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A Nice Feel Good Movie with a fantasy touch!
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As the title of the movie suggests, the life of Timothy was not odd. It was just supernatural.

I won't discuss the plot as the movie may be too engaging to watch without knowing the plot. But remember, if you don't like supernatural stuff, this movie may or may not work for you.

The first thing I want to say is the performance of Jennifer and Joel. They both did their jobs well. They acted with such perfect chemistry. Though here and there we may feel a little bit unlikable, it's still worth appreciating.

The second positive element is the comedy. There's not much comedy but all the comic incidents in the movie were enjoyable. Both the actors scored really well in comic scenes.

This movie had a good climax. We will not be left unsatisfied in the end. The non-linear approach may not be suitable for everyone but it's worth a try!
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Dash & Lily (2020)
A perfect Christmas Love Story!
16 March 2024
This review comes from someone who hasn't read the book yet. Dash and Lily is a story telling how These two characters fell in love during Christmas only by writing to each other through books.

The main advantage of this series is the correct pacing. This series takes place at Christmas and Ends on New Year's Eve. The story may not seem rushed at all. Each episode is 25 minutes long.

Midori Francis was the highlight of the show for me. Her acting and all were very good. I'm not saying others are bad, they were good too.

This show had some memorable characters such as Dash, Lily, Boomer and Thibaud. They all had such diverse and yet joyful personalities.

There are not at all any negatives in this show. I enjoyed it and if you're someone who likes romance, that is too teenage, this show would be a good choice for you.
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Romantic Killer Indeed !
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Romantic Killer is a 12-episode anime. Each episode may range sometimes from 24-30.

The premise is that The main female lead, Anzu have all her 3 greatest desires taken away by a wizard to make her more concentrated in her romantic life.

The start of the anime was very good. In the first few episodes, they built the male lead and the female lead. They established the dynamics between the characters. Then slowly, new and new characters are introduced with each of them having an influence on the plot but not having any characteristic trait or backstory. Sometimes, they are there just for the sake of the story.

For example, The second male lead, Junta have no characteristics. He has no personality and even his dynamic with Anzu at the ending makes us feel like it's poorly written which it is.

One of the positives is that the anime discusses many serious issues like harassment, bullying, and theft all in a comic way. We are getting both the morale as well entrainment.

Another positive is the comedy. This is a rom/com anime. Even though I haven't enjoyed the comedy in all of the rom/com I've watched, This anime was different. The voice acting with the funny visuals and the best choice of words may deliver the comedy perfectly.

The main female lead may seem perfectly written but her character has many faults. Her decisions and dialogues are sometimes contrary. In one episode she may say she doesn't like this and in this very next episode, she acts contrary to her earlier statement. Such irregularities are one of the main problems with many of the characters in the show.

The main subplot which I loved was the Kazuki-Stalker plot. It adds well to his character and was thrilling to watch. It discussed another serious fact males could also be the victims of stalking.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Best Superhero adaptation 🦇
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was released in 2005 and I'm watching it in 2024. The irony!

This is one of the best or THE BEST Superhero movie adaptations ever. This movie is like a life story. We see the whole life of Bruce Wayne and how he became the Dark Knight. We see his rise and fall.

The attributes of the movie are the direction of Christopher Nolan and the screen presence of Christian Bale. This duo is just unstoppable for sure. Nolan with his creative shots and Bale with his acting domain was a good experience.

Cillian Murphy did his best but he didn't have that much importance to the plot. We feel he had way less screen time. At the start, I was thrilled for the character played by Cillian but by the end, his character went In vain.

Another negative for me was the climax fight between Batman and Ducard. That fight was not very interesting to watch visually due to the fight choreography being a little messy. Else, everything about the climax is top-notch.

The introduction of Batman's arch-villain Joker in the end was Truly mesmerizing.

9/10 Signing of, Thank You.
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Burn the House Down (2023– )
A Revenge drama with not much revenge!
15 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Burn the House Down is the story of a girl named Anzu Mitarai to finds the culprit who burned her house 13 years ago. This J-Drama has 8 episodes with each being 45-50 minutes long.

