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Lost (2004–2010)
Not only the greatest TV show, but one of the most intense stories ever.
10 September 2005
Me my self am a huge movie buff, but I have never been into TV. The only thing I watch on TV is comedies, Seinfield, Simpsons, Family Guy, etc. But I have never liked any of the dramas. Alias, 24, Buffy, X-Files. None of them have really been that good, I have never liked TV in that sense. Well a while ago my cousin told me about "Lost" I laughed, but I had heard nothing but rave reviews. So I decided to get the DVD set for the hell of it. And it was the best purchase I think I had ever made in my life. This show is absoulutley incredible on every single level. The acting, SFX, set's, characters and most of all the twisting story.

Oddly enough though it may not seem like it this is one of the scariest pieces of work I have ever seen. I feel like I am one of the survivors and I am as clueless as they are. So you feel that sense of panic. I mean from the first show, you just get hooked. And it only gets better and better.

I mean I figured after a while the show would get boring after seeing like 19 hours pure of it. But not at all I only became more hungry. I can't wait for the second season to start. *Actually starts on my birthday which is cool* I mean by the end of the show me and an entire group of friends were so addicted to it, we sat there and just talked for hours and hours about what it could be. We all loved certain characters, we loved them all but some more then others. My favorites were Shannon, and Locke.

Surprisingly, the music is superb in this show, I figured it would be lame, but man it gives me goosebumps. I mean just seeing the opening "Lost" title just gets my spine tingleing. It is that intense.

All I'm going to say is if you hate TV, you will love this, If you love TV you will love this. It does not matter what you like, you will love "Lost" Season 2 can't come soon enough.

100/100 points for me.
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One of the best movies in years.
28 June 2005
Man, talk about one hell of a year. 2005 will go down in history in my book. Movies have been blowing me out of my seat. First being a long time fan of Sin City, they made an extraordinary movie off of it. Then Star Wars finally had a movie to be really proud of since Empire Stirkes Back. Then Batman Begins became one of my fav films, just due to its deepness. And now War of the Worlds based off of one of my favorite books just blew me away.

First people complaining about the ending, shut up. This stays faithful to the book and is more realistic, and finally something fresh and different instead of one man going in there and killing all the Aliens with his two hands. I think this was more interesting.

The movie focuses just on one family, and the struggles, it really makes you think, what would I do if aliens invaded the world tomorrow? What would happen? Where would I go? What would I do? This movie makes you think a lot, it is really deep and meaningful. It to me seems like Saving Private Ryan mixed with Jurassic Park, a true dramatic sci-fi. I'm tired of all the Tom Cruise stuff. Who cares if he's a nut in real life, his acting was wonderful in this movie and it sucked you in.

And the SFX was incredible with the short amount of time they had to finish them. And as for John Williams do I need say more? His score was superb.

This movie is a must see Final Score: 94% Highs: A dramatic deep remake of the original alien invasion story.

Lows: The ending to some was a letdown, the only thing I found wrong with the ending was a little bit of the pacing, other then that it was good and different.

Bottom Line: One of the best Sci-Fi's ever made.
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Batman Begins (2005)
A great film on many levels.
15 June 2005
Rarley anymore can I be pleasantly surprised when I leave a theater, but lets cut to the chase I came out very happy with Batman Begins. During a lot of my childhood I watched Burtons versions, as well the horrible last two Batman movies. But I remembered I never liked them, not even Burtons, they seemed to flaky, Burton's Batman seemed like a circus, and the others were just plain horrible.

But finally out of no where WB decides to re-start Batman give him a clean slate, and boy, did they start off on the right foot. Batman Begins is an excellent movie from start to finish. The story engrosses you and it focuses mainly on Bruce Wayne's inner struggle, how he becomes fear to destroy it. The acting was well done and the directing was superb.

Now some complained about the fighting scenes, I thought they were great, when you are in a REAL fight not everything is choreographed and smooth, it is very rough and gritty that is what Nolan brought to Batman I think.

