
64 Reviews
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Pet Sematary (1989)
Pet Sematary
16 May 2024
I wanted to watch Pet Sematary after listening about it's remake and knowing that it's based on Stephen King's novel. The concept of the movie was good but the execution was not good. The story had a lot of potential but it was made just as a simple creepy movie. The acting was normal, the horror element was zero and creepiness was too much. The reasoning for some scenes were not given, which arose a lot of questions. What this movie was just a story which was trying to be a horror movie but failed miserably to become a horror movie. Overall, you can watch this movie for a different experience but don't expect too much from it.

Stephen King's 1989 adaptation of his novel in which a grieving father discovers an ancient burial ground behind his home with the power to raise the dead. I really want to read the book after this movie because the film lacks something, the acting is not very good despite the tense atmosphere set by it and some frightening images were just ineffective.
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Hellraiser (1987)
11 May 2024
What truly makes a horror film horrifying is that the audience takes a dive into the unknown. Hellraiser is about a mystical puzzle box that summons extra-dimensional called the Cenobites who believe pain is pleasurable. The acting performances from Ashley Laurence and Doug Bradley were fantastic. The makeup and costume designs were quite impressive and phenomenal especially for the Cenobites who look not only amazing but scary. The visual effects in Hellraiser look real and terrific as it was able to shock viewers with grotesque, bloody dismemberment and puddles of flesh with their real, special, and effective visual effects. Hellraiser is a film that you may be disgusted by but at the same time, you cannot look away because Hellraiser is simply an artistic and unique supernatural horror film with wonderful makeup, fantastic costumes, effective visuals, great acting performances, and a lot of thrills.

While inarguably a genre classic, Hellraiser isn't actually all that of an enjoyable watch for me. The things I love about it are its (now cheesy) practical effects, the iconic characters from hell, and the clear vision for the story as off the rails as it seems. It suffers from the same issues as so many 80s horror favorites do though in that it's tough to know when the horror ends and the camp begins, piss poor acting (it's a genre staple almost but still), and the fact that it's actually not scary. All that said, Hellraiser is absolutely a genre defining movie for satanic and body horror and even I, a person who cares very little for legacy, have to respect.
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The Nun II (2023)
need so me more improvement
28 April 2024
As I settled in to watch 'The Nun II' (2023), my excitement was palpable, especially as a devoted fan of the Conjuring universe. The prospect of further expanding this horror universe into franchise movies held immense promise.

However, as the film unfolded, it became evident that it didn't quite manage to keep me on the edge of my seat with excitement. While it offered a supernatural horror theme, it somehow fell short in delivering the spine-chilling moments and thrilling sequences that I had come to expect. It's worth noting that the first installment of 'The Nun' had left a more significant impact on me in terms of scary elements and storytelling.

Instead of a pure horror experience, 'The Nun II' seemed to veer into adventure-action-horror territory, reminiscent of films like 'The Mummy.' Nevertheless, I must give credit where it's due - the recurring lead actor delivered an impressive performance, and the cinematic effects were visually stunning.
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Six Wive of Henry the VIII
19 March 2024
Well, I've just finished the last episode. An excellent series about the wives of Henry VIII, attempting to show the women as dynamic and 'real'. The series mixed dramatisation with fact, and although it would have been nice to clarify which was which, the whole concept worked well.. During the first two episodes Worsely seamlessly morphed from her usual self to a Tudor servant/lady in waiting in shot and this provided an interesting perspective. In the third episode she merely changed in the different sections and this flowed less well. There was very little new material but it was presented by Worsley in an appealing and vivacious way.

I thought nothing could beat the sight of Worsley sat in a campervan next to the portrait of Catherine of Aragon. The image of her eating chips on a ferry next to the portrait of Anne of Cleves proved me wrong.

The third episode starred Richard Ridings as the aging king and he was thoroughly convincing. Even though he is Daddy Pig from Peppa and this was more than a little distracting 🙂

Ok so the bad bits. There was a lot of preview and recap at the start and end of each episode. I would also question her conclusion that Elizabeth I secured the Tudor dynasty as she faced several plots to remove her, and she failed to provide an heir so the throne went to the Stuarts after her death.

