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A touching and humorous drama that explores the challenges experienced by individuals living with disabilities.
17 April 2024
Come As You Are delves into the lives of individuals grappling with disabilities, weaving a tapestry of humor and sorrow. The film's moving narrative exposes the harsh realities faced by its protagonists, evoking a profound sense of empathy from the audience.

While the movie tugs at heartstrings with its deeply emotional moments, it doesn't shy away from incorporating humor. However, some may find that the comedic elements occasionally lean towards the childish and immature, detracting from the overall impact.

Initially, the characters may come across as somewhat unlikable. Yet, as the story unfolds and we witness the daily struggles they endure, our perceptions gradually shift. Their vulnerabilities and resilience shine through, drawing us closer to their journey.

The movie is undeniably a sad tale, yet it's also a testament to the strength found in camaraderie and the human spirit. It's a film that resonates long after the credits roll, urging viewers to reconsider their perceptions of disability and embrace the beauty of diversity.
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Memento (2000)
The GREATEST murder mystery I've ever seen! 🏆
15 April 2024
Memento stands as a towering achievement in the realm of murder mysteries, delivering a mind-bending narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. I was blown away by the suspense of this movie and how masterfully the story was woven together. 🕸

Christopher Nolan's directorial prowess shines through in every frame, as he skillfully navigates the intricate layers of memory loss and deception. The film's unique structure, with scenes presented in reverse chronological order, adds an extra layer of complexity to the already gripping storyline. 🎬

Guy Pearce delivers a mesmerizing performance as Leonard Shelby, a man with short-term memory loss on a quest for revenge. Pearce's portrayal is riveting, capturing the desperation and confusion of a man trapped in a fractured reality. 😵

The supporting cast, including Carrie-Anne Moss and Joe Pantoliano, delivers solid performances that complement Pearce's lead. The chemistry between the characters adds depth to the narrative, as alliances shift and motives are called into question. 🤔

While this cinematic achievement is undeniably a masterpiece of storytelling, it does have one significant drawback: its lack of rewatchability. I would have gladly awarded it a 9/10 or even a perfect 10/10 if not for this factor. Once you know the twists and turns of the plot, the element of surprise is lost, and subsequent viewings don't hold the same impact. Despite this minor flaw, Memento remains a MUST-WATCH for any fan of mystery and suspense. Its innovative narrative structure and compelling performances make it a standout in the genre, cementing its status as one of the greatest murder mysteries of all time! 😮
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Jamesy Boy (2014)
A moving biographical drama that delves into the harrowing journey of a young man navigating the treacherous waters of crime and redemption.
15 April 2024
Based on a true story, the film follows a young man by the name of James Burns, as he grapples with the consequences of his early criminal exploits. The movie skillfully weaves together past and present timelines, offering viewers a nuanced portrayal of James's troubled upbringing and his eventual transformation behind bars. The film doesn't shy away from depicting the harsh realities of prison life, yet it also explores themes of hope, redemption, and the power of human connection.

One of the standout aspects of this cinematic experience is its stellar cast, featuring top-tier actors such as Ving Rhames, James Woods, and Mary-Louise Parker. Their performances add depth and gravitas to the narrative, elevating the film beyond the standard biopic fare.

While the movie is undeniably compelling, it does have its drawbacks. Certain plot points may seem predictable. Additionally, the pacing can be a bit slow at times, with certain moments dragging on longer than necessary.

Despite these flaws, "Jamesy Boy" ultimately succeeds in delivering a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant viewing experience. It serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for growth and redemption, even in the face of adversity.

Jamesy Boy is a solid biographical drama that offers valuable insights into the complexities of the human experience. While it may not be flawless, its powerful performances and poignant storytelling make it worth a watch, particularly for fans of true-life stories and compelling character studies.
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The Informer (2019)
A decent action crime thriller prison movie with suspense and heart
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Informer offers a gritty and intense prison action thriller experience that manages to keep viewers engaged with its suspenseful plot and heartfelt moments. Set within the confines of a prison, the film follows the journey of its protagonist through a complex web of betrayal, and redemption.

