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For whom the bells toll.
9 October 2023
If I need to pick one word that describes this movie it must be "disconnect". This "movie" describes one thing and one thing clearly, the demise and fall of Victoria's Secret. Gone are the classical ten's, the models that carried the not only the skimpy clothes but the brand, the models that made men go in and buy expensive underwear for both their spouses and others. This movie does not reflect on them but the new Victoria's Secret but in what way? I don't understand what they want to portray, it's not about the clothes, it's not about a transition from beautiful to beast or why did we break our company. The 90 minutes or so of runtime is spent giving nothing and taking all but time.

It's disconnected from the viewer, from the models, from the underwear and from the company. It would be best to call this a requiem for a dying beast.
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Huss (2021– )
Real? Really bad.
6 August 2023
Where the original series "Irene Huss" was unforeseen comedy this is just tragic. Karin Franz Körlof is just ridiculous as Katarina Huss.

Mainly the series is lacking reality while suffering from the same political correctness as the original series which can be summarized as immigrants are good yet may be missunderstood, while all swedes that are not police are despicable vile and evil nazis.

I had a hard time concentrating while watching this garbage and I cannot recommend this to anyone. The characters are flat, the plot lame and the overall execution is at best flat.

Save the time and go watch Wallander or Johan Falk instead.
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Irene Huss (2007–2011)
Unintentional comedy with psychos.
6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Sweden has alot of interesting cop series ranging from good to excellent. Irene Huss is not among them but is blend, dumb and simply poorly executed.

Each episode starts out with a scene where Huss is training some useless martials arts and then coming into a stereotypical view of how a police station should look. There is of course the "tech" guy which for some unknown reason has a half dismanteld computer tower on his desk. Never seen that before.

The dialogue is forced and dumb, as well as physics where you can apparently dismember using a circle saw without getting a drop of blood on you.

Huss for the better part lacks any reedeming qualities as a person. She is mean, talking about breaking 10 year old girls which later turns up and suffers of PTSD due to her decades prior attack.

The gunfights are on the level of bad TV from the 80s and depending on episode Huss is either a crackshot or can't hit a barn from the inside.

The political correctness of the series is laughable at best.

All in all it's quite fun even though it lacks in every department.
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Laughable, yet the path of a rising star.
30 November 2022
First, would I recommend this movie to average Joe? No But to a moviebuff I will.

Let's get Clint out of the picture first. Trademark speak between his teeth: CHECK! Grumpy: CHECK! But here is were the fun begins for me as a movie buff, knowing well that he was told that he was going nowhere delivering his lines like that I agree. Line delivery by Clint in this movie is bad, youthful, stiff and over the top. If someone would have told him that in 10 years he would be a rising star and in 50 he would be known all over the world, I belive he would've smacked that person in the face, writing it down to an insult.

He performs better when the characters emotions are toned down which is highly noticable and the star shines through just a brief notice of what's to come.

Regarding the film and script it's stupid. Trained soldiers doing all kinds of stupid stuff that if this was a modern war epic would make people cringe.

The version I was watching had subtitles that were totally of with the dialogue, something that just added another dimension to it.

Not for everyone, will not watch ever again.

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Would have been great if not for liberal BS
1 November 2022
In regards to the cuisine it is very interesting, but each episodes boils down to "Im 100% italian", "italy is unique", "every african should be able to come here".

He even interviews both africans and romanis that has done nothing but cause havoc. Tucci complains constantly that everyone should get to come, not realising that would mean no-more-italy. Period.

In contrast he visits a lot of leftist vermin who all cares more about vanquising their own people and replacing them with non-italians. Fun part is that everyone is very, very well off. He doesn't interview any poor italians, I guess it's not interesting and will give hime no Goodness points.

This goes on and gets worse by each episode. I quit after ep 6.
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The Restaurant (2017– )
Socialist propaganda shows through.
14 November 2020
So let's be frank. This series starts out being well directed, cast and written. I was willing to give it a chance even though I knew it was made by people who don't really care about history but rather make a buck and produced by the Swedish Socialist State TV Bureau. That said, I was happy the first 5 episodes and it really was an awesome tale.

Even when they forcefully and laughably injected a jewish concentration camp survivor as the love interest of the one of the major personas, it was still plausible.

