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It's one of those movies that gets better as time goes on.
4 April 2024
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When I first watched the Grand Budapest Hotel I really liked and that was about it but then I kept on thinking about it as time went on then I decided to why not purchase it on Vudu (I'm still calling it Vudu not the new name because it's too long) and I watched it and liked it then I kept on watching again and again and again until it finally hit me that I'd absolutely love this movie and for a good reason this movie is a masterpiece and pretty much everyday the sets are incredible, the score slaps, the characters are fun and charming expect for Dmitri who was very douchy but in a fun way and Jopling who is a Goddamn menance and I love him even if he has the cheasest and the funniest death in the movie, the story is well written, the cinematography was very creative it's like looking at a doll house, The performances are fantastic especially Ralph Fiennes as Gustavo it also has lots of fun scences like the Prison escape scence the Skiing Chase scence and the shooting at the hotel which is seriously the funniest part in the whole movie because all Dmitri wanted to do was kill Gustavo and Zero but because of him firing at them it attracts a bunch of soliders who were staying at the hotel to all have there guns out and just start shooting eachother it's a especially hilarious that not a single person got hit by a single bullet.

Overall this is easily Wes Andersons best film and one of my favorite movies of all time.
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It's a shame we don't get more movies like this.
4 April 2024
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French Dispatch is an anthology film which is something we don't often get that much and I'm really glad we got one, there's only three storys told and they are fantastic and the sets are incredible it's like all the props you would see in a play, the acting is great, the score is good and Owen Wilson falling down the stairs on a bike was the funniest part for me.

The first story with Benicio del Toro was Good I like how we get to see him dredding overtime while this Snoozy Adrien Brody wants his art it's funny how his charcter is literally just the same one he'd played in Grand Budapest Hotel only more coward because everything that happens all leads up to the Part when Moses chases Adrien Brody in a Wheelchair which was really funny I also like how creative it is whenever there's a shot where everyone is standing still completely frozen and also when an Older Moses takes over for a younger version of himself in prison which was Great.

The Second story is in my opinion the weakest of the three it's still really good but it is a little slow and for some reason it's supposed to be an intense story about Timothee chalamet and other young people start a rebellion against the private university yet for some reason at one point in the story there playing chess which is weird but Christoph Waltz making an appearance was the best part of the story for me personally.

The last story is my favorite of the three and I think they saved the best for last where Jeffrey Wright retells the story about the time when he got caught up in the middle of a hostage situation where his friend who is the polices cheif had his son kidnapped by Edward Norton the whole segment is fun, Willem dafoe making a cameo was cool and that whole animated chase sequence was funny especially the part when while Jeffrey and his friend were chasing Edward Norton all over the place then back into their vehicles everyone else was just standing there waiting for them to come back only for them to proceed the car chase which was really funny.

Overall this is seriously one of Wes Andersons most under appreciated films that seriously deserves a watch and is very good plus it was really nice seeing Tony Revolori and Saoirse Ronan returning to a Wes Anderson film since the Grand Budapest Hotel.
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Why does Howl's voice in the dubbing sound like Sephiroth.
7 March 2024
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This was a Good movie the charcters are good, The Animation is stunning, the environment is gorgeous, the score is good, but the story was a little messy like in the 1st and 2nd hour of the movie it's a slice of life film but then in the 3rd turned into a serious war movie and it kinda losed me, even though I like Calcifer I find it odd that he has Howl's heart and somehow everything that happens to him throughout the movie nothing bad happens to Howl's heart until near the end, It was also weird that out of nowhere he throws a tantrum and makes his hair emo when Sophie cleaned his bathroom but then throughout the movie he's pretty chill like is he ok or was it that it was just to show that he still a child with his magic only for Sophie to say that to his mother Suliman I don't know but I stilled enjoyed the movie and man does Christain Bale I'm the dubbing sound hot.
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Probally the most possibility things we could get in the future.