Overall this series was FAB-U-LOUS. Well done to the BBC and Lucy Worsley.
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Saltburn (2023)
17 February 2024
Saltburn is a story about Oliver, portrayed by Barry Keoghan(love him, who doesn't? I've seen killing of a sacred deer at least 10 times).

His infatuation with Felix Catton, which starts at Oxford, quickly spirals into an obsession, leading to some morally ambiguous, if not outright disturbing, choices. What starts as a seemingly innocent attraction, soon morphs into something dark and uncontrollable.

What struck me most about Saltburn is its clever use of Greek mythology as a narrative tool. The parallels drawn between Oliver's actions and the story of Theseus and the Minotaur add a rich layer of symbolism. This mythological reference isn't just a backdrop; it's integral to understanding Oliver's character and his journey.

The film also delves into the themes of social class and the dichotomy between public persona and private reality. In an age where social media often dictates how we present ourselves to the world, 'Saltburn' offers a critical, if not cynical, view of this duality. Oliver's character becomes a vessel for exploring these themes, making us question the authenticity of those around us.

Director Emerald Fennell doesn't shy away from making bold choices in 'Saltburn,' particularly in how the story unfolds. Some may find the film's progression and its eventual climax a bit jarring, but I believe it adds to the film's uniqueness. The narrative isn't straightforward, and it's this complexity that makes 'Saltburn' stand out.

The performances in the film are noteworthy. Barry Keoghan delivers a nuanced portrayal of Oliver, balancing vulnerability with an underlying sense of menace. The supporting cast, including Jacob Elordi and Rosamund Pike, also contribute significantly to the film's overall impact. I've been skeptical of them, but I was impressed.

In conclusion, Saltburn is a thought-provoking film that challenges conventional storytelling. It's a blend of mythology and modernity, a narrative that forces us to confront the darker aspects of desire and ambition. While it may not be everyone's cup of tea (I was grossed out by two scenes, you know the ones), for those who appreciate a film that makes you think and re-evaluate, Saltburn is definitely worth a watch. I've been skeptical of them, but I was impressed.
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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
13 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Jack Nicolson has that cheeky charmer character down very well but you feel the anger and the sadness throughout. An supporting cast including Louis Fletcher, Danny DeVito and Christoper LLoyd. They have a very set routine in the hospital the classical music plays as they take their medicine. Its very regimented and we see the scary, calm and straight faced Nurse Ratched. She has control and the way she sits and walks is very eerie. You can see why many of the men are scared of her. The scenes of excitment on the boat and the party show what the men have been missing. They see Jack Nicolson character as an influence, as a leader and something they have never seen before. His relationship with Chief becomes very moving as we close on the end of the movie. The climax has the shocking moments, from moments with Billy played well Brad Dourif,Nurse Ratched being strangled and the eventually mercy killing of Randle. We embrace the madness, we laugh at them, we feel sorry for them and embrace when their regimented day is changed. The freedom seems to be only through escaping or dying. They are some moments where i feel it wouldn't happen, with many times the nurses station being easy access to the patients. The imaginary play by play baseball sequence is memorable as he shows them a different side than the normal everyday. His impact on the men is felt through the enjoyable moments but also in tragedy. Entertaining and thought provoking.

The plot was probably its best point. The movie had a solid story about patients in an asylum trying to live a life worth living while in the asylum. The acting was the movies weakest point. The acting was not terrible but not good either; It just made it difficult to immerse yourself in the movie and believe, for those 2 hours, that it was real. The Character development was poorly done but not terrible. What I mean by that is that the development felt off, and that made it hard to invest in the characters making what should have been powerful since relatively weak.
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12 Angry Men (1957)
Simple But Great
24 January 2024
Brilliant. The logic of the trial was quit realistic for a movie, as in many other movies in which the story tries to make another conclusion from a case where the reality seems obvious, there is usually a leap of logic which seems quit far from mind, whereas there was not such a bold thing in this movie. Also the acting was superb and you could easily understand how the characters felt at the moment by viewing their acting. The movies was also quit fair, and there were many logical objections to the assumptions, which made this movie more realistic. The only small problems I have with this movie are the sound tracks and the dialogs in the beginning. The sound tracks did not really deliver the situation and they felt bizarre in the movie. Also some dialogs were a little too smart for people sitting naturally in a room starting a discussion. Considering all these together, this movie was brilliant for its own kind.

