
10 Reviews
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Shrek (2001)
A new fairy tale
30 October 2007
A charming and cynical tale full to the brim with cheeky reference and cameo of other fairy tales. The Evil dragon is in fact a lonely female with needs! The Damsel isn't helpless, a Baron with size issues, contrary to popular believe you can catch the gingerbread man. Just a few of the stereotypes that are thrown away in this film, which can only serve to present an open minded view to the younger generation. It is clear that a childhood of watching Disney fairytale after Disney fairytale is mandatory for getting half the humour in this film, and even then it will probably be lost to the young, I went with my sister and 5 year old niece and it was clear she seemed to predominantly laugh at violence towards furry animals and funny faces, but I guess thats an example catering for all.
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One of the best films of all time?
20 October 2007
I am just here stroking the ego of one of the greatest films of all time its not really a useful comment but I am sure there will be plenty of useful ones out there. I can't give it 10, its not within me to give any film a 10 seeing as nothing is perfect, and moments of this film did seem a little unbelievable...

Its a great story, great acting blah blah blah the film industry is not dead as long as for every Michael Bay film coming out their is a film like this in existence

get it and watch it but don't show it to kids because it depicts suicide and violence and they might go out and kill someone......
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Knocked Up (2007)
Not really a comedy..
20 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A good critic once said that at minimum a comedy has to have 5 laughs in the whole film. I probably laughed 5 times so I guess it barely passes as a comedy, so why have I even given this as high as 6 despite a slightly contemptuous opening statement? The first reason is that I don't really feel like it was even trying to be that funny.

The second is that I enjoy a tale of the average Joe getting to get with an attractive successful women, and grows up in the process, makes me feel hopeful...

I am of course well aware of the zany housemates doing funny things is meant to be funny and at also to be a reflective visualisation of his own maturity. The latter of the two points it was successful. And the chemistry of Paul Rudd and Seth Rogan as always was pretty funny, so I guess what I am saying is that they could have done more to market it as a romantic comedy, rather than a secondary frat-pack comedy.

but thats just my opinion and you get to tell me my comment is unhelpful if you think knocked up is an epic comedy!
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Sin City (2005)
Absolutely Merciless, the worst in human nature. I loved it
28 August 2007
I wasn't really expecting much to be honest, probably another American action film directed by an idiot (see transformers) but this isn't just another action film, this is a comic book adaptation and I can honestly say it is like no other film I have since seen before or after (some compare it to 300 but that is more just because they are both filmed in blue screen.

I assume that this film is set in a fictional town in a possibly fictional world but in a definite 30-50's era. The film does not follow chronological order and there are three loosely linked story lines following three different vigilante men in a righteous and highly violent fight against corrupt leaders of the city. Some of the feats people are capable of in this film especially Marth a merciless brute! Are down right ludicrous. But you find yourself laughing or wanting to clap because this film is so vivid in its appearance and its ambiguous location that within this context it is entirely believable. There is completely unimaginable levels of gore in this film I generally feel some of the things you will see in this film are some of the worst things I have seen in a film, but I never really felt horrified because the gore was largely cartoonist, with white blood and you never feel a single shred of sympathy for the characters undergoing these gruesome ordeals.

The film often uses first and sometimes even third person narrative in a Dick Tracy style detective fashion and this is extremely lovable.

I would easily say this is my second favourite film ever but then I to my shame have yet to see a lot of great films so forgive me for rating it so highly, I am not a gore seeking idiot either I generally just merit this film in its originality that never allows you to switch off.
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Rollerball (2002)
Changed my life
28 August 2007
I woke up this morning in my trailer with my heart pounding with excitement because today Rollerball was out at my local cinema. I dug under my bed and found my £10 I had been saving for weeks and ran to my local cinema.

By the end of this film I was in tears, I had never seen such a brilliant film in my life. A sensible real plot with real characters. I then decided to sit in the theatre and hide so I could watch it again.

