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Better than some MCU entries, but not nearly what it could be
12 June 2023
Better than some MCU entries, but not nearly what it could be. Still, it deserves better than it got from most critics. It suffers by comparison with earlier Ant-Man films mostly because it isn't the lighthearted palate cleanser that the first two were, but it's occupying a very different position in its MCU phase this time. Tasked with launching the first big chapter of the Kang story, it may have been unfair to use an Ant-Man and Wasp film this way, when fans have come to expect something else from them. But the movie was good overall, the humor worked, the effects were visually stunning, and the cast felt like a solid ensemble. Far from my favorite entry in the MCU, it was definitely good enough for me to look forward to seeing again when I eventually do.
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Nine Days (2020)
A beautifully human film about life, choice, and hope
10 March 2023
This film is a beautiful and moving walk through the small moments and details of life and the way we approach them. Over the course of nine days, an interviewer is responsible for deciding which amongst several souls will move on to a human life. It's approach is simple but not simplistic, and it is careful with each of the evolving perspectives and personalities we witness in this decidedly unique situation. There are moments that are hard and many others that are deeply kind. Nothing feels overplayed and the writing and acting are perfectly matched. Though the film, and the concept won't be for everyone, it's worth noting that many people who don't connect with this film still find it worthwhile, beautiful, and innovative. It's worth the time you'll spend with it.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Love season 1, like season 2
12 December 2022
The first season of the show gets a nine from me. It's tight, consistent, darkly humorous, and its social commentary is nuanced and central to the show. Season two gets more like a six. It's good enough for me to watch a season three, but overall season two is less interesting because it feels more like a slow moving trainwreck of a tabloid story. The writing is just too obvious and lacks the nuance necessary to make the excesses interesting or meaningful. That doesn't make it bad television, but it does move it to the "maybe" category of recommendations for me - except for Aubrey Plaza's performance. She is excellent and definitely worth showing up for. Overall, the show is engaging and has plenty to say. If they can move past the sophomore slump of overly obvious excess, I'd love to see more seasons.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Outstanding show with a few casting misfires
12 December 2022
The most delightfully surprising Netflix launch in quite a while. Love this show. The overall plot elements are things you've seen before, but they're put together wonderfully. The design and tone and (for the most part) casting all blend perfectly. It's humor and quirkiness and slightly-off-center darkness are all thoroughly entertaining. Only a few casting choices didn't work for me. Gomez, Morticia, and Fester all fell flat to one degree or another. Everybody else is golden and clearly having a lot of fun with their characters and the world they're inhabiting. Especially Ortega. She's remarkable as Wednesday. The hand actor for Thing and everything that went into making the character possible is perfection. The only other drawback for me is the slight tonal shift in some places of the second half of the season when Tim Burton is not directing. The other directors all do a great job and do come very close to matching Burton, and they almost get there. There's not a bad episode in the bunch though. If it looks in any way intriguing to you, put this at the top of your list!
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Moonfall (2022)
Painfully generic and mind-numbing
11 September 2022
I can forgive a lot in a over-the-top sci-fi disaster film, but the mashed up plot and painfully stupid dialog make this borderline unwatchable. I don't even mind a disaster movie being an unintelligent mess if it's at least fun or SO bad and over-the-top that it's hilarious. This movie feels like they just chopped up dialogue from multiple bad movies and pasted it together. This isn't some collection of no-name actors either. I'm a fan of Patrick Wilson and Halle Berry, but they are given absolutely nothing to work with. They wind up shouting lines that sound like a 12-year-old wrote them. And everything is made worse by the massive inconsistencies and plot leaps. If you want to waste some time, you're honestly better off rewatching "The Day after Tomorrow" or "Sunshine." Even "Pandorum" would be better.
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Great - for the right audience
11 September 2022
Its tongue-in-cheek, fourth-wall-breaking comedic tone is a perfect fit for me. (Tatiana Maslany is great!) While we got slight variations in genre during phases 1, 2, and 3, Marvel has really spread out in phase 4. That is inevitably going to alienate some audiences for a given project, but I really enjoy the variety. This feels like a combination of the comic book and a 90s/ 00s lawyer comedy (vaguely Ally McBeal?). If you're in the mood to just have a quick 30-minute light hearted watch, this may suit you. So far, I love it! (Heads up: the first episode is a little ham-fisted, but it's clearly a quick way to handle exposition and dive into the show.) And yes, the cgi sadly has a small-screen execution but if you can just roll with it, you may have fun.
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Outstanding - for fans of the larger history/world Tolkien created
11 September 2022
For fans of the larger history/world Tolkien created, this show is a marvelous journey. I didn't think I'd like the fact that there are so many different storylines, but the balance is near-perfect and the episode length makes excellent use of each, feeling like a cohesive, inter-related series of plot lines that will inevitably converge. It's uncommon for me to look forward to rewatching something but that's already true for this show. The dwarves in group settings are a bit too campy for me, but the humor doesn't feel out of place and is allowed to shine during smaller scenes. Morfyyd Clark (Galadriel), Ismael Cruz Cordova (Arondir), and Markella Kavenagh (Nori) are standouts among a talented cast that is delivering specific and committed performances. The scenery, set pieces, and cgi are excellent and feel film-worthy rather than suffering from the painful budget woes of too many streaming shows. The sweeping grandeur of the stories and the show itself feels worthy of Tolkien's created history (LoTR appendices, The Silmarillion, etc). Those demanding an exact match to the Lord of the Rings films may be frustrated. Tolkien wove themes into the history he created (including powerful cultures falling victim to vanity or greed or insular behavior) which repeatedly resulted in societies failing their people or their responsibilities and collapsing and/or suffering a tragic fall. The cultures at play are in various stages of their histories and are well crafted to be internally consistent with the themes Tolkien wrote for them at their given stages. Overall the show is a joy, and I'm delighted that it's good enough to warrant five seasons. It should be a wonderful ride.