But it continued to go down hill. Owning stuff is bad. Socialism is good. Trying to save your business from vultures is bad, unless you are 'woke', then there is no problem breaking skulls. Like an 1945 year version of "antifa". 'its ok when we do it'.

They could have shown the reality of how the socialists and communists destroyed the country eradicating the ones who actually built the nation, but instead it goes the socialism is good route and falls flat, Sad.
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Blindspot (2015–2020)
Statist crap.
1 January 2019
Ok. So pretty much this goes along the lines of love the FBI, love the CIA, Love the NSA, love the police, love the state. Owning weapons is criminal, everyone that does not love the state are criminals that deserve to be killed. Rinse repeat. Sad because Stapleton is a fine actor, but this is very disturbing anti-liberty stupidity.
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Boring, Sensationalist and statist.
25 December 2018
First it was merely quite boring, trying to put off stuff like facial expression reading as something new and sensational.

Then it switched to the US and became extremely statist with lots of pictures of "hero" cops that went around and did nothing when people where fired upon, to then turn to very anti-gun and that people should love the police.

At that moment I turned it off.
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30 September 2018
Depicting Valerie Solanas as anything than dirt is not a good thing from any perspective. It's not fun, it's not cheeky, it's not scary. What it is however is loathsome.

Thanks for 6.4 seasons. but I'm not going to be seeing any more episodes this was simply to bad to make me wanna continue.
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The Walking Dead: Some Guy (2017)
Season 8, Episode 4
Budget cuts. The train wreck is happening
13 November 2017
The CGI has gone from great to bad. Horrifyingly bad. The whole season has been shoddy. Trucks running around in the background that does not belong to the cast. Bad CGI. Bad shoot outs.

Gibs being replaced with post-CGI stuff because it's cheaper.

Expensive actors being replaced with cheap ones.

It's bad, and it's getting worse.

And there is no number lower than 1. Time for IMDb to start with -1
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The Big Bang (1987)
30 Years later.
22 April 2017
I had some vague memory of this movie. I must have been 7 or 8 and it was on TV. I could caught the beginning with the Space Waste Truck, Darth Vader and the USSSR President with his butt obsession.

Getting to see this movie in it's full have taken me 30 years. Ultimately ending up watching it in terrible quality on YouTube.

It hasn't aged that well. But I tried viewing it like it was the 1980's. This was made before the Simpsons, before most anything that we see today was out, and I try to keep this in memory.

It's absurd beyond belief, but not necessarily in a bad way. It mocks both the Reagan era Star Wars program as well has the Soviets. And even though at the time the feminist Nazis who hates men was clearly a joke when Picha made the movie, it bares a striking resemblance towards today's society where these people actually exist.

Females and so called "non-binary" persons with insane views on how people should live exist in today's society whereas they were considered insane and laughable in the 80's.

Even though this movie doesn't hold a specific value anymore, times have changed to much, it's still fun to watch.
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Previously on AMC's Watching The Paint Dry
5 April 2017
Watching my wall that I painted a year ago which is already dry, holds more interest than the whole 7th season.

The only thing that this episode manages to deliver is the ability to force feed all of the really bad stuff from the first 15 episodes into it.

A truly awful CGI tiger, totally predictable twists, bad direction, a new synth wave score that fits as badly as when The Alan Partridge Project scored Ladyhawke back in the 80s. Something so monstrous that people still use it as reference of how not to do things, even to this day.

Muhamm..Negans pathetic, obnoxious and boring rants. No one is afraid of him, no one cares and were I a producer I would have serious doubts of ever hiring Jeffrey Dean Morgan to play even the part of a statue that does not speak or move. I guess he can kiss his career goodbye.

Furthermore I now claim the right to be called the Oracle after correctly predicting everything that happened right down to all of the twists in the last few minutes. The predictability level on this one: Junior High Chemistry.

One would think that it would be absolutely impossible to fail a project like this with it's massive budget and great actors, so much so it's against the natural order to fail.

Since it's the season finale it should end with a cliffhanger. Sadly Nicotero and Gimple didn't make their way to the cliff but instead got stuck at the playground with the rubberized floor.

