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Kick-Ass (2010)
Why Kick Ass hurts artists
16 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Kick Ass came out over the weekend and its getting rave reviews from hundreds of papers and online magazines. I see " AMAZING!" and " HIGH OCTANE ENERGY!" amid pictures of AWESOME caped crusaders punching their way through the film's title on posters popping up everywhere.

However, until about two weeks ago I had never even heard of the thing. Kick Ass apparently came from a comic book published a handful of years ago by Marvel. Just one of thousands of titles the publishing company knocks out every year.

Kick Ass is one of those " I'm so smart" satires of the comic book world of characters. They try to create a world where one can simultaneously mock and love people who dress up like Batman or Superman. Where putting a ski mask over your head and fighting evil is both COOL and HILARIOUSLY stupid.

There's an off putting idea out there that if you exist in a world that some people don't understand ( i.e. you draw comics for a living and people mock you) then you must work tirelessly to make them 'understand' where you're coming from. As if you can only be complete in the world where the 'clique' of society, the Pulitzer people, the Paris Hilton groupies, the Times Magazine crowd accepts you as one of their own. If Times Magazine doesn't understand you then there must be something wrong with you! Right? Right? Wrong.

Artists don't need to be understood. Comic artists know that the people who read Oprah Book club novellas do not pick up the latest issues of Batman. Its common knowledge so why do artists continue to tirelessly create something that Oprah will approve of? I don't know but Kick Ass is exactly that.

Satires like Kick Ass are written from the 'wink wink I think comics are dumb too' position. They feed the idea that we're ALL in the same boat of believing that Batman is a hopelessly stupid character and none of us buy his comics. We're cool, just like you. We wrote this book to prove it.

To impound the idea that they're stupid they exaggerate the medium to the point of grotesque mimicry. Such as creating an eleven year old girl character who kills so many people over the course of the story that the only way to make her character seem more alive is to have her use such foul language that even the most perverted pervert in the audience will throw back his head, point at the screen (book) and shout, " Can you BELIEVE she just said that?!" What is the point? The only people who truly like this film are the artists in our community who feel the need to be part of the 'It crowd' ( Yeah, comics are so dumb! I don't know why I do that for a living!), the reviewers who want to mock graphic novels because they can't understand visual arts ( 'Comics are for kids. You really do that for a living?') and the poor people in the middle who can't tell the difference ( Whoa! It was awesome! I liked it when that kid stabbed that guy in the guy and ripped out his beating heart!).

The problem with Kick Ass is that for the thousands, probably millions of people who had no idea what Kick Ass was a month ago, they will see a film where an eleven year old murders people without restraint or second thought. It doesn't matter that the people she kills are depicted as evil. A 24 year old good being killed by a little girl is not cool. Its tragic. Usually its depicted as tragic if its depicted at all.

People will go away with the thought that this blatant, violent, foul mouthed mess of a film came from a comic book. Some people will be misguided enough to bring their kids, thanks to the stylized posters that look much more family friendly then they are, and they will leave the theater in absolute shock, dragging their kids with them. And those parents who probably never bought their child a comic book before will now never EVER buy them a comic.

Films like Kick Ass just play into the media's description that comics are evil, stupid and perverse and, most horribly, all the same.

What a mess.
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9 (I) (2009)
9 might have been the film of the year... but its a blockbuster shelf duster now.
12 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
9, the film I've been looking forward to for months.... was little more then a disappointment.

I was deeply surprised by 9's lack of story and strange character development. All the awesome action sequences in the world don't make up for a single unsympathetic character.

The strange, almost thrown in occult sequences were not only out of place, they were infuriating. The story is about robots and scientists... why does it suddenly turn into a necronomicon horror wannabe with mystical symbols and green magic ghost lines instead of giving answers to what could have been excellently scary story devices??

How, what, when, why.... questions that bode asking only if you care and it becomes less and less likely that you will as you get away from the theater.

A film like this is frustrating because of its lack of depth.... I would watch this film drawn in crayon if the story was good. But the filmmakers have relied on CGI wizardry and Tim Burtons name to draw in the crowd. Which... is what drew me in but failed to gain my respect.

9 could have been awesome... with a few more rewrites and a little more respect from its own creators.
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Wonder Woman (2009 Video)
Mostly Tripe
3 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing some truly awesome and wonderful animated DC universe films to come out in the last several years I was completely taken aback by the writhing insipid tripe that this film gloriously and condescendingly decides to offer.

Basics! (Spoilers within)

Wonder Woman, an over achieving and somewhat UNnaturally over-endowed female warrior finds herself on the cusp of eternal adulthood (which is a lot like eternal infancy except you're really, really hot) when a member of the opposite gender suddenly drops into her innocent (i.e. puerile) existence.

Said man (making the kind of obscene jokes feminist over-achievers love to pretend don't offend them ) is your basic troglodyte. Find WOMAN. Find WOMAN. Find WOMAN. His brain doesn't strive much farther then that. And his role in the first thirty minutes of the film seems to reach as far as his thoughts, but don't worry. What good could come from a mere man making sense or adding to the plot anyway?

Suddenly, without any kind of warning (sarcasm) the god of war (the husband of WW's mother but somehow NOT her father.... don't ask) escapes! And this is bad! Because he's evil! Wonder Woman defies mother and sisters (not real sisters... don't ask) and goes out to stop the evil and save the world!

But stops momentarily after stepping out of her invisible jet to aide a young girl who wants to play with boys and the boys don't want to play with young girl! SO SAD! The evil can wait! This needs ATTENTION!!

This was nearly halfway through the film.... and it was there that I finally realized I could take no more and had to TURN it OFF!!

Luckily I survived intact. However, the DVD I unfortunately bought is resting peacefully at my local Hastings store like a copy of the Necronomicon, waiting for the next unsuspecting victim to find it... and unleash the horror within.....

In the end.... I dub this film useless tripe. It tried to be intellectual and entertaining but it turned out insipid and infuriating... or how about just plain insulting? Substituting jokes you find in the public toilet for plot lines is the M.O. of creepy men in basements, not DC heroes. This doesn't impress me. The film makers were obviously under pressure to get this film out before the live action version next year.... although I doubt the end result would have been better even with more time to get it done. This film is just rotten... and the animation isn't that great either.

If you want to watch a good animated DC flick, see the Justice League. Wonder Woman rocks in that film.
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Film serves what purpose?
3 June 2009
((The problem with this film (as with the book) is that whether or not it was intended as fiction, for pure entertainment values, it attacks the faith of millions of believers, simply by being made. Period.

If you cannot see how that is reason enough for Christians to defend their faith, then who's being biased here?

Why can't Christians defend what they believe in? What's wrong with that? Why is defending one's beliefs wrong? Is this work of 'fiction' more important than the faith of millions, who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Son of Man and have done so for two thousand years?

Does this film really think it can change the Truth?))

The above comment was deleted as someone seemed to find my opinion abusive. I was encouraged to resubmit after editing. So I have done so below.

This film sucks.

Thank you for your time ;)
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Wow. Very bad.
14 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Just don't waste your time. Seriously.

As a science fiction connoisseur, I am grading this film as just plain lousy. The effects are horrible. The acting is atrocious. The costumes make me yawn. Worst of all.... I felt no sympathy for either the supposed "good" guys or the supposed "bad" guys.. which means they failed on the most vital point of film making. To create empathy for the characters within. To cause the viewer to cheer for their victories and cry at their defeats.

I'm not going to bash the people involved in the film. The fact that they are in such an horrible mess is enough.

I've placed this as a spoiler comment, because the fact that it sucks is the whole film.
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