
24 Reviews
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Big Order (2016– )
Waste of time
16 May 2024
Anyone who watches "Big Order" has in most cases already heard of Mirai Nikki ("Future Diary"). Future Diary was a very popular anime when it came out, although it received mixed reactions - some loved it, others didn't like it at all. Personally, I really like Future Diary and that's why I was very curious about "Big Order", as it is based on a manga by the same author. You expect a lot because "Future Diary" is super cool and well thought out... and this suggests the manga author is a very talented author... similar to Togashi from Hunter x Hunter. But who knows... maybe he wanted to do an experiment with "Big Order". At this point he had already earned enough money and fame. But a patchwork of scenes that seems totally confused is not a work of art. In the credits you see images as you would see them through a kaleidoscope... but the colorful crystals only appear to be randomly mixed up... they have an inner order that comes about through reflections. But it is precisely this symmetry, this order that is missing from "Big Order". The fact that the anime only has 10 episodes is significant. With each episode you are thrown into a plot, which has already developed a lot further than where it ended in the last episode. The resulting gaps - they will never be filled. The plot seems confusing and is reminiscent of an advertising sequence... and even though I thought the beginning was somewhat good and liked the protagonists... after a few more episodes I was still not into the plot... and was becoming increasingly bored .
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28 April 2024
The beginning was emotionally moving and correspondingly promising. An anime with 28 episodes per season is also promising if you think of many modern anime whose seasons are split into two parts and whose number of episodes still doesn't come close to 28. But after the first four episodes I only felt one thing: boredom. I don't know why this anime gets such good reviews, but what follows after the beginning is just disappointing. It's not like I was expecting an action-packed anime here. On the contrary, I would have been happy about a sophisticated and philosophical anime. But what comes after the start is just a completely average anime that you've seen far too many times.
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Adventure Time (2010–2018)
Doesn't get any better after season 1
10 August 2023
I actually like bigger plot arcs, but season 1 just has that certain something that the other seasons don't have. There's just too much repetition in the later seasons and then there's all the gender nonsense. The relationship between Bubblegum and Finn breaks down first because of the age difference, then because of the gender nonsense. There are a few episodes that I will never forget, but overall the series has been rather disappointing for me. Well, what more can I say about that? Hopefully I'll hit the character limit soon. Hopefully I'll hit the character limit soon. Hopefully, hopefully.
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Golden Kamuy (2018– )
Mixed Feelings
21 June 2023
An anime for young men (seinen anime). Bloody atrocities mixed with the culture of the Japanese natives (Ainu). The main protagonists - a young man, Sugimoto, the "immortal" veteran of the Russo-Japanese War, and the 11 or 12-year-old Ainu girl Asirpa - form a cool team, which is actually by far the best thing about the anime. The anime contains a relatively large amount of humor - it's about the food of the natives, but also about sexual content - which I don't get anything from. The war theme and the gold prospecting theme (the gold plot is bizarre and unbelievable) don't really appeal to me either. There are abrupt changes from the family relationship of the main characters to extreme violence (e.g. Skinning people), which is irritating and makes the plot appear unpredictable and fragile. Lots of shady, brutal characters (soldiers and/or tattooed ex-cons) who constantly get in the way of the "mini-family" of the soldier and the native girl or chase them... for not really comprehensible motives. The anime entertained me quite well, but after a few episodes I gave up for the reasons mentioned above.
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Overlord (2015–2022)
Season 4 is incompete (Holy Kingdom Arc is missing)
6 April 2023
Overlord is an atypical Isekai anime where the hero's background in the real world is not mentioned at all. That is ok, because this anime thrives entirely on the character that the main protagonist possesses in the New World.

I really enjoyed the first 3 seasons of the anime, although other reviewers criticized the lack of a backstory.

The fourth season though is by far the weakest season of Overlord.

I watched it within two days, like the seasons before, but by no means understood everything. This includes in particular references to the "Holy Kingdom", whose arc was skipped in the anime, as I only found out later. According to Wikipedia, the fourth season covers light novel volumes 10, 11 and 14. A movie was supposed to cover the Holy Kingdom Arc (light novel volume 12 & 13), but so far I haven't been able to find any information about it. Maybe it hasn't appeared yet - or perhaps it never will appear at all.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 17: The Apostate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
A very weak episode to start the new season
2 March 2023
Pointless fights that obviously only serve to distract from the almost non-existent plot. Grogu, who looks like any Mandolarian pet and could just as easily be absent. It's not like I was particularly disappointed with this episode. There have simply been too many series and films in recent months that have turned out to be disappointing. And it's the third season - and for very few series, the higher seasons work as well as the first. The Mandalorian was the exception that proved the rule as far as recent Star Wars series have turned out to be disappointing. I was really hoping to watch a series episode again that would get me emotionally involved. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case here at all.
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Chainsaw Man (2022)
Boring fights mixed with cheap sex
10 February 2023
The only highlights are Denji's fights as Chainsaw Man. But these fights are very short (maximum a quarter of an anime episode) and it's basically just about cutting up the devils. I didn't notice any special fighting techniques or styles. The protagonist always has the same weapon and he doesn't advance in combat either. Aside from the fights, it's mainly about who dies next and from whom Denji gets a kiss or with whom Denji can have sex. And that's exactly where the whole story takes place. There really isn't a lot to be said about this primitive crap, but it's well known by now that the reviews have to have a minimum length.
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Primal (2019– )
Season 2 isn't worth it
31 January 2023
Season 1 is quite interesting. "Monster of the Week" episodes, but an interesting environment and unique idea. There is at least one episode which I regard as a filler episode.