First of all, They could have executed the plot a little more nicely. There were tons of plotholes and many questions that were answered but not in a convincing way. Many characters exist to carry the plot and have zero development. There are the primary faults of the drama.

The male lead, Kiichi is for me, the best written character in the drama. His internal conflicts, eerie presence, his emotions all were executed and done properly without any mistake. His character development is also not very problematic.

Another cons of the drama is the unnecessary and unconvincing plot twists. By the last episode, the show will have many twists and turns which is not at all convenient for the general audience.

Aside from the revenge story, the one that attained most of my attention and the one that I loved the most to see on screen is the romantic dynamic between the housekeeper Anzu Mitarai and Kiichi. Their screen presence was purely fantastic. There is one dialogue that Kiichi say to Anzu and it goes like this, " I don't care about what others say. They can say what they want. But I do care about what you say."

The ending of the drama was soothing and refreshing. All the problems have come to an ultimate end and all the characters, especially Anzu and Kiichi live a happy life.

It's Good.

5/10 Signing off, Thank You.
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First Love (I) (2022)
A Romance Drama with such a Visual appeal!
21 January 2024
First Love. I watched this series on Netflix. Nine episodes long. The pilot episode itself is such an engaging watch.

The cinematography is the main positive of this romance saga. Some scenes in the first few episodes are mind-blowing. You could feel the essence of each shot conveyed through the brilliant cinematography.

The acting, especially of Takeru Satoh is appreciable. His screen presence is very delightful to watch. But, the one who impressed me more was not him, but the person who played his teenage self. I couldn't find the name of that actor but he sure did a great job.

The screenplay is the real problem here. At the start, we could enjoy the non-linear approach of storytelling since it was timed well and gave us that feeling of knowing what awaits in the upcoming episodes. But, after the fifth episode, this approach became less interesting.

I was able to connect to almost all the emotional things except the tsunami. The moment when Namiki abandoned her and both of them shared their respective feelings, I was there watching it with no emotion. It didn't get connected to me.

Another negative is the length. For me, it felt like the creators were trying to make an hour-long episode forcefully. Some stretchy scenes were not at all interesting.

Apart from that, First Love is a wonderful watch.

And, out of all, the most important and good thing about this series is the song named 'First Love'. That song playing in the background was such an experience. I came to know that song only after watching this drama and I'm thankful for it.

I'm ending this review by quoting my favourite scene from the entire series. In Episode 8, at the end, when the female protagonist listens to the song 'First Love' and when she gets the memories of both her and Namiki with that song in the background the editing is a visual experience. It's a literal cinematic experience.

7/10 Signing off, Thank You.
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The Outfit (2022)
The Outfit
10 January 2024
One of the terrific movies I have watched lately. The most impressive part of this movie is the screenplay itself.

The screenplay is so gripping that we never experience this thing called "lag". We are immersed in this story, curious to know what's going to happen. One of the coolest factors is that this movie has only one location and it's the Tailor shop. This whole story happens inside that shop. The concept may seem less enjoyable but the screenplay delivers this plot to a good extent.

The performance of Mark Rylance is exceptional. His character is also well-written. His motives, life, and moral judgment - All are shown well.

At the start of the movie, when we see some characters disrespecting the character Leonard Burling played by Mark Rylance, we get that strong feeling that something dangerous or something hella interesting is about to happen and it will happen.

The direction is also appreciable as the selection of shots is low since his story happens in a closed room. But still, Graham Moore did the work exceptionally well.

The Climax, the plot twists and all are unpredictable and are not just plot conveniences.

All I could say is this is a screenplay written with great effort with minimal usage of actions and great usage of verbal conversation.

8/10 Signing Off, Thank You.
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Mandela (2021)
One of The Best Political Satire!
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
One of the best Political Satire I have watched. My first impression of this film was not so great. Since it starred Yogi Babu, a comic actor, I guessed the film may be Bad. Anyway, I gave it a watch and the feeling this film gave me was way above just 'good'.