7 March 2024
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This movie has one of the most creative looking futuristic city's I've ever seen and it looks like a nightmare but sadly it's possible that could happen in the future if it goes well. The performances are Good espically Tom Cruise and of course you can't have a movie with him without him running and that's exactly what he does, also the story is great, the effects are definitely an improvement over AI Artificial intelligence which came out a year after it my only problems with the movie is that it can be a bit slow paced and also there's this sub conflict where Tom Cruise gets an eye replace and that if he opens it if he doesn't wait for like half an hour he could go blind but when those Spider robots the cops used found him and opened his Bandage that was covering his face he was tortured and felt pain but then he just gets over it and through out the movie he can see well, but overall this one is definitely another underrated Steven Spielberg film that doesn't get enough recognition.
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Mulan II (2004 Video)
Mushu was just straight up the antagonist.
24 February 2024
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This sequel is definitely inferior compare to the original first off the animation is a little bit way to cartoony and plays it straight while the first film was smooth, Apparently the plot is when Mulan and friends need to escort 3 princesses to a place called Qui Gong which is a place that doesn't exists but the big problem I have with the movie and why it's inferior compare to the first film is Mushu how he is just straight the villain and you can't tell me otherwise he spends alot of time trying to Split up Mulan and Shang and he's the reason why basically everything bad happens though there was this one scence where he does apologize to Mulan for all the terrible things he's done but I love how she doesn't forgive him at all oh and he's doing all this just so he could get his job back to Boss around Mulans Ancestors he's played by a differentactor who was decent but no where as good or as funny as Eddie Murphy in the original film, There's a few things I liked about the movie mainly the 3 princesses and those 3 soliders Mulan befriended developing a realtionship and ended falling in love which was sweet I especially love how the Princesses don't want to be royalty at all and just wanna be free they even had a whole song about that which was surprisingly kinda good most of the other songs where just rehashes of the first film but that song in particular sung by the 3 princesses was kinda sweet and charming but overall this movie sucks just watch the first film by I will give the movie this it's definitely much better then the God Awful Live action remake.
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The Terminal (2004)
That Burger looks really tasty.
23 February 2024
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This is seriously one of Steven Spielbergs most underrated movies he's ever made the story is great, I love the charcters especially Tom Hanks charcter Victor he is seriously one of the nicest protagonist you'll ever see in film, I espically like the idea of living in a Terminal is great concept there's lots of fun things you can do around here it's like a Shopping Mall that just so happens to be in an airport, I do have two complains with film one being that there's this subplot where Cruz ask Victor for love advice so he can date Dolores which is a nice scence but too bad we didn't get to see more of it the subplot only was their for like two scences and that was it, the other problem I had was the way how everyone appreciated Victor for helping an immigrant by printing his hand prints all over their business that's a bit observe but hey at least it wasn't his face which would've been more stupid and a bit funny but overall I enjoyed this movie and I highly recommend to those who are a fan of Spielbergs work.
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Nimona (2023)
This was a Fun fun movie.
19 February 2024
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I had alot of fun watching this movie the action scenes are fun, the setting is beautiful to look at, the characters are fun and it's animation my god the animation is incredible, it does a much better job of the whole fantasy charcters in a modern technology world then Onward by a mile, my favorite charcter in the whole movie was Goldenlion I love that the movie acknowledges that he's gay and even kisses Boldheart I love that he trust him and believes despite him being wanted for frame of murder and I seriously love that he apolizes to him for everything, if I had problems with the film I say that it was kinda cringe when I saw one of the charcters dabbing and Sir Thoddeus how he's a huge jerk to Boldheart yet he doesn't apologize to him and also it makes no sense that he some how survived getting thrown to a build board and explode and all he had was a broken arm and I guess Aldo the climax despite being good was just copy of Iron Giant in almost every way but overall I love this movie in almost every way and I'm sad that this will be the last movie that Blue Sky will ever make.
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I really hated those two puppets
19 February 2024
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So this movie is basically a two part story with Jimminie Cricket in the middle of it and also an unnecessary live action scence with two of the most annoying puppets I've ever seen hey were never funny at all and both of the story segments sucked.

First story, The first story we watch is called Bongo the Bear and it's just so tedious and dull the animation is good and there are some good shots of nature but for the most part it's just a typical generic part where Bongo has too win over a boring female bear by fighting a big bad bear that I don't care about I especially hate the fact that there's a literal song that explains why you should slap your love ones to emphasize how much you love them it was so stupid how Bongo didn't realized that the female bear wanted him to slap her back but instead just ran away like a coward so yeah this segment sucks real hard.

