
54 Reviews
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United 93 (2006)
Who in the world thought the camera work was a good idea???
10 May 2022
I'm getting dizzy watching this thing and can't focus on the story because it's like someone put the camera on a trampolin and told 8 toddlers to go to town. It's impossible to watch.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Cringe! It's so bad I'm embarrassed for the actors
26 April 2022
This is truly awful. What is it with all these pathetic shows? It's worrying that there are people out there giving this and other terrible shows good ratings.

This show's idea of humor is nothing but sophomoric lines and plain stupid scenes.

This show is evidence humanity's collective IQ is dipping into the negative digits and that we're beyond ready for that final meteor.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
It's AWFUL! How they got big names to work in this thing is beyond me
8 March 2022
It's pathetic. I couldn't take more than 10 minutes and it was playing in the background!

It's AWFUL! How they got big names to work in this thing is beyond me.
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Interesting story, good actors, but amateurish movie
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You go from scene to scene without any transition. There's no flow. The black officer is undercover in a black radical group, the very next minute he's suddenly starting a KKK investigation. Huh?
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Narcos (2015–2017)
Cannot watch this. Did the US run out of native Spanish speakers?!
19 November 2021
Millions of native Spanish speakers in the US alone and the producers had to go with a Brazilian dude with a THICK Brazilian accent to play none other than Escobar??? It totally ruined the show! I'm less than 14 minutes into S01 E01 and I can't continue with this failure.

Wagner Moura is a great actor, a great Brazilian actor, but given his very, very THICK Brazilian accent, the whole show just falls apart.

I guess it's fine for people who don't know Spanish.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
This is atrocious
22 October 2021
I'm embarrassed watching this. It's just awful, and I don't even know where to begin describing this train wreck. I guess the annoying music, which some unimaginative navel-gazer certainly called "whimsical", and that plays throughout every episode? The poor casting and acting of some actors? How about the terrible plot? It just goes on and on.

Since some reviews state it gets better after a few episodes, I kept watching, but I'm not on episode 7 and it's still truly awful.
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The Closer (2005–2012)
Not believable. Horrible writing! Dislikable main character. *SPOILERS*
3 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The writing is really bad. Conversations are made unnatural in order to create problems and drama. Brenda, the main character, shows up at people's homes or workplaces and starts asking them all sorts of questions without telling them who she is, then gets aggressive with people when they get defensive and don't immediately answer her and do what she tells them to. One example that really annoyed me: one suspect asks to see his brother and, instead of saying, "I'm sorry, that's not possible, he's dead," Brenda goes, "That's impossible!" Nobody talks like that!

Brenda only got her job because she's the Chief's ex-LOVER, which is also the reason she gets to be totally unprofessional and unethical all the time while keeping her job. It is in no way believable that she would keep her job, also because she knows nothing about office politics. And she only "solves" crimes by luck and because of lightbulb moments provided by other people - oh, and because the writers get all suspects to confess.

Brenda is a completely selfish, self-absorbed LIAR. She lies to everyone about everything all the time, including to her fiance, the most ball-less FBI agent one can imagine. From their first meeting she makes clear through her actions that she's only interested in what he can do for HER, namely being unethical to do her favors to help her solve crimes. She treats the man like a complete doormat and he still proposes to her!

She solves her crimes to satisfy her ego, not to do what's best for all involved - she actually undermines other investigations and puts multiple people's lives in danger just to convict one guy.
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The Sopranos (1999–2007)
How could it be this bad?
23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Contains spoilers!

Update: ok, so I was wrong. The acting is indeed fabulous, but Tony must be the worst mob boss ever. People walk all over him, his daughter's a total B to him. What in the world.

And here goes the spoiler: his sister kills Richie, and the next episode nobody asks any questions. In fact, the next episode shows the writers' complete laziness: it's mostly Tony dreaming and having food poisoning, including all sorts of gross sound effects and all.

This show gets more and more boring as it crawls along, there's no point to anything that happens and no resolution either.

--- Original: The acting is fabulous. It's a really good show. This, Breaking Bad, Seinfeld - these shows are in a league of their own.
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Escape 2120 (2020)
This is a bad joke, right? A very mean bad joke. We need negative stars NOW.
29 December 2020
Are you serious?! Are YOU serious?!!!

