
6 Reviews
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The Simpsons: Thanksgiving of Horror (2019)
Season 31, Episode 8
This was just one fun episode!
27 July 2022
Lots to like about it, it was different for starters, most of the later seasons episodes are hit or misses, this one was a hit!

I loved the turkey themes, it was very funny.
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The Simpsons: Mad About the Toy (2019)
Season 30, Episode 11
C'mon... really?
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just... awful, this was a horrible episode, it didn't even have funny moments in it. Just more past this past that, it didn't matter Grandpa was with several female women he was incredibly happy with, those past episodes where they made jokes about his sexuality, ( Like the gag about " Boys you both can have me! " or cross dressing for H*tler, or even the bit where Marge thinks he was gay. ) Funny ACTUAL funny moments.

This was some sort of " cry " episode supposed to make you feel like Grandpa could ( should in their view ) be gay. Just No. I mean, No. It's not even just about the bad story line, but there were NO jokes either.
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The Simpsons: Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy (2019)
Season 30, Episode 18
This was AWFUL... My 3rd most despised episode in the entire series
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Warning Spoilers:

This episode deals with how many shows are gender bending long time characters, such as itchy and scratchy. So the boys decided " Hey we're not gonna watch this is BS ". So Bart watches and surprise surprise, it's somehow better than ever simply because their female now. ( Really??? )

Fast forward a Bart is now rolling with this gang of VERY abusive females, who abuse him. PLEASE for one second, SWAP this scenario please, Lets say... Lisa was hanging out with Nelson, Jimbo, Dolph and Kerny, and they abused her the way these girls did Bart, Ever thing you'd see an episode like that!? Nope! Because it would be awful! Like this.

Now like every episode... like ever. Always has the same running gag, as someone else pointed out, Females are Stronger/Better/Faster/Smarter than ever single male character ever in the Simpsons. This episode just emphasizes it more and in a more insulting way.

Oh wait I forgot the most important thing... weren't there supposed to be jokes in this episode?... Or just no? Okay yeah nope didn't think so. My mistake.
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The Simpsons: Marge the Lumberjill (2019)
Season 31, Episode 6
Boring episode... Marge is better than this.
27 July 2022
This episode was Marge dealing with the fact she might be boring and the writers made this!?

I mean... add jokes next time... please? Awful episode, insulting LGBTQ representation and I think it's just bland.
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The Simpsons: Poorhouse Rock (2022)
Season 33, Episode 22
First episode I turned off, had to catch my breath, then finish.
27 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the beginning of this episode, it was actually kind of cute to see Bart actually admiring Homer for a change, obviously that cannot stay because that's how the Simpsons works. But how they did it? Absolutely awful.

For starters: ( spoilers ahead ).

Bart was happy and honestly carefree looking up to Homer and actually looking toward the future, then Lisa started to pry into Bart's happiness by mocking him subtly. Then as the episode progresses Lisa not only shoots down her brothers happiness, she tears apart any dreams he ( or the viewers ) have for the future. Talking about how there's no hope, and one of the final lines delivered is " The only way to fix the system is to Burn it down. " That was just stupid.

I'm 29 I'm a millennial, I know the system is messed up, but this kind of crap? This was not in ANY way funny or humorous at all. This is a comedic show, if I wanted this? I'd of watched a drama. Way to insult your viewers Tim long. I sincerely hope you never write another episode again.
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The Simpsons: Pixelated and Afraid (2022)
Season 33, Episode 12
One of the best episodes in years hands down.
27 July 2022
I was blatantly shocked by how great this episode was!. There was no background " theme " there was no hidden or obvious message, it was just Homer and Marge, really in love and having a good time then a funny for us ( stressful for them ) time.

This is how the Simpsons should be.
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