
10 Reviews
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It made me want to be physically sick!!
31 July 2004
I sat through the entire thing, with a sick feeling in my stomach. I was one of those who supported the need for 'something to be done about Iraq'. However, in the time since the war began - I would read bits and pieces from media (not controlled by corporate interests) and started to question some of the claims made by the coalition. This documentary consolidated all those facts into a coherent and devastating journey, following the greed of a few and apathy of many. Since the middle of last year - I've come to the sickening conclusion that I was manipulated by the rhetoric and fear espoused by those with a vested interest in seeing profits in death and destruction - what made it so much worse was that I was complicit in this ruse.

I thought this doco represented a fair and accurate summation of what should be viewed by the whole world as a tragedy for and travesty against humanity.

Michael Moore and many of the people who were interviewed deserve the highest praise for speaking out - Courage is seeing wrong and speaking out against it, cowardice is staying silent or apathetic.

I thoroughly recommend this documentary.
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Enough (I) (2002)
21 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
++spoilers++ As in unbelievably BAD!! It didn't make any sense, Slim seemed to be a split personality .. intelligent enough to plan elaborate escape routes, but stupid enough to be fooled by this man and then make bad decisions. Whilst there were many instances of 'unbelievable scenes' - a few stand out 1) At the lawyers office were he basically tells her "its no use - he'll keep going till he kills you" .. Are you kidding me? 2) The bad guy FBI agents at Jo's apartment - the couch stole the scene from everybody else. 3) the end where we assume that the daughter, mother-in-law, new girlfriend and cop friend (Noah Wylie) are all okay with the circumstances of the husbands death - HELLO!!! does this director not watch CSI (I'm being facetious)?

I could go on but basically the scenario doesn't make any sense and the acting is awful (as I said I am voting for the couch having more emotional expression than any any of the actors, and the kid would probably get my vote for most annoying voice ever).

Don't let this suck away any brain cells - its a dud!
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Rather unrealistic, but some compelling issues ...
28 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Some spoilers!! Admittedly, I wasn't expecting a great deal and indeed the movie is guilty of some rather unrealistic scenarios. What I did find compelling in this movie was the dynamics of the guerrillas and the CIA and Arnies character. We have Arnies character (and the CIA) heading off to seek revenge for the bombing in LA and his family's death and find that a driving force for the terrorist (The Wolf) is the murder of his daughter by persons armed and supported by the CIA. In fact those CIA sponsored thugs, very nearly killed Arnie a few times - Who are the terrorists?

Some of the other comments about this movie were by people who found it in bad taste - perhaps what it did was leave a bad taste in our mouths because we had to ask that question and some of the events in the past year do not seem so clear. Do not get me wrong - acts of violence are cowardly and abhorrent and should not be tolerated. But when a western centred paradigm is the group that gets too label others as 'terrorists' or 'radical', then we need to consider all of the implications of that. It is easy to forget that there are people caught up in the battles that define the dominant and the radical - similar to the peasants in this movie who were just trying to eke out a living, but being targeted by both sides.

But all that 'deeper reflection' aside - I did enjoy this movie for what it was .. an action movie, certainly not in the genre of what we would be used to seeing Arnie in (but considering his political aspirations understandable). I rated it a 7/10.
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Great action, special effects and storyline
26 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I guess you either love it or hate it ... I'm not a BIG Terminator/Arnie/Clare Danes fan- I enjoyed T2 (didn't actually see T1), but I thought this movie was put together really well. Whilst the focus in T2 was the relationship between the terminator and John, in this movie it was between John And Kate. And to give the actors their dues - I thought Clare played her role really well, she didn't take anything lying down, and she and Nick had a good connection on screen.

Spoilers ...

I thought she played the role of a future resistance fighter, who is having her life turned upside down, all in one day really well - hell who wouldn't scream, yell and fight back after having your clinic blown up and being chucked in the back of your truck - by two men, one of whom you knew disappeared 10 years ago in dubious circumstances.

