
19 Reviews
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Surprisingly Suspenseful
10 November 2002
This film, which was the inspiration for the (overly) long series of films bearing the same title, is surprisingly free of the liabilities of the later films. The plot is fresher than it is usually considered to be, and the film does a good job of building suspense and terror. All the performances are capable, with the exception of Betsy Palmer, who is outstanding in her role. (Adrienne King, who plays Alice, shares with Fay Wray of "King Kong" the title of "Great Screamer") The murder scenes tend to be somewhat graphic, of course, but this can be overlooked due to the suspense of the film. This film, while often cited as being tedious, excessively violent, and a prime example of cheesy horror flicks of the 1970's-1980's, is actually better than its reputation would have you believe.
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Very Good
10 November 2002
This film is a fascinating mixture of Hitchcockian suspense and 80's splatter film gore. The performances are very good, especially by Nancy Allen, Michael Caine (as always) and Keith Gordon. There is a great deal of suspense, and the final twist is fantastic for its unexpectedness. Also, there are a few scenes which add a bit of welcome soap opera to the film. The only discordant notes are the excessive nudity, but what can one expect.
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Titanic (1953)
12 August 2002
Just a precaution: If you are expecting a completely accurate historical account of the night with all the scientific details neatly in place, look elsewhere. This film instead focuses (touchingly) on the human drama involved with the ship, with many of the elements of real passengers' accounts rolled into the story of Clifton Webb and wife Barbara Stanwyck (Both excellent; when Isn't Barbara Stanwyck excellent?) and their children. A few real characters are involved, but for the most part the drama surrounding the fictional characters is in the forefront. A beautiful and striking account, the film deserved a few more Oscars than it got, primarily for Miss Stanwyck and a supporting Oscar for Robert Wagner, who does wonderfully in his role.
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Barbara Stanwyck is beyond excellent
12 August 2002
If you have never seen this film but are a fan of Barbara Stanwyck's, then have you got a treat in store! Barbara Stanwyck, in my humble opinion, never gave a better performance, and is hysterical, overbearing, and pompous all at once. Her electrifying performance, cultivating in a suspenseful scene where the hired killer walks up the stairs to her room as she watches in horror and screams to her husband over the phone for help. The other performances are less stellar, excluding maybe the man portraying Barbara's father. Also, the film lags at some points where Stanwyck is not in front. It is easy to notice that Miss Stanwyck pulls the film to its suspenseful height with her emotionally draining performance.
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The Old Maid (1939)
Very Good Period Soap Opera
3 March 2002
"The Old Maid" is a lovely and picturesque film, full of the tear-jerking elements that you may expect with the story, full of lies and love and illegitimate children. Bette Davis gives an admirably restrained performance, and Miriam Hopkins even manages to elicit a measure of sympathy toward the end. The only bad thing about the film was the casting of Jane Bryan as Bette's illegitimate daughter, an uncharismatic and unattractive actress whose bad acting is saved from ruining the film by Miss Davis and Miss Hopkins.
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42nd Street (1933)
Beautiful Movie
3 March 2002
A wonderful movie all-around! Wonderful music and dancing, snappy dialogue, and excellent performances. There are so many show-stealers that its hard to follow the story! But story there is, with hard-driving director Julian Marsh (well-played by Warner Baxter) putting on his show, "Pretty Lady", starring luminous star Dorothy Brock (gorgeous Bebe Daniels in her gorgeous Orry-Kelly gowns), and featuring juvenile lead Billy Lawler (cheerful Dick Powell) as well as a chorus including "Anytime Annie" (Wise-cracking Ginger Rogers), flirtatious Lorraine Fleming (funny Una Merkel), and right-off-the-bus-from-Kansas Peggy Sawyer (vibrant Ruby Keeler, whose dancing, I'm happy to say, is wonderful; I wish I could dance half as good!). The songs, "Shuffle Off To Buffalo", "Young and Healthy", "It Must Be June", and "42nd Street" are toe-tappingly terrific, and the Busby Berkeley choreography is superb. DO NOT MISS THIS MOVIE!!!
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Baby Face (1933)
Barbara Stanwyck: The Siren
3 March 2002
In ten words or less to describe this film, Barbara Stanwyck is too appealing and it is great! The film is wonderful, except for the perhaps tacked-on ending, but I love happy endings anyway. Barbara Stanwyck, however, as the platinum-blonde gold-digger is amazing. She knows what she wants and goes after it! This film is sexy and excellent!
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6 February 2002
A film of such superiority one cannot do it justice by describing it in a short summary. The performances are brilliant, best of all is Bette Davis as the crazed former child star who torments her once-famous movie glamour girl sister who is now in a wheelchair, Joan Crawford, who also gives a remarkable performance. The direction is impeccable, and all the touches combined make this film unique and disturbing.
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Sudden Fear (1952)
Women's Picture Meets Film Noir
6 February 2002
Film Noir was never more suspenseful and energetic than in this, a wonderful movie. The best reason to see this film is for one of the three principals, either Jack Palance, whose portrayal of a murderous actor husband is great, Gloria Grahame's role as a sultry other woman conspiring with Palance to murder his wife is deftly played, and the best of all is Joan Crawford, who steals every scene and gives a greatly emotional and wholly impeccable performance as the wealthy playwright wife to Jack Palance and would-be murder victim. If this movie ever shows up, DON'T miss it. You'll be quite sorry, for this is a brilliant motion picture.
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All About Eve (1950)
Very Articulate
6 February 2002
A fine and literate motion picture, elevated by the supreme cast. First on the list of accolades is ofcourse Bette Davis, who, although she so often must carry a film on her own shoulders and would have been able to slack off here with other performances, doesn't. She is honest and unruly in her most famous role. Anne Baxter is next on the line of honors, who is scheming and conniving without becoming unladylike. Then Celeste Holm, who is sensitive and moving as a playwright's wife. George Sanders as Addison DeWitt defined the word "acidic" with his performance, and then Gary Merrill is fine as the man who dares tame Bette Davis. In smaller roles are Marilyn Monroe and Barbara Bates, who are both excellent.
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Nothing Less Than Brilliant
9 January 2002
Gloria Swanson and William Holden are supreme in this hard look into the dark side of Hollywoodland. Gloria Swanson as the insane Norma Desmond, a mad silent movie star languishing in her old mansion surrounded by reminders of her glory days, and William Holden as a bitingly cynical screenwriter playing gigolo to Swanson while carrying on an affair with nice reader Nancy Olson is great. The other scene-stealer is Erich von Stroheim, who plays Swanson's fromer husband and director, and now her butler.
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Now, Voyager (1942)
Soap Opera At Its Best
9 January 2002
Bette Davis steals the show in this lushly made love story. One can

