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Open channel F for failure
18 May 2024
I was a die hard U. N. C. L. E fan back in the 60s. Because of Illya I studied Russian for five years and applied to the F. B. I., the closest I figured I could get to U. N. C. L. E.. Yes, the series veered off into "campiness" which was silly fun but at the heart of it was the friendship between Napolean and Illya, the wise guidance of Mr. Waverly, and the concept of good winning out over evil. How to Steal the World, cobbled together from the final two episodes of the series, was a travesty. No fun, no suspense, and a confusing story line that is being delivered by actors who clearly don't care. The sets were horrible, the dialogue horrible, the wardrobe horrible (Illya in a leather bomber jacket?? Really??), what were the producers at the time thinking? Don't sully your fond memories of the tv show, avoid this movie even though TCM thought it worthy.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Dream Scheme (2024)
Season 12, Episode 7
Not so funny anymore
18 March 2024
The older I get the more I realize that Hollywood celebrities are so busy patting themselves on the back they don't know when they are not entertaining. This is the case with Larry David and his sycophants. Curb Your Enthusiasm was brilliant, the key word being "was". Season 12 is simply not funny. Relying on oral sex jokes to fuel an episode is low brow, but worse BORING. Leon has outlived his function, Larry schlepping through life has become ho-hum. How many times did Larry set a Seinfeld scene in a hospital? We've seen it before and FUNNIER. The dream scheme was not original and to sit through it twice last night was tiresome. I am eager to see what big surprises Larry has planned for the sho'w finale. It is time to bid Curb a permanent good-bye.
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Flat and over long
17 March 2024
How can an Indiana Jones adventure be dull and boring? This one is and as we know is not the worst of the bunch. I orginally saw the movie in the theater 40 years ago. I did not like it then and after watching it on cable last night still find it a terrible sequal. There is zero chemistry between the two leads and listening to Willie scream, IN DEEEEEE!" for two hours was worse than annoying. Each action scenes were way too long from the opening nightclub show to the mining car escape. Harrison Ford was in his physical prime as evident from the removal of Indy's shirt whenever possible. We get it, Harrison Ford was a hunk in the day. The story was dopey, the love scenes anemic. As I mentioned earlier, we know that the Crystal Skull is going to be worse than the Temple of Doom but this film was pretty bad.
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Priscilla (2023)
Awful movie
24 February 2024
It is difficult to imagine that Priscilla Presley was one of the producers of this awful film. It is easy to understand why daugher Lisa Marie refused to endorse the movie prior to her death. It is slow with too many scenes filmed in darkness, a mumbling Elvis who was impossible to understand, actors whose height difference was a distraction, NO Elvis music, a monotone delivery by the actress portraying Priscilla, and the emphasis that Elvis was creepily grooming 14 year old Priscilla for his 24 year old needs. There was no energy in the film, even the scenes of Las Vegas were a bore. Read Priscilla's book if you are interested in her life with Elvis. This movie does not deliver.
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We've seen it all before
19 February 2024
I've been a huge fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm, especially the earlier seasons, but Larry should have left it with Season 11. Larry is now recycling ideas from other shows and not his own Seinfeld. This episode's "balls out" bit was done on Friends twenty years ago and in a much funnier fashion. We've seen issues with dogs many times over. Problems on the golf course are repetitive. Larry's live in girlfriend is no longer funny. Ted and Cheryl rolling their collective eyes at Larry's latest gaffe is tiresome. Vertical Drop, Horizontal Tug (we get the dual reference) didn't provide one genuine laugh.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
16 December 2023
I was eager to see Barbie once it became available on Max. I streamed it the first night it was available. There go two hours I'll never get back. I don't understand the hype, Barbie is dreadful. Barbie in perfect pink Barbieland surrounded by other Barbies with all males named Ken (except for Allen, an unfunny addition) experiences a glitch in her perfect world so heads to "reality" to find the problem. Ken tags along to LA where they discover the real world is run by men and they've made a mess of it. Barblie learns to cry, Ken leans into his manhood, and when both return to Barbieland the Ken dolls have taken over and made a mess of that world. Barbies to the rescue, the starring Barbie meets her creator, and heads back to reality where she gives the last and ONLY funny line in the movie. Terrible. Save yourselves and take a hard pass on Barbie.
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Serendipity (2001)
Talk about a bad film
19 November 2023
Desperately seeking a movie to watch I selected Serendipity. Sure, it had mixed reviews but a solid cast and set in NYC, how bad could it be? It was awful. The two main characters meet cute during the holiday shopping season, spend one evening together where we are supposed to believe they are ment for each other, and then toss their fate to the winds to see if they wind up together while each returns to their own significant other. First off, there is zero chemistry between the two leads, the dialogue is pathetic, the sound track over powering...this is one bad movie. We fast forward several years with both characters on the brink of marriage. They treat their fiances poorly, head into NY to see if fate will indeed bring the two of them together...oy! Not interesting, not funny, a seriously bad movie that should be avoided by all.