Nick was great as John Conner, wanting to believe that judgment day is not coming, trying to be optimistic, but never fully letting go of the darker future - I thought he was played with a guarded wariness that seemed to suit the situation. He fought the future, right up until the last moment when he turned off the explosive device.

I thought the play on making our own fate and the future being inevitable really interesting. Yes, yes, there are some problems with the time lines - but hey, ITS A MOVIE - enjoy it for what it is .. entertainment, special FX, and interesting storyline. Everyone I've spoken to have enjoyed the movie and I'd recommend it.
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The Tuxedo (2002)
Two movies in one ....
19 July 2003
This was like watching two movies .. One with Jackie Chan - witty, interesting storyline (although a little predictable and shaky in places) and the other with Jackie and Jennifer Love Hewitt - so bad it was painful. The director must have said to her "make your character as whingy and nonsensical as possible" because she nailed that portrayal down perfectly.

The movie had moments of that ole Jackie Chan brillance. I think they tried to make Hewitt's character into the female equivalent of his successful teamings with Owen Wilson - needless to say they should keep on lookin! If he had had a better co-star (e.g Debi Mazar - shes got quite a witty sarcasm which she can carry off) to work with, I think the movie would have been received better.

So if your a Jackie fan ... probably not for you, if your a Love Hewitt fan, probably your cup of tea!!
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Great book ... movie not too bad!!
19 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I got this DVD out because I read the book years ago and loved it and while I did enjoy this movie, (a nice easy watch and I was pleasantly surprised by how good Mandy Moore was. The other main cast members, Peter, Darryl and Shane were in fine form as well) the storyline suffered a little in the transition to the screen...

Potential SPOILER ****

The movie sidestepped a number of points in the book which I think made it so poignant - for example, the significance of the play to Jamiee and her father (re: her mother and their faith)- the angel being sent as a sort of saviour to the man in the play, just as Jamiee became Landons saviour, and he became hers, when Jamiee states she'll pray for Landon - in the book like she also prayed for him to come to her, so that she could experience love before she died; Jamiee helping with Landon's lines and his walking her home, and becoming involved in her fundraising for the orphanage is where in the book he learnt a great deal more about Jamiee (and himself) and began to fall in love - hence the title a walk to remember!

Regardless, I have to say I still think it was a sweet story and worth checking out for that wintery afternoon of video watching.
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Don't do it - save yourself from the tedium of it all!!
5 June 2003
I watched it till the end - but only because it was like the scene of an accident where you can't draw your horrified eyes away. I found none of it the least bit funny and it didn't make any sense - hello story line are you in there? I am a big fan of each of the actors (although admitedly I haven't seen any of Catherine Zeta-jones) and I can't believe that the actors actually don't cringe when they see it. A big disappointment.
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Zoolander (2001)
5 June 2003
I looked forward to this movie - simply because of Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson, what a combination. It was a great, light-hearted movie that made me laugh at absurd things .. if thats what your looking for .. this is for you.
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Best & Worst of times...
29 April 2003
I was soooo looking forward to this movie, I enjoyed it BUT was a little disappointed. The plot was excellent, the actors more than capable, but it lacked that star trekian quality of completion and tying together of those story-line threads. To often I was sitting there thinking, but what happened to? or why did that happen? I think the director and fellow editors needed to have watched the TNG series and earlier movies - because I don't think they quite got it.
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Saw the movie - liked it!!
9 December 2002
I was recently one of those you could categorise as a captured audience on a flight showing The Third Wheel...and I have got to say I really enjoyed it. I admit I was surprised because I saw Damon and Affleck as exec producers, and I did not like 'Good Will Hunting', although I loved Dogma, which they both acted in. Anyway I digress, Luke Wilson and Jay Lacopo were excellent (but then I am a fan of that humour which has a slow droll and subtle catch to it) - they played their roles as slightly stupid, but then in the end of course, their not. Denise Richards was great in her role, giving it that "I'm sexy, but a real person' tone, particularly that laugh!!

It won't win any Oscars, but if you want a light-hearted, easy going movie that makes you chuckle (which during a flight can be slightly embarrassing), go for it!!

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