It is actually quite rare for me when these heavily touted classic films live up to the immense praise and respect once I finally get around to them. When an entire film can be contained geographically to such a small set and still be so engaging and well paced that clearly serves as evidence to the immense strength of the script and performances.
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Chainsaw Man (2022)
Great Action Storyline everything is really Great
13 January 2024
Denji is robbed of a normal teenage life, left with nothing but his deadbeat father's overwhelming debt. His only companion is his pet, the chainsaw devil Pochita, with whom he slays devils for money that inevitably ends up in the yakuza's pockets. All Denji can do is dream of a good, simple life: one with delicious food and a beautiful girlfriend by his side. But an act of greedy betrayal by the yakuza leads to Denji's brutal, untimely death, crushing all hope of him ever achieving happiness.

Remarkably, an old contract allows Pochita to merge with the deceased Denji and bestow devil powers on him, changing him into a hybrid able to transform his body parts into chainsaws. Because Denji's new abilities pose a significant risk to society, the Public Safety Bureau's elite devil hunter Makima takes him in, letting him live as long as he obeys her command. Guided by the promise of a content life alongside an attractive woman, Denji devotes everything and fights with all his might to make his naive dreams a reality.

It's a great production that just does everything well. While it doesn't really innovate in any areas, it does give us a combination of mature and darker themes mixed in with a lot of aspects we'd find in a shonen anime. A very solid anime with a very clear idea of what it wanted to be. I'd say Chainsaw Man did a great job.

The only caveat here is that Chainsaw Man won't be for everyone. If you don't like gore, mature themes, and dark tones wrapped up in a shonen package, you might not enjoy Chainsaw Man.

But if you think that the ideas I've mentioned above sound interesting to you, then definitely give it a shot!
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Death Note 2: The Last Name
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The film delves deeper into the battle of wits between Light Yagami and L, two brilliant minds engaged in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. Tatsuya Fujiwara reprises his role as Light, brilliantly portraying the character's descent into megalomania as he continues to use the Death Note to eliminate those he deems unworthy of life. On the other side, Ken'ichi Matsuyama returns as L, capturing the enigmatic and eccentric nature of the detective as he races against time to stop Light.

One of the strengths of "The Last Name" lies in its ability to maintain tension throughout. The plot is fast-paced, filled with twists and turns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The cat-and-mouse dynamic between Light and L reaches new heights, and the film skillfully explores the moral and ethical dilemmas associated with the Death Note.

The cinematography and visual effects contribute to the film's dark and brooding atmosphere. The use of shadows, dramatic lighting, and intense close-ups enhances the psychological elements of the narrative, creating a visually engaging experience. The Death Note itself is visually striking, and its supernatural elements are brought to life with impressive special effects.

While the first film introduced the Death Note concept and set the stage, "The Last Name" delves deeper into the mythology, expanding on the Shinigami realm and the consequences of wielding such power. The narrative maintains a balance between intricate plot developments and character exploration, making it accessible to both fans of the original manga and those new to the Death Note universe.

However, some viewers may find the pacing to be a bit rushed at times, with certain plot points receiving less attention than they deserve. Additionally, the film assumes familiarity with the source material, so those unfamiliar with the Death Note series may find it challenging to fully grasp the complexities of the plot.