Season 2:

Episode 1 to 3: the search for Mira.

Episode 4: an unbelievable, unnecessary massacre. Still, the episode was entertaining enough to watch to the end.

Episode 5 is a pure filler episode that has absolutely nothing to do with the main plot. Fade into the 19th century, Darwin, discussion, then an attack by a savage... what nonsense.

Episode 6: Two survivors from episode 04 want revenge on Spear, Fang and Mira. Far-fetched. The Avengers fall into the water, heavily armored, wounded and should have drowned - but by the end of the episode, they pull themselves out of the water. Which indicates that the revenge plot should continue... nope... this is getting too silly for me.
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A boring and irrelevant film
21 January 2023
The butler finds his old father (who was also a butler and is very proud) a job with the lord, but of course his father is no longer up to the task. A predictable result, which then culminates in him falling down with a tray of silverware and from then on he is only allowed to do simple tasks - and the butler has to deliver the message to his ex-butler father. The father later dies during a well-planned conference in which the butler has to perform at his best and cannot be distracted by his father's death.

Well... as I said, a very predictable result. If this is such a great butler - who is so great at managing the staff in the house - why does he allow himself such a blunder???

Further suspense should be created in that the lord develops sympathies for the Nazis and the butler is repeatedly asked by the lord and his cronies to express his opinion and politely holds back.

A hidden love for a domestic worker should also serve to build up the tension (he does not reveal himself to her and she marries someone else).

The plot is dead boring... and then the story just didn't touch me. I cannot sympathize with an upper-class butler who is dissatisfied with the life he leads in material prosperity. A quintessential pre-internet film that received critical acclaim, giving it a "good reputation".
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The first season is cool and entertaining
24 November 2022
I really enjoyed the first season and can wholeheartedly recommend it.

The mystery of the Chaika's, who suddenly appear several times and have very different characters and abilities, is interesting and when the main protagonist has to decide between the red and white Chaika, there is real tension.

Season two - I enjoyed the first 4 episodes. But then... dunno... I kind of lost interest and fast forwarded a lot.

The obscure main plot - a mad emperor who is reincarnated and seemingly omnipotent - kept coming to the fore... and I couldn't relate to it at all.

The Chaika's are coordinated by a seemingly omnipotent sorceress who keeps appearing and then disappearing out of nowhere. Nobody can harm her. No explanation is given for this kind of magic that no one else has. In general, world building is lacking, and the occurrence and properties of magic and the past of the world and characters are not properly explained. Towards the end of the anime, the plot just seemed random and boring to me.

Season one I would rate 7-8. Season two 4-5 max.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
I hate to say it, but: I would be ok if season 5 was the last
12 September 2022
I loved season 1 and season 2 was absolutely amazing. Season 3 and 4 kept me entertained. Season 5 was still watchable - but caught me doing other stuff on the side.

It's always the same formula, of course: two groups of youngsters come into conflict with each other because of the different worldviews of their martial arts schools. Every second season, the big goal is to be reached: the legendary All Valley Tournament. The seasons in between have a stronger focus on character development. Season 5 doesn't have an All Valley, but it does have a cool new villain: Terry Silver, who was Kreese's partner in Season 4 (Kreese is in jail for the entire season, so he's pretty much out of the game). But even if the new villain is well done, the fact that the season needed a new villain clearly shows that the writers are also aware of the limited formula. The focus on character development is well done: some fronts are clarified and couples find each other again. The end of the season is in odd contrast to the end of season 4: while the last season carved out several big cliffhangers (which hurt the second part of the season), the current season unravels the plot threads almost too well. The end of the season feels like it could be the end of the series. Should there still be a season 6, then the makers now have all the options available to further develop the plot.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
3 September 2022
Season 1 was great. I liked season 2 a lot. Season 3 - watchable but nothing special.

Season 4.