Second story, Both story's are 37 minutes long which is unnecessary especially this one how the story is in a live action house that Jimminie cricket breaks into and some how wasn't caught and we watch a comedian telling a little girl about the story of Mickey Mouse and the beanstalk but everytime the story plays it's always interrupted with these two annoying ass Puppets who would never shut up and were never funny at all the actual story in general was generic and uninteresting I mean it was kinda funny when the Golden harp was singing too the gisnt to sleep she makes this stupid face when she's singing, it's also kinda funny how in the end Willie the Giant just shows up trying to search for Mickey almost as if he's planning on getting revenge for humiliating him.
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Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman (1993 TV Movie)
The whole movie feels like a ripoff what it promises us
19 February 2024
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So this remake of the 1958 film is utter trash the charcters are all generic and dull and stupid at one point in the movie Daryl Hannah says that she wants to kill her husband and the person he's dating but for some reason whe doesn't kill then why don't you just kill them which was stupid mind you and speaking of stupid the ending was really dumb like when the helicopters arrive and chase Daryl Hannah she just simply walks and doesn't even run or at least speedwalk also there's no way that she can't just get over or go under an electric tower like girl you could do that also she's so weak she can't even punch down a helicopter despite being a giant, also if the movie began with a bunch of tour guides watching the document from the scientists about this why couldn't the movie just end with the projector ending and the guest all leaving and the ending was ridiculous how once Daryl Hannahs chsrcter got abbudcuted by the Ufo that made her to a giant it just turn into Star Trek and i was just laughing at it because of how absolutely stupid it was, the only things I liked about it was when they played the original 1958, some of the destruction looked cool and Daryl Hannah was ok playing Nancy despite sucking at getting her revenge.
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The Avengers (1998)
So basically Beatrix Kiddo and Monsiuer Gustavo team up to take down James Bond
18 February 2024
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The movie was basically just a boring version of James Bond and was only entertaining for like the last 30 minutes into the film the charcters where boring, the pacing felt rushed and went on too quickly from scence to scence, Also apparently there's a clone of Uma Thurmans charcter with no explanation, it's kinda ridiculous that there's a Teddy Bear organization which is what Sean Connery is incharge of which was weird and the movie trashy cgi, It was kind of cool seeing Uma Thurman using a sword perfectly because that's just some nice foreshadowing to what she would eventually do in Kill Bill and I guess also how she would use her Poison Ivy voice whenever she's talking but over the movie was a boring mess just watch the Show of the Avengers which is what it was based on.
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Why is Umi and Shun in love with eachother yet they are relatives?!?
11 February 2024
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From up on Poppy Hill was a good movie it has Good animation, Fun characters, And one very fun quirky scors but I'm not gonna lie whenever I hear it just sounds like to me if the charcters are about to sing but they didn't I honestly would've mind it if From up on Poppy Hill was a musical the only complains I have with it is that first off the city of Tokyo looks really small and shady looking which I don't know it doesn't match the tone of the movie yeah they do throw in some emotional moments here and there but I don't that's just what I think and my problem with the movie is the fact that Umi and Shun who are in love with eachother are reveals that they are both related and I don't like that it's a trope I don't like where to people that are in love with eachother just so happens to be blood related which is just so Damn weird, But overall good movie this is sadly Goro Miyazakis only movie so far he made that is actually good.
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Django (1966)
One of Tarantinos big Inspirations for Django Unchained
8 February 2024
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It's a good movie the only complains I do have is that some of the acting is a bit cheesy and also I don't really believe that Django and Maria are a couple they didn't really have enough chemistry together but everything was good, It has great action, good score, one killer opening theme song It's very good one of best theme songs I ever heard, and surprisingly has some gruesome scences like theirs a scence where a guy gets his ear cut-off and was force to eat it which is something you never see in a 1960s film I espically see the huge inspirations Quentin Had for Django unchained with familiar soundtrack and he even got the original Django actor to cameo which was incredible overall Good movie.
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Pinocchio if it took place in the future.