Death Note 2: The Last Name" is a worthy sequel that successfully builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor. It delivers a compelling story filled with suspense, psychological intrigue, and thought-provoking themes. Fans of the Death Note series will appreciate the continuation of the epic battle between Light and L, while newcomers may find themselves drawn into the dark and captivating world of Death Note.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
the greatest show ever
5 January 2024
The Sopranos was consistently excellent for its entire run. It never had a weak season and the ending was fantastic (anyone who says it isn't didn't understand it). Tony Soprano is one of the best characters ever to grace the TV screen and James Gandolfini deserves every award he received for playing him.

The writing in The Sopranos is close to perfect. David Chase didn't create the show believing it would be an opened ended experience that would continue until the network killed it. He had an ending in mind and everything works towards it from the outset. Events are set up and paid off over a long time frame which means it rewards repeat viewings.

Is it a comedy? No. Is it a serious show? Yes and no. It's definitely in the "drama" genre but that doesn't mean it's totally dry and without humour. At times it's very funny and there are some laugh at loud moments.

One of the strengths of the Sopranos is that it does grip the viewer from the outset. It's not one of those shows that has fans saying "stick with it, it really gets good halfway through season two". It's a great show from episode one but becomes outstanding the more you watch it.
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Death Note (2006)
Death Note (2006)
30 December 2023
The plot, in case you've never heard of the series, is centered around the Death Note, a notebook where any name written down while thinking of the person's face causes their death. The vagueness of some of the rules allow Light to craftily manipulate them to his advantage. As the body count rises, the public notices how the deaths are all criminals and a following for "Kira" (a Japanese pronunciation of "killer") begins. However, the enigmatic detective L is only one step behind. Several parts are lifted directly from the anime. I can't quite judge how they stand on their own since I saw the anime first

The Shinigami of Death, Ryuk, also appears in CGI form. It's been a few years, and this CGI incarnation is not without its flaws. At the same time, you rarely care as the movie's true strength is the battle of wits between Light, who becomes increasingly devious, and L who slowly closes in his prey.

Highly recommended with reservations. The movie does seem to move at a slow pace, never quite building up to the finale. That being said, this could be a side effect of the transition of the story from animated form to live action. Some people won't be able to move past the older CGI, but you really should see if for the performances of the lead cast alone. For the fans of Death Note, it's a milestone that they shouldn't ignore.
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Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
26 December 2023
Lawrence Jamieson (Michael Caine) is living the dream. The suave Englishman has parlayed his cultural literacy, sartorial elegance, and upper-class accent into a lucrative career as a con man, swindling gullible women on the French Riviera. As the film opens, he and his confederates are convincing women that he is a minor royal, living in poverty as he tries to raise money for freedom fighters. All is going well until he meets Freddy Benson (Steve Martin), a brash American and low rent con man who sniffs out Jamieson's operation and decides he wants a piece of the action.

Threatened with exposure, Jamieson agrees to take Freddy under his wing and share the secrets of the high-end confidence game. The two work up a lucrative scam until Freddy wants a bigger piece of the pie. Since the town clearly isn't big enough for both of them, they agree on a bet: the first man to seduce and swindle Janet Colgate (Glenne Headly), the newly arrived American soap queen, will get to stay and the loser will leave town.

The results are mixed bag from a cinematic perspective. On the plus side, there are some very funny moments and Steve Martin's genius for physical comedy partially saves what is an extremely annoying character. In fact, Freddy is so incredibly aggravating that I found myself rooting for Jamieson throughout the film. The movie also has a great twist at the ending that will leave audiences laughing This is a light, very well-made comedy. Just the kind of thing you want to watch as a diversion from daily life. Martin and Caine are superb, and the ending is definitely not predictable unless you know the backstory of this movie. It is just a nice small movie that remains as enjoyable today as it was when it came out. One of Steve Martin's best movies. Yes, it has its weaknesses, but the two play very well off each other.
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The Breakfast Club
3 December 2023
Five high school students, all with different mindsets, face detainment in their school library on a Saturday morning. As time passes by, their egos fade and they become close buddies. The breakfast is one of those classic comedies that i had never seen before, until now. Personally i think this movie at his core, isn't even a comedy, more of a character study. The movie follows a bunch of great characters, portrayed perfectly by the actors playing them. The first part of the movie introduces these characters all so great and then by the end of the movie, you just fall in love with them. The themes of rich and poor, smart and dumb, loved and not loved, are all so well done. The Breakfast Club would probably be the movie I would identify the 80s/90s the most with and I think that there couldn't be a better movie, to portray that image, fantastic movie and some of the most iconic moments and lines in cinema history!