Set against the backdrop of a dangerous criminal underworld, the film follows the story of an ex-convict turned informant. The lead role Joel Kinnaman delivers a solid performance, portraying the complexities of his character with conviction and depth. The film effectively builds tension throughout, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats with well-executed action sequences and unexpected plot twists. The gritty atmosphere of the prison environment is vividly captured, adding to the sense of danger and uncertainty that permeates the narrative.

While this movie delivers on its promises of suspense and excitement, it does have its shortcomings. The pacing can feel uneven at times, with certain scenes dragging on longer than necessary. Despite these flaws, this cinematic experience succeeds in delivering an entertaining and emotionally resonant viewing experience.

Overall, The Informer is a worthy addition to the prison action thriller genre, offering a compelling story, strong performances, and moments of genuine heart. While it may not reinvent the wheel, it certainly delivers on its promise of suspense and excitement, making it worth a watch for fans of the genre.
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Planet Terror (2007)
Despite major flaws, this movie offers surprising redeeming qualities.
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There were numerous flaws with this movie, so many that it's challenging to discern where to even begin. Primarily, the pervasive "tough guy" tone adopted by most characters grated on my nerves. Even the female lead, who should have brought diversity, fell into this trope. While I understand the intention to portray them as badasses, it detracted from the film's realism, especially given my Texas residency. In Texas, particularly in smaller towns and rural areas like the movie's setting, people exude southern hospitality, a stark contrast to the tough demeanor depicted. The dialogue often fell flat, and some of the acting appeared subpar, though it seemed the actors were enjoying themselves during filming, evident in subtle smiles caught on screen.

The film's major issues stem from the scratchy filter applied, evoking an old-timey aesthetic, and the overall lack of believability. The zombies' behavior in the first half was unrealistic, with erratic movements that failed to convey a cohesive threat at times, or even lack of movement overall. Furthermore, the scene depicting a mass exodus from the (small town where everybody knows eachother) hospital stretched credibility to its limits, highlighting a disconnect from reality. In the horror genre, even a modicum of believability can significantly enhance the cinematic experience, an aspect sorely lacking here. Additionally, the absence of reloading and the improbable scenario of a character wielding a machine gun jammed into her leg further strained plausibility.

Despite the barrage of criticisms, the movie did offer some redeeming qualities. The presence of familiar actors and their delivery of humorous catchphrases injected moments of levity, albeit occasionally exaggerated. A standout moment for me featured Rose McGowan's character attempting "The Arch," a yoga pose, resulting in a 'wtf moment' for me as she only managed to execute it halfway. While I found enjoyment on some level, the movie's uniqueness lies in both its strengths and weaknesses. The unexpected ending was somewhat refreshing, though I'm uncertain if it warrants a repeat viewing. I think if you enjoy zombie movies it's definitely worth a go; I can't say I'll be watching it again anytime soon, however.
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Lady Bird (2017)
A gem of a coming-of-age story that captures the essence of youth with humor, heart, and authenticity
22 March 2024
What sets this movie apart from many others with similar themes is its ability to capture the messy, imperfect beauty of adolescence without resorting to clichés or sentimentality. It embraces the awkwardness, the insecurities, and the moments of unbridled joy with equal sincerity, painting a rich tapestry of human experience.

While some narrative threads feel that they could use a bit of improvement, these flaws are overshadowed by its undeniable charm and emotional resonance. This movie has left me with a lasting impression, ultimately reminding me of the universal truths that bind together families throughout in the messy, glorious journey of growing up.

