
8 Reviews
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Stiffler Must Die!
24 January 2004
I think this movie could have been good. It really did have potential, but for some reason the writers got carried away with that dumb-ass Stiffler character. I always thought his character was annoying, and in this one he does not disappoint. Practically everything that came out of his mouth was some embarrasingly vulgar cliche that would have sounded more at home coming out of the mouth of a 15 year old puberty stricken boy. The scene at the gay club was just plain awful. I don't know if it was meant to be funny or not. I certainly didn't think it was anywhere close to being funny. The bachelor party was just plain horrible as well. What man has only three guys at his bachelor party? What was up with that?

If they make another movie in this series, hopefully it will be all about Stiffler's funeral. If this movie was any indication, then his death will have resulted from drinking too much booze and insulting a club full of gay people.
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Such a Disappointment
19 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I was very excited about seeing Once Upon a Time when I started to see the trailers. However, after seeing the movie it's a different story. Don't get me wrong, it's not gawd-awful. This movie did have a lot of potential. It just seems that Robert Rodriguez tried to cram way too much of everything into this movie. ***Possible Spoilers*** A big problem I had with Once Upon a Time was the Cheech Marin and Danny Trejo characters. When I saw them in the ads, I was thinking that somehow their characters survived from the previous film. Nope!! They played completely different characters. I don't know about the rest of you, but I thought this was distracting. I didn't have a problem with any of the action, but I did have a problem at times with the score. My complaint--it just wasn't that great, and it didn't really mesh with what was going on the screen. So, like I said--this movie turned out to be a disappointment. So if you are planning on checking out Once Upon a Time, don't go to it with expectations of it topping Desperado because it won't.
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Just Plain Awful
23 August 2003
I'm really glad that I didn't see this movie when it came out in the theatres. Instead, I saw it for free on cable. This movie seemed almost like it was made for cable or video. It had a low budget-sci fi feel to it. The special effects looked straight out of Xena Warrior Princess (when the vampires would fly around there was sort of a "trails" type effect--egads!). The Lestat character in this movie was not at all like the one in Interview. He seemed more of a Jim Morrison knock off, if you ask me. The acting was dull and the atmosphere was campy. Why I watched the entire movie was beyond me.
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Secretary (2002)
Worth Checking Out
13 April 2003
This movie is worth checking out if you have been curious about it. I liked the whole S&M erotic feel this movie had to it. I don't really care for James Spader though. He's one of those actors that always plays the same type of character in every movie they're in. Other than that, the only thing that ruined this movie for me was the ending. The ending was just too Lifetime channel for me. Talk about cheesy! Bleh! It was so "sweet" it gave me cavities.
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Old School Horror
13 April 2003
It was nice to see a horror movie like this. It wasn't the greatest movie I've ever seen, but at least it didn't look like a pretentious NIN video ripoff. Of course it was bloody and the plot was like so many other horror movies of the 70's and 80's but that's what made it different from what's been out lately. Besides, I think that's the feel Mr. Z was going for. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes Rob Zombie and campy 70's/80's horror.
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A Cosmic Christmas (1977 TV Movie)
This movie really exists!
8 November 2002
I remember seeing this movie as a child a long, long time ago. So long ago that I thought my memories from other cartoons were blending together and making this one up. Plus, I only remember seeing it once. No one I've talked to has ever remembered seeing it, which made things worse. I'm so excited to know it really, really exists. Now I'd just love to see it again!
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Feardotcom (2002)
The only thing to fear is how bad this movie was
2 September 2002
It seemed that whoever made this movie was trying way too hard to go for an eerie, dark "Marilyn Manson-esque" feeling. It was so corny and contrived that I didn't think it was one bit scary. It was just a predictable, paint by numbers thriller/computer movie. It was like a mix of "The Net" and "The Haunting". The plot didn't hold my attention. I was more interested in the lady that kept coming into the theatre to scream out her kids' names than what was going on in the movie.
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I've seen better things in my cat's litterbox
2 September 2002
This movie was a real turd. It's "Point Break", but with souped up Hondas instead of surfboards. The dialog was awful. There were so many cheesy lines that I couldn't contain my laughter. Hopefully there won't be any more movies made in this nitrous injected genre.
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