His movie is the pinnacle of the teen drama type movies. No movie I've seen has yet to be better. The characters each go through a lot of development. The breakfast club shows an accurate representation of high school, portrayed by the 5 stereotypes of the brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. I really believe each teenager should see this movie before going into high school. I could say so much more, but it's my absolute #1 movie.
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Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner 1982
27 November 2023
I think that the idea is interesting, the whole plot about the replicants, the futuristic world and the war against humans. However, I didn't like the movie very much. Honestly, I think that the idea isn't very skillfully-portrayed. The idea is there, but the movie doesn't live up to it. The acting is nothing of the other world. Despite this, I have to say that the visuals are in fact really good.

I really liked the set of this film. It was one of the coolest I've ever seen. I also like the basic premise a lot, but the way it was pulled off just didn't work for me. I thought the replicants were just too weird, especially the blonde woman. It felt overly artsy and I just couldn't get over the uncomfortable feeling I felt while watching. Harrison ford's acting was really good, but I couldn't get over that scene where he basically forces the brunette to sleep with him. I think it aged poorly. Was that supposed to be romantic? Anyway, overall, I loved the set/world, but it was too strange for me. Don't let this one stop you from watching the new one though because it is really good in my opinion.
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The Sixth Sense (1999)
19 November 2023
The Sixth Sense has this very subtle overtune of eeriness that is explored more as the movie goes on. At the beginning of the movie there are a few paranormal activities that happen that really help set the tone for the rest of the movie. We see our first dead person about halfway through the movie which is where everything starts to change. It is not often that a movie about ghosts and talking to dead people can so perfectly help a child watching this movie. I think that the message of this movie is not to run away from things that you or others may see as your own imperfections but instead learn to embrace them and learn from them. The movie has a lot of graphic scenes that may be hard for young children to watch and there is a lot of suspense throughout the movie especially near the end, though I found that the ending was amazing. The twist is something I never knew was coming but as it was an M. Night Shyamalan movie I had a feeling that there was going to be something that shocked me at the end. The other message of this movie is to learn to let go, we see this through Bruce Willis' character who seeks to help out a child due to the fact that he wasn't able to help one earlier in his life. Instead though we see him and the child help eachother. This was a very heartwarming film which I would highly recommend to people just due to the fantastic performance of Haley Joel Osment as Cole alone. The child actor did fantastic and made me and I'm sure many other people really feel something throughout the course of this movie. The line "I see dead people" is still chilling and his monologue is only something that you cannot help but look back at when the truth about this movie is revealed.
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John Wick: Chapter 4
6 November 2023
With franchises like this you would typically see the stories start to lean into themselves a bit. Make a joke about how stupid this all is before you do. Mr. Wick wasn't having any of that apparently! They doubled down on his world and it is awesome. I could argue that this is the best of the four but it's hard to beat the first. With a running time of nearly 3hrs I was worried, but they make sure you get your moneys worth. NON-STOP action. You don't watch a John Wick film for the acting and this Chapter makes that even easier as there isn't much to be seen. Instead you get one long, incredibly choreographed fight scene after another. Most action films give you plenty of little fights and then you get that one big one at the end. Before John Wick, I thought that was all I needed... In Chapter 4 we are spoiled by getting at least 8 movies worth of adrenaline filled crazy ass one man verse an army type final fight scenes, and I now not only expect this, I deserve it. And you do too. John Wick: Chapter 4 is a strong contender for the best movie in the franchise. Action packed from start to finish, this movie goes for the jugular and doesn't let up. Action Movie fans rejoice as this is a definite must see.
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Dracula (1931)
Bela Lugosi exception as Count Dracula
3 November 2023
Even though outside of the title card there is no music at all and it does end very aburptly this is a All Time Classic. This never is boring, unwatchable, or farfetched. It's very moody and interesting the entire way. The acting is really good overall. The supporting cast is solid but the standouts are Renfield & Legosi. Legosi as an incredible prescence and his gaze is amazing. Sometimes the supporting cast can be wooden and there isn't much depth given to them but it works. This is shot like a silent film and that explains the style of acting for Refield & Legosi which somehow works very well even with sound. This is a slow burn the entire way but a very moody one that engrosses you in atmosphere and creepiness rather than scares. The only other issues are whenever Legosi isn't on screen or Renfield it can be a tad dry but thankfully 85% of the film their there. What makes me able to look past those flaws is the unique tone this has being a sound film shot silent style along with the gothic sets and focused storytelling. It never feels jumpy overall despite Dracula not always being the main focus and the slow pacing helps to digest some of the wordier elements. This is something everyone should see once.
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Saw X (2023)
27 October 2023
Hoping for a miraculous cure, John Kramer travels to Mexico for a risky and experimental medical procedure, only to discover the entire operation is a scam to defraud the most vulnerable. Armed with a newfound purpose, the infamous serial killer uses deranged and ingenious traps to turn the tables on the con artists.

