
6 Reviews
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One of the worst movies I have ever seen
3 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, a man with an apparent frontal lobotomy, repeatedly seeks to "escape" to the woods, with his captor (his daughter). I don't get it and I didn't like it . . at all.
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The 20 mins of Slaughter was too much
28 December 2012
I was fascinated by this documentary and wanted to see more. Then the long, never-ending series of animal murders began. I am not an animal activist but I should be, because nothing bothers me more than to see a human being kill an animal. Those scenes made Hannibal Lector look like an alter boy.

The horror of it - I watched for 3 minutes or so and had to turn it off. Each animal saw and smelled all the death around him as he was dragged around in the mud, waiting his turn. The twitching bodies of those still not quite dead . . . too much. I realize that those people did it to feed and support themselves - but I will never forget those scenes. Maybe that was the point.
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SO FAKE - Fake Fake Fake
15 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give it it's props - it was somewhat fun to watch, and the people had the inner-city lingo down pat and they did seem realistic and not "acting". And The scene where the Baby cries for Mommy (who was shot) seemed very real and was heart-breaking. But the realism ends there. By the way that baby was so, so cute. He was the real star of the film.

This film had good acting but the details were all very VERY FAKE. The intro was lifted right from "Gang Tapes". 3 college kids were robbed of their money and their camera. They immediately trusted this very shady guy enough to let him in the car and then ordered up a huge amount of coke - letting him know of course that they had a lot of money. After that - the main guy - who stole the camera - NEVER has the Camera !! It is always held by someone else . . filming him planning and carrying out one robbery after another. Would anyone have themselves filmed while doing these life-sentence type crimes ?? Would anyone be alive more than a day or two if they robbed - not killed - multiple drug dealers in their own area in the Atlanta hood ?

The first one is a robbery of a guy selling dope literally 200 yards away. They had cars - why not rob a dealer 10 miles away instead of right next to you ? The first guy they robbed had huge amounts of powder coke. Powder? Street sales are all crack. And when the main character was cutting up "crack" with the baby . . . it was crumbly, gummy, paper-mache, or sheet rock or something. At least have realistic crack if you are doing a crack movie.

The ending . . . . oh geez. When he calls a Producer to announce he has some "good sh** on video". The "Producer" was just 20 mins from the hood, and of course put everything else aside and asked him to come over right away !! I think they should have cut out the beginning and the ending - and then dropped the whole thing about this being a documentary - instead calling it "Based on Truth".
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Vivre sa vie (1962)
Worst Movie I have seen
6 June 2010
Other than the beauty of the woman - this flick was drab, dull, and extremely boring. Rober Ebert (who raved about it) loved it and many others too - I have no idea why. The Jukebox dancing scene was pathetic. The diatribe about how Prostitution works was ridiculous, and yes the final scene was the most amateur, fake scene I have witnessed in a film. Oh well - it is "Art" I guess, and with "Art" you can get away with anything. Sort of like those paintings of a large triangle or circle that fetch $25 million. Same thing. I should repeat that the main character was beautiful and had completely stunning eyes. That was probably the one reason I watched the entire film.
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Fish Tank (2009)
Interesting . . . BUT . . .
30 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film is interesting and watchable because it does keep you guessing. BUT it had so much potential that was untapped. I wanted so badly to see the main character break down in a real, authentic way. Actually I wanted somebody - ANYBODY to break down and show some emotion other than HATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It always amazes me how an actress can do nothing and immediately be placed on a pedestal as the next "great one". This is what the reviewers here have done. The main character, "Mia", never truly showed a single emotion throughout the film other than hate and anger. OK, so the script was written that way. But the part would be a piece of cake for ANY actress. All she has to do is recite lines with a stone-cold face and then periodically shout at someone. Even the ONE crying scene she buries her head in her arms so you don't see her face. Why ? Because she can't act - that's why. I am sure the Director tried repeatedly to show her face but no tears would ever come - so all they could do is have her hide her face.

Even when the eventual career move proved to be a cruel misunderstanding of intent - no tears. That would have really caused the audience to feel for Mia. But no - just a quick "exit, Stage Left".

At first I really liked the Mother's new Boyfriend as we were supposed to. But to see what he did to young Mia was more than I could bear. Was the point there that the ONLY kind person in the movie was yet another selfish slimeball ? Apparently so - and I cannot appreciate a film that tries to tell you that ALL human beings are rotten to the core. I have lived in areas like that, and they are not filled with 100% haters and losers - as this film portrays.

The Mother NEVER EVER said a single kind word to her daughter. Again . . why not add some realism to it and show a few "nice" moments ?

I must say, the climax was fascinating, unexpected, and very frightening. If the story had taken a truly ominous turn here and a murder of a child had occurred, then it would have been the "most talked about film" of 2009. I was relieved it didn't go there, but it was very scary.
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Hear and Now (2007)
Fascinating Topic - needed more Info
16 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After 6 months the Audiologist said simply words with his mouth covered to the couple and asked them to relay them back to him. They could not relay back anything at all correctly - way off on all words. So they were just guessing.

I wanted him to say just two words with his mouth uncovered - then cover his mouth and say them. In fact, why were they not training in this manner? The movie tells you nothing at all about the audio-linguistic training that the couple surely must have gone through ? I agree with the previous Poster about the Wife. Her constant emotional outbursts were too much and I also ended up disliking her a bit. Whenever something was not to her liking . . . waaaaahhhhh !! Constantly !! Get a grip Lady - you knew the implant was supposed to take a long time to get used to and to not expect too much.

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