4 February 2024
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This is one of Steven Spielbergs most underrated gems it has Great acting, A heartwarming story, fun charcters and cool looking futuristic world if I only have two complains with the movie those being that one the charcter Martin is so unlikelable and he's literally the reason this all began David's quest to become a real boy to have his mother love him and the other complain I have as well is the Cgi for it's time it's looks pretty good but now a days it just looks like something you would see in a Video Game but everything else is great and the ending had me crying I've never thought crying over an Ai child who gets to bond with his mother one last time would bring to tears and it's sad that this was supposed to be Stanley Kubricks last film but he couldn't finish it with his unfortunate passing so Steven Spielberg had to took over and made the movie an underrated masterpiece.
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Felidae (1994)
Anyone who's a cat lover I don't think this is the movie for them.
4 February 2024
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This film was really dark it had the guts to kill off lots of cats in the movie even though most of the death scences were done off screen, The Animation is really good, The dream sequences were creative and extremely dark at the same time, if I had problems with the movie I say that the pacing goes a little quick like as soon the main cat charcter moves in already the murder mystery and we don't spend more minutes of him exploring his new home and neighborhood and we never get an explanation on how he knows about these murders and he is for some reason not traumatized he witnessed a murder almost as if he likes a detectiveor something which the movie should've applied that he's a detectivewhich would makes sense on why he goes around searching for clues and isn't panicking, also it was extremely predictable that the cat who was expirimented by the humans and knows how to use a computer was the one who killed all those cats because then how does he know each and everyone of these cats names and where and how they died, and out of know where the main cat charcters gets a love interest like almost near the end of the movie then she disappears throughout the film then comes back in the end which made her to me at least completely aimless through the story and was just there to throw in shock value to the audience overall good movie that was really dark and absolutely twisted and disturbing and I only recommend it to those who wanna watch a movie that will make them feel any emotions.
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I want cotton candy after this movie.
3 February 2024
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What I liked about the movie is of course the Klowns themselves how they remind me alot of the Gremlins how they have a fun personality and just wanna have fun despite terrorizing humanity and they have one of the biggest body counts I ever seen they most likely killed more people then basically every single slasher villains kills combined, Alot of the effects are pretty good espically from all the weapons and tricks the Klowns use to capture the humans the only cheesy one that looks so cheesy was whenever the Klowns are riding on their invisible car, I also really like David the cop in the movie it was a nice change of pace how instead of him just simply not believing what the main characters warning about the monsters and then gets killed by the monsters instead he actually helps them he is afterall the only character that knows how to destroy the Klowns, If I had any problems with the movie I say that the main charcters are pretty generic and not that interesting also it's super predictable whenever a random character we just met is about to die by the Klowns, also those two bumbling idiots who drive around the ice cream truck are not funny they're just their for comic relief and when they exploded I was like sweet they actually died but when they came back in the end I was like They should've just stayed dead, Overall this movie is simply entertainment.
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre if it was like both an amusement park ride and a music video
29 January 2024
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This was a werid movie but at the same time it was entertaining and kinda fun, my favorite member from the serial killer family was Captain Spaulding he was the funniest and the less threatening compare to all of them most of the members were not bad and Otis driftwood looks identical to Chop Top from the Texas chainsaw massacre 2 not only because he's played by Bill Moseley but because his makeup how it's white like Chop Top, the human charcters who were escaping from the killers were all eh I didn't really route for any of them though it caught me off guard that they all actually die I expected it one would survive but no they all died also it was cool that there was a lot of tribute to the classic universal monster movies, If I had problems with the movie it's that the charcters are stupid whenever they have a gun and they could just kill one of the killers for example when the two robbers rob Captain Spaulding they could've easily shot him and the movie honestly would've been over also Walton Goggins charcter when he encountered Otis he had a gun and could've easily shoot him but for some reason he does what Otis demands to do and just kneel down and let him shoot him like bro you could've easily killed him but you chose not to, Speaking of Walton Goggins I don't know why I find it weird that he's playing a cop he honestly should've played as one of the serial killers it also would've been cool if Rob Zombie got someone like Michael Madsen to play as one of the members, But the biggest problem I have with the movie is it's editing they would sometimes throw in random footage of the killers it just comes off so weird espically when the camera would change color it feels like a music video and it's espically weird when the killers are literally looking and talking to the camera which was even weird and the music choices do not suit the scence they portray it comes off a bit comedic and sometimes it reveals what killers actually are when they try to act innocent which ruins the suspense and immediate you know that they are killers like with Baby firefly when she was introduced for example, Overall Decent film that's entertaining but honestly just watch The Devil's Rejects which is a sequel to House of 1000 corpse which is much better in everyway.
