
12 Reviews
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The funny thing is
15 February 2003
It was only by a simple twist of fate that i saw this film, that twist being that there was nothing else worth watching on tv last night, and so i tuned in and watched this film, and really enjoyed it. Like so many people have commented, it is a nice change to see S M doing drama, i found that he added some very comical moments to the film (the weather ballon scene). This is a touching story that makes you happy. aaaawwwwwwwwww, sniff***sniff****
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Kewl film
14 February 2003
In comparison to the forst film, of course this one looks alot better, much more upclose death scenes(all thanks to advanced digitrickary). The plot for this film compleatly sucked, the plot for fd1 was much better, but overall i liked this one a little bit more. The bit that i really liked was the girl running out of the cinema when the eye crush scene takes place, she like totally flipped........
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Jack Frost (1998)
1 December 2002
I wouldnt ever watch a film like this, but there was nothing else to watch so i watched it, and i am soo glad that i did. This is a film that has a very dodgey plot, but it is held up by the supreme might and skill of the actors. The boy, Joseph Cross almost single handedly kept this film going with Keaton just giving it that little push that made it all fit together, and hey, everyone is saying that the animation sucked, but i thought that it was good, not brilliant, but good, and after all, there has been much worse, jaws three anyone?
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Thunder Run (1985)
A film that works
23 November 2002
I would describe this film as being a 'Road' film, because that is basically what it is. It has all the usual moments but is not overridden with action at all, in fact it has a bit of a story behind it aswell, which is suprising. This film is very Mad Max like in the truck scenes. I enjoyed this film, but it is the kind of thing that you could only watch a few times before you went mad!!!!!!!!
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Garlic BREAD!!!!!!!
23 October 2002
Fantastic. words cannot explain the supreme might of this young(i use that phrase very loosely) comedian. I had to have a liver operation because i laughed so hard, it was without a doubt the greatest comedy dvd i have ever seen(and now own). pure brilliance, this is a must for all you peter kay fans. i have said all i need to say, but, but wait, oh no, oh no oh no oh no.

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why oh why!?!
6 October 2002
do they make films like this, do thy just want to completley ruin the living dead idea or are they infact braindead themselves. aaagggghhhhhh this film is badder than bad. it is filmed in the fasion of some dodgey channel5 true crime series, with bad actors, plots, makeup. and another thing, since when did zombies start getting pleasure out of walking around and scaring people. i got this film and did not even look at the year it was made, i then came on here and found out it was made in 2001, shamefull, just shamefull!!!!!!!
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to me it would seem
6 October 2002
That most people dont like this film because it does not have Mike Myers in it. That is true, but this film is still a great Halloween flick. it has individual qualities that make it stand out. the ending in this film is great, and the music is just fantastic. i thouroughly reccomend this to anyone who has got an open mind, and the ability to use it!
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a good little film
4 September 2002
i have just finished watching this film and i thought it was great, it had a story that was told very well indeed, some good acting and dramatic scenes. i reall liked the scene where j. phoenix's charater was been dragged throught the corridors at the end of the film, that was done fantastically, really well...
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Great, pure cinematic brilliance
1 August 2002
I just finished watching this film and i loved it, i love this story but the way that it was portrayed in this paticular film version was wonderful. I loved the way that Patric Day[huck finn] and Sam-Art Williams[jim] interacted throughout the movie, Patric Day brought a great deal to the character of Huck which can only be matched by that of Elijah Wood in the 1993 version that did not follow the same story, the blue paint scene was a paticular favorite of mine because it brought a great deal of comic value to the play which only complimented Mark Twain's original script. This story fills you with so many different emotions i sometimes don't know weather to laugh or cry, its a masterpiece.
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Cujo (1983)
Why this film works.
3 April 2002
Cujo works because its simple. It does not have too many sub-plots and is basic in its approach to the main plot of the film which is of course how a very large but very likable family pet turns into a very large but very unlikable, rabid, human eating, water hating, blood lusting killing machine with all the time and perciveriance in the world to wait around until it gets the chance to bite into the woman and child that just happen to be stranded in a car in the middle of cujo's back yard. I think that the casting for this film was spot on, the choice of the young Danny Pintauro for the role of Tad Trenton was paticularly good because he did bring a different sense of fear to the film, his role in the film helped with the continuity, it seemed as though everything revolved around him. Great Film.......
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Mirage (1990)
What i think of this film.
30 December 2001
Here we have a film that would not appear to work on paper, but goes and works exceptionally well on the screen. It has so many generical good points that when watching it you forget how bad the acting really is. I would not personally say that it is a 'tongue in cheek' film but that it has some of the points that make it a film that will go down in history as being undernoticed and in turn underrated, i mean that it is a relitivly 'small' film in relation to some of the other ones that follow a similar plot but in many ways in mirrors and somtimes passes them in its plauseability(this could happen)and the boundrys that it goes to.
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What i think of this film.
30 December 2001
The plot for this film has been re-worked many times obviously staying within the boundrys of the genre of horror, but this film will always be the best. That is just my view, but i think that many thousands of people around the world would agree with me. Most horror fans have this film in their collection, and as a person who likes these type of 'zombie' films i must admit that i also own the re-make by savini the original SFX makeup guy), this film will always be a classic cult horror film, romero was a GENIUS!!!!!!!/.
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