I don't even know what to say because it is offensive to language to use words to describe this garbage. I can only think of all the good movie ideas that got passed on so THIS audio-visual diarrhea could be splattered on my screen.
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Enlightened (2011–2013)
What is this?
9 December 2020
I was exploring new series, and this thing was among the top 5 on some list of "must watch", but I don't know what this is.

The acting is good, but the script and the story and everything else is, wow, just horrendous. And HBO produced this?! Wow. I can only imagine how it got made into a show: the spoiled daughter or niece of some exec went up to him/her one day about some, like, amazing show? Like, that would, like, change the world? And the exec gave in so their brain wouldn't blow up. Or perhaps they got blackmailed by their lover?

I cannot think of an explanation as to how this got past soooo many people and made it onto the screen - on HBO of all places.

The one good thing about this show is that it shows us how SJW's became so prominent. Every SJW should watch this show and be told that they ARE Amy. They are as annoying as Amy. They are as crazy as Amy - crazy as in, mental institution crazy, not fun crazy.
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Unorthodox (2020)
Great idea, incredibly horrible script. The dialogue SUCKS - like a cheesy horror movie's
26 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The casting is great, so really good job there but the dialogue SUCKS! You know those shows where people don't ask obvious questions like, "You're from New York. What brings you to Berlin?" Yeah, it's one of those and every dialogue is far from natural, to the point that it insults the intelligence of anyone who has any.

And we're supposed to believe this is realistic: creepy girl who's never been out of her small Jewish community in Brooklyn offers to help guy in Berlin carry coffee, then somehow knows exactly where the entrance to the theatre he's in is (though she's never even been to a theatre). When the guy leaves the theatre, creepy girl comes to say she watched him the whole time, and nobody finds this strange. She then asks to tag along with him and he's like, "Yeah!" Then creepy girl suddenly comes into his lesson as an observer and decides to apply to his school. We're supposed to believe that's totally normal.

Nobody exchanges phone numbers, either. There's so much more, so very much more.

And the icing on the cake is, of course, all the self-conscious "diversity", which of course means as few white people as possible (though granted, that's Angela Merkel's real plan). Here we are in supposedly the top music school in Germany and in a big group of some 10 people only 2 are German. Barf.
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Absolute garbage
17 February 2020
This is a famous film but I never got around to watching it till now. You know a movie/TV show is going to be BAD, BAD, BAD when the gratuitous nudity starts, and this soft-porn movie is nothing but gratuitous nudity and sex scenes.

Perfect for losers, this waste of time piece of garbage was a way to get Sharon Stone to bare all without saying she did - that is ALL this is, nude shots of Sharon Stone, including the famous crotch scene.

It shows the dumbest cops ever being dumb, and stupid, unrealistic scenes that go nowhere and make no sense. In fact, the whole movie makes no sense.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Slooooow, so sloooow, and boring soap opera
20 August 2019
You know a show is going to be bad when the gratuitous nudity is rushed in. So many people seem to like this show, though, that I watched a few episodes (fast forwarded through the many, many stupid and pointless fight scenes) and thought that it probably got better at some point but IT DOES NOT.

It is just bad, bad, bad.

This show seems to have been created as a way for dweebs to see naked women without leaving a history of porn in their browsers. Just like some men "read" Playboy for the articles, people must watch this show for the story. It's a very, very slow and boring show with breasts and shaved privates on display between heads being chopped off. YAAAAWWWWNNNN.
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Jersey Girl (2004)
I love George Carlin but this movie sucks
26 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT!!! I'm going to tell you about the ending.

Former NYC exec passes on the chance to get a fantastic job doing what he loves, one that would allow him to give his daughter a good life and things like a college education, in order to continue picking up garbage because of a chat he had with a movie star who tells him that if he were "smart he'd be home playing in the dirt with his kids." We're expected to believe this. Seriously.

Ben Affleck's character is all over the place, all the way up to the sad looking suit he wears to the job interview he'd asked someone else to set up for him - and for which the person had to work hard to get!

Oh, please.
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Wonder (I) (2017)
Wilson and Roberts can't pull this off
23 March 2018
Owen Wilson is a pleasure to watch - not just because of his looks but because he's a good actor - but he was so the wrong guy for this character. He seems more like the cool uncle than the concerned dad.

But the worst thing is that there is ZERO chemistry between Wilson and Roberts - and whoever cast Julia Roberts as a mother in this movie needs to be fired immediately. The woman just cannot pull this off. She looks uncomfortable in the role, like she's doing what she can to make some bucks, but also as if she's thinking, "I'm Julia Roberts! Look at me trying to play this character!" It's like her huge ego is visible in this movie. Maybe she's become so big that she can't even remember what humility is anymore.