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The goofiest kaiju movie probably ever made.
28 January 2024
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I gotta say when I first saw the giant bird I absolutely cracked up really hard because the monster looked so goofy with that stupid mohawk hair, big nostrils and espically the eyes are laughably awful it's espically hilarious whenever the bird shows his face infront of the camera that espically made me laugh because of how goofy it looks oh and apparently this thing came from space and is literally traveling around in a circle and has some sort of invisble force field surrounding if I recall? Which is pure ridiculousness and it's hilarious the acting as well is hilariously bad like it's just so funny seeing them trying to treat the giant bird as if it's a big threat but it doesn't intimidate you because of how absolutely Goofy the giant claw is also seeing a bunch of adults trying to act like teenagers in one scence when they encountered and mess with the main characters is laughably awful also through out the whole movie they say that this thing is as big as a battleship like ok, the movie also has cheap miniatures and throws in alot of stock footage which looks less goofy looking compared to the actually monster and the ending felt rushed actually the whole movie in general felt rush but the best thing I can say about this movie is that it's never boring I would only recommend this movie to those who wanna watch a so bad it's good kind of movie.
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This movie feels like a Studio Ghibli film.
27 January 2024
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I watch the dubbing for this movie but I gotta the dubbing was good and the whole movie in general was good the animation was spectacular it's style reminds me alot of The Tale of Princess Kaguya the charcters are great, and it's humor is really funny it's got a lot of Humor in it which works I do have a few complains with the movie it's that We don't get to spend more time with Ernest and Celestine binding enough, the running time is very short it's like 1 hour in 19 minutes I would've liked it more if it was at least 1hour in 30 minutes or 45 minutes and there are a few solutions Ernest could've like for example he's sneezes everytime he's sleeping because his ceiling is open and it drops on his nose he could've just fixed his ceiling or cover it up with something also when Ernest and Celestine had to dispose evidence of the van they could've either find a lake they could drop the van in or even better they could just take all the stuff they need into the van and drive off and basically make to one of those movies where the main charcters are escaping from the cops something like the Blue Brothers for example which would've been more fun with the story but overall I really enjoyed this movie and I highly recommended to those who animation this one is extremely underrated for sure.
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Porco Rosso (1992)
Porco should've told everyone he's Batman
21 January 2024
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This is definitely one of Studio Ghiblis most underrated movie it has Stellar animation, Good charcters, A good plot, Good score, But thing I espically like about this movie is that in dubbing they got Michael Keaton to voice over Porco in the dubbing and all I can hear is Batman I also really enjoyed the ending dogfight how it starts off as a real dogfight then once Porco and Curtis planes guns are jammed they start throwing things at eachother and then it ends with a fistfight in the water which is funny also how many Air pirates that were almost killed during the dogfight some of them most likely did die, Porco and Fios chemistry was good but one thing I didn't like about the film was that the two of them love eachother and they ended up kissing which like no I don't wanna see a 17 year-old kiss a Pig man who's way older then her it's weird actually its kinda creepy that the Air pirates were acting like simps to her and also when Curtis first met Fio already he wanted to marry her even he's way older then her which is creepy I was also expecting that Gina was gonna a big role and she would the love interest but no she was just vibing and didn't have enough screen time overall Great movie that was tons of fun.
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Cloverfield (2008)
Godzilla if it was a found footage film
21 January 2024
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This is a decent kaiju film it's a nice change of pace to make it into a found footage film, However the movie does have problems the maim problem is the voice acting how it just sounds so exaggerated an unrealistic too make a found footage film really scary you've gotta make the characters sound very realistic but here it isn't some cheesy dialog and sometimes when ever a character gets emotional they don't really try also It does have some cheesy effects like some of the explosions and those parasite monsters that came out of the Cloverfield monster are just down right Cheesy and don't really hold up to this day the lice monsters in general are really goofy looking especially the sounds they make, also even though I know that it's a found footage film it was so distracting how Tj millers charcter would constantly flail it around making hard to see what's going that's all the problems i have with this movie but one really good thing about this movie and what I really liked about it is the Cloverfield monster his Cgi looks really good i like how through put the movie till the end you see glimpses of it making it ominous also the runningtime and pacing is quick which works and it's cool seeing a Giant Monster destroying a recognizable City in the U. S overall not a bad film but at least tried to be unique with it's kaiju and tone.