Overall, Lady Bird is a gem of a coming-of-age story that captures the essence of youth with humor, heart, and authenticity. While it may not be without its flaws, its earnestness and emotional depth make it a worthy addition to the genre.
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This movie is a joke... Literally!
10 March 2024
The premise of this movie struck me as utterly absurd! Indeed, I initially hesitated to watch it for quite some time due to its bizarre theme. However, when I eventually gave it a chance, I was pleasantly surprised by how entertained I was, albeit in nearly the most ridiculously hilarious manner possible! 🤣🤡

The film is a wild ride from start to finish, filled with outlandish scenarios and over-the-top performances. From the moment the Killer Klowns make their appearance, the movie embraces its B-movie roots wholeheartedly, delivering a campy and (mostly) enjoyable experience. 🎪

While I can't claim to have gained any sort of profound insight from the film, it did provide plenty of laughs and sheer entertainment. The outlandish premise, coupled with the cheesy special effects and quirky characters, kept me humored throughout.

In terms of cinematic quality, this movie experience may not be groundbreaking, but it knows exactly what it is and embraces its absurdity with gusto. For fans of cult classics and those looking for a lighthearted, popcorn-fueled experience, this movie delivers the goods. 🍿

It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those willing to suspend disbelief and embrace the madness, it offers a delightfully bizarre journey! Ultimately, if there is anything that will stick with me from this movie it's the theme song, entitled: 'Killer Klowns' by "The Dickies", which is very catchy, and has some very cool guitar riffs included! 🎸😎
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Dead Silence (2007)
An above average horror film, with something for all fans of the genre.
8 March 2024
Dead Silence ventures into the realm of horror with a blend of traditional scares and a unique premise that aims to leave audiences both chilled and entertained. Directed by James Wan, known for his work on such horror-movie powerhouses as "Saw" and "The Conjuring" series, the film presents a horrific tale woven with elements of mystery, supernatural occurrences, and a haunting atmosphere.

One of the standout features of Dead Silence is its atmospheric cinematography, which effectively creates a sense of dread and foreboding throughout the film. The dimly lit streets and ominous settings contribute to the overall sense of unease, keeping viewers on edge as the story unfolds. The use of sound, in particular, plays a pivotal role in building suspense, with the eerie silence punctuated by moments of startling intensity.

While this movie may not break new ground in terms of narrative innovation, it excels in delivering a chilling and engaging experience for fans of the genre.

If you enjoyed this flick, you may also like "The Skeleton Key" (2005).
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The Blob (1988)
A remake of the original classic, filled with 80's horror sci-fi action!
8 March 2024
What sets this remake apart is its ability to capture the essence of 80s cinema. From the pulsating soundtrack to the vibrant cinematography, every frame oozes with the nostalgia and charm of the era. Another aspect which ultimately makes this movie work is it's unique feel. One of the compelling elements that contributes to the success of this film is its distinctive atmosphere. Viewers are immersed in a blend of sci-fi, action, and horror sensations, reminiscent of the ambiance found in many zombie films, except it's an alien movie instead.

Whether you're a fan of the original or a newcomer to the franchise, This is a decent watch for anyone craving a thrilling ride into the heart of 80s horror sci-fi action.
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I REALLY wanted to like this movie more than I did, but I just couldn't connect with the main character after a certain point...
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched this movie for the third time. The first two times I watched the movie I essentially forgot what happened, or got the plot mixed up with another movie, etc. I REALLY wanted to like this movie more than I did, but overall it's not a horrible title. The major issue(s) arose for me when the main character began putting herself into harms way purposefully, knowingly dealing with someone evil. I mean I could literally sense the evil from the moment she interviewed for her new job...

When evil slaps you in the face, you get away from it, any way possible. In other horrror movies, we often see themes similar to this in nature, where the main protaganist wanders into eerily dark places, and so we just assume that something bad is going to happen because it's dim and spooky, right? Well this is completely different... This is the main character getting hit in the face with all kinds of evil mojo, and even when she's absolutely certain that forces beyond her are out to get her what does she do? She goes back and stares at the face of evil, all because she cannot let go of her past.

When the protagonist begins to actively (and knowingly) contribute to her own downfall, my investment in the movie wanes, and my empathy for her plight diminishes. This isn't to discredit the film's watchability; it simply reflects my inability to connect with any of the characters, resulting in a lower rating. While the acting is generally commendable and the storyline adequate, it could've definitely benefitted from refinement and fine-tuning!

