
15 Reviews
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Don't waste Your time
22 May 2024
This is a badly made Re-Imagining of the classic french thriller "Salaire du peur". It doesn't come close to it. All characters are seemingly flat, the action is predictable and direction is barely visible.

I have watched it from beginning to end, and the constantly used orange filter to make sure you know it all happens in the desert gets annoying after 10 minutes max. (Unfortunately at this point there are still 90 Minutes of screentime left).

I have watched movies in which characters make bad decisions but in this movie each character seemingly tries to be the more pathetic than the next one. Everything gets more and more pointless as the film progresses.

At the end, you don't really care, when someone gets shot, but often you ask yourself: "why?"

Watch the original movie. It is definitely worth your time, but this one isn't.
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15 Killings (2020)
Avoid at all cost!
9 January 2023
This movie has the look of a 70s cheap exploitation movie. The story that is told is boring at best. The cinematography looks bland. Only one character is explored, but only on the surface. We learn absolutly nothing about motives or even the overhyped neurology basics. Anything resembling a plot is absent in this movie.

The filmmakers tried to use some clever storytelling by offscreen mentioning one keyword about psychopaths and then playing a corresponding scene from the life of the main character. The only problem is, the scenes and the keyword never seem to fit together. Usually it's just another victim and another killing. Sorry, that's just not enough to make a movie work.
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It's not what they say it is
9 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled upon this little thriller reading a marketing text with an interesting premise. A star psychologist receives an appointment of a serial killer. She only has time until the end of the scheduled session to heal him, or she will be his next victim.

This sounded very intriguing. Sadly the movie did not deliver on this premise. The moment the psychologist got scared and began screaming I knew there was something wrong. What I expected was a match of wits, clever dialogues and two sharp minds trying to outsmart each other. I only got half of what I expected. Don't get me wrong. This movie is quite smart and enjoyable, but it gets nowhere near the quality of Hannibal Lecter vs. Clarice Starling.

There is a final twist in the story which You will see coming from miles away. After the relationship of the killer and the psychologist is revealed, everything will start to get more and more obvious. You will know where all of this leads to way before the main protagonists realizes, what is going on.

I liked the way the actors portrayed their characters, although the script seemed to have left little room for them for interpretation. My major concern lies with the character of the psychologist. Her actions become more and more erratic as the story progresses. In the end she seems totally incapable of analytical behaviour and even loses her temper while talking to the police. I am afraid that too many viewers will think this happens, because she is a woman...
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Gaia (2021)
The Last of Us - Origins
9 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The filmmakers could have easily sold this as the origin story of "The Last of Us", the famous video game. It's basically what this movie is about.

We follow two scientist/rangers into the lush jungle where they meet two society dropouts, father and son. It turns out, they have been living in the vicinity for a long time. The son was born in the jungle, thus it must have been at least 20 years.

Lurking in the jungle are some fungus-infected humanoid monsters, that are 1:1-copies from "The Last of Us"... visually, conceptually, they even sound the same. We learn, that there are some kind of spores that infect people and either consume them or turn them into monsters. The only way to evade this fate is to sacrifice some blood to a fungus within a huge tree and eat the mushrooms that grow immideatly afterwards. These mushrooms seem to be some kind of antidote. People carry the fungus, but don't get consumed.

After all this is made clear there is some turmoil, fighting, lovestory and coming-of-age that's not particularly interesting and in the end the son of the dropout enters the civilized world and unknowingly spreads the disease.

That's exactly the situation at the start of "The Last of Us".

This movie isn't awful. It's slow, but has some impressive visuals. Even if it's not very orignial in its' ideas, the story, although there's very little of it, is told quite well.

Fans of the video game will have a treat watching this.
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The final piece of the puzzle
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film continues the saga about Michael Myers and takes it to a satisfying end. To fully appreciate this entry in the Halloween universe You have to consider it not as a standalone episode but as the final part of a story that encompasses the two films prior to this one.

The 2018-2022 Halloween trilogy is not just a repetition of the original concept - John Carpenter already delivered everything that ever was to say about that. This iteration of the myth seems to be about evil, how it survives in the modern world and how we can deal with it after being victimized.