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Why did they dub the dinosaurs???
20 January 2024
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If this movie didn't have any dubbing for the dinosaurs then the movie would've at least been decent but no the dubbing for the dinosaurs is God awful it doesn't match the dinosaurs expressions and they did not made me laugh at all also the opening scence and the ending with the humans were kinda pointless and honestly would've been better without them at least that's what I think the only things I liked about the movie are the environments looked pretty cool and there are some beautiful shots of nature, the cgi on the dinosaurs looked solid I like how they added in a bunch of dinosaurs that weren't in the Jurassic Park films because it implies that there are more dinosaurs that once roamed the earth besides something like the T-rex or Triceratops but overall this movie was pure garbage not funny at all if you want to show your kids a movie about dinosaurs that won't most likely scare them like Jurassic Park just show them Pixars The Good Dinosaur because at least in that movie the acting is better and had a much better story even the movie itself wasn't perfect.
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My #1 Favorite Movie of all time
19 January 2024
What can I say about Who Framed Roger Rabbit it's a masterpiece just almost everything about this movie I love I love the characters, the acting is good, the sets are cool, the clothing the characters are stunning, the score is also good, the jokes are funny but the best thing about this movie is of course the animation how it perfectly has the animated characters interacting with the live action characters it works perfectly and still to this day holds up and has the best crossover ever like common Seeing Donald duck and daffy duck alongside Mickey and Bugs bunny sharing a screen together is peak cinema and I absolutely adore it, don't really have any nitpicks but overall this is one of the best movies ever made and My favorite movie of all time.
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Braindead (1992)
Arguably the Goriest Movie ever made.
19 January 2024
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This is easily at least that Ives seen the most violent movie I have ever seen like man the gore in this movie absolutely blew me away it's espically incredible that this was directed by Peter Jackson the same guy who did the Lord of the Rings trilogy I know that he has mad other gorey horror films like Bad Taste but this is easily is corwning achievement when it comes with gore but another crazy thing this movie is that it's a comedy lime there are so many funny moments in the movie like two that to mind are the scence where the main charter brings a zombie baby to the park and it gets lose and he has to beat him up which cuts to a homeless man that was watching the fight cheering for him which made me laugh and other scence that got me hard was the Kung-fu Priest he has one of the best lines ever put in a horror film which is of course "I kick ass for the lord" lime line cracks me up it's also hilariously that the main character trys to hide the fact there's a zombie epidemic infront of his girlfriend and everyone else and the climax is the whole reason why I think that this is goriest movie ever made I'm not even gonna explain what happeneds but just go see the movie. If I had problems with the film I say that there are some scences that go on a bit slow and I didn't like the fact that they killed a dog that's like one of the Cliches in a horror film that I don't like but overall fun as hell movie also their are some interesting facts about this movie for example when it first came out in the U. S they retitled it to Braindead which is why sometimes wherever you see this movie it would sometimes be called Braindead instead of Deadalive but thing I espically lime is that in Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong theirs one part inthe movie where you see a bunch of crates and one of them is a Sumatran Rat monkey which just was the creature that started the whole zombie epidemic and just so happened to come from Skull island which was brilliant.
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The most violent Non-horror film I've seen.
19 January 2024
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This is seriously one of the best action films of all time it has great choreograph and tons of Gore the characters are also great, the acting is good the music choices especially are Great I espically get the song Woo Hoo stuck in my head it's extremely catchy one of the most memorable characters in the movie to me is Gogo Yubari, O-ren ishiis bodyguard I don't why but I really like her and she's definitely menacing even if she had a small role in the movie, Beatrix Kiddo the main character is one of the best written female characters I've ever seen you can tell how she feels with her expressions and Has some of the coolest fight scences espically the scence where she fights the whole Crazy 88 Clan Damn was it epic overall this is A great film and One of my favorite Movies of all time.
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