scarcely remember the films in which Bette portrays ruthless, vile

women, so sympathetic and gentle as she is here. Paul Henreid is also great, as is the always wonderful Claude Rains. Bette Davis deserves all accolades, however, as she carries the film beautifully.*

*( the film was originally offered to Ginger Rogers, Irene Dunne, and Norma Shearer, but, with all due respect to the above ladies, I don't think any of them could have carried the film off as well as did Miss Davis!)
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Wonderful Melodrama
9 January 2002
This lovely and enchanting film's plot may have some holes as well as some rough dialogue, but the chemistry between all the actors is

superb, especially with the three principals, Lucille Ball as an acidic nightclub entertainer, Henry Fonda as the naive but likeable Little Pinks, who is smitten with her, and Agnes Moorhead as Little Pinks' overeating friend Violette.
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Jezebel (1938)
9 January 2002
Simply elegant...a marvelous Bette Davis melodrama set in the deep South, with Bette as a headstrong Southern belle who uses George Brent to make her former fiancee Henry Fonda jealous. Watch for the wonderful scene where Bette, against tradition, wears a scarlet red gown to the Olympus Ball, to which all unmarried girls are supposed to attend in white, and after causing a scandal is forced by Fonda to dance alone on the floor.
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Fury (1936)
Sidney and Tracy are Excellent
9 January 2002
The two stars of the film, Spencer Tracy as the innocent man accused of kidnapping and then lynched by a mob and Sylvia Sidney as his quiet, down-to-earth fiancee are wonderful. This film is expertly directed by Fritz Lang, and is in general a fine motion picture.
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Applause For Stanwyck
24 December 2001
Barbara Stanwyck gives one of her best performances in this, Burt Lancaster less so, but her role as a hypochondriacal, soon-to-be-murdered neurotic is nothing less than superb. Miss Stanwyck gives us a fine picture of a woman who cannot live without the husband who wants to murder her, and of a spoiled, superficial heiress. The film as a whole is also terrific,with the last line delivered actually being the film's title.
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Lifeboat (1944)
An excellent film
24 December 2001
"Lifeboat" is one of Hitchcock's best films of WW2, and wonderful as a description hardly does the film justice. Tallulah Bankhead, William Bendix, John Hodiak, and Mary Anderson give the best performances in the film, and the woman with the dead baby near the beginning is a poignant touch.
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Cobra Woman (1944)
Technicolor Exotica
24 December 2001
"Cobra Woman" is a thoroughly entertaining picture, with beautiful costumes (by Vera West) and exotic locations. Maria Montez, the star of the film, who plays twin sisters, is breathtaking, while her acting skills leave something to be desired. Jon Hall is the male lead, and the performance by Mary Nash as the aging Queen is probably the best in the film.
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Dark Victory (1939)
A Wonderful tearjerker
24 December 2001
Bette Davis, Geraldine Fitzgerald, and Humphrey Bogart make this a monumental drama, and very moving as well. The story is really rather soap-operish, but the message comes through, one that in lesser hands simply would have bordered on the ludicrous.
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