I tried to watch episode 1. The beginning - a laboratory in 1979, still with Eleven as an inmate - was quite ok. Eleven is distinguishable and has a high recognition value. She's just an interesting character. But then countless other boring characters and a boring plot structure pour in on you. Sure, they have the problem that no one remembers the plot of seasons 1-3. What people remember are the characters and the 80's setting. So a story is chosen that starts in this season. A serial killer is up to mischief, someone is suspected who in reality is innocent and there is of course a supernatural power behind it. Actually not that bad, plus a nice subplot that ties in with the other season. But even though the plot isn't that bad... it doesn't make me feel. For example, Eleven, who should actually still be traumatized, leads an apparently normal life and goes to school. Some of the other kids must also be traumatized - but they all go about their lives as normal again. If you deal with the past in such a shabby way, then as a viewer you don't want to invest any feelings in a new plot structure. Fewer characters, more interesting characters... that would help. And the episodes are just way too long this season.
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Underworld (2003)
A cheap Matrix rip-off
27 August 2022
The movie is just plain boring. Made four years after "The Matrix," the filmmakers obviously learned a lot from it. The main protagonist Selene looks and acts like a Matrix agent. Black imitation leather suit, shoots around in circles so that she falls down to the next floor together with the floor. She shoots like crazy. Exaggerated action scenes, little believable plot. Seen everything before. After about 40 minutes I gave up.

Overall view: * The movie is dead boring.

* Please do not watch, waste of time.

* There are much better fantasy movies out there.

* It's a mystery to me why there are sequels to this film.
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11.22.63 (2016)
Could have been much better
5 August 2022
Actually, it is enough to watch the first and last episode. The other episodes can be forgotten, including the cheap romances developed in them. More focus on history and science fiction (time travel) would have been better. The main protagonist's motivation for time travel has never been made clear.
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Hunter x Hunter (2011–2014)
The by far best anime series I am aware of
30 July 2022
This anime has been referred to as the "pinnacle of shonen anime", but it doesn't fit into that kind of box thinking. It's about adventure, friendship, love and death. I'm over 40 and I just love this anime.
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Superman (1978)
The film sticks too strictly to an outdated comic template
29 July 2022
Lois Lane is the damsel in distress who screams like crazy as the helicopter threatens to crash. Clark Kent and Jimmy Olsen are dopey reporters dealing with a choleric boss. I prefer the "Smallville" series, which has brought the myth into modern times.
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Continuum (I) (2012–2015)
Nothing special at all
28 July 2022
Unbelievable plot about a female supercop from the future who in the present fights people from the future who are considered criminals there. Not clear who is the bad side. Boring and emotionally seen a thousand times.
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The series no longer arouses feelings in me
16 June 2022
The first two episodes weren't all that bad. Nothing great, but they gave the typical Star Wars vibe. Then came Episode 3 - the end of that episode (the fire as an impassable boundary between Obi Wan and Vader) marks the beginning of this series' drastic descent for me. I didn't even finish watching Episode 5 - the plot and the characters just don't arouse any more feelings in me.
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Entertaining but overrated
6 June 2022
That was one of the first anime I saw. I liked it then - now I know anime like "Hunter x Hunter", "Death Note" and "Attack on Titan" and this anime seems extremely overrated to me.
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Ranking of Kings (2021–2022)
story loses momentum and goes downhill in the second half
8 April 2022
The hero of the story is handicapped and as a result the plot at times seems rather artificial and improbable. Nonetheless, I really liked the anime during the first few episodes and found it entertaining and sometimes heartwarming. But from about episode 11 everything boils down to a big fight that pushes the other plot elements into the background. The fights themselves seem strange - I'm generally not a fan of fights, but there are some anime where I find the fights exciting and entertaining. The fighting in this anime lacks that certain something - it just makes me bored. I stopped at the beginning of episode 14 because the anime didn't arouse any more emotions in me and I lost all interest in it.
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Nice Pictures but boring...
1 March 2022
I tried to watch the first episode (which is quite long for a series episode: 1 h) and stopped watching it after the first half. A strong coffee was standing beside me but I still got more and more sleepy during watching. The plot seems to be a standard fantasy plot (good + evil, correspondingly shaped creatures) and the outcome seems to be very predictable.
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One Piece (1999– )
10 February 2022
I've watched this anime from the beginning but since the so called "timeskip" I've lost interest in it more and more. The individual "straw hats" have become so strong that it doesn't seem to make any sense for the author any more to let them fight as a closed group. No one dies, instead miraculous resurrections occur again and again. The final straw for me was the so-called "Wano Arc", which is dragging on and on with no end in sight (February 2022).
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WandaVision (2021)
too strange for me
24 December 2021
This mini-series is a complete mess. Very ambitious and perhaps also artistically valuable. But I was just bored to death. The first two episodes are in black & white sitcom style. The third is in color but still in sitcom style. The fourth episode is meant to be an explanatory episode with regards to the first three episodes but that did not work for me.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Not my cup of tea
6 December 2021
I usually really like time travel stories. But "Timeless" is not nur usual time travel story. It is more like a persiflage of the time travel genre. The time travelers do not really care about changing the past - and already after the first time travel one of the time travelers notices significant changes in his present life. But nobody cares and already in the next time travel adventure again massive changes of history occur. People who like funny and easygoing adventure stories might find a liking in this series. I stopped watching it after episode 2.
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