 August 2023
Overall the idea is good, but not jumps into tropes of using drugs, and racism just to get potential laughs. Expect it's all been done before and done better; instead of just putting in the effort to write a stronger script.

The jokes were too stretched out, as opposed to having good punch lines they literally at times just repeate words, and no jokes comes back around. With the talent here, they just wasted it with filler lines.

And the unrealistic reasons to move the "story" along was very very difficult to belive. I was really rooting for a great film; but they just made horrible references and underused the actors talents.

As for the physical comedy, it was just as terrible-literally felt as if most of this movie was improvised and not by people who have experience. Wasted talent. Don't waste your time watching this bad tropy movie-this is not a film; just a had TV movie. Great only for background noise. And visuals if you like drugs use with no repercussions.

However, if you fast forward 1hr, then you'll have about 20min of good entertainment. The end was well done.
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Colossal (2016)
Terrible, non sensicle.
26 May 2023
This has so much potential, but as you watch it it gets harder and harder to sit through it. It's as if they had 20 writers on this project and they just kept firing and rehiring and rewriting. This thing swerves all over the place it has no real direction. Even to say that it was an experimental high-end art film is a stretch, it's like there was nobody supervising the project to say hang on you veered off in a wrong direction. It's like three different films cut together. There's no Rhyme or Reason to most of it and when they do have something that they're really hitting a good note on they don't carry through with it. There's a huge aspect of mental illness here and addiction which they touch on but then they don't finish that story, it's not done well if you were to follow through with it would be better and more people would have enjoyed this.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
11 out of 10
4 February 2023
This is such an amazing episode because it's so realistic. It's not overdramatized it's sits in reality. The subdued performances and nuances of relationships are shown really well here. Where the pace is slowed down, because of course it can't always be action action craziness. That's not the world we live in. And when you making a show it's nice to see reality set in a little bit even if it's set in a fantasy setting. And the way this was shot is so well done because it also matches the tone of the characters, this episode and of itself feels like it's own film and you can enjoy it on its own without even knowing the rest of the series.
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Spoiler Alert (II) (2022)
Amazing, epic, brilliant.
12 December 2022
Finally a big budget film that doesn't mock or create more stereotypes within the queer community. This is a heartfelt touching film. Finally they get the idea write a script, and then don't focus on who the characters are gender or sex wise just cast great actors. This is a smart realistic portray of a couple. Who both happen to be male. It is great for the community and it's a step forward. But in general far beyond that this is purely beautiful work of art. It's sad that it took this long comment to understand one that a couple can be male or female and have love and compassion for each other but two on a business end of it this is a huge area of Finance why a company wouldn't have done this earlier I don't know. Now there are thousands of independent future films and short films which are just the same as this. But it's nice to have a bigger budget film finally put this to screen and into theaters. It needs that support for the fact that it's just a beautiful film. And of course for the fact of helping the queer community and not looking down at them.
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Bros (I) (2022)
Drugs drugs drugs.
12 December 2022
This this movie, and I say movie cuz it's not a film. Makes the stereotypes of drug addiction body image in the gay community even worse. More so cuz it's a big budget Studio that's promoting it. I'm not surprised cuz why would a big bunch of Studio ever do a film where there's no drugs involved. Or God forbid someone can have a relationship as opposed to dating for 3 months and then considering what to do. It makes a complete mockery of the community. There are so many types of people in this world, and frankly they should have taken a hint from the film Spoiler Alert that was amazing and real.
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13 April 2022
I would have given this 10, as its a beautiful art house style film. Its a piece of art and artists and masters will love it. BUT, for the fact all the advertising lead it to be more straightforward, I wasnt prepared nore anyone else in the theatre. I was tired about halfway through. Disappointed in the false advertising, as I didnt enjoy this as much as I would have if i had been able to emotionally prepare myself going in. This is the type of film you can watch maybe, maybe once a year or every two years. Its very good, but very draining, although not in a bad way is you are lrepared. Such as qith Amadeus.
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The Lost City (2022)
Romancing the Stone
6 April 2022
This is a remake of Romancing the Stone, and not well done. Just fluff. There is nothing interesting about this, it's just as generic as you'd expect. There's a lot of opertunities that they had to make it a little from the original, but they didn't. Wait until it's on your streaming service before watching it, don't pay for in the theatre.
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Pieces of Her: Episode #1.8 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
What happened to the squib?
29 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the very first episode, they set up the fact that there was going to be a squib, which is a fake blood pact, usually used to simulate a gunshot. So they made you think they're going to use that in the big Podium presentation, the Gathering of all those people, on the stage when the father shot. Well this is the worst climax to a series, they don't even mention that, it's as if it didn't exist, it does if they wrote it, and they forgot they wrote it, and I forgot to take it out of the editing. I was reading the whole time to have some sort of a twist. It was the most difficult episode to wash, overly drawn-out, boring. Not to mention, there was also the potential possibility of a bomb, but there was actually no mention of that anywhere else in the series aside from the final Podium episode. And I'm just going to ignore the fact, that they made us seem like the mother was completely fully trained as a fighter, that was a bad mislead completely. As there's no other references to this in any other episode, so that was just really annoying. Useless. The last episode was terrible. It literally could have been done in 30 minutes and it would have been much better.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
6 January 2022
This is probably the most irritating production I've ever watched. It is so uncomfortably slow moving, an unbalanced, that is as if the people who put this together had no experience. It seems like everybody's doing a different project. There's no one concrete path for this. This project is such a waste of money, it makes me embarrassed are human beings, because of all the people that are starving on the planet. And we spent money on this. I couldn't even get through it. Embarrassing. Might be worse than when they did "Movie43".
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For Life (2020–2021)
Based on nothing.
29 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series claims to be based on real experiences, until it got to season two and it barely now has any legal matters in it and all of a sudden we're in the present day. People watch tv to forget their lives, not he reminded of it! Thanks for turning a good series into a news report! Don't waste your time watching season 2.
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The Hustle (I) (2019)
Remake: Just the Same as Before
7 August 2021
Well it's a different cast, but the exact same script. And with not much else. Each version of this script has had barely anything added to it by the executives-goodness knows the writers probably tried. Once you've seen the first incarnation of this script, you've seen them all. And since this I think is the 5th or 6th one I've seen, I've now lost hope that we'll see a proper strong version made for adults. Should have just be made for Hallmark! Skip it. Although the Sigourney version is rather a bit more entertaining, but just my opinion.
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Atypical (2017–2021)
11 July 2021
This series gets better every episode. It's plain beautiful. Last episode had me crying. It was finished well. But I so want more.
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Special (2019–2021)
Final Smile
3 July 2021
That final shot, that smile was perfect. The show in season two got even more real, it socked me. Not because I've never seen what it's done before, but that it wasn't billed as being this, real and honest. And it did that more and more, it became better for it. And it rounded off well; the moments that shocked me, worked well as a whole once I finished season 2. It's great, beautiful. And that final smile, that last shot, explains it all. I smiled. Well done.
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Joe Bell (2020)
Beautiful film.
19 June 2021
Simply just beautiful... But sadly, it's hard to watch knowing it's a true story.
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Cuties (2020)
Cinema From a Time Gone By
5 January 2021
Thus film echoes "Kids" by Larry Clark. A beautiful piece of cinema, captures very well one type of people that exist today. And how they are within the midst of people who don't think this is appropriate for young girls to dance provocatively, but it's apart of our society and we watch it on such shows as Americas Got Talent or BGT. Dance groups are everywhere. And the struggles to understand ones self as a person growing up through puberty and oppression, when you see others allowed to have freedome is captured rather well. Although it's written very simply and rely more on imagery, but this day and age it's different to have people watch an indepth film without flash. So, as much as it echoes "Kids", it is a nice change to see females at the forefront. Becuase if it were males, no one would care. At least with "Kids" they had a great balance of the cast. But this is a great film for bringing more attention to the issues or education to teens and kids, and how most adults have just left their kids and assume they will do fine being raised by social media. Hopefully this will help millenial parents to see, there has to he more hands on, but also not a complete control either. Well done, also in part becuase it was not done by Hollywood. You felt it, it's why some people dont like it. But no matter what you make, or what you like, don't forget, more people watch kids dance groups and cheers on Americas Got Talent then this film. Which unlike AGT, gives a poinent look at Freedome of Speech, Spousal Abuse, Gender Equality, and the dangers of the Internet and how this group of friends are no different than boys; it's just we are not use to seeing this side of girls talk the way they do becuase men have usually had the forefront in cinema. But this is just one example of a type of person that exists. This film will hopfully help to spark better parenting and education and see their hypocrisy towards genders.
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A heartfelt beautifully shot story with a heart of gold director Teresa McGee
12 August 2013
First film for Director/Writer Teresa McGee.... What can I say, but she's a jem to do a projects with. An understanding, communicative artist whom has compassion for all her crew, cast-and really does think of it as a team. She's one to watch out for, because if you want to watch well designed films with a wonderful message which can bring you back to childhood-then she's you director.

