
82 Reviews
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Puppy Love (II) (2023)
More Like "Puppy $@#% Love"
28 March 2024
This movie could have been so cute and funny, But for some reason, the Director or the writer or somebody decided to make each character curse like every few minutes. The lead actor, throwing the F bomb around on a whim, and the lead actress doing the same, F bomb after F bomb. Then you got a few other supporting characters that curse up a storm as well. I mean, why?? The concept and storyline for this movie should make for a G or a rated PG movie. Adding all these curse words in, just so unnecessary and inappropriate. I mean, that's just what you get with Hollywood these days. Writers who just don't know what they're doing. Perhaps next time they just need to let the dog write the script & dialogue.
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The Cat Ulysses Is The Star Here
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was an excruciating movie to try and sit through. Isaac's singing was very nasally and whiny. Pointless movie filled with actors that participated in this movie, but the roles could have gone to nameless actors, and still would've been the same. After 40 minutes of this, the viewers will start to loathe the main character Llewyn more and more. You'll be happy to know that in the end, that he gets beaten up by some old dude in an alley, and you kind of feel good about it at this point because he actually deserved the beating. This is almost as bad as Nicolas Cage's part in the movie Leaving Las Vegas. Just a dreary movie with no point whatsoever. The cat "Ulysses" shines in this dud. The cat should have gotten an Oscar for having to put up with this Hollywood drivel. Hopefully that cat can move on from this dumpster fire, and get a really good role for the next movie he does.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Cringe Garbage On Steroids
10 January 2024
One of the worst superhero movies ever to mar silver screen. Everything about this movie just screams CRINGE!! Let's face it, Marvel and Disney have hit rock-bottom here. When you start copying and pulling from past movies like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, and Back To The Future, it just lets everyone know that you don't have a creative thought in your arsenal any longer. Who will Marvel and Disney steal from next? Will it be the Brady Bunch? Maybe The Monkees? Will they steal the plot from Ishtar? Or maybe even Throw Mama From The Train? Better yet, just Throw This Movie Into The Trash.
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Downsizing (2017)
Liberal Schlock - Then Damon Gets Red Pilled
17 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Downsizing is an interesting concept, and they did a pretty good job in this movie portraying the idea that people can be reduced in size so that they take up a smaller footprint on society. Great idea, but Hollywood, of course loads it up with a bunch of liberal Shlock to ruin the story for 95% of the movie. And then, in the end, Matt Damon's character, Paul Safranek, finally comes to his senses, and sees the originators of downsizing as absolute delusional people, and thus decides to live out the rest of his life in reality and truth. The little people that moved to the cave might be living in the cave for hundreds of years before they finally come to their senses, and realize that nothing is wrong outside the cave. So, if you want to watch a Hollywood movie where 95% of it is filled with liberal propaganda, and then, five minutes of Damon coming to his senses, watch Downsizing!
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Battleship (2012)
Patty Cakes: Aliens vs Humans
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Aliens from outer space splash down in the Pacific Ocean, and set up shop to go toe to toe with various Nations battleships. Unfortunately, all the high tech arsenal of the aliens is the most 'non-lethal' lethal weaponry you will ever see in your life. One would think the aliens advanced technology just could wipe out all enemy battleships in a matter of seconds, but instead send out weaponry & gadgets that seems to hesitate and gawk at humans at every turn. Seriously, with their advanced technology, they could've just sat outside the earths atmosphere, and blasted the battleships from a far and destroyed them, while keeping out of harms way of any return fire,. The alien fire power was just simply underwhelming, and that's being kind. They could have easily put it in the script that for some reason the aliens were merely toying with the humans, but nothing like that ever comes to light. So I t just makes the aliens look like a bunch of bumbling buffoons & inept idiots. Not to mention the movie is infected with bad script writing and horrendous dialogue. Only one good thing; pointless special effects galore, if that's your thing.
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White Noise (I) (2022)
Pretentious Drivvel
16 January 2023
Making a statement that this movie White Noise was all over the board is an understatement. It goes from one topic quickly into another with neck, breaking speed. Good performances were given, but flushed down the toilet by a hodgepodge script. One second they are talking about dying, another second they're talking about a plague, which might have been made up by the government. Maybe the best part of the movie is when in the grocery store down the aisle, you have André 3000 shimmying with a carton of cookies. One giant pretentious bucket of nothingness, which will leave you in disarray by the ending credits. The only saving grace is a strange and bizarre dance inside the grocery store by what appears to be the cast of the movie. That is probably the only thing that most viewers will remember months later, if they remember anything at all from this movie.
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Great Movie, But...
25 October 2022
Great movie about a police officer who wins a part of the lottery, and gives half his winnings to a waitress whom he had promised a tip to. Based on a true story that happened in 1984. The only thing that tarnishes this movie is the actress Rosie Perez, which I'm sure the mean-spirited, vile and narcissistic material-girl character she plays in the movie is based on her own real-life personality. Nicolas Cage does a great job at playing Charlie Lang, while Bridget Fonda does a wonderful job playing the waitress Yvonne. The chemistry between both of them is part of why this movie is so good. But I'm sure most viewers cringe anytime Rosie Perez shows her face in a scene.
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Morbius (2022)
More Like "MORE BS ", From Disney Marvel
14 September 2022
I agree with what edrddz wrote, "The movie is Dull. Nothing happens, when it happens, it is dumb and makes no sense. The plot is full of convenience where people are in some place just for happening. For example, the Morbius boat is full of armed guards just to have some action scene there.

