
16 Reviews
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The Forest (I) (2016)
So Bad :(
5 November 2016
I was honestly expecting something way better. Even B grade horror films that sound like movies whose success they are counting are spades better than The Forest.

I have No idea why the two main actors - Natalie Dormer and Eoin Macken agreed to do this movie. There is no story worth mentioning. It starts very much like one of the grudges with the girl going off to find her sister and it goes downhill from there. The acting, of course, is fine, but they have nothing to do! There is no real plot, no concrete story or backstory except some random crypticism from a local, and nothing else at all. the only reason I can think of why the actors might have taken this on is quick and easy cash.

The ONLY saving grace is the absolutely beautiful location it is supposed to be set in, and the actual story behind this place. Seriously, reading about the Forest and looking at the eerie pictures people have posted was much, much more fun than the movie. But this bit of real life horror just adds to the incredible disappointment. Right up to the end you keep sitting/ waiting/ wishing for absolutely anything to happen.

I usually do not consider any movie to be a waste of time because no matter how bad, some fun can be squeezed from them. This does not even fall into that category.

Please don't watch this.

postscript - The movie does have a lovely poster!
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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
Season 1 and 2 review
5 November 2016
I had watched Evil Dead as a kid and I still remember the skeleton tossing its head around as a 'move' of some sort. Things like that have an impact and Evil Dead made a good one.

I was as thrilled as everyone else at a return of the famous Bruce Campbell and the deadites, and season one did not disappoint. So, in typical Ash fashion he mucks it up again and lo and behold they're back! Cue the comic gore fest and quest to retrieve lost object and vanquish evil. All in a day's work. He's joined by two trusty sidekicks who keep him (or try to) on the straight and narrow.

So far so good. However, the question really arises at the start of season 2. How far can you go with the same basic plot and same deadites and same gore? The answer, for me, is not very far at all. Despite Xena and her entourage (see what i did there :P), the show fails to keep my attention. After about 4 episodes of the second season, I just don't feel like watching anymore. I might end up reading a review of the finale and that is all I will need to know everything.

Don't get me wrong, the actors are fine, the stories are fine and the gore is undoubtedly fun, but there is nothing new here.

Maybe they should have created a limited series. Maybe it will get cancelled. I would not be surprised if it did.
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Bates Motel (2013–2017)
Seasons 1-4 review
5 November 2016
I was introduced to Bates Motel while on a holiday. After a day of traipsing around I like to come back to the hotel room and try out some TV. A lot of fun channels like CBS and Syfy are not available in my country. I ended up watching a random episode from somewhere in season 2 of the series, and since then, it's been on the back burner for a watch. This season I decided to dump Ash Vs ED(that's a separate review!:P), and moderate-binge-watched the 4 seasons of Bates Motel. Here's my take -

It's the performances that draw you in. The absolutely beautiful Vera Farmiga with her charm and unhinged-ness is classic as Norma Bates. Freddie H delivers the facade of innocence really well. Max T looks delightfully confused and exasperated by his lot and family. Deputy Shelby (or Barbie as I call him - ref Under the Dome) is also excellent. The surprise for me was Sheriff Romero by Nestor Carbonell. The Dark Knight wasted him! He is absolutely brilliant as the stoic small town Sheriff. The performances are seriously underrated. I thought they would have bagged a lot more awards than they have. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The IMDb link mentions horror in the title, but I don't think it really falls into the horror category. We are just watching as the inevitable happens. And even though we know what happens to Norman, the twists and turns along the way are sometimes unexpected. There are plenty of murders and mysteries and confusion. Not to mention some well placed mayhem that envelops the town as a whole, but nope, no horror.

The story lines of the episodes are not absolutely procedural. There is a small arc and a main arc but these do not limit themselves to episode lengths. Characters and happenings come and go and we get to see Norma and Norman deal, often miserably. There are times when this becomes a little monotonous, but the crazy does NOT let up. I have cheered and screamed at Norma Bates interchangeably!