The actress playing Auggie's sister is adorable and does a great job, and Auggie embraces his character, too, but the family just doesn't work.

The story is pretty cheesy but presents a hopeful outcome to a nasty case of bullying that in real life may have turned really, really ugly.
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One More Time (2015)
Pretentious and boring crap
13 March 2018
I love Christopher Walken but I can't finish this garbage. I've skipped most of the first 40 minutes of this and can't torture myself any further.

The main actress cannot act and fails miserably at embracing her character. All other actors also leave much to be desired, except for Walken, who does what he can with his character.

Much of the first 40 minutes is a lot of talking about nothing, pretending to be one of those movies where the dialogue is actually good and worthy of filling up 40 minutes of anything.
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Relies on immature and plain stupid bodily function jokes
17 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just not that good, though it follows the trend of big name actors starring in bad movies - how and why I do not know, but here we have Liam Neeson (THE Liam Neeson) and Charlize Theron. They're always great to watch but I can't understand why they agreed to be part of such silly antics. Even if seeing that Sarah Silverman was in this lowered my expectations, I was still surprised at how bad it was.

(Spoiler alert) I mean, Liam Neeson falls to the ground and Theron sticks a flower in his butt crack. Really? Then Neil Patrick Harris relieves his bouts of diarrhea in a couple guys' hats, which is disgusting and immature - but wait, there's more! We actually get to see what came out of him. For that alone this movie loses a couple of stars.

Come on, people, how low can a movie go? I don't know what's up with Hollywood but it doesn't fail to disappoint. Granted, dumb is the new black so maybe they're just responding to a need for stupid - *more* stupid that is.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Seemed promising, but turned stupid
19 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie tried to pull off a "The Sixth Sense" type of plot, though nobody's dead but the main character, Louise, can see the future. She didn't, however, see the aliens coming but fine, maybe she had to think about what she wants to see. I'll buy that.

A brilliant multilingual linguist, apparently, Louise tries to communicate with the aliens without actually speaking with them. At this point I said, "This is a stupid movie." She then uses a white board to write, as if the aliens could read human languages, but continues not to speak with them. Finally she decides to take off her hazmat suit to speak with them but here's the thing, Amy Adams has one tone of voice throughout the whole movie, along with two facial expressions: scared and worried. That's all she's got throughout the whole movie.

Then she finds out why the aliens came, which has been her job the whole movie, but instead of telling her superiors about it she just doesn't. Facepalm time. She also somehow can't manage to put her hair in a ponytail or anything, and it just blows across her face. It was really annoying. The gift, btw, is to give humans the gift of their language, which considers time differently, and is supposed to help us.
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11 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a tad confused here. I adore Robin Williams and there will never be another like him, but I didn't quite get this movie. It's definitely my expectations, because the movie is pretty theatrical and I was expecting more of a, you know, movie.

Jack tries to get Lydia to out with Perry without so much as making Perry take a shower. Really? Then Lydia agrees to get her nails done for $40 (in 1991!) and even goes to this total stranger's house after the weird ways in which Jack tried to approach Lydia. It just wasn't believable.

And there was a bit too much black knight on the horse going on. Also, breaking into a millionaire's house on 5th Avenue by climbing on the street side. Really? Sorry but it was just impossible to believe any of this.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
So boring. It is so slow it makes a snail look like Usain Bolt.
30 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe this thing. How? Why? WHY?! I'm going to guess this series reflects the ultimate narcissism/head-up-butt we've become so used to because surely someone saw what a piece of doo this is but some extremely egotistical d-wad wouldn't have it, or at least I need to hang on to that hope lest I face the reality that humanity is doomed.

To be fair, I skipped through a lot of episodes because I do not deserve to be tortured, but one episode in particular caught my attention: at least 3/4 of the whole episode was Mike talking to his daughter-in-law. Like, just sitting there talking to her telling her about his son. I could not believe it. Why - who would want to sit there for 45 mins watching two people talking? Who thought that was a good idea? The number one rule of writing is: "show, don't tell." Nobody associated with this crap got that memo, obviously.