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And Just Like That...: February 14th (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
Worse the second time through
21 October 2023
I decided to give season 2 of And Just Like That another watch to see if my criticism had softened. Nope. There are so many things the writers didn't get right (pun intended). Charlotte and Harry were once a strong couple. Harry is now a wimp and Charlotte a door mat for her bratty dids. There is NO WAY this couple from the original series should have morphed into such insipid parents. Miranda is displayed as an inept klutz in both her personal and professional life. No, no, no. She was the feistiest of the four original women and now a wimp. We come to Carrie and her renewed relationship with wimpy Aiden. First off, Aiden looked ridiculous in his designer jacket. Yes, lose the flannel shirt but leave the guy some dignity in his manner of dress. And seriously...Aiden wants to end their first date with sex but can't step foot in Carrie's apartment? Come on, what a wimp. Since I know where this story line is going I've decided I cannot watch season 2 to completion. I am aware of my overuse of the word but "wimp" but that is how I called it when watching the season 2 episodes.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
Hallmark comes to Deadwood
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As good as it was to be back with our Deadwood friends the movie was sorely lacking. I understand that the script was created by different writers than the series and it showed. While the dialogue was always tricky to follow (but in a good way) for the movie at times it was impossible to get the jist of the situation. It was more of "What did he just say?" as opposed to "Wow, that was a neat thing he just said." Although only ten years have passed since our original story many of the characters looked far more grizzled and beat than we would expect. The bad guys are still bad, the good guys still good, and here comes Alma with Sophia to tempt Marshall Bullock. Although both still have longing in their eyes Bullock will remain with his family which now includes three children. There was one of our Hallmark moments, Seth passionately kissing his wife on the porch of his home overlooking main street Deadwood. Trixie causes major problems that results in an impressive body count but gives birth to a son and marries Sol, another Hallmark moment. Jane and Joanie are now a happy lesbian couple because wokeness counts in the old west.

Snow begins to gently fall as people twirl in the streets, more Hallmark. Alas, Al seems to be on his way out, some sort of liver ailment that Doc (he didn't die of TB! How did he get better?) can do nothing to cure so Jewel sings Waltzing Matilda to ease Al's transition to heaven. I'm glad I watched the movie but was left less than satisfied.
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Deadwood: Tell Him Something Pretty (2006)
Season 3, Episode 12
A disappointing finale that was not meant to be
18 August 2023
I am almost twenty years behind seeing Deadwood for the first time in 2023. All the accolades are accurate, this could possibly be the best tv series ever. The writing, the acting, the costuming, the sets are absolute perfection. In reading archival entertainment articles I know a fourth season was expected but never came to be. Ergo the last episode of season 3 must serve as the series finale. Lots of questions unanswered, regular characters not accounted for (Doc Cochran...does he have TB or not?), and story lines left hanging as we see the final shot. Advice to all readers, if you get the opportunity to visit the actual town of Deadwoon you must. Calamity Jane and Wild Bill rest next to each other in the cemetery, the Bullock Hotel still stands, Saloon #10 is waiting for you. I am eager to see the HBO follow up Deadwood movie. If it is half as good as the series I will be well entertained.
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11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We could argue that the original Sex and the City depicted fantasy lives of young women in NYC. Indeed the city saw an influx of women looking for their own Mr. Big and drinking gallons of cosmos only to be defeated by reality. Very few lived the lifestyle of Carrie and friends. Such is the case with every episode of the sequal. Carrie hob nobs only with the very rich, Charlotte is raising entitled spoiled brats, Miranda is suddenly a dolt when it comes to handling life, Carrie wants to sell her apartment because wealthy Aiden can't abide being inside. And what an apartment she wishes to buy...four bedrooms! Has she lost her mind? And speaking of lost minds, Miranda, Charlotte, and Harry are okay that Lily is having sex with Brady. Would real New Yorkers be okay with this? Che has a new love interest wander in off the street with a box of kittens and Lisa is pregnant in designer clothes. What fun! No, how absurd to expect viewers to applaud these stories. Please, no season 3.
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And Just Like That...: A Hundred Years Ago (2023)
Season 2, Episode 8
Many pros and cons
3 August 2023
As the series progresses I continue to find pros and cons for each episode. Some pros from A Hundred Years Ago: The continuation of Aiden, Charlotte returning to gallery work, less Che, Sima's honesty for not wanting to hang out with Carrie and Aiden, Charlotte's struggle with her menopausal body, happy conversations around a restaurant table, NYC once again being an important character of the show. Cons: Carrie's ridiculous coats. (Hello stylists...I'll bet they make those designer coats in SJP's actual size), Mirand's contiued simpering, Harry as oblivious husband/father, lack of Steve, Charlotte's overall dingbat personality, and Carrie's questioning of whether she made a BIG mistake with her marriage.