At the end of season 4, it is safe to say that this is well worth a binge. Have fun!
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my favourite love story
2 November 2016
There are a few movies that tackle the concept of love truly magically. I am not talking about unconventional friendships or the such. Rather, the usual boy/ girl romance is dealt with in a recognizable format. The difference is something that is felt more than seen. This is not your usual star crossed lovers fare. There is a beauty in this film that seeps through the entire thing.

Lena and Ethan are my new favourite people to watch (amongst many of course). Alice Englert has proved herself many times over by now, and Alden Ehrenreich is an absolute treat. I couldn't be happier he's going to be young Solo. But, I digress. The movie is full of stalwart performances from Viola Davis, Jeremy Irons, and Emma Thompson to name a few. The story line, I believe, is much cropped and chopped from the books, but it holds its own.

The effects are alright. Overall, it is the story of the two lovers that holds you. Their chemistry is absolutely brilliant and you really find yourself cheering for them. Ethan Wate is the bumbling village boy who is not as stupid as the others, and Lena is the mysterious beauty from out of town.

This is a perfect, modern Romeo-Juliet with a twist of fantasy thrown in.
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The Wave (2015)
The Wave - an ecological disaster film that will happen one day!
1 November 2016
I couldn't find an English dubbed version, so i decided to watch the one with subtitles. This, it turns out was a good thing!

On to the movie -

The movie itself is pretty straightforward. A family of four are planning to relocate. However, the geologist father's paranoia (as his staff obviously seems to think) delays their departure. As the story progresses this turns out to be a somewhat fortunate turn of events.

The story line, although predictable, is not bad, and the characters manage to make you feel for them even in a foreign language (for me) which is pretty awesome.

The effects and the score also add to the movie and it turns out to be a well worth the time spent. Not the least because the story is rooted in absolute reality. The actuality of the events happening one day makes it genuinely scary.

I only wish they had spent more time on the mountain's effects.

All in all, a fun film for ecological disaster movie watchers.
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Lights Out (II) (2016)
19 October 2016
Phew! I am so glad it got over when it did!! (and not in a good way).

Okay, so it starts out well enough with the 'scare' revealed early on. Now, this is not a bad thing because the story goes into its layers from there. I was, however, sad to see a familiar face go quickly :P.

In the interest of almost full disclosure - I am a big fan of Teresa Palmer. I think she is a beauty and has the chops to flesh out most roles (including I am Number 4). Having said that, there is not very much for her to do in this film because the script is SO useless. Not only that, the story has humongous holes - the size that you could fall through whole! The kid brother came off stiff and poorly directed and soon, the only things holding the movie together were the strong Teresa P and Maria Bello. The cast was like a bunch of silly teenagers who didn't pack the tents for a camping trip.

The bright spots, apart from the two women, includes the boyfriend. Not because he is an amazing actor, but because he brought the much needed humour into the stupidity of the scenes.

Apart from the poor script and plot, the story also doesn't stand up to scrutiny. They have tried to give it a rings-esque back story but failed miserably. I was sorry for the characters that they had to suffer the writer's failure in the movie and not do what any half brained person would automatically do in situations.

A three for the three actors that made me watch till the end and 0 for everything else.
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Outcast (2016–2017)
3 June 2016
This show is supposed to do for the ghost/ possessed genre what the walking dead has done for the zombie genre. Bring it out of the ridicule into the books of serious TV. I didn't read much else about this show going into it and I am glad for it.

Like many reviewers have said, it's that first scene that completely has you hooked. I was grimacing and enthralled at the same time.

I didn't think too much of the story-line - it seems to echo the usual haunted by a possession in the past trope, but there are some twists that bring it out of the absolutely ordinary. It remains to be seen how well they build on the out-of-the-ordinary elements in the story. Let's remember that TWD also started out regular - a guy waking up in a world inhabited by zombies was very very familiar. It is what they have done with it in the long run that has made it a gem.