In Halloween (2018) we see Michael Myers, an old evil from a time long gone, and how he reemerges from containment. In Halloween Kills this old evil is abandoned by the community of Haddonfield. As more and more people stand up against Michael, he stops being the mythical boogeyman, that everybody is afraid of.

The trilogy also deals with how victims, represented by Laurie Strode, react to evil. In Halloween (2018) Laurie has stopped being the victim and retaliates. In Halloween Kills Laurie includes the Haddonfield community in her experiences with evil. And four years later, in Halloween Ends, she even tries to come to terms with it. She tries not to let her life be dominated by Michael Myers anymore.

This seems to be easier said than done, because of what happened in Halloween Kills. The community of Haddonfield has seemingly agreed upon Michael Myers not being the boogeyman, but simply a man with brain damage that had been provoked by Laurie. Yes, they totally ignore how Michael survived even the most severe wounds and hold Laurie responsible for all the mayhem that had occurred. Talking of a scapegoat...

That's the situation at the start of Halloween Ends. We learn in the first scene, how even the children are not really afraid of Michael Myers anymore. One uses his myth as a means to trick his babysitter Corey - only to meet his untimely demise. Although it was ruled as an accident, Corey is shunned by the community of Haddonfield and labeled a child killer.

The first forty minutes of the film are used for his story and how he falls in love with Laurie Strodes granddaughter. After a party that did not end well for Corey, he finally encounters Michael Myers, but Michael doesn't kill him as he recognizes a common spirit in his eyes. This isn't the Michael Myers we know from before. He is considerably weakened and recognizably old. For the last four years he has been hiding in the sewers of Haddonfield, occasionally dragging some easy victim down to his lair - although he can still nail a body to the wall with his knife and cracks a neck like a twig the formerly.

After Corey escapes Michaels lair and accidently kills a local bum that attacks him, he seems to accept himself as being kin to Michael. He returns to the lair in the sewers and asks Michael to show him how it's done, which he gracefully does. After that they both start to slaughter the people that did Corey wrong. At first, Corey wears his own scarecrow mask, but after he has to admit, that this mask doesn't grant him immortality and invincibility he returns to Michael and wrestles him for the infamous Halloween mask. He manages to obtain the mask and from that point on preys on his victims as the new Shape.

Of course, we witness some gruesome killings as a transition to the finale, where Laurie tricks the new Shape by imposing as being suicidal. Although some may find it important to know how exactly Corey, the new Shape, is killed, I find it suffice to say that all the important characters have a go at him, and he is dead at the end. Michael has followed Corey to Laurie's home and reclaims his mask. The final battle between Laurie and Michael ensues, and Laurie manages to overcome the weakened Michael and kills him with the help of her granddaughter. Just like someone that has been victimized finds additional strength to finally overcome his own fear after sharing his experience with his community and family.

Knowing that killing isn't enough to shed the evil from her life, Laurie stages a kind of procession, by tying the Michaels body to the top of a car and presenting it to the whole of Haddonfield's people.

Now everybody sees, that the terror, that haunted Haddonfield for all the years, is finally dead. No myth may survive the final abandonment of the body as it is torn to tiny shreds.

The story of Michael Myers is over, but Laurie talks in her book about evil, and how it never dies but always finds another shape (or Shape?)

A final scene showing the infamous mask on the table in Laurie's house, reminds us of that. It just waits to be put on again.

All this put together the three Halloween movies make up a pretty good story. There is enough depth to it to hold all the pieces together and everything makes sense from the right point of view.

Although I don't want to discredit my fellow reviewers here, I have to mention, that they probably did not see the whole (motion) picture.
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See (2019–2022)
It had so much potential...
17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is a sad story... The first season of See had it all: a unique setting, a whole bunch of mysteries to wonder about, unusual camerawork to support the lack of vision of all the characters and the impression that there are lots of years of history to be told in future episodes...