Not going to lie, my expectations were low, based off the fact that the previous saw instalments haven't been very up to standards. This movie takes place in between saw 1 & 2, following the life of John Kramer, a cancer patient. Aw X is a refreshing sequel to a franchise that suffered with the previous two instalments as it has a story that puts John Kramer as the centre focus main character. I think that long time fans of Saw will really appreciate this sequel and will definitely be able to enjoy every minute of this movie's runtime. Saw X's start is a key difference to other openings we've seen before in these films as the slower pace sets up what would turn out to be a well-written emotional story. I recommend that everyone watch Saw X either in cinema or on streaming services.
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Rosemary's Baby is so surreal
22 October 2023
A fine example of classic horror with a script that was truly ahead of its time. Despite its at some points hammy acting, it still surprisingly holds up very well for today standards. This certainly is the definition of a slow-burn however, though most top-tier horror is. Its pacing may seem as an issue to some, but it certainly pays off with a bone-chilling climax that will leave you contemplating the movie far long after viewing. This remains to be a prime example of what good psychological/satanic horror should be, I only hope its legacy lives on as inspiration to the future of horror directors. Rosemary's Baby is one of the best horror films of all time not because it is one of the scariest, but because of how confident it is in its horror. You could argue that the most terrifying things in this film all happen off camera. If you watched the first hour with no prior knowledge of the film, you might well mistake it for a slightly uneasy drama about urban life. It is a sheer masterclass in subtlety and slow dread.
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Spiral (2021)
14 October 2023
I dont feel like the traps were winnable, nor do I think Will Shenk wanted the subjects to win.

You can say some Kramer traps were unfair, and some definitely were, but for the main plot line traps, he almost always gave the people a chance to survive. Sometimes its almost painfully obvious what to do on a rewatch. Like how he tells Rigg to go home like 20 times or practically begs Detective Matthews to stay and talk. You can say no reasonable person would interpret those messages as they were intended, which is fair, but it was still a chance to live. Seemed like the traps in Spiral were straight executions and Shenk had no desire for the person to win and rehabilitate.
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Jigsaw (I) (2017)
13 October 2023
Highly recommend if youve ever been a fan of the Saw series. Best one since the first 2. If you're a fan of Saw then this is a must see. Much better than everything after part 2. Has everything you like and more. I'm surprised this got bad reviews, its actually pretty good, IF you like the saw movies. I enjoyed it, it was good. Highly recommend if you've ever been a fan of the Saw series.