I felt that Zimmer and Howards score was better then Elfman's. Though Elfman is a superb composer his theme fit a more "circus Batman" the new theme *Sounds like bat wings flapping* is just creepy, and it's kinda like Jaws theme where it gets closer and closer. It represents Bruce Wayne's anger throbbing, getting stronger.

The only nit pick I had about it was that it seemed almost that they had too much condensed into 141 minutes, minus the 9 minutes of end credits you have a two hour and 12 minute movie. But I feel that they should of stayed on some scenes a little longer, but hey maybe we will see an extended Batman Begins some day.

But hands down this is one of the best films this year, actually one of the best in many years it is now in my list of favorites. Batman Begins is excellent.
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A great ending. A great movie. Way better then Reloaded.
5 November 2003
Too many people anymore, nerds especially *no offence I'm one too* But one thing I stay away from is something too many fall into. Why are originals so much better then the sequals? Why? Simple, people make the movie in their mind, and get mad when it does not go with what they wanted, or what fan script/theories they read.

Just like T3 Matrix 3 was a great installment, and I left there sad/happy/very satisfied. It answered all the questions. Some just could not find the answers because they wanted them told outloud.

I'm not just going to sit here and talk about the action which was great and epic, and felt like they were really fighting for something.

People just get too hyped or think of the movie in a different way then it was showed.

This was a beautiful movie, with real POWER. And the thing is, no war has a real winner, this is true in real life. I think it had a great ending, and I just left nothing but satisfied. Too many Matrix people asked too many questions and just did not sit there and listen to what they said.

Now my rating of the trilogy is complete.

The Matrix 9.4/10 Matrix Reloaded 9.0/10 Matrix Revolutions 9.3/10

Well done the W brothers, you did a great job. I felt it was very heart warming at the end. Bravo!
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Worthy of the Terminator saga. And a smart movie.
2 November 2003
Most general people, and movie goers liked this movie quite a lot and so did I. Anymore we hear a few people online say it sucks, because that is all they can say about any movie any more. And for some reason these negative online nerds some how make people scared of movies or make them say what they want them to say. "Yea it sucked" stuff like that. Most of the people that bash T3 contridict themselves time again and again.

People whine about how it was too much like T2, then the next sentence they said it was not like Cameron's T2 at all. People are just mad because T3 did not have Cameron.


In July in a BBC interview he said he loved the movie and thought what Mostow did was true to his series and well worthy of his saga.

And James has more of a reason to hate it then anyone even more then the most die hard fan.

And we all know James is not one for BSing he tells things like it is, he is powerful enough to do that.

The movie was made for fan/general audiance. The General movie goer, even the big nerd ones will watch it see and action movie that was good but lacking detail. A true Terminator fan will see all these small details here and there even with in the action, that besides the age mistakes on Sarah and John really fit in to the Terminator saga. Everything that was done in T3 if you look very closley it was said in T1 and T2. Some say how can T3 be, well most fans know that T2 ended with a paradox. If John was still alive, the Terminators/Skynet must still exist due to the fact that Skynet made the Time Displacement Equipment and he sent back Terminator's, then the resistance stole the Time machine and sent Kyle back to protect Sarah from the Terminator then he concived John. So if there are no Terminator's there is no John, some people just don't get that.

Story: Not as detailed as the others, but it has more meaning then some see, and really follows what was talked about in T2 and T1, including how Cyberdyne would become part of the military. In T2 the Terminator said "In three years Skynet will become a huge military supplier." Well everyone knows T2 takes place in 1995, and 3 years would of been after Judgement Day, so the Terminator always knew that JD would never happen until 2007, or when ever T3 takes place. Very good story. Too bad that the execs took out about 50 minutes of story/character develoment, we will see that in the T3 Ultimate Edition DVD.

Visual Effects: Easily the best this year. Yea maybe it does not have as much as Reloaded or LOTR but it has smaller scales, and more realism. Some things people would never guess were CGI until you told them. Including all...thats right ALL even the close up one T-800 endo's in the future scens are all CGI.

Sound: Will blow you away. The music was much more human/mechanical instead of Fidel's techno that gets boring. Marco did a wonderful job. And the sound effects in the whole movie will blow you out of the water.