If you did enjoy this film, you may also enjoy "Dead Silence" (2007).
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Psycho (1960)
This cinematic thriller was enjoyable, although bizarre at times. The title sequence was truly a work of art!
7 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A movie full of suspense and psychological intrigue that continues to captivate audiences decades after its release. Set against the backdrop of a secluded motel, this film weaves a chilling tale of murder, deception, and the depths of the human psyche!

At the heart of this movie lies the enigmatic character of Norman Bates, portrayed by Anthony Perkins. The film follows a young woman who stumbles upon the Bates Motel while on the run with stolen money. Hitchcock's direction builds rising tension with each continuing frame. What unfolds is a series of shocking twists and turns, culminating in one of the most iconic scenes in cinematic history - the infamous shower scene!

However, this movie is not without at least one major flaw. The glaring inconsisteny lies in the portrayal of Norman Bates' deceased mother. How does Norman manage to replicate her voice so precisely, and why do others hear his dead mothers voice as well? This plot hole raises questions that may linger in the minds of inquisitive viewers long after the credits roll. The only reasonable explanations I could possible contrive is that either he had a recording of his mothers voice, which he played back on a record player, or that mass psychosis had occured, and that those hearing his dead mothers voice had experienced some kind of auditory hallucinations... 🤔

Nonetheless, I've found this movie to be enjoyable and worth the watch, due to the psychological aspect of the movie as well as the building suspense throughout.
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I.Q. (1994)
A humorous, lighthearted romantic comedy where a circle of geniuses (including Albert Einstein) take on the role of matchmaking.
7 March 2024
A charming romantic comedy that adds an intellectual twist to the age-old pursuit of love. Directed by Fred Schepisi, this delightful film invites audiences into a world where geniuses, including the legendary Albert Einstein, play cupid with their unmatched wit and wisdom.

The film thrives on its humorous portrayal of genius minds grappling with matters of the heart. From Einstein's whimsical musings on love to the eccentricities of his fellow intellectuals, I. Q. offers a delightful blend of romantic whimsy and intellectual banter. The chemistry between Robbins and Ryan is palpable, infusing the film with genuine warmth and humor.

While this movie offers plenty of laughs and heartwarming moments, it occasionally veers into the realm of the unbelievable and over-the-top. Some viewers may find certain plot points stretched beyond credulity, detracting slightly from the overall enjoyment of the film. However, with its endearing characters, witty dialogue, and whimsical premise, the film offers a refreshing take on love and the pursuit of happiness making this cinematic experience a worthwhile watch for those seeking a lighthearted escape into the world of romance and intellect.
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Patch Adams (1998)
Robin Williams delivers a poetic & heartfelt yet humorous portrayal of an American physician, comedian, social activist, clown, and author.
6 March 2024
Robin Williams delivers an exceptionally heartfelt, dramatic, and poetic performance, solidifying his position as one of the greatest actors of all time, in my view. This film took me through a whirlwind of emotions - from laughter to beginning to tear up and back again, creating a profound and multifaceted cinematic experience. It strikes me as one of the happiest and saddest movies simultaneously, leaving a lasting impact with its storytelling and direction. If you value knowledge, and you believe in celebrating life rather than dwelling solely on the tragedy of death, and if you possess a sense of humor, you'll likely connect with this film on a profound level. Among Robin Williams' stellar performances, this one undoubtedly stands out. If you appreciated films like "Dead Poets Society" and "Good Will Hunting," I believe you'll find something meaningful, and if not than at least enjoyable, in this powerful movie!
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Wonka (2023)
A different take on the life of Willy Wonka.
19 February 2024
To begin with, the opening musical number was truly dreadful. I could write something superior in 10-15 minutes without much effort. The second musical piece didn't fare much better. The musical presentations subsequent to the initial two showed much improvement, varying from good to rather impressive. The primary drawback of the film, from my perspective, is that a considerable portion of it struck me as rather sorrowful and disheartening.