Action scenes are short and full of blurred colored effects or dark effects and none of them work.

Uninteresting characters. You have Morbius, a new made vampire that needs to drink human blood to live. You could explore this in so many ways, like trying to drink blood from animals, buying blood from blood bank and making needing people dying because lack of blood packs, leading to "I will drink blood from bad people". But they decided that trowing a blurred colored ball is more interesting. Side characters are empty as well.

This movie is so boring that is more enjoyable to do the dishes."

And my two cents, the CGI was absolutely horrific. Cheesy, pointless CGI throughout the entire movie.
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Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted Waters Of Stupidity
25 August 2022
What started out to be a decent action adventure movie, quickly became a laughable farce. About the dumbest writing Hollywood could ever conjure up. It's as if at one point during the movie process, they handed the script over to the three year old son of Chunk's from the Goonies, and let him write the rest of the script and crayons. ""Oh hey! A bag of gun powder!" Lamest of the lame. Most viewers of this abomination well quickly forget it five minutes after the ending credits. That is if they ever make it to the ending credits.
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18 August 2022
Do you know most of these Hollywood bozos knew about Cosby, but didn't do anything about it. And I'm sure many of them were in on it, and celebrated it in closed quarters. Now the virtual signal, acting like Cosby was all bad by his cell. Hollywood is trash.
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Mark & Russell's Wild Ride (2015 TV Movie)
Mark & Russell Crowes Wild Ride
5 June 2022
Wow! Russell Crowe really packed on the weight in order to play the role of the driving instructor. Pretty soon, his legendary weight might match up against another legend in Marlon Brando. Perhaps they can make another movie on Fat Albert, and let Russell Crowe play the leading role. Or, Russell could dress up and drag, and play the role of the next Big Mamas House.
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James "Copy Cat" Gunn
25 May 2022
Blatant plagiarism by James Gunn from a past Japanese movie, Battle Royale. Hollywood is just made up of a bunch of no-talent plagiarizers. But this movie is a dream for the Marxist communist in America. They would love to do an experiment like this on every day American citizens, just to show everyone how much power and authority they wield over the rest of us. Liberals are all about destruction.
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Spontaneous (II) (2020)
More Liberal Wokeism
7 May 2022
Just another junk movie from Holly weird trying to scare everybody with a pandemic, so that the government can come in and save everyone. Our government right now is corrupt. Not only are they not coming to save you, but they are trying to come and extinguish you. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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Pretentious Shlock
26 April 2022
Wow, what a bunch of drivel. Self absorbed Hollywood celebrities acting like they are all that. It can't get any worse than this, bad acting, bad directing, bad singing, bad lighting, just bad Los Angeles.
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Almighty Thor (2011 TV Movie)
Directed By Christopher Wray?!
15 April 2022
Well, no wonder this movie is so bad. It's directed by the corrupt and criminal FBI director, Christopher Wray. This movie is dumber than a bag of hammers. As bad as the free demonrat party in DC. Loony Loki is bad, and so is dork Thor. But this movie is still two times better than any woke Disney movie.
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Nice Try Bobcat, But No
29 March 2022
Would have been a decent movie, except for the little whiny liberal brat, who's every other thought she spews out is hypocritical of the thought before it. The self-absorbed "thinks she knows it all" girl just ruined the movie. A nice attempt, but it's liberal politics fail in a miserable way.
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The Hyperions (2022)