One of the positives of this movie is its gripping screenplay. There will be a mild lag in the starting 20-25 minutes but as the main plot progresses, the story gets interesting. The story is not at all predictable.

The Cast of this movie was new to me except for Yogi Babu. Anyway, they performed very well. That is one of the reasons why I love watching Tamil films. They will not give us a feeling that it's just a movie, they will go beyond it.

Spoiler 👇

The directorial skills were also important. He portrayed the grudge between both the Southerners and the Northerners very beautifully. The direction will be way smoother by the climax of the story. The ending is enough to comment that Madonne Ashwin is a skilled person.

This story also shows us the situation in some rural places in Tamil Nadu and the livelihood of the people. No Transportation, Public Toilets and Lacking of Educational System.

8/10 Signing off, Thank You.
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Deaimon (2022)
A refreshing Watch Anime!
8 January 2024
Many of us may have tried watching Shounen anime, and thriller movies and now all we want is feel-good anime to make us refresh and give us a soothing feel, this anime is for you.

The Plot is not much. A simple plot with many sub-plots which may seem like filler but that's the anime.

This anime has Romance, a love triangle and Emotions. This anime talks about the complex relationship of the MC with a little girl and how it develops throughout the story.

The Love triangle is not a messed one. It's done perfectly by showing us the perspectives of the characters included in the triangle and how they feel for each other.

All the actions of the characters have good reasoning which makes the characters more fun and engaging to watch. They are lot of Comedy included and some characters and only for comic purposes.

Since it is a Japanese confectionery-based anime, I was more into the animation. The animation soothes our minds and body. It has that particular power.

9/10 Signing off, Thank You.
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Beautiful Themes but executed Poorly
7 January 2024
The idea of sticking two stories into one 20-minute-long episode was a horrible decision. The characters are introduced quickly and the stories are happening by the end, we are left with some chills but we still don't know the exact reasons behind those unnatural occurring.

All those stories, especially the Balloon one and the Mold one had very great potential to be great stories if done properly.

Maybe it's because I'm more used to horror stories with correct explanations for the unnatural occurring that I disliked this show.

The Colour grading of this anime was done very well with each colour matching the horror theme of the story. The Voice acting was Nice. The animation was not messed up.

In the end, it was a decent watch.

6/10 Signing Off, Thank You.
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Leo (III) (2023)
Vijay's best but Lokesh's worst!
7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Leo was one of the most hyped movies of 2023. It was rumoured to be a part of Lokesh Cinematic Universe and The second collaboration of Lokesh with Vijay after a huge commercial success movie named Master.

The Intro of Vijay was a typical hero entry by saving the people of his city from a hyena attack. It was done decently. The title card was marvellous.

The first half was made well by Lokesh with a perfect blend of Emotions, Drama and Fights. Vijay played the role of Parthiban very well. The interval block was very enjoyable with the Song "Badass".

The second with the intro of old Vijay became a typical Vijay film! Not very enjoyable for me. His intro, the fights, the Characters, their Dramas and all were messed up. There is his sister who just came and went in two or three frames and we audience may not get connected with the Bond between Vijay and her.

The Factory fight was okay. Then we will feel a little lag since Vijay is mercilessly telling us he is not the Real Leo and at some point, we may even believe he's right. That was done nicely but personally not enjoyable for me.

The Car chase scene was messed up with the CGI but Lokesh with his direction made it somewhat watchable.

The Climax fight was decent. The main positive of Leo was apart from his old young self, Vijay scored better in his older Parthiban. His acting skills were good. Trisha also did her part well along with many of the side-cast.

One of the main negatives is the lack of music usage. The song "Badass" had great potential to elevate many scenes to a whole another level. Just like how "Hukum" elevated and turned the Jailer movie into a huge success, the use of the Badass song more often could have made many scenes much more watchable.

Also, Leo, if it was a stand-alone movie, would be more enjoyable as Lokesh was trying to forcefully include Leo into his climatic universe.

Leo - 6/10 Signing off, Thanks.
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