The upsides of this cinematic experience are that the magic of chocolate and Wonka was showcased in many different forms throughout, and the amazing fantasies which encapsulate him. These elements, which fans might anticipate from a movie of this caliber, are presented multiple times, leaving the audience with an overall heartwarming and positive feeling.

Ultimately, I found enjoyment in this movie, and I believe that fans of the original will also discover something worthwhile in it. In the end, I actually found myself pondering whether this film was laying the groundwork for a remake of the original classic; I sincerely hope so, as I would enthusiastically watch a remake with this particular direction!
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A decent zombie movie; not as good as 'The Dead', though.
5 December 2023
True to its title, the story unfolds in India. While it's a challenging setting, it differs from the constant extreme landscapes of the first installment. In India, we do get a taste of this, but the main challenges of survival mostly lies in the largely populated cities, which has led to utter chaos.

While this zombie movie was reasonably good, I couldn't help but notice a few significant flaws, including one aspect that appeared downright impossible and other elements that seemed nonsensical. My speculation is that these issues were likely overlooked due to constraints like time or funding.

All in all, this movie wasn't all bad; there were moments I found good and others not so much. It notably contains one of the most sorrowful and gut-wrenching scenes in any zombie film I've encountered.

Although I enjoyed this one somewhat, I can't say it's one of my favorites.
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The Dead (2010)
Awesome zombie movie; it's one of my new favorites!
5 December 2023
Being a discerning critic, I consider a rating of 7 to be quite positive. Given my uncertainties after watching the trailer and having experienced a considerable number of disappointing zombie movies before this one, the film managed to pleasantly surprise me.

First and foremost, I want to emphasize that this movie unfolds in Africa, an inherently inhospitable environment. Add zombies to the equation, and what you are left with is a scenario that can only be described as hell on Earth!

Selecting Africa as the movie's setting was a brilliant decision. Not only is it a unique choice, but the scarcity of large fortified structures in Africa enhances the suspense, keeping the main protagonists in a constant state of movement. These protagonists are undeniably resilient. While I could elaborate further, I'll refrain from sharing spoilers. For fans of zombie movies, this one is definitely worth watching!
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The Spitfire Grill deserves more attention.
4 December 2023
Until recently, this film was unfamiliar to me. Uncertain about my expectations after watching the trailer, I resorted to reading the plot. Encouraged by what I discovered, I decided to give it a chance, and I'm genuinely pleased that I did!

While parts of this movie may seem dull and occasionally tedious, the overall viewing experience is mostly breathtaking. The film showcases stunning scenery that significantly contributes to its allure. This movie keeps you guessing as it pulls you in, and it introduces a subplot or two along the way.

The Spitfire Grill deserves more recognition than it has garnered; it falls just shy of reaching masterpiece status. In fact, with a bit more substance, it would undoubtedly be considered a hidden gem.
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A Heartfelt Drama That Delivers
4 December 2023
Fried Green Tomatoes captivates with its compelling dramatic narrative. Despite its potential to evoke tears, I found immense enjoyment in the film. It's worth noting that I typically lean away from dramas and haven't been a huge fan of Kathy Bates, making my positive experience all the more noteworthy. The soundtrack adds another layer of excellence. My only critique is that the runtime felt a tad extended, and trimming it by about 10-15 minutes could have enhanced the overall viewing experience. My suggestion to the directors or producers wouldn't have been to eliminate any dialogue but to consider removing certain parts of scenes that felt unnecessary, specifically moments where we observed the familiar town scenery, which had already been presented in previous scenes.
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While this movie showcased some awe-inspiring scenes, I struggled to establish an emotional bond with a few of the characters...
16 October 2023
From my perspective, this movie nearly perfectly portrayed two themes: The allure of romanticism in Paris, France, and the embodiment of spirituality - especially in India.

Regrettably, there were two significant characters in the film with whom I struggled to establish a deep emotional connection. I could not help but wonder if these female characters had become victims of the prevailing misogyny of their time, or if their actions were more a product of their own construction. One of these characters, I couldn't muster the empathy to which I should have felt if any misfortune were to befall upon them. This, in my view, is where the movie slightly missed it's mark.