The Yawnperions - A Nice Attempt
11 March 2022
OK for a movie that is basically a "one-man band" flick by the director John MacDonald. But most of it falls flat, and is mostly boring. I wish I could give it a better rating, since it's one of the first movie attempts by The Daily Wire, but I have to be honest here. Maybe next time they can produce a movie that is a little bit better than this. I like Cary Elwes , but unfortunately he put the dull in Mandullbaum here.
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The Yawnperions - Nice Attempt
11 March 2022
OK for a movie that is basically a "one-man band" flick by the Director. But most of it falls flat, and is mostly boring. I wish I could give it a better rating, since it's one of the first movie attempts by The Daily Wire, but I have to be honest here. Maybe next time they can produce a movie that is a little bit better than this. I like Cary Elwes but unfortunately he put the dull in Mandullbaum.
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Wokism Clichès
2 February 2022
Hollywood does it again. They find a way to be cliché about clichés. This time full of wokeisms. Remember, Hollywood is full of liars and pretenders. That's what they do for a living, they pretend and lie.
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Let There Be Light (II) (2017)
Scam Endeavor
17 January 2022
Fusion is nothing but a "snake oil" or an "elixir" scam. Think about it, if they actually produced an energy that was as powerful as our Sun, it would burn up Earth in a matter of seconds. This is just more global scientists trying to keep their grant money pouring in year after year after year.
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"I'm A US Citizen Now!? Twisty!!"
4 January 2022
Great, fun movie! Basically destroys the radical left's narrative that 'America is a terrible place'. Everybody in the entire world is trying to get into America, because it is the best country on the planet, despite what the corrupt criminal Democrats tell you. Bas Rutten steals the show!! His character is enjoyably infectious! They could have at least put a good actor in the role of the Marty Streb , the music teacher. Henry Winkler is another radical liberal who hates America.

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Pet Sematary (1989)
Good Horror Movie
30 December 2021
Good horror flick. My only question is, the dad was warned early on that truckers Frequently drove down that street at fast speeds. He was a doctor, why didn't he just put up a fence around his yard??
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Ear-Ly In The Mornin'!!
28 December 2021
Beautiful and charming movie, filled with enchanting songs of the sea. And if you don't like this movie, we'll "put you in the brig with the captain's daughter, put you in the brig with the captain's daughter, put you in the brig with the captain's daughter, ear-ly in the mornin'!!"
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Democrat Propaganda
23 December 2021
Good suspenseful movie, but this is mainly just the Democrats and Hollywood trying to find any way they can to have sympathy for foreign terrorist in other countries. Just another way to try and make our military look bad here in America. The script was probably written by Communist China's Xi Jinping himself, to help make the United States look bad, so that can Communist China can look better. Aaron Paul and Alan Rickman did a pretty good job, but all the other Hollywood idiots look like spineless dweebs in this movie. Helen Mirren as a leader?? Give me a break...
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Who's Lies?
30 November 2021
Another documentary made by the radical left filled with lies. It has already been proven by witnesses at the scene that there was no " hands up" " don't shoot". That was all made up by Obama and his Democrat lying cronies. Brown was coming back from a convenience store which he had shoplifted from. Police were only responding to a call. Black communities need to stop listening to the Democrats who are and indoctrinating them. Bottom line, don't be a criminal, don't break the law, and you will not have to deal with the police.
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