Unfortunately of all that mystery and promise, there is not much left in the third season. The producers had so much territory to explore: Who were the characters all painted white? Where were they trained, and how? What happened to humanity to cause the worldwide blindness? How can the newborn seeing children fit in this society? But instead they chose another path. It seems they were blinded by the success of another TV series and decided to make a dystopian version of "Game of Thrones" with blind people...

Of course this doesn't work. And during the first episodes of season 3 one cannot help but wonder, if the producers were not bored of their own concept. Everything in these episodes would have worked better, if everybody would have been magically cured of their blindess.
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Evil (2019–2024)
Very very very entertaining...
12 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series has it all, demons, intelligent stories and thought provoking themes. Have you ever imagined how to exorcize an otherworldly presence out of someone that's not christian? Of course. That's old stuff. But what about a situation, in which the demon isn't christian but an islamic djinn... that's fresh.

You will enjoy this as much as think about it.

In series 2 they have a pop up book to introduce the story elements of the episode. I want this book! Seriously, please, someone take my money and sell it to me...
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Watch this, forget the other OUIJA movies
3 January 2021
If you have watched any ouija movie prior to this one, be prepared for a pleasant surprise. This film by Mike Flanagan (best known for his Hill House TV adaption) is well paced, has powerful images and an interesting, twisting storyline. You will be pleasently entertained. The acting is quite good for a horror movie. If you haven't seen any other oujia movies yet, stop after this one. It's only downhill from here.
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Could have been so good...
2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie. I really did. A war movie with supernatural elements gets me every time. During the first and second act this movie is nothing short of brilliant. A beautiful female flight officer carrying a mysterious package which she is to protect at all costs encounters a real life gremlin. Just like William Shatner in the famous Twilight Zone episode "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" she has to persuade the rest of the crew to believe her. Since her reactions to this encounter are completely cool and controlled, I always had the impression, that she knew about these creatures beforehand, and that her mission concerning the mysterious package had something to do with them. Boy, was I wrong about that. When the third act begins, everything is turned on its head. And this is done quite clumsily by overuse of exposition. It turns out, the creatures, the package and the mission are completely unrelated, and seemingly out of nowhere there is a quite unfitting love story, which is the reason for everything (except the gremlin, which at this point becomes quite superfluous and unnecessary). This is very dissapointing. As far as information about the production is available at this moment, the script underwent heavy rewrites. I guess that is the reason why the third act of this movie (which had such a promising start and superb second act), just falls apart. Do yourself a favor, and leave before the package is opened. Try to imagine a grand finale in which the package contains a method to fight gremlins but at a dire cost. No matter what your imagination will come up with, it will be a superior ending to what this movie tries to offer you.
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What a beauty!
27 April 2008
This is a real eye candy. A world made of floating islands and flying ancient cities. Huge monsters whose preferred method of attack is hurling cathedrals at their opponents... Who can resist that? An ancient prophecy, a bunch of underdog heroes and a cute princess in search of her hero... sounds familiar...? Yes we heard that song before. But You will forget that while looking at the spectacular scenery.

This movie is fun to watch while it lasts. But after leaving the cinema You'll be longing for a little bit more story.

What is behind the 30-years-circle? What drove the knight crazy? Who built all these fabulous monuments, castles and cities... and why are they falling apart? And apart from that one bunch of farmers, where are the people? Really, this picture looks so intriguing, but it's no Lord of the Rings.
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Saw III (2006)
It's what I hoped for Matrix 3 to be
16 November 2006
Saw III did for Saw II what Matrix Revolutions was supposed to do for Matrix Reloaded. It made the sequel to the first installment a better movie.

The plot of Saw III revolves around what happens in all three movies, so be aware that watching the first to parts is highly recommended before watching this movie. But if You have already watched parts 1 and 2 then Saw III will be like Christmas to a child - full of wonders and surprises.

I had counted myself to those people who thought the second part to be lame. How could such a weak girl like Amanda become a successor to someone like jigsaw, who by all means seemed to have shuffled off all his mortal coils? It didn't make sense to me. But Alas, now it does.