Moreover, I must confess that my all-time favorite Bill Murray movie still remains "Where The Buffalo Roam," a role that is quite the opposite of what he portrayed here. Transitioning from that cinematic experience to this one requires some significant adjustment. Nevertheless, Bill Murray delivered a remarkable dramatic performance, and his lighthearted, humorous commentary added to his character's easygoing and lighthearted personality, which contributed significantly to the story's overall appeal.
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In this movie, you'll encounter several familiar actors and actresses, and there are a few good laughs, but not much beyond that.
5 October 2023
First thing to note is that a lot of the laughs in this movie come from Tom Greene. If you're not a fan of Tom Green, you're less likely to find enjoyment in this movie. In fact, in 2002 he received a Golden Raspberry Award, a satirical award recognizing cinematic "failures".

While his acting performance may not have been top-notch, he does deliver some genuinely amusing moments from a comedic standpoint. Jason Lee is quite humorous as well, as are several other actors in this film.

The storyline also incorporates humor through certain characters' quirks and amusing situations. Nevertheless, the primary issue(s) with this movie arise when those character traits and scenarios start to appear overly unrealistic. This isn't to suggest that the movie includes outright impossibilities. Instead, some elements in the film seem highly improbable, as if the writer opted for a straightforward and hasty solution to a difficult problem.
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This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know up front this is not a love story.
5 October 2023
This isn't your typical romantic comedy; it could be seen as an unconventional take on the genre. It diverges from many traditional rom-com elements, given that one character embraces love while the other rejects it, and this is where the protagonist faces their central dilemma.

The film stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zoey Deschanel, and their on-screen chemistry is simply remarkable. These exceptionally talented actors have dedicated their lives to honing their craft, and their expertise shines through in this performance. Interestingly, they've previously shared the screen in romantic scenes during their earlier years in the film "Manic" (2001).

The acting in this film is superb. The story, while occasionally jumping back and forth in time, enhances the narrative's overall flow and provides a deeper understanding of the story. Additionally, the movie encourages deep contemplation, which I found quite engaging. There are also some genuinely hilarious moments. All in all, I highly recommend this movie!
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A hidden gem of a movie that serves as both a genuine tragedy and an accurate depiction of the flaws within government.
4 October 2023
First and foremost, I'd just like to say that this movie is sad-VERY sad. Also, if you have a nine-to-five job, this movie may not resonate with you, as you might find it challenging to relate.

This cinematic triumph is rich with underlying metaphors that delve into the concept of true freedom and its consequences. Alongside this, it addresses government corruption, power abuse, and explores our society's perceptions in relation to homosexuality and racism. The main protagonist is in a constant struggle against the forces of governement and society, and the system he faces only becomes more relentless in its resistance against him and his righteous endeavors.

However, ultimately, the laws of nature consistently triumph over human-made laws, giving way to anarchy. Unfortunately, anarchy can be a tough pill to swallow at first. Consequently, the movie implies that the main protagonist and his girlfriend will encounter increasingly challenging choices stemming from their own liberties or the absence thereof. The fluctuations in their freedom throughout the story are left wide open for interpretation - a key element contributing to the movie's excellence.

Randy Newman wrote the main title song for the movie, entitled "Let Me Go," which also serves as the end title song, setting the emotional tone for the tragic theme of this film.

I cannot recommend this movie enough; it's one of the greatest classic movies in my opinion. However, one of the defining dramatic features of this cinematic experience is its seemingly inconclusive nature. It leaves the viewer wanting more answers, and that is the only major complaint I can conjure.
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Gigantic (2008)
There are many positive aspects to this film; I got quite a bit more out of it than expected.
4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I figured this would be a cute little film from watching the trailer, but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit more than I anticipated.