Acting: Well done, Stahl was the best in this and the Terminator did a great job as being the T from T1 and T2 combined. Most don't understand that Mostow was trying to de-construct the father figure the Terminator had on John by making him more machine like so that in the future he could fight them more. Kristanna did a great job as a villan. Bravo to all.

Editing: Though great I will complain as a huge fan we know there was 50 minutes including a long end fight and 10 minute future war sequence cut out. And a lot of the story scenes left on the floor. I bet if all the scenes were left in T3 would of been hailed as much as T2 by everyone.

Bottom Line. T3 was superb, doing what the fans wanted it to do. Making a good ending and not just some yipiee the good guys save the day again ending. A ending that left you quiet and in awe. Making you wonder if we will do something like that some day. T3 was art, it was not verbaly a detailed movie like T1 and T2, it had the detail in between the lines. And if you can filter out the great action, you can see this story and how deep it is. A must see for anyone despite the few nerds bashing it, because they don't understand it.

9.6 out of 10
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Ahhh a true classic.
7 September 2003
Today with so many movies, I have noticed a few things. People have become to serious about movies, they can't just go anymore and relax and just sit back and enjoy. People have so many guidelines that they follow for them to say its a good movie. People have become intellectually devoid animals ruled by popular opinion and mob mentality. Army of Darkness when I first watched I tried to take it seriously like the average Joe. Big mistake! I went back with a friend when he was saying relax just enjoy it. Now I own it on DVD the "Boomstick Edition" With both Theatrical and Special Edition. It is now one of my fav's, it's just wierd how Ash grows on you and you just come to love his character.

But with that said this movie is a true classic. Sam when you are done with Spider-Man 2, make us the forth Evil Dead. Ash must return!
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Worthy to the Terminator franchise!
6 August 2003
I have been following Terminator 3's progress since day one. And the day came when I finaly saw it. With out a doubt a masterpiece. But it took more then one viewing to see Mostow's vision.

Too much these days people need them to explain a story by words, and dialouge, like your mother telling you a bedtime story. T3 is one of those deeper movies that once you look past the action there are some deep thoughts, and morality issues it talks about. I love where they took the story, and the character's especially John.

Thoguh I am mad to know as a huge fan I followed T3 from day one, watched every interview/set report ect. There was about 40 mintues cut from the movie. Including:

-10 Minute Future War Sequence.

-An Alternate Opening Credits with the T3 song from soundtrack.

-From some people/the book there was a little more of the stripper joint, and the T-850 did more dammage to the bouncer.

-A few more scenes like more of the T-850 grabbing his shotgun after running over the T-X.

-The T-X killing Liz Anderson a 10 year old girl.

-T-X and more of her and the cop like her saying the exact speed she was going.

-The T-X going to Bill Anderson's house, and breaking in.

-More of the champion crane sequence you can tell easily by the editing.

-Way more talk in the Tundra with John and the T-850 talking about Judgment Day and the upgrades the T-850 has.

-A little more of the store scene, the T-850 grabs the glasses.

-More of John talking in the back of the Tundra with Kate.

-Flashbacks of young John and Kate, we could tell from IMDB's young John in the credits early on.

-From old set reports and eye witnesses I think the T-850 disabled or maybe even killed cops originaly in the graveyard shoot out because they talked about how he did kill people in that scene long ago.

-More of the Graveyard chase, the T-X right behind them and John is shooting at her.

-Way more of a slow scene what it was we may never know from the book either the author of the book said he had to change the versions so many times. That is why it was delayed from June to late July because WB changed it so much. But I think there was much more of a slow desert T2 kind of scene between John and Kate and the Terminator. Just more talking.

-So so so much more of the CRS Labs. Showing how the Terminator's survived and Skynet. And all of the early prototypes being made including the 101 from the real human Arnold Sgt. Candy.

-Shows how the T-X gets to the CRS labs with the chopper and gets in.

-How Kate/John/T-850 get into CRS, she calls him Uncle Tom. The T-850 shoots some guards in the knee caps.