Of course You will be left thinking how they will ever make a fourth one, but hey, maybe they won't.
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Signs (2002)
Guess what... The ending was a complete surprise
31 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I've just returned from a preview of M.Nights 'Signs' and I am baffled. I was totally taken by the Sixth Sense, I appreciated Unbreakable a lot more than I like to admit, but I guess things changed with this movie.

+++ Spoiler Alert +++

I will not go into details with story and plot, only so far that i suspected a totally different ending. The plot concentrates on Gibsons character who had to endure the shock of losing his wife. This made him also lose his faith in god, and this means a lot for a preacher.

I suspected that he also lost his mind to a certain degree, and when he discovered the first crop circle, his brain began playing tricks on him. I thought, the hole alien invasion was a hallucination. He subconciously was making it up, so that he could start to believe once more in divine powers. Well... I thought it might have been a cool plot twist to reveal the aliens as psychiatrist or something similar. Unfortunately M. Night decided otherwise.

When the final scene faded without the expected plot twist, I was totally surprised and deeply disappointed. These aliens were so dumb, they could not have been real. The opportunity had been there, but the director had not taken it. Why?

I just cannot imagine someone with M. Night's creative vision not to have seen this possibility to tie all the lose ends of his story together.

+++ Spoilers End +++

My conclusion of this movie: great photography and directing, but a script with major flaws... 5/10
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Desert Saints (2002)
Fun to watch, until... (spoilers warning!)
28 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie on satellite TV and was expecting a nice thriller with lot of plot twists. I was not let down. Kiefer Sutherland was delivering nicely on his role as mysterious hit-man, and the director makes massive use of flashbacks to tell his story. The flashbacks are used to add new perspectives on previous scenes (just like one would expect in a cheap version of "the 6th sense"), and it works fine.

spoilers Only the ending of the movie is something of a let-down. I'd label it as deus ex machina, because of two reasons. First: the hints throughout the movie were far too thin to make this fit. Second: the ending reduces the main character to being the object of a weak subplot. That leaves the audiences (who was carefully led to sympathize with him) in disappointment. Obviously the director or the producers were aware of this problem and tried to correct it in the last scene. Unfortunately this attempt fails. The scene doesn't fit the character-development, the main character had to endure.

Overall a worthy first attempt at full feature film. It starts very promising, but keeps slowing down. Next time I'd propose to plan the story from a good ending backwards.
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So, where is the mothman?
6 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this movie with high expectations. For what I knew about it, it could have been something like "Communion". I didn't know anything about the Mothman or about what really happened back then. And for what it's worth I don't feel enlightened now either.

<Spoilers>The whole movie I expected the Mothman to appear and make its prophecies (as indicated in the title), but I could not spot it. The only appearance at the start of the movie left me left me guessing. What did I see. Was it a man, a monster, a supernatural being or simply the taillights of another car. Do not expect this to be answered. The Mothman will not appear again.

Of course this might have been intentional. As seen from the point of view of R. Gere's character this whole movie could also have been a documentary about the disturbing visions of one man totally gone nuts. The whole story is thin like cigarette paper, and the conclusion didn't make sense to me.</Spoilers>

Although I believe that this movie portrays the actual circumstances of the Mothman appearances quiet closely, a little more interpretation to what the Mothman might be or what it actually wants would have served this movie a very well.

My Advice: avoid
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Venomous (2001 Video)
Haven't we seen enough of this?
4 March 2002
Frankly spoken I don't expect much of a good movie, especially if it is labelled 'horror'. All I want is a tiny bit of original material. Venomous fails to deliver any of that.

The story is taken from 'Outbreak' only without that movies' style and class. The special effects range from dull to not existent, and even the few twists this story contains are given away without any thought at all.

The idea of a virus spreading through snake bites seems intriguing, but in this movie there are far too many questions left unanswered.

Who are the terrorists in the beginning? What did the snakes feed upon the following years (without spreading the virus?).

The only surprise was German actor Hannes Jaennicke as supporting doctor. I didn't think of him speaking English so fluently.

If You want my advice for what it's worth. Don't pay for watching this movie. Go and rent "Outbreak", you will not regret it.
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