After the disastrous first episode of season 7 which laid the foundation for this heap of junk, the producers got a lot of flak for "unnecessary violence". If you are going to off beloved characters in a grisly manner you make up by killing of the bad guys in an even more gruesome manner. That's storytelling 101. Alas, this does not happen. Instead they tone down the violence making the action sequences better suited for a bad low budget action flick from the late 80's, people get shot, and well nothing happens, no blood or anything, and people run around with guns blazing, contradicting everything from previous seasons where they went for a true aim - here it's just firing off everything in full auto. Hence another poke at bad action movies from the late 80's and the bad guys die peacefully almost gracefully sending a clear message to the audience that they should not care or invest mentally in this show because we will make you sad and mad and then we will not do anything to make it up to you.

On top of that the sound for the scene was mixed down, and a bad synth wave score was played over to make the sound picture even more degraded. I've seen better sound mixing by non accredited teens during amateur hour on YouTube.

But the worst part is the fact that this episode is just plain boring. I caught myself actually saying "boring" quite a few times. It's supposed to have some heart filled moments, a last goodbye to one of the characters. But I got so bored I didn't care. Yada yada get on with it. Kindly die now.

I've hated every episode of this season. Each had been equally bad until the this episode came that is even worse. It's a perfect unicorn. It should not exist.

Most likely will I be forced to watch the next and final season since my combo still watches it. And yes, I said final. The show has lost half of it's viewers during the course of this season, why it's a valid guess that it will be canceled after the next season. Better shows have been canceled for less.

I would recommend anyone watching this to do it alone and use the fast-forward function on the remote. Or you will end up being bored and staring at the dried paint on your wall.
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This was BLOODY awful
8 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing makes sense compared to earlier season, this is just a bad blood feast galore without ANY redeeming qualities. Sure, Nicoteros team can do great special effects (have seen a busted head with a popped eye in real life, and yes it made my stomach turn when I saw this episode), but it's not enough.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan who usually is a good actor, sucks. Big time. I get that he tries to be some sort of loony leader, but it merely fails miserably.

Of course I got mad, first with editing, flashbacks upon flashbacks upon scenarios upon flashbacks, all in all only to prolong the who got done in.

It would have made more sense to just vanquish the whole cast. Put a bullet in Ricks head and terminate the series than continue going on.

The failure of the psyches of the group come from where? I don't know. A group that has seen everything would not become cry babies, and they would either succeed in killing Megan, nougat or whatever his name was. The character was so over the top and boring that I can even remember his name.

I didn't even managed to watch the whole episode due to anger over the bad script, the useless editing and the senseless gore. I love gore, but this is horror/thriller/drama, not Braindead. It doesn't work.

I've seen distilled water with more substance than this. I'm out.
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Makes Uwe Boll worthy of an Oscar
6 July 2010
This is so bad for so many reasons, bad Extremely bad acting and someone should stab the sound engineer cause D*MN the sound is lousy.

One extremely irritating thing is that the characters switches from Swedish to Finnish and while it sounds bad in Finnish, the characters sound like they are part of a Walt Disney Mickey Mouse movie when they try to speak Swedish. Their Finnish dialect breaks through and it fails. Miserably.

Regarding the story, it's as thin as silk and full of holes, but the worst part is that it does not make the characters come to life, no background story, just stupid arguments without any form of explanation and you don't give a sh*t about what happens.

It seems that the only point in making this movie was to let a bunch of obese people run around with fake blood and ugly tattoos while imagining that they somehow, in stark contrast to reality, were making a movie worth viewing.

In utter words, this is one of the WORST films ever made and it makes all of Uwe Boll's movies look like Academy Awards masterpieces.
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Hip-Hop Task Force (2005 Video)
This is just bad.
2 February 2006
I like underground, independent, low budget films, but this is just plain crap.

The acting is at best lousy, the editing and direction is on the brink of doing it to a comedy with too long shots, absurd clips and a score that seems to be made by some total rookie that got himself a keyboard and a sampler last week.

Since I mostly write reviews for a Swedish site (filmdelta) I seldom write anything here on IMDb, but this is a movie that I feel I have to warn people about.

According to the rules of Leonard Maltin, I always give a movie 15 minutes, but the production at large was so bad that I stopped the movie at after 15 minutes. Its highly unlikely that anyone else would even dream to see this movie till the end.
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