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Quiet, slice-of-life film that's far more than the sun of its parts
24 September 2021
Great casting, solid script, and near perfect execution of a deeply human story. I've seen this film many times at this point, and I always find something new to love about it. It's not flashy or big in any way. It just invites you in to visit with this cast of characters, each one in need of something they can't always identify. Warm and wonderful. Watch it!
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The A-Team (2010)
Perfectly good Sat afternoon flick
24 September 2021
This is one of those movies that I don't understand the hate it got. I put it in my "perfect for a Saturday afternoon" category. While not outstanding in any way, it's fun in all the ways I wanted it to be. It was good enough that I would've watched a sequel if they'd made one.
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The Return of the King (1980 TV Movie)
For fans of the animated Hobbit film
24 September 2021
I have a special place in my heart for this animated film because for many years it was the only adaptation Return of the King. While it doesn't hold a candle to Peter Jackson's live action film, obviously, it's perfect for fans of the original animated adaptation of The Hobbit. It's sweet and contained and manageable, particularly for small children. The music is a bit treacly in places and doesn't hold up quite as well as the music in the hobbit, but overall it's a nice little slice of childhood.
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The Hobbit (1977 TV Movie)
Best adaptation of The Hobbit
24 September 2021
Note: if you've only seen this via streaming service or DVD, you're missing out on the best version of the film. The original version of the film with all of it sound effects intact was released on VHS, but the only way to see that original version now is to look up hi-fi hobbit 2.0. Some wonderful person paired a clean version of the video with a surprisingly high-quality audio capture from the VHS tape. Bless them!

Huge LotR fan, so I was looking forward to Peter Jackson's adaptation. And then he made three films. Bloated, overlong, muddled... everything this animated adaptation is not. Yes, of course it leaves out sections of the book in order to get it down to a 78 minute made-for-TV movie, but it is surprisingly faithful in story, dialogue, and the childlike feel of the original book. I love it and always will.
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World War Z (2013)
Forget about the book, enjoy this as a stand-alone
24 September 2021
For someone who is not particularly a zombie movie fan but will watch one occasionally, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this movie. If you're looking for constant action, this isn't the one. It's far more thriller/drama based and has more nuance than usual for the genre. If you like your armrest-gripping thrills to have thoughtful quiet stretches between them, this may be perfect for you. It was for me!
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Mindhunter (2017– )
C'mon David Lynch, SEASON 3!
24 September 2021
I have rarely frothed at the mouth for a next season of something the way I do over this show!! I'll take as many as they want to make, but at least a third to wrap up would be fine! Engaging, nuanced, and fascinating with outstanding performances by Holt McCallany (FBI agent Bill Tench) and Cameron Britton (serial killer Ed Kemper). The slow burn of this show is balanced to near perfection. Watch it!
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One of the all time coolest movies
24 September 2021
One of those rare moments where the remake is worth doing (better in many ways than the original). The production design is immaculate, score is outstanding, casting is perfect. So many movies are too slick for their own good. This one is smart enough not to take itself too seriously and still pulls off "utterly smooth" and "genuinely funny" at the same time.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Just watch it
24 September 2021
There is almost no when I wouldn't recommend this show to. Funny, dark, poignant, absurd, and pointed in equal measure. It's not a huge investment of time and is SO worth it. Especially for the second season which is honestly one of the best seasons of tv ever.
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The family you actually like
24 September 2021
Watching this show is like hanging out with family you actually want to spend time with. I finally watched the entire show start to finish about 10 years ago, and while some seasons are stronger or more consistent, the whole thing is worth the watch. As with most shows of the past, there are always going to be problematic moments, but overall there is SO much to appreciate here. Of all the ST shows, I think it best captures the primary intent of the ethical, team-oriented dynamic *supposedly* the hallmark of this egalitarian future. The cast is rarely at odds with one another and is most often working to solve a crisis of some sort. It's funny in the right places and frequently thoughtful. There are episodes I LOVE from the first couple seasons, but I do think season 3 is where it really settles in for the long haul. So glad I went back to watch it from the beginning!
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The Wonder Years (2021–2023)
Solid start for a warm show
24 September 2021
There's room to grow and that's obviously what the creators have in mind, but what a great launch into the story of a family I want to spend more time with! Too many people are comparing the pilot to the entirety of the original show. This is a wonderful and warm start to a show that has a LOT of potential. The relationship dynamics are great, the production design is excellent, and everything feels like an honest slice of life (including realities of 1968 life still relevant today). Ignore the negative reviews written by people who think any mention of race or racism is an unjust violation of their delicate sensibilities. I'm so glad the creators are taking a straightforward approach to those aspects of life in 1968 (or 2021) that too many of us would rather ignore or pretend don't exist/don't matter. The show feels real, honest, warm, kind, and funny. I'll definitely continue watching! (Also, Dulé Hill is an utter joy as always)
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