The main character, Brian seems somewhat dull at times. Throughout the movie, it becomes evident that while he may not possess a particularly "fun" personality, he offsets this with other qualities, including his responsible lifestyle, his sharp-witted comebacks, and his overall resilience when faced with women who might be less than genuine. He also possesses an extraordinary ability to maintain unwavering focus on his life's primary goal (adopting a chinese baby), regardless of any distractions or challenges that may arise.

Zoey Deschanel's beauty truly shines in this movie, with moments where she appears absolutely stunning, even reaching a point where her beauty could outshine most supermodels (most notably in the scene with the main protagonist, Brian, as he delivers the mattress to her father's apartment). Looks aside, I found this to be one of her less convincing performances. While her acting remained above average, there were two notable instances in the movie where her portrayal of despair didn't quite ring true. I remain uncertain if the director intended for her character to project a snobby, rich-girl persona in the film, perhaps even acting intentionally "fake." As such, it's possible that I could be mistaken, and this portrayal might indeed align with the director's intended cinematic direction.

Anyways, the main protaganist Bryan has issues with a random homeless man, and he's played by the most unsuspecting of notable actors to be presented within this movie... (I'll refrain from divulging further details to avoid spoiling this aspect.)

One of the major things that I enjoyed about this movie, though, was actually the commentary from John Goodman and Edward Asner. They both have such great voices, that I just felt calm and relaxed listening to them speak. There are some humorous peices of commentary from them as well, so that only added fuel to my viewing experience.

I actually became concerned within the last 8 minutes or so, that the ending wasn't going to cover enough ground to satisfy my movie-going experience in it's entirety. Big suprise, however, the last several minutes of the movie was also the most powerful, and profound..!
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Wildflower (2022)
A heartfelt drama infused with the charm of teenage romantic comedy.
4 October 2023
Upon viewing the movie trailer, my initial expectation was a comedy, and nothing beyond that. However, what I encountered exceeded my expectations by a substantial margin.

The acting was truly exceptional, and I found it impossible to harbor any dislike for any of the characters in the film. The reason I felt this way is because each character felt incredibly genuine, and each individual was left grappling with their own distinct challenges - whether they wanted to or not. Life essentially confronted nearly every character head-on, and you could sense it; not necessarily in a negative manner all of the time, but rather in a matter-of-fact way. Nearly all of the characters involved in the storyline found themselves compelled to undergo personal development in some way as a result.

This movie also has a "feel good" aspect to it, as much it has dramatic tones. This cinematic experience goes to show how strong the bond between a family can be when they undergo challenging situations. This motion picture takes love and contempt to such lengths that it challenges the boundaries of relationships to such extents, that it ultimately serves as a heartfelt reminder that reconciliation among friends, family, or even romantic love interests is often possible - even when it all seems too late.
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If you're thinking about giving this a watch, skip watching the trailer beforehand, and keep your expectations low.
4 October 2023
First and foremost, if you're considering watching this movie, I strongly advise against watching the trailer as it spoils some of the film's best scenes. Regrettably, I made the mistake of viewing the trailer, which led me to reduce my rating for this movie by a mere point, down from a 4 to a 3.

Another aspect that could have boosted my rating by an additional point would have been the presence of a proper ending for the movie. Unfortunately, there was no closure whatsoever. While a cliffhanger might have worked had the viewer been given a reason to become attached to the main character, there was none. In fact, the movie presented numerous reasons to dislike the main character. This critique comes from someone who holds Zoey Deschanel in high regard as a beautiful and talented actress, and I still do. However, this movie felt like one giant plot hole.

The DVD's front cover succinctly encapsulates the movie's issues: a collection of awkward characters haphazardly thrown together, mostly pursuing their own agendas. They didn't blend well or interact in an emotionally convincingly manor. For the most part, the characters lacked depth and vitality. In fact, I would go so far as to say that this is the weakest film I've seen featuring the talented cast of Zoey Deschanel, Will Ferrel, and/or Ed Harris.

Just as you might anticipate some character development or a meaningful revelation leading to a higher purpose, it never materializes. Everyone simply reverts to their prior behaviors, and the movie concludes abruptly.
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