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At Middleton (2013)
Don't believe the higher star ratings
3 June 2023
When selecting a movie to watch at home on a Saturday night At Middleton seemed like a perfect choice, a gentle love story set on Middleton's campus and less than two hours long. Wrong. These were the longest 100 minutes of my life. It is potential student/parent tour day at Middleton college. From the very start we see that free spirited Edith will fall for uptight cardiac surgeon George as they sprint away from the tour leaving their children behind. Oh, the agony the viewer must endure as we watch them experience every cliche known to film makers for a story set on a college campus. Their children also interact in the most annoying way, Edith's daughter especially behaving as a spoiled brat. I fast forwarded through several scenes including the pot smoking by the parents as their children waited for them to drive home. The film seemed endless, save yourself the agony and avoid matriculating at Middleton.
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Terrible movie
7 May 2023
It is difficult to believe that back in 1984 Blame it on Rio was considered a family comedy. I rewatched the movie in 2023 and was aghast at the main premise. 43 year old Michael Caine has the hots for his best friend's 17 year old daughter and has a physical affair with the girl who also happens to be his same aged daughter's best friend. Michael's character is going through a tough time in his marriage and he is vacationing in Rio so it's not really his fault. How could he ignore the temptation? What was most miraculous was the film had a happy ending. Michael returns to his wife, the teenager was on the pill so no worry of pregnancy, his best friend forgives him, all is well. The "ick factor" was off the scale with this film.
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Larry Crowne (2011)
A terrible movie
15 January 2023
Considering the talented actors in Larry Crowne I was certain this would be a fine movie. Wrong. The writers developed such a dumb script that no actors could save this story. It began promising enough, Larry Crowne, an enthusiastic "everyman" employed by U-Mart gets downsized due to his lack of a college education. Larry heads to the local community college where he encounters a wacky dean, an angry and boozy speech instructor, and a lovely scooter rider who gives Larry a hip makeover. Oh my gosh, from the forced evil laugh of George Takai, the running gag of smart phones for dummies, and the complete metamorphosis of miserable married Julia to a caring love interest for Larry was cringe worthy. No, more accurately it was gag worthy. Avoid at all costs.
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The Menu (2022)
Train wreck
8 January 2023
Silly me for looking forward to seeing this movie, it was awful. I liked the premise, a fancy dinner for fancy people in a fancy restaurant on an island. Forgive me but from the very start I was put off by the exotic looks of the actress portraying Margot. At first I thought her face was being shot through a type of filter to exaggerate the size of her eyes and sharpness of other facial features. All of her close-ups were detrations from the story itself. Initially the restaurant guests experience the extreme chef either as a food genius or ridiculous madman. Madman he is as we learn with "The Mess" course. The chef is out for revenge on all twelve diners andn will be taking his devoted staff along for the ride. The film doesn't just turn dark, it turns stupid and that is a crime in cinema. Do NOT waste your time on this horrible movie.
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29 December 2022
I couldn't make it through this film in my own home, never mind seeing it in the theater. I knew in advance it would not be a remake of the original tv series but this U. N. C. L. E. Was from a completely different family. I can understand why fans of the show are so upset with the film. From the very beginning we are missing the opening iconic U. N. C. L. E. Theme music. Napoleon and Illya bare zero resemblance to the tv characters. Napoleon had been on the wrong side of the law aftr WWII? No way! Illya was a robotic former KGB agent intent on killing Solo? No way! The introduction of Gaby, a car mechanic in the early '60s no less, was absurd. I gave up after 30 minutes and was glad I hadn't spent money in the theater for this fiasco.
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Doc Martin: Last Christmas in Portwenn (2022)
Season 10, Episode 9
Should have stopped at episode 8
26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As much as I love the good people of Port Wenn this was a terrible holiday special. The writers threw every Christmas cliche into the script. After such splendid writing for ten seasons it was an embarassment. The Doc manages to ruin Christmas for the village but of course saves the day in the end. A major flaw in this episode was having Martin drive during a snow storm on country roads ill prepared for winter weather. No coat, no emergency supplies, Martin crashes the car and then randomly wanders the woods during heavy snow. His recently deceased mother pops in for an appearance as Martin fights hypothermia. Not to worry, Martin will eventually stumble upon his patient, patch him up, and save Port Wenn's lantern parade in the nick of time. A final quibble, why did the costume designers choose to dress beautiful Louisa in such frumpy clothing all season?