Do you like good films, do you want a good cry? Are you hoping to see the best action film of our era>?? then save up some money and buy this film on DVD then show it to all your friends Arrgghh!! I can't do it I don't want people to think i am an idiot, this film is genuinely terrible to the point it deserves an ironic review
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Transformers (2007)
28 August 2007
Michael Bay should be directing porn. He has one camera method for everything which is shaky camera. The plot is ludicrous, the female lead Megan Fox looks like a 38 year old Polish pole dancer. This film was so loud I couldn't even hear myself think and didn't have a clue what was going on. The film attempts emotional moments which it really never earned enough for them to make sense. This is the first time I have walked out of a theatre before the end of a film and I will be sending Mr Bay a letter demanding my £5.60 back I am actually disgusted that this film had an average of 7.8 and was on the IMDb top 250. (I have now seen that it has fallen to 7.7 and off the top 250 list, give yourselves a pat on the back people you are now karmically balanced!)
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Spider-Man 2 (2004)
13 May 2007
I give this mark because its not possible to give 9 and a half and 10 is going to far. This film is an epic, the best comic book adaptation of all time. Fantastic completely understandable villain with a goal in life other than to destroy Spider-man just because.

The plot really focuses well on the personal difficulty of being a superhero, and not that this is so important but I was quite amused by the prospect of Spider-man delivering pizza for a living. I have seen some have a go critics moaning about tha fact that Spiderman 2 has tried to be too funny and too romantic and failed, but these people have entirely missed the point of spiderman, this is a comic book adaptation, its an action film you can turn your brain off in this film and feel like a boy again. And if it throws in a couple of only slightly amusing jokes and a little romance? Thats fine, its Hollywood nice to have a bit of that in there and not take itself too seriously all the time.

I am going to be topically boyish and say "if you didn't like this film your probably not worth knowing"
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Slither (2006)
13 May 2007
I am not usually this primitive in my ratings of films but let me tell you this

I was told this in anyway compares to the epic shawn of the dead?, watching this film literally wrecked my week, I literally was banging my head on the walls and walked out of the room after 30 minutes. I hate this film, its nothing its not funny or clever or scary.

Now i am righting rubbish to fill 10 lines and make this review eligible for submission because film doesn't even deserve 10 genuine lines. The lion ate a grapefruit with his mum named Doris then they went to town and saw an art exhibition
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13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film had good intentions I guess, but it didn't really come off that way to me. This film is about a woman who is about to marry a nice guy politician from New York but has to go home and divorce her ex-husband who refuses to sign the papers. The films general message is that success and being rich in life aren't important, having babies, cooking, getting drunk and pottering about doing not much is what life's about. I'm not so arrogant as to say it's a wrong message, I am a lazy person, it agrees with me! But the problem starts with the fact you are supposed to love this up herself girl who comes back and insults her former friends and you just don't find that happening. This film tries to twist and surprise you which it doesn't do and you find her transition, jumpy and forced, instead of a steadily realisation she just seems to wake up or click instantly into this next stage of realisation (after punching a woman in the face.. hmmm.. our heroine suddenly develops a very strong south American accent and this quick transition comes across as purely ridiculous.

You find yourself majorly worried by the immoral (inevitable) walking out on a really nice guy at the altar, who is just supposed to accept that because of Witherspoon's nice smile (which he does "oh my heart's broken I think I am OK with you leaving bye"). Classic old school romantic comedies at least had the decency to make the other man a git, or at least plotting or not wanting to marry her themselves. I would comment on the blatant racist north America south America overtones but I don't really know enough about this to comment. Not bad acting performances from all the cast despite the script and plot.

Life is short but not so short you should avoid watching this film, after all it's a feel good film.
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
I liked this film a little
13 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this film was an OK film, sadly due to its predecessors OK was never going to be enough. I liked what this film tried to do, which was to try to be bigger than ever before, long running time (I feel i get more of my moneys worth and I am quite happy to sit there for three and a half hours). 3 villains and therefore an inevitable 4 way showdown, which cinematographically looks amazing. But if I speak honestly, they've taken on too much and fail to really develop Flint Marco(Sandman) and Eddie Brock's (Venom) characters, we're never absolutely sure what's wrong with Marco's daughter, how have him and his wife become so estranged (bearing in mind that his cause of robbing millions of pounds to cure their daughters apparently very expensive disease isn't that bad news for her). Why does this venom form outer space only give spider-man a suit of evilness (which at first is easy to remove at will and at the second time of asking it clings to him) and Eddie Brock is turned into a big mouthed monster?

The last point I will mention is Spiderman's descent into evil which amusingly is represented by an emo look, it is a very amusing and surreal montage and caused me and those around to laugh and wonder if we were watching a comic epic anymore... But I took it as a bit of lighthearted fun and hope the film makers meant us to laugh,

My recommendation? if you care? Go see it, it'll be alright, but please don't come back complaining it's not great and no it doesn't absolutely follow the comic but there's much worse out there.
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