
5 Reviews
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Knightmare (1987–1994)
simply brilliant
4 August 2002
I absolutely loved Knightmare when I was growing up! And I totally agree with the comments posted about it! For its time the visuals etc. were amazing and, yeah, it was the only kids tv show that had a creepiness about it. Also it was a very challenging game show and encouraged you to think. I feel so sorry for kids growing up nowadays. I don't know what children's television is like in the US but the stuff that's on in the UK is rubbish! There's nothing anywhere near to the brilliance of Knightmare, Funhouse, Dungeons and Dragons, Thundercats, He-Man and She-Ra etc.

Wonder what the guy who played Treyguard is up to now??? And the guy who was Lord Fear? I hated it when they used to look in on what he was up to through the spy glass cos you knew any minute he was going to realise what they were doing!!!! He was really scary! Remember the dragon the contender used to fly on??? My fave bit of the show was when someone lost and therefore died and you'd just see them and their mates walking down a path and waving goodbye!!!!!!

For any die hard fans I remember seeing some repeats of Knightmare on the Sci-Fi channel a few years ago, but I don't think they show them anymore. But I'll keep a look-out anyway. I'd love to be able to watch them all again! 80s and early 90s kids' shows were the best!!!
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Dying to Belong (1997 TV Movie)
zack morris!!!!!!
31 July 2002
Oh my gosh, all I have to say about this film, even though it had a suprisingly good and thrilling plot for a tv movie, is how gorgeous does Mark-Paul Gosselaar (a.k.a. Zack Morris from the teen tv show 'Saved By The Bell'-the original and best!) look?????!!!!! Phwoar!!!! I'd watch this again and again just to see him wearing those glasses even if it had been a bad film. He looks much better with dark hair (although I did still have a crush on him years ago as the blonde 'Tom Cruise' Zack Morris!!). But honestly, it's actually quite good and definitely worth watching even if you don't want to gaze at the lovely Mark-Paul!!!!!!!!!!

Don't be put off and leave it too long; you'll regret it if you don't watch 'Dying To Belong'!!!!!!! (sorry I know that's really cheesy but I couldn't resist!!!) jill-70 :-)
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Rain Man (1988)
Pure genius
13 April 2002
What can I say about Rain Man? One word sums it up: brilliant!

The acting is wonderful and the story is well thought out. Yes, Dustin Hoffman displays an excellent performance and thoroughly deserved his oscar for the role but I always feel that Tom Cruise(when is this amazing and versatile actor going to win an oscar???) does not receive enough recognition for his performance as Charlie Babbitt. Tom and Dustin make a great partnership, Dustin would not be as good without Tom and vice versa. I'd love for them to make another movie together some day as they have great chemistry (not sexual of course!!) All in all a touching story of a man who finds the brother he never knew he had (or did he- he knew 'Rain Man when he was young, but I won't spoil it for everyone???) and how he realises there's more to life than money.

Excellent performances all round and some classic scenes and lines (The 'Raymond, did you fart?' bit, 'gotta buy underwear from Kaymart;what difference does it make where you buy underwear? UNDERWEAR IS UNDERWEAR scene' and 'Kaymart sucks!!!')

You'll laugh and you'll cry but I guarantee you wont be disappointed with this gem of a film.

Well worthy of 9 out of 10!!!!!
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Big (1988)
a great BIG thumbs up!
12 April 2002
What can I say about Big? I can't remember how many times I've seen this film, but it's definitely one you can watch over and over again and you'll still love it cos it's just fab! This is Tom Hanks at his best! Not that he ever makes bad movies, he just seemed so fresh then and you just knew he had the potential to become a huge (or BIG!-haha!,sorry my jokes aren't funny!) star! LOVE the scenes in the toy store, especially with the piano! It's a really original idea for a film and can be enjoyed by both young and old.And theres also a solid performance my elizabeth perkins (she was wilma in the flintstones), so look out for her. Big never fails to remind me of my childhood when i watch it.

In fact I don't know of anyone who dislikes this film.

I've gotta give it 9 out of 10 cos its one of my fave films ever!
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not another teen movie!
11 April 2002
"Not another teen movie!" I hear you all say! Yet 10 things... is so much more than a teen movie. First it has a fabulous cast (the ever- brilliant Julia Stiles and the up-and coming star, if A Knight's Tale is anything to go by, Heath Ledger), a superb script and it's just really clever. Yes, it is a love story, but a very intelligent re-working of Shakespeare's(also known as the king of writers)The Taming of the Shrew. Yes the ending may be all too perfect and happy but by the end you'll just love Julia Stiles' character sooo much that you'll be glad for her. There are some great laughs and a hilarious overprotected father played by Larry Miller who has some killer lines that had me in hysterics. There's not just comedy though, there's a few heart felt moments (those who've seen the movie I'm talking about the bit with the poem!) Overall I would recommend this movie to everyone. Don't be put off by the teen movie tag, because it's a really fun movie for teens and those beyond their teen years!

A very enjoyable 8 out of 10!
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