And the writing. OMG. It is so bad. I mean, I didn't expect this show to be as good as Breaking Bad, but couldn't they at least have gotten the writing right? Instead we get third rate and amateurish dialogue - and God, is there a lot of dialogue! More like drivel, though, that drags on forever. Right in the beginning we have this: Tuco points a gun at Jimmy's head because two other guys are accusing him of trying to dupe Tuco and his grandma. Instead of saying something like "I thought your grandma was someone else. I was trying to get someone else," Jimmy says "It was a mistake." Who the FFFF talks like that?! Nobody bloody talks like that to begin with. And with a gun pointed at your head? COME ON!!! So all in all it's a stupid show that fails and falls on its face right in the mud.

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In Bruges (2008)
Boring. Can't get into it.
28 April 2017
To be fair I'm not exactly watching this movie anymore, it's just playing in the background. It's so boring I lost interest about 25 minutes into it.

We're waiting around with the two hit men whose mission apparently seems to be to see Bruges. One of these men falls head over heels in love with an average-looking woman whom he somehow, for inexplicable reasons, finds absolutely stunning. This man also happens to have low self-esteem, which is so typical of a bad guy (???).

I don't know what I'm watching. I read something about the writing being supposedly good and there was quite a bit of hype about this movie, but that's obviously all it was, hype.
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Pretentious, boring and IRRESPONSIBLE
19 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just have to skip through to just get to the end and find out what happens? There are many problems with this whatever-shite-is, but the main issue is that it downplays mental illness and not only turns into a joke, it romanticizes it. It actually tries to make mental illness hip and trendy.

Depression and other types of mental illness are very serious. Mental hospitals are also very serious. They're not little "vacations" as the vapid main character puts it. Serious depression isn't just something you "feel sometimes" as the main character's self-absorbed best friend puts it. Taking medication isn't cool as the other self-absorbed friend tries to imply.

What is wrong with the people who made this junk?! And it's unrealistic from the get-go. What mental hospital admits an underage kid without his parents' consent? Where does that exist? Then it just lets mental patients stroll in and out of the ward? RUN??? One of the things one learns when one goes to a psych ward is: DON'T RUN.


And the color palette? Everything has to be muted neutrals or some pretentious crap? Get over yourselves.

This "movie" needs to be burned.
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Friends (1994–2004)
Funny enough but shallow - oh, so shallow
6 April 2017
I never really followed this show but I've watched episodes off and on, and though it's pretty funny in the first few seasons, it just gets stupid and extremely shallow as it goes on.

The fat jokes are unbearable as are the jokes about not fitting in and not being popular. Monica is annoying and extremely high maintenance, which is fun in a quirky way and up to a point, but suddenly the show becomes all about her and it makes no sense. Rachel is the only female character that's relatable and likable most of the time, so why all the focus on the most annoying character in the whole show? Fun enough, sure, but shallow and somewhat empty in a weird way.
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It is that bad
30 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviewers warned us all but I figured I could handle the crap on a night I need to turn my mind off. Oh, boy.

Carrie was always really annoying, and Big should have done himself a favor and stayed away from her, but she actually manages to get even more annoying in this movie. I just want to reach through the screen and punch her in the face, then reach in her purse for Big's balls and hand them back to him. Trouble is, women like her exist in this world and I see them all the time - that's the saddest and maybe most angering thing about this movie, that such self-absorbed, self-entitled women do exist.

Carrie shows utter disappointment when Big gets them state-of-art flat screen TV for their bedroom as an anniversary present. Instead of "thank you" she tells him - tells him! - that "a piece of jewelry would have been nice." The reason he got them the darn TV was that he had found it nice to lie in bed with her in a hotel room and watch old movies *she* likes together.

The women just look aged and they try to remain young, which is sad. Just - geez...
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Barf. Fail.
29 March 2017
At this point I'm going to chuck it up to generational differences and reality because I'm in my 30s and I actually know what real life in NYC is like.

As for generational differences, after watching several millenial-oriented movies, I'm going to assume that stupid and imagination-less crass crap is the new funny and that below average women are the new interesting women.

As for reality, it reminds me that a paralegal can't afford a full apartment by herself in Manhattan, and that Manhattan night life eats extra large, crass women for breakfast.

A horribly, pathetic, failed attempt at re-creating "Sex and the City" for boring millenial women everywhere, this movie is the type that makes very, very naive and, sadly, deluded young women from small towns move to NYC and post laughable craigslist ads such as "Wanted: 1 bedroom apt. Max budget $500." This type of movie is responsible for NYC's young homeless population. Stop making this stupid movie. Thanks!
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