Having been on the first "The Mary Contest" I was very impressed overall with the crew and was very excited to see the final result. Upon seeing the film it took my breath away; I watched with a smile and and had a very easy time watching it-not too long and not too short.
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16 February 2013
Basically, to say it simply; Brilliant, incredibly well done. Humorous and not over the top either.

It was great; and it didn't piggyback either.

The quality of sound was seem-less, your costumes are well focused, and your Princess was on the ball-you could tell she is a professional.

I'm highly impressed, and really enjoyed watching.

I'll be recommending it to my friends.

I'd like to see more of this style of video from you. It's nice to see some focused work for a change, even though you've already got a platform to go off it, it truly seems that you took the project on as if it was brand new and didn't rely too much on the past success; and made sure that every bit of work you put in was strong.

Well done on your directing.
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Go Go Reject (2010)
Remember the first time you went to a gay bar, starry-eyed.
31 December 2012
This film was done brilliantly, it was not over bearing with the comedy. It had subtle kick-backs(beyond Jennifer Beals obvious) to other dance films, with making them obvious-and placed in at just the right moments. The actors delivered these references without pushing them, so if you got it-it was hilarious, if not, then not.

This is a total two thumbs up, one of the best LBGT films I've ever seen; it kept me smiling and wanting more.

The characters were so funny and well timed, that I found myself researching all of the actors. And speaking of the actors-going hand in hand with editing and directing by Michael J. Saul-the pacing was basically seem-less. Usually there is not enough time put into a scenes to develop it, to give an emotional transition from scenes, there's no set up-WELL HERE THERE WAS. When the pacing changed, it wasn't abrupt, instead it fit in with the feel of the film, and kept pushing you to see more.

And the slight moments are over-the-top comedy was just enough; as we all get lost in our imagination from time to time. Wanting to be that star that we've all seen in the films we watch, this made it happen.
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