-More of the T-850 talking to General Brewster about the line he said 'I was made here.'

-Extened Bathroom sequence where they accually go through the floor.

-You can tell by editing and the book that originaly they had Kate/John fight a T-1 as well, or at least run from it. But they cut it out.

-Shows from pictures that we see the T-X get out of the particle accelerator and she sees the disabled T-850 standing there and she jumps in the chopper. As she saw John/Kate take off.

-Now this scene I gathered from set reports and old talks. I think originaly the T-850 came on line and walked across the air strip with the T-1's shooiting everyone and he is in the midst of it all walking to the big chopper. -Way more of the accual 'Rise of the machines' more of the T-1's killing everyone.

-Alternate End fight. From set reports and interviews with Stan/Arnold and Larisis or what ever said the same thing I heard. That there was originaly a huge tunnel chase where the T-X in full endo form ran after the T-850/John and Kate. And it was more of a epic battle between the two. Very expensive but cut sadly enough.

These were things we either got from set reports ect.

There was an alternate end fight, it will be in the DVD/Game it self.

Though it stinks that these cuts were made the movie was still worthy of the franchise. James Cameron thought so, he loved the movie. And we all know James does not just say things to be nice.

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 9.6/10

Highs: Great story, depth, and some serious issues talked about. Great acting and dialouge and ending.

Lows: Too much cut, not enough of everything. Lots of the detailed story scenes were cut.

Bottom Line: A great film on every level. Not as good as Terminator 2 but I doubt any movie will ever accomplish that. That is a hard feat. But Terminator 3 is one of the best movies I've seen in years, and so worth the long wait.
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Signs (2002)
One of my all time favorites!
5 August 2002
This is by far one of the best movies I've seen. First off it had a great story, not your typical alien invading movie, with bad acting and just lots of killing and shooting. This movie was very suspenseful and did not require lots of special effects to get you scared. Of course the acting was superb by all. I really do not want to spoil any more, this movie was way better then The Sixth Sense in my opinion. Go see it, also be careful I see about every movie, and this is one of the few that really got me scared. It is great fun. And has some good humor in it. 10 stars all the way.
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One of Spielbergs best to date.
23 June 2002
I was thinking this was going to be OK, then I remembered I did not like AI very much. I was begining to regret going to the movie theatre.

But now I am so glad I saw this wonderful piece of film. Why is this movie so good? Besides Episode II and LOTR, this is the best movie I have seen in years. Not only did it have many twists and turns, it had great acting by all, and outstanding music from John Williams once more. The plot is so intense this is the few movies where my back was not sore because I was feeling like I was standing up. It is that intense. It really had a cool concept of the future, lots of cool little gadgets here and there. And finaly a movie with a happy ending, I got tired of so many movies having twists and turns then it turned out to be a horrible sad ending, but not this movie. It was perfect. And the movie had great special effects every thing seemed real. This movie was original and just plain fun for anyone, trust me you will come out of the theatre smilling wanting to go see it once more. I recomend it to any one. One of the greatest Sci-Fi's of all time.
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Half-Life (1998 Video Game)
I am a professional Gamer and I know what games are.
8 January 2002
Half-Life was breath taking. Before then we had not seen a game that put you in such an enviroment. The game was like Star Wars in many ways, it did not have much of a budget or anything and it turned out to be the best game of 1998 and still to this day does a game have to approve upon it.

You play Gordon Freeman, not a tough Marine just a scientist in quantum physics, the story unfolds when you go to work at the Black Mesa Research Facility and every thing goes bad that day. The story is told with in game cut scenes, not cintematics telling you whats happening, YOU LIVE THE STORY.

Also after the most wonderful single player game there is its multiplayer like Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Team Fortress 1.5, Deathmatch Clasic ( Quake all over again ) GO DM 2! Also there is some good expansion sets for Half-Life, like Half-Life: Opposing Force, made by Gearbox, as well as Blue Shift ( very short ) also made by Gearbox. But Valve did it with its master piece so lets hope they do it again.
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