This is just the first episode in what appears to be a very promising ghost series. Go Kirkman!!

------------edit post season 1 finale--------- no spoilers!

This is the slow burn that The VVitch tried so hard to accomplish. Things move slowly and deliberately towards tragedies/ triumphs in the storyline. The season ends in a good place, leaving us wanting more.

I wont lie, there are some bits where it seems to drag its feet in petulance, but it does recover. And, boy, when it twists, so do you!!

I would recommend putting in the work to get through the draggy bits for this one.
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I'm going to be a bit harsh.
21 May 2016
This movie starts out really well. Given the amount of raw talent in the film, it would be really hard for it to not have any redeeming qualities. Emily Blunt! Furiosa! Thor! JessChastain! Wow! So, as expected, we see the beginning of how the two evil queens become evil. The plot has depth and is very promising at this point.

Then comes the "Quest". Every fairytale has this legendary quest that the hero/ heroine must undertake for the sake of everything good. This part of he film was also okay. Towards the end though, the plot was falling apart and wandering into very very predictable, mundane, and boring territory.

The promises of epic fights and wars that never happen litter the entire film. Needless to say, this is a bit disappointing, considering that our star cast would be brilliantly suited for aforementioned wars.

Ultimately, the end comes without fanfare. :/

This is still a decent watch, but it could have been so much more!
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10 May 2016
This was a PERFECT watch for women's day! It so happened that the day I watched the film was women's day, and I could not have picked a more feminist film if I wanted to (and I had no such intention!).

The girls are brilliantly charming, well trained fighters, and perfect examples of the different priorities sisters often have. The Darcy was a little annoying with his permanently brooding expression (even more so than E Cullen in the first of the Twilight installments, but at least he didn't glitter in the sun! :P And, of course, the character is meant to be portrayed as such.

The action is fast paced and decently enough crafted. I mean, you won't get martial art perfection here, but it is smooth enough for a bunch of Victorian men and women. This is a movie that makes fun of the Victorian film genre and zombie films at the same time, without really being a spoof of either. It never takes itself too seriously, so it successfully avoids becoming ridiculous - even with the title it has.

The zombies are also well done! And the twist (yes, there is one) is pretty darn good too. The plot lines are simple and clean - with no extra bits thrown in simply to satisfy a genre-audience.

All in all, time well spent. Will rewatch!
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Afflicted (2013)
Deserves at least three more points than 6.4!!
10 May 2016
What a movie! I enjoyed every second and the end just left me wanting more, more, more!!

Okay, so this starts out like your everyday Hostel, Turistas, etc., except it follows two male friends. The title is self explanatory because in their travels one of them is 'Afflicted' by something. Both the main actors are convincing and real in their portrayals, bringing the plot that much closer to reality.

The movie keeps you engaged as the two friends twist and turn through unfamiliar territory trying to find out more about what is happening. The reveal, when it happens, is not overdone, blown out of proportion, mishandled, or exaggerated.

Do not be fooled into thinking this is a regular vampire/ zombie/ demon attack film! It is a much more deliberate storyline that brings home the uncertainties you deal with everyday. I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants a suspenseful thriller/ action film regardless of their history with horror.

Unlike in Jerusalem, stuff actually happens in this film, and there is no annoyingly screamy person to distract from the action!
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Creep (I) (2014)
10 May 2016
So, what would you expect if you answered an ad to help a guy record his life? The movie follows the photographer/ videographer witness events as they slowly get creepier. One moment you think this guy might actually get out of this jam and then - BAM - he does! Or does he?

The plot keeps you guessing and the antagonist is superbly creepy. The camera-work is sloppy, but that is to be expected from a validly creeped out holder, right?

I don't want to spoil this for the people wanting to watch this, so I'll stop here.