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Worth another look
12 December 2022
As much as I loved Sex and The City the first time around, watching it twenty years later as a mature woman exposes many flaws. I'm not sure why we considered Carrie such a heroine when she uses people to her advantage and then tosses them aside. The only reason she is with Alex is because of the life style he can provide. When Carrie discovers that for an artist his art will always come first she throws a fit. Carrie literally goes from Alex's bed into Big's arms. So, she didn't love Petrovsky? She did love Petrosky? She needed the white knight to rescue her from the high life she was living with Petrovsky? Watching this finale after viewing the series And Just Like That gives a whole new perspective on Carrie Bradshaw.
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Doc Martin: Our Last Summer (2022)
Season 10, Episode 8
A perfect ending
11 December 2022
Unfotunately for me IMDB insists on a required 600 characters to post a review. If allowed I would write but one...perfect. It is the last full day for the Ellinghams in Port Wenn and of course things don't go smoothly. A new resident to Port Wenn needs tending first in the surgery then at his new farm which is Aunt Joan's former farm. Chicken the dog goes missing, Mrs. Tischell is beside herself with Martin's leaving, Ruth butts in trying to help, and the village is throwing a huge farewell party for the Ellinghams. I was in tears the final few minutes of the show and downright sobbing by the end scene. What a wonderful show that will be greatly missed. PERFECT.
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Doc Martin: Love Will Set You Free (2022)
Season 10, Episode 7
Not perfect but darn good
11 December 2022
As the series winds down I am sticking with my opinion that it is best when focusing on Martin and Louisa's relationship. As they agonize over whether to move to London or not the viewers can see how both characters have grown in dealing with each other. I didn't find Bert's plumbing scenes necessary for this episode. It was strongest when showing how the locals were dealing with the London news. Of course there must be an outlandish disaster that only the Doc can fix. Here is where I had issues. After bobbing around in the frigid waters of Cornwall Al was ready to resume his picnic, pefectly dry and warm, with Morwenna. Likewise the Doc's suit isn't even damp after orchestrating a water rescue.

I have a feeling we will need to have tissues ready for the final episode.
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Doc Martin: Return to Sender (2022)
Season 10, Episode 6
Far fetched?
10 December 2022
Sure, the story line is far fetched. In a room full of London doctors it is Martin who saves the day when an old flame collapeses at his lecture. Martin and Louisa get away to London where Louisa is clearly out of her element but Martin fits in suprisingly well. Meanwhile back in Port Wenn Janice is doing her best to be an excellent babysitter while Joe Penhale "helps". This was an enjoyable episode because it put the focus back on Martin and Louisa instead of ancillary characters. A few things that have bothered me in general about this final season, Ruth's extreme makeover is distracting and both James and Mary are remarkably quiet.
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Doc Martin: Fly Me to the Moon (2022)
Season 10, Episode 5
Not the best
9 December 2022
Sorry to say that this episode was not particularly engaging nor interesting. This final season they are throwing so many obscure diseasese/conditions at Martin that he can immediately diagnose has become laughable. The rare condition of a local seasick young woman and then the issue with Louisa's father was far fetched. Martin has become exceedingly patient with his patients (I see the pun) which doesn't fit the curmodgeon we've come to love. Aunt Ruth's insistance on curing Martin of his blood phobia is ridiculous along with her makeover. Who is this woman? Once again Bert Large is up to a scheme that we know will not go well. As good as it is to be back in Port Wenn this season does not have the chops of the previous nine.
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Doc Martin: How Long Has This Been Going On? (2022)
Season 10, Episode 3
Not at its best
7 December 2022
Two stars for the brief time we saw Martin and Louisa. The show is at its strongest when it concentrates on the main characters. Once again it veered off into the weeds with Penhale, Joe, and squirrel crazy Stewart who may or may not have lost his mind again. Most of the episode had the three lads traipsing about in the woods, a theme we've seen before. Martin shows up to save the day and has hs own misadventures.

Something that has changed is Martin's personality. I don't know if the writers intend to show Martin's willingness to change or have forgotten that he is a curmudgeon who would never talk gently to his patients. That is a HUGE flaw in this final season.
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Doc Martin: I Will Survive (2022)
Season 10, Episode 1
Welcome back Doc!
5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We've waited too long for our return to Port Wenn. The story picks up a year after Al and Morwenna's wedding and there are some changes to the village. Martin and Louisa have welcomed a daughter into the family, Buddy is dead, James is attending school, Martin is unhappy and realizes he made a mistake resigning as a doctor, Louisa now has her own child therapist practice, Aunt Ruth had a makeover and is heading to Mexico. There are, of course, several medical emergencies and Doc comes to the rescue. As with the nine previous seasons the writing remains sharp, the acting well done, and the location perfect.
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