Pretty good modern version of Jigsaw. Of course, they were able to use the 21st century technology to their advantage to make the gore and traps better. The traps in this movie were just as iconic as the originals and will be remembered by me. However, they did not continue off of Saw 3D where Doctor Gordon made an appearance and locked up Hoffman. Lots of fans were curious of what happened next. Will Doctor Gordon continue the legacy? This movie had completely new characters, unrelated to the originals. But who knows, maybe it was the director's plan. This movie utilized time hops well to confuse the audience and make them think for a while. Good movie.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
donnie darko
7 October 2023
The reverse order of events at the end of the movie, what did that mean, that all we saw never happened? And who and why was Frank, the rabbit? And those tubes coming out of chests? And maybe most of all, why didn't the two thugs get their due justice at the hands of Donnie? I don't like time travel movies in general ... except, of course, the awesome "Back to the Future," which showed how to do it right.

As a psychological thriller, there was nothing psychological about it in the genuine sense. The acting and actors and actresses are all awful. The only people who would think it's a cult classic or amazing film are people who were angsty teens in the early 2000s whose parents didn't let them smoke weed back in HS or something. Really mediocre film. If you want psychological, go for Mullholland's Drive, The Prestige, The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Gift, etc.
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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Is A Masterpiece
7 October 2023
I think the movie is fantastic. It has very creative writing and direction and it is, in my opinion, the best acting that Jim Carrey has ever done. But the big reason why I love this movie is because it is an exceedingly rare example of a romance that is both artistically valuable and very entertaining. If I want to select a movie that I know typical viewers and film buffs will both enjoy, then this is a great option.

As for the ending, I don't think the film judges whether they make it work or not. Perhaps Kaufman intended for them to be trapped in a cycle of failed relationships (he tends to be pretty fatalistic) but I think the movie argues that it is the experience that matters so much more than the inevitable success. That is why what was done to Kirsten Dunst's character is so abhorrent. So, whether or not the two characters ever make their relationship actually work is less important than the fact that they love each other during the times that they are together.

One of the best and most intelligent movies of the last 20 years. And this is the one movie where you forget you're watching Jim Carrey. The Truman Show, Man on the Moon.....great roles, but you still feel like you're watching Jim. Joel is something different, a really vulnerable character that Carrey has never had before. He's soft spoken, polite, shy. It's wonderful to see him nail this role so well. Kate Winslet is excellent as always and the movie won a screenplay Oscar that was well deserved, but it's really Jim Carrey that truly makes the movie work. If there is a role he really deserved an Academy Award for this is it. It's impossible not to like Joel. And even with her craziness, it's impossible not to fall for Clementine also. A fresh, original film, a must see.
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The Covenant
14 September 2023
One of those movies you get instantly drawn into, half way through felt like 10 minutes and definitely worth watching.

I thought the movie did peak halfway through, the epic moment when Ahmed saved and carried John through the mountains, truly a beautiful piece of determination despite the cultural differences they shared and the situation at the time when were essentially enemies.

I do think the ending was good but like I said, it peaked for me halfway in and just wanted the reconnection between them after John came back and found Ahmed again to be a bit more emotional after what they went through.

Still, a great movie and enjoyed it a lot.
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Coming to America
13 September 2023
I didn't enjoy it as much as expected, but 'Coming to America' is nevertheless still good. Eddie Murphy is unsurprisingly the star of the film. Any notable scenes include him, which isn't a shock given the obvious and the fact he plays a number of characters; on that note, only Akeem amused me - the barber shop guys... not so much, to be honest. James Earl Jones (Jaffe), John Amos (Cleo) and Frankie Faison (landlord) are the most noteworthy in terms of those away from the lead, while there is even an appearance from someone named Samuel L. Jackson - what ever happened to that guy?! I wanted/anticipated much stronger humour, if only due to Murphy's presence. I can't say I laughed that much, which is disappointing. The romance parts are probably more memorable to me, even if it's kinda familiar in those regards. With all that said, I can see why loads thoroughly enjoy this - it just didn't fully land on me, personally. Still worth viewing.
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