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Hush (I) (2016)
not a bad waste of time
10 May 2016
Okay, so I went into this film not expecting anything at all, and I was not disappointed. It is the usual fare of 'the survival fight', but it does have some nuances that elevate it - I wont tell you what!

The protagonist and antagonist are quite deliciously - whatever they need to be - evil, tough, stupid, etc..

There were some obvious plot points that might irritate you if you try to make everything too realistic, but hey! this is a movie, so go ahead and enjoy it. That being said, there are some very very real moments too...! the movie does fall for some familiar tropes in the genre, but i was able to forgive them that. You will find yourself yelling at the main actor to do this or that; what more do you want! :) It is a film that will involve and engage you, but you have to let it. Then it's a fun ride.

All in all, it is a good way to spend time.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Redemption for Shyamalan?
10 May 2016
I saw this film a while ago, and I was pleasantly surprised at the well crafted story-line that ended up being frighteningly mundane! This really could happen to anyone!

The characters are believable and both the kids are genuine. The mom and boyfriend are also fleshed out enough even in absentia. the grandparents are delightfully weird and it progresses from there.

The build up and eventual revelation is handled well. The script is not extra explanatory and the audience is engaged to the last minute.

If you are looking for a good one time watch that will keep you interested in what happens next, try this out.

I had marked this a 6 when i had seen it, but on hindsight and after watching crap like The Witch, i have upgraded The visit to a solid 7! Cheers!
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I was worried there - for a bit!
8 May 2016
Let me start by telling you that I love Mary Winstead. I also really, really enjoyed the previous 'found footage' Cloverfield. It was a fun movie that gets you invested in the characters quickly and does not disappoint with the action and the effects. So, you can imagine why I was worried about the fate of this film. I wanted it to be as good, if not better than the original - a feeling I shared with Prometheus.

It starts off well enough and moves into familiar territory for anyone who has seen the trailers. The movie does what the trailer promises. It builds an atmosphere that switches back and forth between oppressive and relaxed, and then back again so quickly that you get whiplash!! Fun!!

It follows our strong leading lady and we are happy to go along with her. The script seems to be well written with no extra words or actors talking aloud unnecessarily just to explain what happened. I like that. But, the exclamations are there when they feel feasible. I would have probably said the same things.

The plot moves, builds, and takes off a little predictably, but it is still done well enough to have me heaving a sigh or relief.

10 Cloverfield Lane is a fitting prequel. I can't wait to see what they do next!
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nothing 'chilling' about this premise
8 May 2016
I was waiting for this one.

I had heard so many rave reviews about it and really was looking forward to something fresh and new. However, the premise that is there in the synopsis(so no spoiler) about the family turning on each other is the oldest tale in the book! There is nothing 'chilling' or unexpected about it. In fact, it would have been more surprising had the family banded together to fight the 'evil'. It would also have give the story some much needed action!

Now, I am not a lover of pure action gore only. I understand and enjoy the slow burn that leaves a lot of questions unanswered. This tale, though, doesn't have any questions, nor does it burn - at all.

It is, however, shot quite beautifully. There are some jump scares and some unsettling gore (unsettling I say - for the uninitiated). The end is predictable and boring.

Disappointed! :(
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Jeruzalem (2015)
25 January 2016
Jeruzalem (2015) started off decently, and i will echo some of the other reviewers in saying that the footage of the city itself is beautiful (i really want to go to Jerusalem now!), but apart from the obviously pretty scenery, there isn't very much going on. the back-story is hinted at, the character development is sub-par (leaving the viewer unaffected by their happy/ sad fates), and the creatures/ demons look way more promising in the trailer than in the movie itself.

All in all, the investment this movie demands is nominal, leaving me very 'meh' at the end. oh, the only response that sticks is annoyance at the main protagonist's stupidity (constant sobbing/ screaming type). Also, how long does it take someone to figure where to aim?!

major disappointment. :/
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